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Thread: Intermittent fasting

  1. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    I already brought it up in another thread and a few people lost their minds. As a trainer I don't like the stigma it creates that the only way to lose weight is to cut calories. 1) Because that's not true. And it's counter productive a lot of times 2) Because 99% of people who say they want to lose weight, don't want to actually lose weight. They want to lose fat, whether they understand the difference or not.

    But in regards to the thread topic. If you are rather portly, and you do just want to be a few pounds lighter and not too concerned about the mirror, or you have a big issue with over eating. Then IF is great for calorie control. As long as you aren't getting your calories from BK(see above).
    What would be your suggestion to lose fat? If 'weight' loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, is the exercise portion more accountable for burning fat? Or is Ketosis from diet something that aids more in that regard?

    Curious to pick your brain, what thread were people getting upset in? lol

  2. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    But in regards to the thread topic. If you are rather portly, and you do just want to be a few pounds lighter and not too concerned about the mirror, or you have a big issue with over eating. Then IF is great for calorie control. EVEN IF you are getting your calories from BK(see above).
    Yeah, you can lose weight eating ANYTHING if you intake less than you output.

  3. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    What would be your suggestion to lose fat? If 'weight' loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, is the exercise portion more accountable for burning fat? Or is Ketosis from diet something that aids more in that regard?

    Curious to pick your brain, what thread were people getting upset in? lol
    Trainers are not nutritionists or dieticians. That isn't to say that Misterman doesn't know what he's talking about, but it's an important distinction. For all I know, he may be a bodybuilding coach... and in that scenario, the diet mix is very much up his alley.

    But anyway, I've found some good success blending IF with a TCD. I maintain BF% of around 11% year round following IF and a timed carb diet. I keep carbs for after physical activity (not just lifting; any intense activity, including cardio). This works well FOR ME. It took me years of experimenting to find the balance.

    I can also cut down to 10%ish with three weeks of prep work. Effectively, I just stop eating junky cheat meals and stop drinking.

    Tried keto. Tried paleo. Etc. IF + timed carb is what does it.

    I have two cheat meals a week, both on Saturdays. I find it easy to maintain a cleanish diet during the week, and love my burgers + pizza + whatever on cheat days.

    Give it a try if you're looking to mix it up a bit.

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    I already brought it up in another thread and a few people lost their minds. As a trainer I don't like the stigma it creates that the only way to lose weight is to cut calories. 1) Because that's not true. And it's counter productive a lot of times 2) Because 99% of people who say they want to lose weight, don't want to actually lose weight. They want to lose fat, whether they understand the difference or not.

    But in regards to the thread topic. If you are rather portly, and you do just want to be a few pounds lighter and not too concerned about the mirror, or you have a big issue with over eating. Then IF is great for calorie control. As long as you aren't getting your calories from BK(see above).
    And "Trainers" like you are the problem in the fitness industry.

    Science says you are wrong. Science isn't a gym bro. Science wins.

  5. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    What would be your suggestion to lose fat? If 'weight' loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, is the exercise portion more accountable for burning fat? Or is Ketosis from diet something that aids more in that regard?

    Curious to pick your brain, what thread were people getting upset in? lol
    The minute details are different for everyone, so I'll give a brief overview of basics. Macro breakdown combined with a big enough calorie load is going to be the biggest contributor to fat loss results. It can take experimentation to find what works best for each individual. But the main thing to know is that metabolism is the manipulatable factor you want to be concerned with. Consuming more calories increases metabolism. A macro breakdown to support muscle growth instead of fat growth is key. This goes back to weight vs fat loss. Muscle requires more energy to support, so gaining muscle in itself increases metabolism, and increased metabolism leads to less fat. This is why the number on the scale does not tell the whole story and why I say that there is a difference between weight loss and fat loss. You can gain a bit of muscle, and lose BF%, look better in the mirror, but weigh more on the scale. This is why keto(not my recommendation) is so successful for a lot of people. Protein supports muscle mass, and there is no metabolic pathway for your body to turn protein into fat. So you really give your body no choice but to burn fat.

    As you can see, someone is already losing their shit now. Mogg is saying he doesn't understand science. But I'm guessing he didn't even care to read and understand what I said, so he just jumped to defense. I'm guessing in his mind he is putting words in my mouth and pretending that I said calorie deficit doesn't cause weight loss. Which is not even close to what I said.

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Yeah, you can lose weight eating ANYTHING if you intake less than you output.
    Yes totally agree. But as has been mentioned in detail now. Weight and fat aren't the same thing. Being a smaller version of your fat self isn't actually what most people want.

    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    Trainers are not nutritionists or dieticians. That isn't to say that Misterman doesn't know what he's talking about, but it's an important distinction. For all I know, he may be a bodybuilding coach... and in that scenario, the diet mix is very much up his alley.

    But anyway, I've found some good success blending IF with a TCD. I maintain BF% of around 11% year round following IF and a timed carb diet. I keep carbs for after physical activity (not just lifting; any intense activity, including cardio). This works well FOR ME. It took me years of experimenting to find the balance.

    I can also cut down to 10%ish with three weeks of prep work. Effectively, I just stop eating junky cheat meals and stop drinking.

    Tried keto. Tried paleo. Etc. IF + timed carb is what does it.

    I have two cheat meals a week, both on Saturdays. I find it easy to maintain a cleanish diet during the week, and love my burgers + pizza + whatever on cheat days.

    Give it a try if you're looking to mix it up a bit.
    Just to clarify. I'm not a workout coach. The word "trainer" is loosely thrown around by the masses, so I should've been more clear about that. When you seek a trainer in the fitness industry, you're searching for someone to diet you. A lot of these trainers will provide workout plans as well though. But their main focus is diet.

    It's good you've experimented and found your optimal diet situation. Most people never do because they don't understand the basic fundamentals to begin with. Personally I have amazing results with carb cycling. I'll do something like 2 days no carb, 1 day carb. Calories remain the same on all days, but my carbs are supplemented with fats on no carb days. That got me in the neighborhood of 4%BF at 3600cals per day.

  6. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    It's good you've experimented and found your optimal diet situation. Most people never do because they don't understand the basic fundamentals to begin with. Personally I have amazing results with carb cycling. I'll do something like 2 days no carb, 1 day carb. Calories remain the same on all days, but my carbs are supplemented with fats on no carb days. That got me in the neighborhood of 4%BF at 3600cals per day.
    Alright mate, not saying you're full of shit, but prove the 4% claim. Getting that low unassisted (read: gear / steroids) is nigh impossible without incredible genetics.

    So... yea, I'd love to see you validate that.

  7. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    Alright mate, not saying you're full of shit, but prove the 4% claim. Getting that low unassisted (read: gear / steroids) is nigh impossible without incredible genetics.

    So... yea, I'd love to see you validate that.
    Well I didn't take pics of caliper readings the day before the show. So take it for what it's worth. Not really too concerned if you believe me or not.

  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    Alright mate, not saying you're full of shit, but prove the 4% claim. Getting that low unassisted (read: gear / steroids) is nigh impossible without incredible genetics.

    So... yea, I'd love to see you validate that.
    Hasnt he already come out and incidentally mentioned that he's a roid user?

  9. #289
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    I'm ripped these days, have a six pack, 11% bf, can still bench 325 thanks to Jim Stoppani.

    4% BF, post some pics - I'd kindly say your full of shit.

  10. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent.ff View Post
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    Hasnt he already come out and incidentally mentioned that he's a roid user?
    Don't ever recall saying I wasn't. Not sure why A790 decided to throw that in there?

    Quote Originally Posted by BavarianBeast View Post
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    I'm ripped these days, have a six pack, 11% bf, can still bench 325 thanks to Jim Stoppani.

    4% BF, post some pics - I'd kindly say your full of shit.

    2nd place at 2013 Provincials.

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  11. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Well I didn't take pics of caliper readings the day before the show. So take it for what it's worth. Not really too concerned if you believe me or not.
    It's not a function of me believing you. It's an outrageous claim that needs to be verified since you're also in here throwing around your trainer credentials and giving people advice.

    4% is an incredible feat, and one that 99% of the time needs steroids to achieve.

    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Don't ever recall saying I wasn't. Not sure why A790 decided to throw that in there?
    I never said you did or didn't. I said that 4% generally needs it. Read what I wrote mate.

    If that IS you in that pic, fucking incredible conditioning. Well done. Not sure why you're hiding your face though.

  12. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Don't ever recall saying I wasn't. Not sure why A790 decided to throw that in there?

    2nd place at 2013 Provincials.

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    I stand corrected, good for you bro!

  13. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by A790 View Post
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    It's not a function of me believing you. It's an outrageous claim that needs to be verified since you're also in here throwing around your trainer credentials and giving people advice.
    Let's be clear. I'm not throwing around any credentials. Someone asked why I cringe when I hear the calories in vs calories out claim. I explained why I feel that way.

    If anyone is going to blindly follow what some nameless person on the internet said just because they mentioned they've trained people, that's on them. I would by all means suggest anyone reading this information go research it for themselves if they're unsatisfied or in doubt. I'm not re-inventing the wheel here by any means, I'm simply looking at what the best trainers/diet coaches in the world are doing, understanding the science behind it, and applying it myself. When the same 3 diet coaches can consistently diet different people to 3%BF year after year with their methods, it shouldn't be in question whether those methods work or not.

    Now very few people want to look like a pro bodybuilder, which is the argument the usually follows next. But I would say that is irrelevant. The principles of fat loss are the same. Do different types of drugs and steroids aid the process? Of course. But again, the principles are the same. Maybe you won't hit 250lbs at 4%BF without these aides, but the same diet principles can certainly get you to 10-12%BF and a nice build. I think a lot of people assume that drugs are just a magic pill that allows you to be a ripped freak while sitting on the couch eating potatoe chips.

  14. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Let's be clear. I'm not throwing around any credentials. Someone asked why I cringe when I hear the calories in vs calories out claim. I explained why I feel that way.

    If anyone is going to blindly follow what some nameless person on the internet said just because they mentioned they've trained people, that's on them. I would by all means suggest anyone reading this information go research it for themselves if they're unsatisfied or in doubt. I'm not re-inventing the wheel here by any means, I'm simply looking at what the best trainers/diet coaches in the world are doing, understanding the science behind it, and applying it myself. When the same 3 diet coaches can consistently diet different people to 3%BF year after year with their methods, it shouldn't be in question whether those methods work or not.

    Now very few people want to look like a pro bodybuilder, which is the argument the usually follows next. But I would say that is irrelevant. The principles of fat loss are the same. Do different types of drugs and steroids aid the process? Of course. But again, the principles are the same. Maybe you won't hit 250lbs at 4%BF without these aides, but the same diet principles can certainly get you to 10-12%BF and a nice build. I think a lot of people assume that drugs are just a magic pill that allows you to be a ripped freak while sitting on the couch eating potatoe chips.
    Fair enough. There's been a few threads when you mention that you're a trainer/etc., so that's the perception I had, but if that's not what you were going for then my bad (re: throwing credentials around).

    I wanted to articulate that steroids were utilized to hit your level of conditioning because your original message almost made it seem like carb cycling alone would get you there. Again, more how I perceived it vs. what you were saying. Thanks for clarifying.

  15. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    God this makes me cringe every time I see someone write it.

    Just all depends what you're eating. 3000cals of chicken breast and rice? Yeah that's tough. 3 double whoppers in a 6 hour window? Amateur hour.
    I can easily (and have) eaten 3000kcal of chicken breast and rice in a single sitting.
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    My car sounds like shit.

  16. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilDrunkenSmurf View Post
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    I can easily (and have) eaten 3000kcal of chicken breast and rice in a single sitting.
    Good for you? Lol.
    So can a lot of people. Weird flex in a thread like this.

  17. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disoblige View Post
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    Good for you? Lol.
    So can a lot of people. Weird flex in a thread like this.
    ... He's claiming it's difficult? In the quoted post? Did you read it?
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    My car sounds like shit.

  18. #298
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    Check out "gluconeogenesis".

    That will give you a metabolic pathway for protein to be broken down into sugar.

    Anyway, it's a very difficult process, and a fight or flight/survival mechanism more or less.

    2nd place provincials is amazing. Nice work
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

    -H.P. Lovecraft

  19. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilDrunkenSmurf View Post
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    ... He's claiming it's difficult? In the quoted post? Did you read it?
    Yes I did read it. It might not be extremely difficult but saying you can eat 3000 calories of that "easily" is a weird flex regardless. You're just trying to show off that you can eat a lot, we get it. :P

    Edit: So as an example..
    One cup chicken breast around 230 calories. So let's say 6.5 cups.

    And assuming the other 1500 calories is from rice, 200 calories per cup.

    So you can eat 7+ cups of rice plus 6.5 cups of chicken breast easily in one sitting? Definitely trying to flex you can eat a lot lol.
    Hey I can eat more than you probably too ;-)
    Last edited by Disoblige; 05-21-2019 at 12:04 AM.

  20. #300
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    Can confirm, am a fatass.
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyfuel View Post
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    That's why I just say I have a 4" dick and lift weights to make up for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    My car sounds like shit.

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