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Thread: Should North Korea nuke Guam?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenOps View Post
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    CNN now giving tips to Hawaiians on how to survive a nuclear blast...
    Nuking Hawaii would also get Japan on their asses. There's so many Japanese visitors there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gman.45 View Post
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    Or, Bio/Chem weapons that make the effects of nuclear weapons look like a day at the beach. There are biological/chemical weapons that are so persistant now that it takes weeks or months for rain/nature to have much effect on removing them - ie years later somebody touching the underside of a fence board can be infected still, etc. Brutal, frightening weapons. Nuclear warhead yields due to the continually improving accuracy of the delivery systems have actually gotten less powerful for the most part.

    Still, any exchange of nuclear weapons on a peer nation level, would badly and probably forever damage the areas where the warheads detonate, with airbust weapons doing larger scale ecological damage over distance due to the larger fallout patterns they can cause.

    I think large scale EMP weapons pose a large scale threat to our way of life too - imagine every single thing that uses electricity being useless for years, or perhaps decades. Our society would rapidly start breaking down if there was no more electric power from the grid, and only very small scale electricity available for a long time. No functioning vehicles, no hospital/diagnostic equipment, no large scale farming, SO many bad things about that.

    One thing about war with the DPRK, I think KJU wouldn't hesitate to use biochem weapons, and apparently they have a very developed program in this area. Even with the highest level of MOPP protection, the effectiveness of troops is very degraded when using these suits, and they are far from perfect, and some say far from even mediocre.

    Obama was more right about the last thing he said and wrote in office than anything else during his reign - apparently he wrote and told Trump that his greatest threat and problem was going to be North Korea. I guess that deal Clinton made back in the 90s didn't stick, shocking.
    Clinton apparently reneged on a lot of the promises made back then, which would make any egotistical leader with small man syndrome even more pissed.

    Regardless, I am referring to weapons well beyond anything EMP - think more along the lines of Scalar energy, which was discovered over 100 years ago by Maxwell, Tesla, etc. I've only read/heard very superficial information about it (naturally, mixed in with disinformation) but no doubt the level of instant decimation of a region, is in no question.

  3. #23
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    I'm kind of curious to see if a tin of SPAM hits $5 or not. They should be ramping up production to make sure every Hawaiian citizen has 14 tins more than normal (2 weeks worth) along with two weeks of potassium iodide pills.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    Nuking Hawaii would also get Japan on their asses. There's so many Japanese visitors there.
    Tourism is the last thing on anyones mind. But technically, North Korea is the grandchild of Imperial Japan.

    A very simplistic overview

    A lot of people in the USA think that North Korea is communist, its most definitely not. Its got its roots deeply seated in Japanese Imperialism, which is almost the exact same as British Imperialism. When Kim Jong says he hates "western imperialism" its because he is an imperialist himself (As a North Korean god-king, instead of the British god-queen)

    The same mentality that made Japan bomb Pearl Harbor may or may not be what is inside the head of Kim Jong.

    In many ways and all the ways that count, the modern USA is far more socialist than North Korea. When people in the USA say they are fighting against "communism" or "socialism" I can only assume it is some form of self loathing?

    The US has historically fought against Imperialists, the most notable was the war against Britain (or what the US refers to as the war for freedom) Some in the USA say that Canada never achieved freedom from British imperial rule, because we didn't kill anyone to achieve it.

    But to pre-invade Korea is a very tough sell. Korea is in no way an imperial ruler of the USA that must be overthrown, Korea is just another imperial state - much like one of two hundred other countries. The only difference is, that the US had an unsuccessful war on their soil with a million civilian deaths. Who is in the wrong?

    Now Vietnam is a different story, you could definitely label them communist if you wanted to (but still a very weak reason to kill off a couple million people)
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-11-2017 at 06:26 AM.
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  5. #25
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    Zen you need to google the words you're using. Sure North Korea is not really communist. But you are mixing terms regarding internal policies and foreign policies. Communism is an internal organization of a country, imperialism is a form of foreign policy.

    And no, North Korea is not an imperialist nation. It may have fallen victim in history to other imperialist nations but it is not itself an imperialist country (watch the video you posted a few more times)

  6. #26
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    Conan said it best

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 08-17-2019 at 11:53 PM.

  8. #28
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    Trump is a fucking moron for manufacturing this situation out of nothing.

    Yes they got nukes. This was a foregone conclusion anyways. They clearly were going to get there eventually and no sanctions or diplomacy was stopping their attempts. What they were never actually going to do is fire them. Does Kim Jung Un look like a fucking Martyr to anyone? Because he is obviously aware that he will be wiped off the map if he ever nuked anyone.

    So instead of approaching the situation like grown ups and diplomatically condemning the move and working with them to deescalate the situation, the President of the United States decides to get into a LITERAL Twitter beef with North Korea like he's fucking Deadmau5 blasting other dj's or something and has now turned this into a huge ordeal with legitimate tensions now.

    This was all his own doing. Whether it was to try and get his approval rating up or try to distract from the investigations, this was a stupid way to do it and I never in my life thought I'd see Kim Jung Un look more mature than the President of the United States.

    Truly some dark times in the USA right now from a political standing. Voters there should be embarrassed with how their leadership is representing them on the world stage.

  9. #29
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    Nukes are an amazing equalizer. I mean really - for the cost of refining a bowling ball worth of Uranium you can take out a Trillion dollar airforce base.

    I think the brass in the US are fearing that they are going to be losing most if not all their toys to what arguably is the simplest, cheapest ball of metal that god ever produced. $800 worth of Uranium. Not that I endorse use of nukes as an equalizer.
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  10. #30
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    The US should just preempt and nuke mainland China. Once the CCP is gone, North Korea will fall like a dominos pizza.

  11. #31
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    Meh, I doubt a NK nuke would function... Probably be a decent dirty bomb at any rate.

    I'm curious what China's saying. Sorta kinda Russia too, but mostly china.

    It's nice Trump's actually not putting up with the idiot, he's been ranting and raving and rattling his penor around for decades. But I'm sure Trudeau's screaming "You can't bomb them farther into the Stone age he's my buddy" (Hahaha like that holds any water).

    Personally I vote we let trump and KJU have their dick measuring contest, wipe NK off the face of the earth and move forward. 60yrs later it's getting old.

  12. #32
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    Thing is, North Korea isn't the only nation you would have to wipe out.

    You would have to wipe out every nation that had nuclear ambitions. Arguably Khadafi (Libya)should have had nukes before North Korea. They had far more resources and money available to them. Without doubt, the greatest mistake that Khadafi made was shaking hands with Obama and agreeing to not pursue nuclear weaponry - for the simple fact Khadafi is dead now, and Libya is now a shooting ground for US ground troops.

    Is any nation that is a threat to US military dominance worthy of immediate death? Not good enough of a reason. Communism? Not good enough of a reason, and obviously not a reason for white people - because the US didn't drop any bombs on Crimea.

    With a little bit of effort Vietnam could have a nuclear program up in a couple decades, it might be a wise decision. And lets not forget, the US lost both the Korean and Vietnam invasion campaigns. You could try again, but there will be a lot more than a million deaths this time around. If the US pre-emptively strikes Korea, I suggest all nations should immediately pursue nuclear programs of their own before its too late.

    I await the nuking of Guam, and the destruction of two US military bases - with a bowl full of buttery popcorn. Its really only expected, there has to be some form of payback, even if its *only* a US military base or two and not a million US civilians.

    I can only hope the citizens of Guam should happen across this post and realize what they are to the USA.

    Germans can admit that they did some pretty f*cked up shit for a few decades, why can't the USA admit they are doing some totally f*cked up shit today?
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-11-2017 at 07:15 PM.
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  13. #33
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    Nah, wiping KJU would just set the precedence for the next decade... And not a bad one.

    If China's not going to deal with their inbred cousin - someone has to.

    NK could be wiped out without putting a single us body on the ground. This isn't 1950, the air war isn't even a question, the South Koreans would want to deal with the NK ground forces for internal security reasons. A few bazillion dollars of tomahawks some b1 trips a few b52 missions just to lay waste to all that could have been and terraform for the new Korean Republic ... Lol (and probably make it through the dmz with 60+yrs of land mines installed there)

  14. #34
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    The reason people have put up with NKs antics is cause they have enough artillery pointed at Seoul wipe it off in 10 minutes.

  15. #35
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    That's one other thing that I will mention too. South Korean naivety to think that they will be "protected" by the USA if push comes to shove.

    As previously outlined beautifully by South Park "Operation Human Shield" I even have doubts that certain parts of the US military will come to the aid of the US, nevermind South Korea. I mean, money is nothing when a Hawaiian welfare recipient gets $60,590 and an infantryman gets - less than that to die for a South Korean that likes K-pop music as opposed to the North which does not like K-pop music. Millenial US soldier? Might just skin his knee and demand to be brought home on some sort of technicality to completely avoid war (like Trump dodging the draft five times, instead preferring to have sex with supermodels.)

    South Korea, incredibly naïve to think they will be "protected" by the USA.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-11-2017 at 09:06 PM.
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  16. #36
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    Like the Americans and SK don't have tabs on every piece of military hardware pointed at the south - and now every satellites trained on them - and every drone available is on its borders... F117s, B1s, anything with a reduced radar cross section will be trained on each piece of equipment - and then you've got all those lovely missile defense systems that have undoubtedly found their way to SK in the past few days...

    Shorter than the first ground war in Iraq... Saddam probably stood a better chance than KJU will - only thing saving him at the moment is china.

  17. #37
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    Pssh, South Koreans are fools if they think that the US will not subjugate South Korea after they are finished with North if war should break out.

    One need only look at every war in history ever with a third party, divide - conquer your enemies and then conquer your friends.

    Arguably, North Korea invading South Korea could have been a US false flag event. The US uses this type of conquering tactic much more in the middle east though, as west Asians are typically more difficult to deceive in this manner. I mean its not outside the realm of possibility that the US was the original instigator in the North/South Korean conflict, there isn't enough information to know for sure (like man landing on the moon) The most damning evidence that it is possible is of course, that the US has used this tactic in the last decade.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-11-2017 at 09:39 PM.
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  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_patm View Post
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    Trump is a fucking moron for manufacturing this situation out of nothing.

    Yes they got nukes. This was a foregone conclusion anyways. They clearly were going to get there eventually and no sanctions or diplomacy was stopping their attempts. What they were never actually going to do is fire them. Does Kim Jung Un look like a fucking Martyr to anyone? Because he is obviously aware that he will be wiped off the map if he ever nuked anyone.

    So instead of approaching the situation like grown ups and diplomatically condemning the move and working with them to deescalate the situation, the President of the United States decides to get into a LITERAL Twitter beef with North Korea like he's fucking Deadmau5 blasting other dj's or something and has now turned this into a huge ordeal with legitimate tensions now.

    This was all his own doing. Whether it was to try and get his approval rating up or try to distract from the investigations, this was a stupid way to do it and I never in my life thought I'd see Kim Jung Un look more mature than the President of the United States.

    Truly some dark times in the USA right now from a political standing. Voters there should be embarrassed with how their leadership is representing them on the world stage.
    This actually started not with words, but NK test firing ICBMs to show and celebrate their powers to attack the US. Trump put down heavier sanctions and NK got pissed. That's how the war of the words started. Nothing changes regardless of what Trump says, NK want sanctions lifted otherwise they'll attack the US and only the US, but it's all BS. Like you said, NK would be stupid to attack. End of the day, this is just another NK craziness cycle that we've seen before. Except now they may have mistakes that can reach the US and it's probably in US best interest to put NK in its place before they develop their weapons further.

    I think you've been watching CNN a little too much if you think this is Trump's fault. If there's any fingers to point, it's probably NK sending that college kid back in a coma, and all this is to send a message that they're not to be fucked with because they're worried about retribution.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by holden View Post
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    The US should just preempt and nuke mainland China. Once the CCP is gone, North Korea will fall like a dominos pizza.
    Who is going to make our phones! It's too late. The world is working because China is still growing and spending at 3-4x the pace of western countries.

    China know this. It's time to expand and grab everything while the west is weak.

  20. #40
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    It would be important to analyze Japan bombing Hawaii back in 1941 to determine what Kim Jong might have in mind.


    The US has based a lot of its modern day defensive defense on that military strike, the first and second waves of bombers. Now, the first wave had the Japanese dropping fourty eight 1760 pound bombs (one ton bombs) the second wave consisted of several thousand quarter ton bombs and general purpose 132 pound bombs. They also sent their entire submarine fleet of 23 to mop up any surviving battleships, although they were not really necessary.

    That was also back in the day when they used torpedo bombers. Hawaii back in those days was mostly a military installation as well. So inotherwords, the US defense for a good 50 years was mostly built around shooting down bombers and surviving submarine attacks.

    Although with ICBMs, if he really wanted to nuke the Pentagon, LA or New York it wouldn't be much of a stretch. Kim jong simply has to retrofit one submarine to hold a nuke or two and he could lob one 100 miles onto London England if he really wanted to. Torpedo nuke launched from submarine or dropped from plane, also a high probability.

    Should Baby Japan bomb Hawaii (again)? Definite maybe. Its also worthy of note that Japan could have simply kept going and bombed the greater shoreline of California, but that was mostly civilian at the time, and only the US bombs civilians.

    I do credit the British Imperial Empire (Queen Elizabeth II) for being able to withstand the pressures and keeping the world more or less war-free for my lifetime. US? The US can kiss my ass.
    Last edited by ZenOps; 08-12-2017 at 05:46 AM.
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