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Thread: Omar Khadr awarded $10.5 million

  1. #21
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    SportEL should seriously be monitored committing some sort of hate crime against muslims. He constantly bashes them and speaks with such hate towards the religion.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabjab View Post
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    SportEL should seriously be monitored committing some sort of hate crime against muslims. He constantly bashes them and speaks with such hate towards the religion.
    It doesn't take effort to hate an Ideology not a Religion that deserves hate.

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    Last edited by sabad66; 07-05-2017 at 12:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ganesh View Post
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    +1 I can't believe how people are twisting this story and painting this on the current government.
    I personally don't think that he should be getting an apology or the money. If there is anything this guy should be locked behind the bars.
    Agreed. It's ridiculous that this situation was allowed to get where it is now. However, found this comment on an article I thought was interesting...

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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    Agreed. It's ridiculous that this situation was allowed to get where it is now. However, found this comment on an article I thought was interesting...

    Name:  huh.jpg
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    Yup, this guy gets it. Wish there are most posts like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    Yup, this guy gets it. Wish there are most posts like that.
    I think there are lots that do.

    Still, the fact that this guy is receiving $10m is disgusting.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    Ahh yes, Trudeau personally awarded this man the cash. The courts had nothing to do with it.
    Actually, for this to have gone ahead, there most CERTAINLY would have been PMO involvement.

    To act like this happens in a vacuum of the courts making a decision and nothing else... how typically you.

    Just so we are clear:

    According to reports, the government has decided to settle his lawsuit with an apology and $10.5 million (he sued for $20 million).
    THE GOVERNMENT, not the courts. Good job though on trying to twist the narrative
    Last edited by HiTempguy1; 07-05-2017 at 11:39 AM.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    I think there are lots that do.

    Still, the fact that this guy is receiving $10m is disgusting.
    Yeah, what can you do. Same law is also protecting us.

  9. #29
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    The Government could have fought the suit further. I'm sure the Harper Government would have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    Yeah, what can you do. Same law is also protecting us.
    But its not? The government, not the courts decided this. So unless you are a minority or "marginalized" individual and on the PM's side, good luck getting the same deal.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiTempguy1 View Post
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    But its not? The government, not the courts decided this. So unless you are a minority or "marginalized" individual and on the PM's side, good luck getting the same deal.
    Had this gone to the court he would have probably got more than 10.5 mil. His case went to the courts three times and all three times courts ruled in his favor. Don't pretend that Harper would have done other wise.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ganesh View Post
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    Had this gone to the court he would have probably got more than 10.5 mil. His case went to the courts three times and all three times courts ruled in his favor. Don't pretend that Harper would have done other wise.
    Again, quite the twisting of what actually happened and shows how few of you have actually read and understood the case.

    In 2010, a final ruling by the Supreme Court was made that came to this conclusion:

    The Supreme Court of Canada's unanimous decision comes to three conclusions. First, though the Charter does not apply to Canadians abroad, there is an exception if the Canadian government or other state actors participate in the foreign state's activities such as to violate Canada's international obligations or fundamental human rights norms. In this case, the Supreme Court had already ruled in 2008 that Canadian officials could be held liable for breaching Mr. Khadr's Charter rights by interrogating him in the face of an illegal detention.

    Second, the CSIS and DFAIT interviews constituted a breach of Mr. Khadr's section 7 rights. The interviewers extracted statements from Mr. Khadr that could prove to be inculpatory in the U.S. proceedings against him and contributed to his continued detention by the U.S. As such, Canada is complicit in Mr. Khadr's deprivation of liberty and security of the person.

    Further, Mr. Khadr's detention and Canada's participation in it are not in accordance with the principals of fundamental justice. Guantánamo Bay detainees were being held without the right to challenge their detention by way of habeas corpus. Mr. Khadr was 16-years old at the time and did not have access to his family or counsel. Most importantly, one of interviews was conducted after Mr. Khadr was subjected to three weeks' of scheduled sleep deprivation. In short, Mr. Khadr's rights were violated when Canadian officials violated reasonable expectations about the treatment of detained youth suspects in interrogating him and providing information from those interrogations to U.S. officials.

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Supreme Court held that the application judge's remedy that the federal government must request Mr. Khadr's repatriation was inconsistent with the framework of Canada's constitutional democracy and is not a judicial remedy within the powers of the courts. The federal government retains the prerogative power over foreign affairs, which includes making representations to foreign governments. As the court cannot assess the impact of any request to repatriate Mr. Khadr on Canada's foreign relations and the likelihood of the effectiveness of any such remedy is unknown, the prudent remedy is to declare that Mr. Khadr's rights have been violated and allow the government to decide how to remedy that breach.
    To repeat, the Supreme Court was only involved in Khadr being repatriated.

    After that, there was a civil lawsuit. It was not in any way settled until the Trudeau government decided to settle it. A 2014 Federal hearing allowed "conspiracy" claims to be added to the lawsuit. Thats it.

    He also owes over $100mil to the widow of the man he killed which is where all of that $10mil should go, but lets just gloss over that as well.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiTempguy1 View Post
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    Again, quite the twisting of what actually happened and shows how few of you have actually read and understood the case.

    In 2010, a final ruling by the Supreme Court was made that came to this conclusion:

    To repeat, the Supreme Court was only involved in Khadr being repatriated.

    After that, there was a civil lawsuit. It was not in any way settled until the Trudeau government decided to settle it. A 2014 Federal hearing allowed "conspiracy" claims to be added to the lawsuit. Thats it.

    He also owes over $100mil to the widow of the man he killed which is where all of that $10mil should go, but lets just gloss over that as well.
    I wasn't twisting anything. I never said court ruled three times in favor of the settlement.

  14. #34
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    He is not so much a terrorist, he just happened to be defending his property in an area the US wanted to takeover as a "terrorist hotbed" labelled city.

    That it was his families house he was in, and at his age - pretty much anyone would have done the same. If the US labelled London a terrorist city and invaded private housing in London, and a blond haired killed threw a grenade at a black US marine coming to kill him, would be blond haired kid be right in killing him? Of course he would, he is on the purest form of defense. Obviously the Canadian and US courts felt the same.

    Did he deserve to be tortured and denied access to counsel? Absolutely not.

    Does he owe anything to the US military men coming to kill him? Absolutely not (In war, the victor is always in the right regardless of morality)

    Should he forgive the US military for trying to take over his home? That's up to him to decide.

    Was the amount a little excessive? Well, maybe.

    Side note: The US has had this terrible habit of not fully disclosing whether or not they are at war or not with nations. I mean, its like the US takes a wait and see approach, If we can take country A by force, then we declare war on bordering nations B and C, even though nation C is really the nation we want to take. Solid warning for Greece, they might end up being country A. Solid warning for South Korea too, without North Korea the US would take South Korea in a heartbeat.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 07-05-2017 at 01:07 PM.
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  15. #35
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    Because the confession was obtained under duress (torture), it's not really worth the paper it's written on. If he had had a fair and open trial (not a military tribunal), the first thing the judge would've been forced to do is throw out the confession. His confession carries as much weight as that kid that recently came back in a coma from North Korea. He confessed too. Similar circumstances. To say one is valid and the other not, when both were obtained under duress, shows a huge double standard.

    This isn't a really story about Khadr or his circumstances, it's a story about the Canadian government being complicit in the torture and illegal detainment of one of their citizens. The allegations against the government haven't even been denied... Anyone who believes the government should not be held accountable for these types of anti-Canadian actions deserves to live in some 3rd world dictatorship shithole instead of Canada IMO. What is wrong with some of you?

    I was reading today that the Alberta government wants to get tougher on racism. It never occurred to me that we had a problem with racism until I read threads like these.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportEL View Post
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    He boasts of visiting a Radical Mosque in Montreal. He later denied he knew its radical ties. And in another mosque he recited the Shahada, the Muslim prayer acceptance of faith saying Allah is the one true God and Muhammad is the messenger. He praises Islam saying it embodies the principles upon which Canada was founded and recently also said that Islam is not incompatible with Western values. This guy is an idiot and praises the most intolerant, oppressive bigoted ideology in the world.
    This by and large is what extremism looks like. Zilch for understanding. You and Hitemp have this figured out, ignite some bromance and sue him here?

    On one hand you have a country that has been at war for over two centuries, supports and creates terrorists, and invades as it pleases. Didn't thy god, Donald, just hand out billions worth of weapons to Saudis? Just so you know this is Harper's legacy, and he already paid $10.5M and apologized to Mahr. Harper would have fought it, lost and then we'd be on hook for $20M + years of legal fees.

    On the other hand you have a child soldier that was held without trial, tortured and rights completely squandered. He should've been brought here and given a trial. We would have saved all the money and chances are he'd be free or locked up for life.

    I can't help but comment on recent state of Albertans - ever since dismantling of Cons, its been a bitching contest everywhere you look. You can't ignore Cons lack of any sort of Canadian identity when it comes to foreign policy because they tagged along even to Libya.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ganesh View Post
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    Yes he is a Canadian. He is not a child soldier don't kid your self. He knew exactly what he was doing.
    He is only Canadian because his terrorist family took advantage of our country's good nature and naivety.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feruk View Post
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    I was reading today that the Alberta government wants to get tougher on racism. It never occurred to me that we had a problem with racism until I read threads like these.
    Do you not understand the difference between race, culture, and religion? Stop and think that perhaps you are the racist one if you are identifying a race with a culture or religion. This thread has absolutely nothing to do with race.

    And as far as i'm concerned, anyone that truly believes in a tolerant society where everyone can co-exist and doesn't also hate cultures or religions that breed bigotry/intolerance/oppression/etc is a moron. We dont have a problem with racism in Canada. We are leading the fricken pack on progressive thinking. Name a more tolerant place? I dare you. Syria? Iran? Cambodia? Burkina Faso? Russia? You know where actually does have a problem with racism? Those places and pretty much everywhere else in the world.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darell_n View Post
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    He is only Canadian because his terrorist family took advantage of our country's good nature and naivety.
    Which makes him as Canadian as any other citizen.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by kertejud2 View Post
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    Which makes him as Canadian as any other citizen.
    in my views: a terrorist is a terrorist. Age, race or citizenship does not matters anymore.

    Therefore, a terrorist should not be given the same rights as a law abiding citizen. Paying 10m + an apology is a slap in the face to everyone in the world who has been affected by terrorist fucks.
    Originally posted by beyond_ban
    Yo Kanye, ima let you finish, but 50 Cent had the best concert cancellation of all time.

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