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Thread: Intermittent fasting

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    @tirebob - that's awesome man!

    I did not have as much luck. Within a 12 day span over the Holidays I gained 35lbs while going to the gym 11 out of those 12 days.

    I did not however stick to IF and I was consuming more calories (sugars/carbs etc) than I normally would. We'll say more than double on average per day. I am curious if I had stuck to that fasting window if my weight would have fluctuated as much.

    After a week in the gym, back to IF and watching my calories/carbs I've shed 25 of those pounds which I imagine were mostly water weight.

    I feel great again and know that I've been building steady muscle under all the skin/fat.

    My body is fucking broken though. I could have one night where I drink or have pizza etc and next morning scale reflects a 10lb surplus.

    I've learned through my 30 some odd years on the planet that when it comes to weight/exercise/gains and growth that you can't really have any expectations as they generally only cause the wrong mindset and often causes setbacks or lead to disappointment etc.
    Woahhh that is a crazy gain! I really cannot understand why in particular it seems to be working so well for me and then someone else can have a radically different result. Are you eating a more restrictive diet like Keto or the like and maybe the big difference in foods has a larger effect in the short term when you fall off the wagon? I know my diet has not been like Keto where it is super meat/fat heavy. I tend to eat a massive amount of veggies and a lot less meat than before so maybe it just wasn't as difficult for my body to adjust? Man that is really tough to figure out. Good on you for bouncing back though man!

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    @tirebob - that's awesome man!

    I did not have as much luck. Within a 12 day span over the Holidays I gained 35lbs while going to the gym 11 out of those 12 days.

    I did not however stick to IF and I was consuming more calories (sugars/carbs etc) than I normally would. We'll say more than double on average per day. I am curious if I had stuck to that fasting window if my weight would have fluctuated as much.

    After a week in the gym, back to IF and watching my calories/carbs I've shed 25 of those pounds which I imagine were mostly water weight.

    I feel great again and know that I've been building steady muscle under all the skin/fat.

    My body is fucking broken though. I could have one night where I drink or have pizza etc and next morning scale reflects a 10lb surplus.

    I've learned through my 30 some odd years on the planet that when it comes to weight/exercise/gains and growth that you can't really have any expectations as they generally only cause the wrong mindset and often causes setbacks or lead to disappointment etc.
    How In the hell did you put on what 3 pounds a day ? How is that even possible ?
    A Ferrari is a high maintenance chick, you spend money regardless of what you do with her. You can baby the C63, or slap on all seasons, and you won't be spending anything but yearly maintenance. Of course that's like dating a stripper and refusing to fuck her, which would make you gay.

    Originally posted by Rage2

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    @tirebob - that's awesome man!

    I did not have as much luck. Within a 12 day span over the Holidays I gained 35lbs while going to the gym 11 out of those 12 days.

    After a week in the gym, back to IF and watching my calories/carbs I've shed 25 of those pounds which I imagine were mostly water weight.
    You sure your scale works correctly?

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by bourge73 View Post
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    How In the hell did you put on what 3 pounds a day ? How is that even possible ?
    I mean, i put on 9lbs in one night after a visit to Bolero. Promptly shed it all the next morning

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
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    Woahhh that is a crazy gain! I really cannot understand why in particular it seems to be working so well for me and then someone else can have a radically different result. Are you eating a more restrictive diet like Keto or the like and maybe the big difference in foods has a larger effect in the short term when you fall off the wagon? I know my diet has not been like Keto where it is super meat/fat heavy. I tend to eat a massive amount of veggies and a lot less meat than before so maybe it just wasn't as difficult for my body to adjust? Man that is really tough to figure out. Good on you for bouncing back though man!
    When I'm working on losing weight I'm low carb low calorie, around 1200-1500/day and aiming for 150-200g of protein as well. It feels like my body reacts very poorly to carbohydrate intake and then balloons but always comes back down a couple days later. When my body normalizes i'll have a day or two when I'm peeing 20+ times in a day. It's irritating as fuck

    Quote Originally Posted by bourge73 View Post
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    How In the hell did you put on what 3 pounds a day ? How is that even possible ?
    I wish I could tell you scientifically but i would say it's mostly bloating and water retention.

    Quote Originally Posted by mazdavirgin View Post
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    You sure your scale works correctly?
    Yes I'm certain LOL, it has been happening for years, and i've monitored afterwards. I imagine if I didn't look at the scale things would normalise after time but it's easy to be ignorant and not hold yourself accountable by not watching the scale (for me anyway)

    Quote Originally Posted by beyond_ban View Post
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    I mean, i put on 9lbs in one night after a visit to Bolero. Promptly shed it all the next morning
    LOL - your poor septic system
    Last edited by hurrdurr; 01-11-2019 at 07:13 PM.

  6. #186
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    So, I know early in the thread a few guys were talking about a 16 hour daily fast, but I'm wondering if you get the same benefits from a slightly shorter fast, like 14 hours? Is there any science behind the length of time that is required to see the benefits? Just based on a wild-assed-guess I'd think it had to be longer than 12 hours. Any studies on this? I guess if you are doing calorie restriction then a shorter eating window might be helpful.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by hurrdurr View Post
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    When I'm working on losing weight I'm low carb low calorie, around 1200-1500/day and aiming for 150-200g of protein as well.
    wow 1200 is lower than I've ever done for sustained periods, how do you feel on that?
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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  7. #187
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    I don't have anything handy, but the gist of the IF is to deplete your body's glycogen stores (from your last meal) and force your body to then burn fat. Your glycogen stores last about 12 hours, so the longer the fasting period beyond 12 hours, the more effective IF will be.

    I would imagine results would vary depending on how clean someone eats during their consumption period... I'm not sure what the results would be of super clean eating and 14hrs of fasting vs. something like an 18hr fast and then nothing but pizza.

    I stopped IF for about 3 weeks over the holidays, but am back at it now. I shoot for a minimum of 16 hours and work's been so crazy that sometimes I go 18++ without really noticing. I have to admit, this isn't based on anything other than my own justification, but the longer I fast, the less guilty I feel about eating less clean or having a drink in the evening.
    Last edited by you&me; 01-12-2019 at 11:17 AM.

  8. #188
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    So 14+ hours should be beneficial. Cool.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    So 14+ hours should be beneficial. Cool.
    Not really... even the 16hr is borderline. The real magic STARTS around 16hrs... 18hrs is easy noon-6, or 2-8 still gives you two meals around standard feeding times

  10. #190
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    Is this all bro science or have there been studies done?
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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  11. #191
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    Does this count for sleeping? Like if I eat supper st 7 then don’t have lunch the next day till 2pm, is that considered an IF? I usually don’t eat until the afternoon anyways as I like to workout on an empty stomach.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Is this all bro science or have there been studies done?
    I thiiink it was in this episode that Dr. Rhonda Patrick talks about it... or I read it somewhere else... try around the 2.5hr mark

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Is this all bro science or have there been studies done?
    I think I posted it earlier in the thread but I use an app called Zero. In the app there is a “Science” section where they post content about studies and different research and etc. on IF however, I would recommend doing your own research. Also, on the app, you can customize your fast, but it is preset to do 16/8 and a circadian rhythm fast which is for 13 hours.

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent.ff View Post
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    Back on IF, plus whole30.. 180 as of Monday, we'll see where we end up. Lots of biking, soccer, ski touring (Jan 7, 2019)
    Down to 169.5.. lost 8 lbs in the first week (booze/water weight), so now slower. Feeling fit though, did a 1600 m ski tour on sun followed by soccer and felt strong for both. Lots of time on the bike for aerobic base

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Mazda View Post
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    Does this count for sleeping? Like if I eat supper st 7 then don’t have lunch the next day till 2pm, is that considered an IF? I usually don’t eat until the afternoon anyways as I like to workout on an empty stomach.
    Yes, because even though your body is sleeping it is in a fasted state since you are not actively eating therefore not replenishing your glycogen stores. 7am->2pm is approx 19hrs (of course as long as you don't snack/drink after you 7pm dinner)

    As mentioned by other posts, 16hr fasts are the ideal minimum to start seeing results, especially in guys. Ladies generally can only go 12-14hrs due to hormone differences.

    My target is usually 16-20hrs fasts 4x a week. Stop eating @ 8pm and break fast between 4-6pm the next day.
    Stupidity is a disease we all have, it's like a form of brain herpes. Outbreaks will occasionally occur.

  16. #196
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    Thanks. I’m honestly not hungry when I get up. I’ve never been a breakfast person, I can go well into the afternoon before I’m hungry again. Is this a good way to lose weight?

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Mazda View Post
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    Thanks. I’m honestly not hungry when I get up. I’ve never been a breakfast person, I can go well into the afternoon before I’m hungry again. Is this a good way to lose weight?
    Depends on what your eating when you do get hungry and what you eat for the rest of the day.

    I'm on a warrior type diet, where I don't typically eat until 5pm. But from 5pm - 11pm I'll crush a ton of food. I can lose about 5lbs/week with this diet + exercise at 5'10" and 198lbs (on heavier side right now). Target is 175lbs in 4 weeks and being shredded. I'll update how it goes.

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercchry View Post
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    I thiiink it was in this episode that Dr. Rhonda Patrick talks about it... or I read it somewhere else... try around the 2.5hr mark
    Yea it starts right around here:


  19. #199
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    I can't fathom just drinking water from wake-up at 5:30am to 5pm. My god lol. And then eat basically 2 meals, one at 5 and another say 7/8?

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    I can't fathom just drinking water from wake-up at 5:30am to 5pm. My god lol. And then eat basically 2 meals, one at 5 and another say 7/8?
    If you are up at 5:30, when do you go to bed? I don't think you want to be eating a real meal right before bed.

    I've been trying out the IF thing from 6pm until noon.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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