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Thread: FBI director fired

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by HiTempguy1

    I'm not blind to how shitty Trump is. "Douchebag vs Turd Sandwich" is a perfect comparison.

  2. #22
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    The timing, whether it turns out to be warranted or not, is suspicious.

    Comey's handling of Clinton's email investigation was pretty bad, and had been pretty bad from the summer of 2016, including his odd press conference announcing they will not recommend charges against Clinton, to his announcement of potentially new evidence regarding Clinton's emails 10 days before the election in October/November. That Comey did a bad job in that investigation is undeniable.

    But Trump took office in January. So, why didn't Trump fire him when he took office? Why did he wait 5 months before firing Comey? And is it pure coincidence that he fired Comey a few days after he asked the Attorney General for more resources to investigate Trump's Russian ties?
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  3. #23
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    After watching this video of Lavrov's visit to the White House where he found out through the press that Comey got fired. I've joked that Lavrov's reaction is one of surprise that looks like 'Fuck. That guy (Trump) doesn't listen!'

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  4. #24
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    ^ Worst poker face ever
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

  5. #25
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    Originally posted by rx7_turbo2
    ^ Worst poker face ever
    Haha, I noticed that too.

    The sky is blue? Your kidding me?!

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by sexualbanana
    The timing, whether it turns out to be warranted or not, is suspicious.

    Comey's handling of Clinton's email investigation was pretty bad, and had been pretty bad from the summer of 2016, including his odd press conference announcing they will not recommend charges against Clinton, to his announcement of potentially new evidence regarding Clinton's emails 10 days before the election in October/November. That Comey did a bad job in that investigation is undeniable.

    But Trump took office in January. So, why didn't Trump fire him when he took office? Why did he wait 5 months before firing Comey? And is it pure coincidence that he fired Comey a few days after he asked the Attorney General for more resources to investigate Trump's Russian ties?
    Trump had been looking to fire him for months, and Comey's testimony before the Senate last Wednesday was his final straw against him. Upon the AG Deputy Director's written recommendation (who was confirmed 94-6 by the way) to fire Comey, Trump made the final decision to fire him.

    Democrats are acting as if the FBI investigation into Russia-Trump collusion will somehow be hindered because of Comey, as if he was the only one doing the investigating out of the whole FBI. The whole fake story of him asking for more resources is just that, fake news


  7. #27
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    Originally posted by SportEL

    Trump had been looking to fire him for months, and Comey's testimony before the Senate last Wednesday was his final straw against him. Upon the AG Deputy Director's written recommendation (who was confirmed 94-6 by the way) to fire Comey, Trump made the final decision to fire him.

    Democrats are acting as if the FBI investigation into Russia-Trump collusion will somehow be hindered because of Comey, as if he was the only one doing the investigating out of the whole FBI. The whole fake story of him asking for more resources is just that, fake news

    Lol, nice try.

    If you blew the whistle on your boss and were fired the next day over insulting a co-worker six months ago - a co-worker your boss was also insulting alongside you - I doubt you'd be doing the same level of mental gymnastics about the true reason behind your firing.

    FBI needs to pull the same scam that Ivanka is using to be in the White House. Comey should become an un-paid volunteer to the FBI that will lead the Russian probe. Trump can't fire him since he's only a volunteer. Any legal experts that can chime in on why this wouldn't work?

  8. #28
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    Originally posted by SportEL

    Trump had been looking to fire him for months, and Comey's testimony before the Senate last Wednesday was his final straw against him. Upon the AG Deputy Director's written recommendation (who was confirmed 94-6 by the way) to fire Comey, Trump made the final decision to fire him.

    Democrats are acting as if the FBI investigation into Russia-Trump collusion will somehow be hindered because of Comey, as if he was the only one doing the investigating out of the whole FBI. The whole fake story of him asking for more resources is just that, fake news

    Are you being funny or do you actually believe this?

  9. #29
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    Originally posted by RedDawn

    Lol, nice try.

    If you blew the whistle on your boss and were fired the next day over insulting a co-worker six months ago - a co-worker your boss was also insulting alongside you - I doubt you'd be doing the same level of mental gymnastics about the true reason behind your firing.

    FBI needs to pull the same scam that Ivanka is using to be in the White House. Comey should become an un-paid volunteer to the FBI that will lead the Russian probe. Trump can't fire him since he's only a volunteer. Any legal experts that can chime in on why this wouldn't work?
    They've got nothing but a Russian Conspiracy. This past Monday, James Clapper once again said that there was nothing. Members of the House Intelligence Committee has seen nothing. People on both the Democrat and Republican side have found no evidence. Big fat nothing. This investigation has gone on for since July, while this Comey guy failed to investigate things that had factual evidence; not going after the Clintons, not going after the leaks of Classified information, not going after Obama and his admin spying on Trump and his campaign.

    Failures under Comey --> https://news.grabien.com/story-10-ma...s-comeys-watch
    Last edited by SportEL; 05-11-2017 at 06:26 PM.

  10. #30
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    Originally posted by dj_patm

    Are you being funny or do you actually believe this?
    What's funny about the truth?

    What's not funny is this tax-payer funded fake Russian hoax that has turned up with nothing. Instead of going after actual crimes, they waste time on something that is just an excuse for a failed Hillary campaign.

    Trump has brought Law and Order to their country, 70% down in Illegal crossings. Confidence in the country skyrocketing. Hundreds of companies going back to America. Billions in Foreign Investment. Stock Market up $3 Trillion. Nominating through a Supreme Court Justice that actual judges according to the Constitution, fair trade deals, Killing TPP, fighting ISIS, opening up Keystone and Dakota Pipelines, Bringing back Coal, Lower taxes , Better Healthcare, on and on.....

  11. #31
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    ^Ahah, you had me going for a while thinking you were serious. That post gave it away though. Subtle troll, nice

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by SportEL
    Trump has brought Law and Order to their country
    I know where you were going but this was probably a bit of a stretch
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

  13. #33
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    I'm sure SportEL will agree that Trump's most amazing achievement is time traveling to the 1930's and inventing the phrase "prime the pump."

    Anyone know what the official rule book says about talking about your time travels? I thought it was like fight club.


  14. #34
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    Originally posted by googe
    ^Ahah, you had me going for a while thinking you were serious. That post gave it away though. Subtle troll, nice
    I don't know.... that's exactly what my right wing nut co-worker said. It's almost like they read off the exact same script.

    That said, I think you can't tie Trump to Russia. If they can, they have done it already.

    They can probably tie a few people around Trump with Russia to a degree through business dealings. Probably his kids or in laws. On the scale, it is much less troublesome than Hillary's email server.

    But I have to say, Russia beat every institutions US got on this one and cancer is set for the next decade to come. They know a Trump presidency will do way more damage than any convention weapon can achieve.

    And social media has made it easy because nobody really analyze anything any more, just adopting talking points.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 05-12-2017 at 09:36 AM.

  15. #35
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  16. #36
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    Originally posted by googe
    ^Ahah, you had me going for a while thinking you were serious. That post gave it away though. Subtle troll, nice
    Disprove what I've said.

    Trump actually backs up his words. What he campaigned on, he's doing, not unlike the many politicians who lie and don't do what they say they'll do. He's accomplished so much already and it's just past 100 days. Elites are scared because he's Anti-Establishment and they know Globalism is facing serious trouble and dying away. No longer are Billionaires like George Soros, Rothchilds, Mega-banks in control.
    Last edited by SportEL; 05-14-2017 at 02:52 AM.

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by SportEL

    Disprove what I've said.

    Trump actually backs up his words. What he campaigned on, he's doing, not unlike the many politicians who lie and don't do what they say they'll do. He's accomplished so much already and it's just past 100 days. Elites are scared because he's Anti-Establishment and they know Globalism is facing serious trouble and dying away. No longer are Billionaires like George Soros, Rothchilds, Mega-banks in control.
    We live in such a ridiculous reality that I honestly can't tell if you are serious or trolling.

  18. #38
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    Didn't know enough about him, but everyone has an opinion. Its just nowadays you get a much wider viewpoint from multiple perspectives.

    I figured out Keneddy was one of the worst human rights abusers after delving deeper into governance policies. Nixon was bad, but arguably - Keneddy was right up there.
    DXY 100

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by SportEL
    What's not funny is this tax-payer funded fake Russian hoax that has turned up with nothing.
    I'm actually glad they're taking their time. The FBI acting director seems to think there's something there. We shall wait and see. To have the whole thing dropped before it plays out would just be obstruction of justice.

    Originally posted by SportEL
    Trump has brought Law and Order to their country, 70% down in Illegal crossings. Confidence in the country skyrocketing. Hundreds of companies going back to America. Billions in Foreign Investment. Stock Market up $3 Trillion. Nominating through a Supreme Court Justice that actual judges according to the Constitution, fair trade deals, Killing TPP, fighting ISIS, opening up Keystone and Dakota Pipelines, Bringing back Coal, Lower taxes , Better Healthcare, on and on.....
    Law and order? How? What's actually down? He re-privatized jails and now is gonna put people away for low level crimes with the re-institution of mandatory minimum terms which have been an epic failure.

    Companies are actually being ingenious about how they market themselves with Trump in power. They're announcing projects in the USA which were already slotted to go here which make up a tiny percentage of their overall investments. They then allow the gorilla in the White House to take credit. Great PR, but no substance.

    Stock market's only up on promise of massive tax cuts. If Trump can't make that work, it'll go right back down.

    What "fair trade" deals has Trump successfully renegotiated? I count 0.

    What "better health care?" The NON-PARTISAN congressional budget office said Trumpcare will see 24 million people losing coverage. Also, he hasn't passed shit.

    A judge that rules "by the constitution" is a good thing? Times change. When the constitution was written blacks were slaves, women had no right to vote, etc etc. Is that really what we want? Some judge who tries to interpret what someone 250 years ago would've wanted??

    As for "bringing back coal", he hasn't done that. Coal's mostly dead and nothing can save it. It's not dying due to bureaucracy, but rather because natural gas is cleaner and cheaper. You know, the free market.

    Also, I see no wall and no funding for it. During the campaign he said China was a currency manipulator and he'd go after them hard. He's done the complete opposite. He said he wanted out of Syria, but has done a complete 180 there too.

    All I see is a bumbling moron spouting off nonsense who has gotten NOTHING done.
    Last edited by Feruk; 05-14-2017 at 12:52 PM.

  20. #40
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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-23-2020 at 01:11 PM.

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