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Thread: Costa Rica

  1. #1
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    Default Costa Rica

    Travelling to Costa Rica in early March majority of trip will be spent in Tamarindo. First time I've been. Tipping? US? Colon? Which is better? I've been to Mexico on several occasions and realized very quickly its better to pay cabs and tip in pesos then it is US.

    I've been looking at renting a car online but have heard nothing but horror stories. Can anyone offer some insight? Sounds like what you get quoted online is not what it ends up costing you due to MANDATORY insurances and such.

    Also any suggestions on where to go, what to see, etc?? I can look all this up online but personal experience is always best.

    Thanks in advance!

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    I won't have much to add as I've only been there once, but here were my observations:
    (I could be grossly off, so someone who has been there more often may correct some of what I saw/can speak to):

    -Tipping: One of the servers brought us up to speed when we asked her directly. She said it was the "1000" colones bills for a normal tip with food, or a "2000" colones bill for super good service. There is no expectation for tipping if it's only drinks. But we tipped our bartender at our hotel on one of our last days as we spent a lot of time there each night.
    -The cabs are $5 USD for most of the small trips we went on (we were just outside of tamarindo at what is now the Oxidental, or the equivalent in colones at their unofficial -i.e. easy math- 500?:1 ratio.
    - You can get both USD and colones from the ATMs there (they will say on them if they do USD). You will generally get better prices using local currency if you buy it at a good exchange. We did a night trip inland and the hotels there had a decent exchange rate. Our one in Tamarindo wasn't good, so we just used our USD there mainly. We didn't notice the exchange at the airport as the line-up was slow/long

    -Car rental: Can't help you out directly as we hired a car. We went there immediately after rainy season and the roads were severely beat up -like driving on a dry river bed, but at a 45 degree angle with random car sized holes spread liberally.. so if nothing else know how to change a tire if needed if you are straying from their "few" paved roads. (We probably did about 17 hours of driving all together, quite a bit of mountains). However their main highway is new and beautiful. We noticed the heavy equipment already starting to repair the roads as we we leaving (early-mid NOV)

    -Unlike mexico, we were not harassed leaving the airport. (& some of the Cab drivers there actually end up directed us to where we were meeting our driver).

    -Depending on your flight, you may have to pay a simpsons style "leaving town tax" if it was not already included in your airfare. We flew westjet and had to pay. 'Was well under $100 USD for 2 people but I can't remember the specifics. They can process this through visa, but you get a small surcharge.
    Last edited by Gart; 01-13-2017 at 03:49 PM.
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    Costa Rica is my second home.

    Are you staying at a resort or renting a place?

    How Long is your stay?

    Do you want to see more than just an awesome beach with great surf?

    Tips and Tricks:

    Cash is king, Colones for sure. USD is limited, most places outside of LARGE supermarkets and upscale restaurants wont take bills higher than 20's, expect them to scrutinize every one of them too for counterfeit features and such. The only places you get honest exchange rates are multinational owned chains like Walmart or McDonalds (but why eat there) or big hotel chains and rental car places.

    I have a few hundred USD for stuff like tours and tourist related stuff, most is quoted in USD only for that stuff and they will exchange that at current rates to colones so then it's like 109,385 colones that you have to put together when you could have gave them 50 bucks, so good to have that on you. Everything else like incidentals, COLONES for sure! It's like Mexico in the way that they will say it's 200 pesos or 20USD, when really 20USD buys you a hell of a lot more pesos than 200. Everything from grocery stores to restaurants is in colones and it's worth your while to pay for it in them, as often should you choose to use card, they often charge you the "Or USD Price" and then you get the inflated in house exchange plus the banks fee on top.

    If you bank Scotiabank, there's one on seemingly almost every corner including both LIR and SJO airports, so I will take out a couple 100,000 colones, pay my couple buck fee and come out ahead for sure. The first time I went and when I go now (Will be there again shortly) I have saved a lot just in learning how to properly pay for stuff.

    TIPS, not required at all at restaurants or such however much appreciated for services provided such as tours or a good extended stay server like at a beach resort or even a bar. Some places in those tourist traps like Tamarindo will expect tips but definitely don't fall into the whole "you must tip on everything" guise. The only part of Costa Rica tat expects tips is that region (Guanacaste). Everywhere else and the people look at you with the utmost appreciation. We always offered our groundskeeper a nice amount when we see him, and bring him stuff from Canada that they just cant get like Bluejays gear.

    TAXIS are reasonable but like anywhere make sure it's legit, they are all licensed and have meters. An hour and a half drive across San Jose from Cartago to the Airport in Alajuela during the day ended up being about 44USD which is not bad.

    Rides in and out of the towns surrounding the beaches are all around 5-10 bucks.

    RENTAL CARS: I booked mine on my Amex which covers rental cars, and it will cover you for the CDW, however it will not cover their mandatory insurance. I booked with Alamo, all I needed was a Yaris and it was about 140 a week all in. What the website quoted me was what I paid at the rental place, not a penny more. Was plenty car for all we needed, good on fuel (which is about $1.75L currently I think) however we used our 4WD when we wanted to go exploring in the hills.

    They will take a deposit however of $500USD to $2500USD depending on what you rent and it should quote that on your booking, but call ahead if you want to know. You also cannot take the car to Nicaragua, or Panama. Use a bus for that anyways, SUPER CHEAP!!!

    WHAT TO DO: I don't know how old you are or if you're going on your own, with your wife or husband, or with friends. Trust me when I say you can definitely get yourself into some trouble if you want to live a bit on the dark side. Read between the lines. Like Serious. If you're a party animal you better keep an eye on yourself.

    If you just want to party, well hell, take a trip down to Jaco (hawko) and give er at the Hotel Cocal and Casino hahaha.

    In all seriousness however, if you actually want to see the land and appreciate why so many of us return, you will go check out:


    Go Zip-lining, Bungee, White Water Raft the Paquaré river (One of the best in the world and the company is fucking outstanding!

    These are drivable from Tamarindo.

    Head over to the Caribbean side and Puerto Viejo is a common place to find me. That's a long ass drive from Tamarindo however, make it a long weekend.

    At the end of the day, it's an outstanding country to visit.

    I love the local produce, the culture, the food. We almost always choose a small "Soda" (term for a hole in the wall local food restaurant) as we really enjoy the local food and hey, the price is right. It's cheap to eat healthy awesome food and expensive to eat junk, completely backwards from here.

    And remember, don't spend every dollar in your pocket on Hookers and Blow; make sure you keep $29 bucks USD hidden in your suitcase for your Departure Tax at the Airport. You can use your Credit Card but it comes out as a cash advance and has a fee on top of it haha.

    Anything else, let me know.

    Oh and Bring a Light jacket or sweater if you're doing any stuff in the hills. The Volcano behind our place is regularly only 6-8 degrees at the summit.

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  5. #5
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    Paquare river is amazing to raft in.

    I highly recommend the Paquare lodge for a few nights if you can swing it. Expensive yes, experience - once in a lifetime. Live off the grid for a few days, but with luxury accommodations.

    You have to raft to get there. Class 2 and 3 on the way in and 3 to 4 on the way out. Two spots hit class 5 rapids and it's a serious rush.

    Watch out for Bullet ants.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

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    That is some fantastic information. I am travelling with just the girlfriend. Probably not looking to party much and more of a "romantic" explore a unique and beautiful country I've never been to type of get away.

    The rental car did you book through Alamo's Canadian site or on the Costa Rican one?

    A few of those places are a bit of trek from Tamarindo but I do plan on visiting places like Monteverde. Keep the suggestions coming!!

    Last edited by nytrydr89; 01-14-2017 at 10:28 AM.

  7. #7
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    Check out vamos rent a car for a rental. Definitely explore a bit outside tamarindo... so much nice scenery in CR

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    Originally posted by sabad66
    Check out vamos rent a car for a rental. Definitely explore a bit outside tamarindo... so much nice scenery in CR
    For sure. Thats the other reason we choose Costa Rica over some other South destinations as I want to drive around and explore. I am there for 10 days so half of those likely will be in a car exploring. Hence the car rental questions.

    Thanks for the suggestion I will check them out!

  9. #9
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    I went here about 3 years ago and depending on what you like to eat, the food can be more expensive than at home. The food is amazing though so atleast its worth it. We tried a couple "locals places" and even those were up there.

    We traveled all over CR and my highlights were the tabacon hot springs, jungle treks and zip lining. The hot springs is super touristy and quite expensive but totally worth it, we went here after a 4 hour jungle trek and it was an amazing cap off.
    Ziplining there has screwed me for life because i will never be able to enjoy any other zip line in Canada. Its a crazy feeling popping out of the trees to find yourself hanging on a line over a mountain way up.

    We rented a car for 2 days and got hosed as others mentioned and i ended up paying $180 US for a tank of gas because i figured there would be a gas station close to the drop off and sure enough there wasnt so i had to buy the fuel from them because i had to catch a flight. I wouldnt suggest going far with the rental though, as others have said the roads can be skecthy and theres no such thing as your lane/right of way sometimes. When we traveled from location to location we just hired a van.

    Its an amazing place with lots to do but we found it to be pretty pricey so bring extra.
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    and I did not have the only say in the matter (most people just want it done ASAP and don't care about quality).
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    If anything we made a better decision because we had a consensus and were all on the same page.

  10. #10
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    I was in Liberia area last year in November just after the rain season.
    We rented a small SUV from Sixt car rental. They were pretty good. I highly recommend getting a SUV.
    Tamarindo is nice, however beaches away from tamarindo are nicer and quiter. I was actually quite shocked when someone said it the most developed town in that region lol.
    Like Ben mentioned in his post, dine in at Soda is experience of its on. They are cheap and fresh. Sea food is the way to go.
    Get your money exchange in Canada or do it in CR. Don't exchange to CDN to USD to Colones.
    Costa Rica is heaven. Beautiful landscape, people are great and you will find tons of Canadians there specially at Coco Beach.

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    Originally posted by nytrydr89

    For sure. Thats the other reason we choose Costa Rica over some other South destinations as I want to drive around and explore. I am there for 10 days so half of those likely will be in a car exploring. Hence the car rental questions.

    Thanks for the suggestion I will check them out!
    Tamarindo is slowly becoming the Cancun of Costa Rica. It has some wonderful resorts if you're into that, but it is losing that authentic Costa Rican feel it had a only a few years ago. It is still a gorgeous spot and usually has some fun places to learn to surf if you're interested.

    I'll throw in another +1 for Puerto Viejo, it is super far from Tamarindo though. Realistically it is a 10 hour drive but one of the coolest places to visit. Ditch the car and rent a couple of beach cruisers and explore! Great surf, fishing, seafood. The best tacos are at Tasty Waves! I love that place to death. If you had more than 10 days I would definitely consider it! Panama is pretty close to there as well...

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    Originally posted by sneek

    Tamarindo is slowly becoming the Cancun of Costa Rica. It has some wonderful resorts if you're into that, but it is losing that authentic Costa Rican feel it had a only a few years ago. It is still a gorgeous spot and usually has some fun places to learn to surf if you're interested.

    I'll throw in another +1 for Puerto Viejo, it is super far from Tamarindo though. Realistically it is a 10 hour drive but one of the coolest places to visit. Ditch the car and rent a couple of beach cruisers and explore! Great surf, fishing, seafood. The best tacos are at Tasty Waves! I love that place to death. If you had more than 10 days I would definitely consider it! Panama is pretty close to there as well...
    Good advice!

    I avoid the tourist areas whenever possible and Tamarindo I found to be a rip off. Its all canadian prices on pretty much everything. Im not paying 15USD for a basic meal thats 3USD at the local town next door.

    That said some of it is unavoidable. Costa Rica takes some adventuring and if you dont youll live third world at first world prices.

    Im off to Viejo tomorrow. Will report back.


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    Oh. Definitely look at doing the 4 day trip from San Jose to Bocas Del Toro in Panama. Best bang for your buck if you want a good adventure.

    It was 400usd to stay at a beautiful hotel. Included your bus rde from San Jose to Panama, all the water taxis, your accom, food along the way and a wicked couple boat tours to some amazing beaches.

    Was booked through JamPan / Carritour

    Awesome bunch of guys. We were the only white folks on it too which made it better as we dont like your typical loud abnoxious americans and such. Or old stuck up white folk that are petrified of everything.

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    Bringing this thread back from the dead....

    Heading to Costa Rica in March and looking for some tips. So far I have flights booked.. but thats about it! (Flying into Liberia) Going with another family and they have been talking with a travel agent (They call themselves a Travel Designer.. GAG) 4 adults, 4 kids.

    Anyways, there from March 23rd to April 2nd and wanting a more authentic trip rather than hanging out in Tamarindo.

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    Holy hell you guys liked the food? Just awful. If I see chicken and rice or fried fish ever again it's too soon. The best food I had in the country was when I got fed up and went to a fish monger myself and got some charcoal and made my own damn food.

    Car rental was easy and the roads were rough but fine. Would not go back though. Nothing Argentina doesn't have but 20x better and cheaper. I went to Japan again 2 months after CR and 3 weeks of balling out of control and skiing was WAY cheaper than shitty arroz con pollo

    Rafting, surfing, canyoning, hiking, ATV, were all super fun. Nature hikes were good just pay for the guide
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    I went down there years ago and rented a beat up 4x4 that was delivered from San Jose. I then drove around the country for a couple weeks.

    Even though everything is dirt roads 5 minutes out of liberia, the GPS worked really well. It was a fantastic way to see the country. I did a loop from Liberia to Arenal, Montezuma and back up to Tamarindo. Drove on the beach for hours from Montezuma to Tamarindo.

    I wouldnt rent a new car as you are guaranteed to scratch the paint and get hosed by the rental company.
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    The other family we are going with is a bit more conservative... so we ended up having a loca Travel Designer (Friggin stupid Insta title for Travel Agent) book our trip.

    Land in Liberia... transfer to Monteverde for 4 days, then transfer to Playa Carillo (Just past Samara) for 6. So far have ziplinging in Monteverde booked.. everything else is wait and see.

    Would have liked to rent a car, explore and do more Air BNB, but this group thought that was risky.

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    Ayahuasca retreats a-plenty in Costa Rica if you feel like getting a little cray cray!

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    Sadly dont think the Wife would allow me to ditch the group for a few days to engage with hallucinugenics..

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    Bring the group!
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