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Thread: SPOILERS - Star Wars Episode 8 SPOILER Discussion

  1. #41
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    I held off reading this thread until I watched TLJ last night and agree with the sentiments here.
    The visual effects and score ere great (although it sounded very similar to the original Jurassic Park) but the story and characters were pretty weak as nothing really made sense.
    No explanation or real development on the characters that were presented here.
    The personality of all main characters seems to be the typical teenager that just want to rebel and be different.

    Some other random stuff that I thought about the movie
    -Some of the cheap comedy shots felt out of place and characters although i liked the one in the beginning.
    -The porg and racing animals are definitely just there for the cute factor.
    -So Rey is supposedly the last Jedi now other than she doesn't really know much about it nor how to control it properly.
    -Leia can revive and do force pull back to the ship because she's a Skywalker?
    -Using costumes instead of CGI for the Caretakers brings back the classic SW look.
    -I was almost happy to see Finn die only to be rescued by a girl that loves him but they only met few hours prior.
    Loved the Luke vs First Order scene and how it ended but didn't really like how they portrayed Luke most of the movie.
    -Last scene with the kids, the white kid reminds me of young anakin and I thought I see him use the force to grab the broom. Could he be involved on the next movie?
    Last edited by taemo; 12-20-2017 at 04:14 PM.

  2. #42
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    Rey is a Kenobi, Fin is the descendant of Mace Windu, and Snoke was Dark Side Mace Windu, after being thrown out of a building in his last known moment alive...
    Luke, gave up the force because he saw everyone eventually turns to the dark side.

    There argue on that! lol

  3. #43
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    Movie was terrible.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickDaTuner View Post
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    Snoke was Dark Side Mace Windu, after being thrown out of a building in his last known moment alive...
    Through the first half of the movie, I was thinking it might have been Palpatine. I mean there was only supposed to be one Sith Master left, him, and his apprentice, Vader. The Snookey comes out of nowhere and has literally no backstorey to him, and just happens to get his reigns on the remnants of The Empire? Fucking Disney. I don't give a shit about your special effects, I want a god damned coherent story line.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by taemo View Post
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    -The porg and racing animals are definitely just there for the cute factor.
    Interesting thing I learned today about the Porgs - the island they filmed on was a sanctuary habitat for puffins. Obviously you can't have Earth critters in a space movie, so Disney realized that it was waaaay easier and cheaper (and marketable) to cover up the puffins that showed up in some shots with CG critters (Porgs) instead of trying to edit the puffins out of the footage entirely.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by BerserkerCatSplat View Post
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    Interesting thing I learned today about the Porgs - the island they filmed on was a sanctuary habitat for puffins. Obviously you can't have Earth critters in a space movie, so Disney realized that it was waaaay easier and cheaper (and marketable) to cover up the puffins that showed up in some shots with CG critters (Porgs) instead of trying to edit the puffins out of the footage entirely.
    George Lucas would have just super imposed rocks over them.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by D'z Nutz View Post
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    George Lucas would have just super imposed rocks over them.
    George Lucas would have given those rocks a midichlorian count and a Senate seat.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by taemo View Post
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    pretty much dead on

  10. #50
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    this movie was fucking trash. End of review.
    Originally posted by beyond_ban
    Yo Kanye, ima let you finish, but 50 Cent had the best concert cancellation of all time.

  11. #51
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    This is the worst star wars film ever. I am so disappointed.

    Fuck you rian johnson.
    Quote Originally Posted by Disoblige View Post
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    Arash reminds me of Mar but I can't tell which one is more stupid.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Yeah well I wonder how they get the soft flowing caramel inside the Caramilk bar but you don't see me making a god damn thread about it. Slap your wife Baygirl, straighten him out.

  12. #52
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    Loved it. 9.5/10. Wow! When did Luke Skywalker turn into such a badass? Reminded me of Chuck Norris when he did the shoulder brush off after they shot the shit outta him with lasers. Thoroughly entertaining

  13. #53
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    Easy to be a bad ass when you aren't even there. He's like an internet troll

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hallowed_point View Post
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    Loved it. 9.5/10. Wow! When did Luke Skywalker turn into such a badass? Reminded me of Chuck Norris when he did the shoulder brush off after they shot the shit outta him with lasers. Thoroughly entertaining
    I thought this was sarcasm until I saw “Beast Accord 6-6”. Does it have Nav-Tech?

  15. #55
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    WTF did I just watch?

    OMFG. What a shit movie. Where the fuck do I begin?

    The movie was a load of fucking wank. Just a fucking load of wank.

    The Original Star Wars movies had a dark element in them. Not seeing Vadars face, his presence, his height, movement, the whole psychology of the storm troopers uniforms and the music. Each character had a purpose or role. All that went down the fucking toilet with this movie.

    What was this film about? What was the story? There was none. It was just a big fucking car chase in space.

    Kylo Ren, jesus fucking christ. Can someone tell him to stand up straight, smooth out his walking and movements...? He started out scary in the first part of the first film. Then it just got comical as the mystique faded. The movie Space Balls has a more serious undertone than this pile of shite.
    We get he is angry, but there is no motive..? Like wtf? He is not scary at all. He mystique of having the face covered made the bad guys. Kylo Ren is just a angry Millennial fucking it all up.

    Killing Snoke, wtf? No backstory or anything. The whole scene just dragged on. I mean Darth Vader killing Palpertine has a backstory and meaning. Killing Snoke has no fucking sense. When they do kill him they had a great opportunity to do something with that scene. Kylo Ren slowly taking the seat and Armitage Hux embracing being by his side. But noooooo. The whole scene became something more comical.

    What was the point of Rose..? OMG typical Disney. Why do they keep doing the Jesus syndrome story? 'We had nothing, these people enslaved us for years and years, we watched our parents die etc' OH FUCKING GO GOD PLEASE, we get it. We feel sorry for you.. get on with the story please...
    Why cast a Fat Asian Chick? Why.. why? She fucks shit up by not letting Fin complete his Suicide mission, then she sexually assaults him. Honest to god.. like really? I dont now if she wants to fuck him or eat him. 'ha ha, I eat ju with my chop suey lata'

    Poe is just cast so bad. Over acting and just greased up. What a shit character. I dont blame him though, he is a product of all the femi Nazis in control.
    That first scene of him taking on a star destroy all alone. So bad.... just so bad.

    Rey, they lead with her into her story... then nothing? What was the point? it was a gold opportunity for character development. The Empire strikes back shows Luke changing, getting stronger but not complete. Then in the Last Jedi... what does she do except dance her booty about? How the fuck does she know how to fight and kill the Emperors Royal Guard..? like how, HOOOW?!!!!! Then there is a black hole in the movie, how did she get on Millennium Falcon at the end? WTF!!! This is editing basics 101 FFS!!! They had a golden opportunity ending it like empire strikes back... Obi Wan Kinobi was your grandfather kinda thing.

    Leia and her superwoman montage..? Dont get me fucking started..

    The whole Casino story arch was just shit. The code breaker guy, I think they were trying to do a Bobba Fett kinda thing but just fucked it up plus Jesus syndrome story as usual.

    Luke... that whole throwing the light sabre scene. Just killed it. Him pracing about, what the point of the scenes with him? The whole facetime thing.. what a load of bollocks. I think Luke was so focused on facetiming so hard. Half way he realised he needed to go for a shit. Instead of going, he just used the force and clenched his butt so hard keeping his shit in. So in the end he just died because of toxic blood poisoning from not taking a dump. That story at least has substance.

    The Disneyfaction of the Star Wars franchise. They are going to sell a shit load of those cat puffin things as well as those ice foxes.

    Captain Phasma is probably one of the best characters of the shit show we got. I just wish they made her much much darker and kept her. But no, they had to fuck that up and kill her.

    FIN... this character is sums up what is wrong with the whole new franchise. He's not a pilot, he's not a smuggler, He can't fight, he has no force.. he not a engineer. He has no skill, what is his point in the movie other than being black? His character has no actual purpose. He is just a floater, like get on a do something with your life! Fuck Fin, he has no fucking purpose!!! He is the Jar Jar Binks of this shit.

    This movie is a great example of how not to make a movie. They dissected what made Star Wars so good and tore it apart. This movie has no actual story? Think about it.

    There is no strong lead male characters. There is none. Thats whats wrong. The lead female characters keep fucking shit up. I wonder who wrote this bollocks? It got all the hallmarks of a male feminist sympathiser.

    Im so pissed off. Thats two hours of my life im not gonna get back. I would have got more entertainment spending two hours on porn hub... hell the porn parody probably has more of a story plot that this shit.

    You know what...it reminds me of scene from a nightclub in East London I used to go to back in the day.
    You got the black kid with no education (Rin), no skills, but he is let in doing fake cool shit because he is just ...black. Then you got the sexy hot chick (Rey) that everyone wants to fuck but cant get near as she is going on this weird spiritual phase. Luke is the old dude in the club that thinks his 1970's Flare trousers and platform shoes are still the hype, he is showing everyone facetime on his new smart phone like its new stuff but nobody gives a shit and thinks he is just strange.. Luke beig frustrated that nobody is giving him attention so he just goes to the toilet to take a shit.

    Kylo Ren is the angry Millenial that is angry with his parents and is drinking waaay too much, so he kicks off a fight with security and a few randoms. Poe is the greasy guy that keeps hitting on the chicks. Snoke is the old time gangsta on oxygen in the private lounge that is that is waaay past his prime and should be in a old peoples home...in fact... he has just died and is actually dead. But nobody notices as too much shit is happening in the club.

    Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo holds the position of the typical feminist bitch at the club who hates men and just keeps pointing out decent guys and bitching about them. Then starts complaining to her friends that she cant find a nice guy. You got the old lady (Leia) that thinks she still has it but is waaaaaay past it and still craves attention but is not getting any because everyone is paying attention to Kylo Rens fight. So Leia fakes a heart attack to get attention and everyone gathers around but really she is ok.
    Whilst this is going on, the master code breaker guy jumps behind the bar and starts stealing the cash from the bar tenders tip jar. Captain Phasma is the head security chick, she see's this and starts fighting with code breaker guy. Creepy Fat Asian chick (Rose)has a crush on Fin, and while everyone is preoccupied with Leia and the fight, she spots her chance and sexually assaults super drunk Fin. Fin is too shocked and too much of a pussy to do anything. Whilst this all goes down, Luke is so constipated that he has a heart attack on the toilet whilst facing timing and dies alone.

    Bring on the next episode, what they gona do? They killed everyone that had a potential decent story except superwoman Leia that actually fucking did die.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    I thought this was sarcasm until I saw “Beast Accord 6-6”. Does it have Nav-Tech?
    Fully loaded. 278 raging hp burning through the front tires. Loved the new Star Wars and have been a fan since the 90's!

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  18. #58
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    Bad movie. Too long. Boring. Would not watch again.

  19. #59
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    Some thoughts I've had

    I would have loved to see Fin dragging Rose back to the base somewhere in the background while the AT-M6s were firing on Luke.

    Wedge Antilles > Poe Dameron. I hope they don't bring back Wedge in ep 9, I would hate to see them kill him off so unceremoniously as Admiral Ackbar.

    If Fin and Rose can escape into lightspeed during a chase, couldn't they have just sent the high ranking Resistance officers on there to escape?

    Where were the Y wings and B wings for the bombing run?

  20. #60
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    I see only one movie a year in theatres. Last one was TFA. Enjoyed that. Enjoyed TLJ.

    Then again I'm not worried about the grand story arc. I'm not emotionally invested in the characters. Just want a couple (or three) hours of entertainment. Movie fully delivered.
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