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Thread: Cutting out meat/ Gluten Free/ Vegan

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    Default Cutting out meat/ Gluten Free/ Vegan

    Has anyone cut out meat, refined sugars, milk and wheat in their diet?

    Ive started doing it after seeing a ayurvedic doctor last month after conventional doctors could not diagnose my sickness.
    Its been only two weeks. The first week was hell, No fucking joke. The sugar cravings were insane (the headaches..oh god the headaches..).

    Im eating a lot more fruit, vegetables, lentils and fish.

    I noticed in the first week I would piss a lot more and I was not thirsty as much. I don't need to drink as much water as I used to.
    Int his second week my energy level seems much more level. Im not hungry as I used to be. I eat very little i I am hungry and don't have big hunger binges.
    I was not expecting to feel like this in the second week, I would thought it would take longer.

    Have anyone made any similar changes to their diet?

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    Good job! Is it addressing your issues/sickness?

    Stopped eating meat(including fish) three years ago and the health benefits are insane. I maintain the same weight that I do when I am marathon training and only get out for jogs here and there. I come from a meat eating family (not a hippy haha) and my friends make a point to bug me at every opportunity. I still do eat some dairy as in I wont not eat something because it contains eggs or milk. That being said I wouldn't make eggs for breakfast and drink a glass of milk. I am on the fence with wheat, yes I would likely benefit from dropping it but you have to have some vice and I think meat is 100%worse than wheat.

    Honestly the hardest thing on your list to kick (and keep with) will be sugar. I go in spits and spurts of how regimented I am but when I am following the no refined sugar strictly I drop weight instantly. The first week is a nightmare. Then I feel fine.

    Since my change, my brother who was a avid BBQ'er has sold off all his BBQing and smoking gear and done the same. Another OG beyonder who no longer posts has also followed suit and lost weight and is maintaining it without even trying.

    Including myself these are all people who you would never expect be vegetarians (ish)
    Last edited by craigcd; 10-07-2017 at 02:18 PM.

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    Its a bit early to say if its addressing the sickness. I still have the exact same issues.

    A friend had the same issues she went vegan and got better after six months. My Ayurvedic doctor said I wont start to feel better till 3rd-4th month. Im taking a shit ton of herbal bills she has prescribed too.

    I can still eat eggs, no yolk. Small amount of chicken/turkey but has to be grilled. But really I avoiding it all together, or eating small scraps.
    Im drinking soy milk.. holy shit who would have thought this shit tastes so good?
    No Kidney Beans or chick peas, no nuts except almonds.
    Its inetresting what you say about the weight. Im 20lb over weight in terms of body fat. Will be interesting to see what happens, I wonder if I will shrivel up like a prune..

    In terms of cuisines, what do you eat? I have reverted to eating more food native to my parents culture(East Indian) lentils, cooked vegetables with spices. But im strugling with eating so much rice.. No naan bread or chappatis

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    I really need to get on this kind of diet, I've have recently developed arthritis in all my joins, which has no imfamitory markers on blood tests. My current rheumatologist suspects Sjogren's syndrome which if thats the case, there is no cure just treatment, but loosing the excess weight could only help to reduce the joint inflammation.

    I don't know enough about eating vegan though, is there sites that you guys reccomend that give you recipes to not make it so monotonous?

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickDaTuner View Post
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    I really need to get on this kind of diet, I've have recently developed arthritis in all my joins, which has no imfamitory markers on blood tests. My current rheumatologist suspects Sjogren's syndrome which if thats the case, there is no cure just treatment, but loosing the excess weight could only help to reduce the joint inflammation.

    I don't know enough about eating vegan though, is there sites that you guys reccomend that give you recipes to not make it so monotonous?
    Vegan is massive leap. Look up plant based diet- lots of resources out there. You dont need to start out 100% vegan, just make small changes or it wont last.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by tonytiger55 View Post
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    Its a bit early to say if its addressing the sickness. I still have the exact same issues.

    A friend had the same issues she went vegan and got better after six months. My Ayurvedic doctor said I wont start to feel better till 3rd-4th month. Im taking a shit ton of herbal bills she has prescribed too.

    I can still eat eggs, no yolk. Small amount of chicken/turkey but has to be grilled. But really I avoiding it all together, or eating small scraps.
    Im drinking soy milk.. holy shit who would have thought this shit tastes so good?
    No Kidney Beans or chick peas, no nuts except almonds.
    Its inetresting what you say about the weight. Im 20lb over weight in terms of body fat. Will be interesting to see what happens, I wonder if I will shrivel up like a prune..

    In terms of cuisines, what do you eat? I have reverted to eating more food native to my parents culture(East Indian) lentils, cooked vegetables with spices. But im strugling with eating so much rice.. No naan bread or chappatis
    If you stick to it you will lose the weight from cutting sugar alone I bet. If you stay on track I cant see how you wouldnt lose a ton of weight.

    If you're allowed almonds, try almond milk-its awesome, stay away from the sugar added stuff though!

    Meal prep is key, cut up vegetables in advance for a couple days and have them ready to go. Most of the time you resort to crappy choices out of convenience. There are lots of veg restaurants in Calgary and even some that have meal prep options like "Hearts Choice".
    Last edited by craigcd; 10-07-2017 at 04:11 PM.

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    I've been slowly moving away from sugars/red meats/milk over the years. With sugars, its the insulin response thats definitely the biggest factor for me. The hormones in cow milk also play a factor for me, I switched to almond milk (sugarless).

    Allowing yourself a "cheat" day a few times a month isnt also the end of the world. In reality, with family there will always be that

    Also with alcohol - I drink vodka mixed with V8 and water.

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    Just about the worst for health is refined sugar. If I had my way, refined sugar would be deemed a toxin. Especially in the outrageous quantities that it's found in food and drink.

    Red meat and the mammary gland secretions of an animal (milk), are a close second. The propaganda from the dairy industry tells you it's healthy. Well, long story short, it's destroying your bones among other things.

    BTW- Kudos to the poster that mentioned almond milk, and another that mentioned taking it slow.

    My desire to be Vegan contradicts my other desire to just not give a fuck.
    Last edited by Seth1968; 10-18-2017 at 08:51 AM.

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    I’m not one to judge or care much about this, but for the love of god don’t drink soy milk.

    It can ruin you.
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickDaTuner View Post
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    I really need to get on this kind of diet, I've have recently developed arthritis in all my joins, which has no imfamitory markers on blood tests. My current rheumatologist suspects Sjogren's syndrome which if thats the case, there is no cure just treatment, but loosing the excess weight could only help to reduce the joint inflammation.

    I don't know enough about eating vegan though, is there sites that you guys reccomend that give you recipes to not make it so monotonous?
    Im in the same boat. I struggle with online recipes. So what I do is try different 'authentic' foods, cook the Indian foods my mother made or try and replicate dishes when I backpacked south east Asia.

    I spoke with some east european friends last night. They mentioned they do this thing with cooking vegetables. They put the veg in boiling water and turn the heat right down and partially let the water evaporate. Not sure what this process is but will look into this more.

    But as Craig said, start slow. When I was working out a few years back, I would cut my meat by 1 and increase the veg portions (i.e one chicken breast instead of two and load up on the veggies.)

    If you stick to it you will lose the weight from cutting sugar alone I bet. If you stay on track I cant see how you wouldnt lose a ton of weight.

    If you're allowed almonds, try almond milk-its awesome, stay away from the sugar added stuff though!

    Meal prep is key, cut up vegetables in advance for a couple days and have them ready to go. Most of the time you resort to crappy choices out of convenience. There are lots of veg restaurants in Calgary and even some that have meal prep options like "Hearts Choice".
    I struggle with the vegetarian restaurants here. The food they serve has no taste, masala or spice.

    Here is the funny thing about the food im finding here. So a couple of years ago I was making a full English breakfast and I was getting the baked beans out. This time instead of using the the Bush brand I saw some UK Heinz Bakes beans and a grabbed a few cans. The UK heinz tasted weird... could not figure it out. I ate the Bush brand and it tasted good, so I looked at the Bush brand and ingredients. They add fucking sugar to it. Its the fucking sugar that gets you hooked. Fucking wankers.

    I will try the almond milk next.

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    A good veg restaurant is on par with any other restaurant. Replicating that at home is the challenge haha. Try "Hearts Choice" its like a deli, good food but its spendy. Also try "The Coup" on 17th (its hipster central so beware lol)

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    Quote Originally Posted by craigcd View Post
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    A good veg restaurant is on par with any other restaurant. Replicating that at home is the challenge haha. Try "Hearts Choice" its like a deli, good food but its spendy. Also try "The Coup" on 17th (its hipster central so beware lol)
    Ive ben to the Coup a couple of times. I find it waaay too bland.. No spices, sauces or anything.
    I'l try the Hearts Choice..

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    Not a vegan but am vegetarian...I get dark chocolate almond milk from Superstore, tastes even better than real milk!

    Anyone tried the veggie burger at Burger King, best one I've had so far, can't even tell the difference...

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    So I switched to Almond milk. Its pretty impressive how good it tastes. How did I not know this shit before..?

    I can't eat fried stuff, or wheat (bun) *sigh*..do you know if the Veggie burger at Burger King is flame grilled?
    I coud kill for a whopper right now..

    From memory..Mcdonalds Veggie burgers (UK) fucking taste amazing. The grocery chain in the UK (Tesco) do some of the best veggie burger I have ever tasted.

    Do any of you guys eat root vegetables? If so how do you like to cook them? I throw mine in the oven sprinkled with some salt, blackpepper, maybe some herbs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tonytiger55 View Post
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    Ive ben to the Coup a couple of times. I find it waaay too bland.. No spices, sauces or anything.
    I'l try the Hearts Choice..
    my ex took me to the coup and told me this tastes like beef lol it does not. beef tastes like beef!

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    When I eat beets I stain my sheets. I don't even know why.
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    I've dropped 20lbs in the last 8 weeks without really trying, although I think about 5lbs was muscle mass. Switched to somewhat of a ketogenic diet--low carb, medium protein, high fat--combined with intermittent fasting. First thing was to cut out sugar from coffee and use coffee cream or, preferably, whipping cream. The worst part is just having a bit of self-control, although I still enjoy a few too many carbs here and there, but can eat a lot of things like bacon, eggs, cheese, and butter. Just need to find the time and energy (both have been in shorter than usual supply since school started) to workout and get some muscle mass back.

    Got all that from Jason Fung's The Complete Guide to Fasting. Pretty interesting stuff, especially what fasting does for the body in general but can also cure type II diabetes, for example. It's all about insulin response.


    Having said all that, now that I have benefits again, through school, I am going to try and get a food allergy test to see if there is anything I can improve on. Personally, I don't believe the hype about going gluten-free, unless one has an insensitivity. I've slowed down a bt with meat but could never cut it out. But...people just need to find what works for them and what is sustainable and motivating long-term.

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    I've done the whole30 twice. Always makes me feel great.

    I like booze too much to do it full time. Clean eatings two months a year is good enough for me. Also whole30 allows all the meat. Doesn't seem to bother me.

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    Hey what do you guys do for lunches ?!

    Suppers seem to be okay to make but I’m having trouble with lunches. Currently I’m on wraps: wrap, cheese, lettuce tomato, onion and then a protein ( chicken or tuna ) so what do I replace those with?!
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    Quote Originally Posted by duaner View Post
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    I've dropped 20lbs in the last 8 weeks without really trying, although I think about 5lbs was muscle mass. Switched to somewhat of a ketogenic diet--low carb, medium protein, high fat--combined with intermittent fasting. First thing was to cut out sugar from coffee and use coffee cream or, preferably, whipping cream. The worst part is just having a bit of self-control, although I still enjoy a few too many carbs here and there, but can eat a lot of things like bacon, eggs, cheese, and butter. Just need to find the time and energy (both have been in shorter than usual supply since school started) to workout and get some muscle mass back.

    Got all that from Jason Fung's The Complete Guide to Fasting. Pretty interesting stuff, especially what fasting does for the body in general but can also cure type II diabetes, for example. It's all about insulin response.


    Having said all that, now that I have benefits again, through school, I am going to try and get a food allergy test to see if there is anything I can improve on. Personally, I don't believe the hype about going gluten-free, unless one has an insensitivity. I've slowed down a bt with meat but could never cut it out. But...people just need to find what works for them and what is sustainable and motivating long-term.
    been on a IMF diet for the past 2 weeks and have dropped 10lbs already without really changing my diet.
    started with 18/6 right off the bat with no issues, might start doing 16/8 on weekends later on.
    my diet has consisted mostly of veggies, low sugar fruits, eggs, cheese, meat and small amount of carbs.
    cup of coffee in the morning and mostly tea and water during the day.

    I feel like I have more energy and not craving food as much, I thought I would go weak while working out/cycling but it hasn't been an issue so far.

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    Quote Originally Posted by KPHMPH View Post
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    Hey what do you guys do for lunches ?!

    Suppers seem to be okay to make but I’m having trouble with lunches. Currently I’m on wraps: wrap, cheese, lettuce tomato, onion and then a protein ( chicken or tuna ) so what do I replace those with?!
    My meal plan looks like this:

    Morning- oatmeal, plain nothing added oatmeal. Sometimes I add berries but I have eaten this for the past 10 years and its what I am used to. I can relate the texture and taste to paper mache but it fills me up haha. Cup of coffee. Mid morning fruit of some sort. Late morning bag of vegetables- heavy on broccoli. (Keep in mind am up at 5:15 AM and typically don't eat lunch till noon)

    Lunch- typically a bit more challenging. Sometimes I make wraps which are basically salads in a tortilla, very similar to what you have listed above @KPHMPH but add in something rather than meat- avocado, chick peas, whatever. I have also gotten onto pre-packaged vegan bowls from the health food section. I know they might not be the best choice but they are quick and reasonably priced so they work in a pinch. More fruit.

    Dinner- this could really be anything but typically involves wild brown rice, beans, vegetables, salad, etc

    I typically eat fruit throughout the day and put no limit on how much I eat. This might be a issue for some people but it isn't for me. Honestly for me, part of eating vegetarian and healthy is eating pretty repetitive stuff which doesn't bother me at all. On the other hand, it drives my wife nuts. It might not be ideal for everyone, I am sure I could make it better, but it is for sure better than what 80% of people do!

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