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Thread: Why Did I Get Fired - Inspired By Maxt

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by lasimmon View Post
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    ^^ last line added to save face... no one believe you
    Of course its true, after that job if I didn't work I wouldn't get paid

  2. #42
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    lol. Some of these are all hilarious.

    Mine is from when I should have been old enough to know better, but I was having too much damn fun. I would have to check my ROE, but I want to say I was 23. I was working at the City pools as a supervisor & had keys to the facility. Despite being city facilities, the pools were privatized & while our manager was a good dude, the company running things was terrible – It was pretty common to push the rules as most felt underappreciated and underpaid compared to every other pool out there.

    One of these items abused was for staff to stay after work and go swimming/hot-tubbing – They had got rid of the cleaning staff to save $$ and made the lifeguards stay an hour after their shift, so it became common place as everyone was sweaty and gross after. Eventually this turned into the odd “unofficial” staff party, and a select group of us went a bit too far & started coming back at 2am after the clubs/bars. Security cameras were still on an old VCR system and half the cameras didn’t work, so it was as easy as ejecting the tape at the end of your shift and popping it back in before you left after your skinny dip.

    It was a crazy time & went on for the better part of a year – Oh man the stories, I need a “Lifeguard Confidential” forum for them alone, lol. Then people started taking stupid risks like inviting friends/hookups from the bar back. One time I get there after a text and it’s like 3 lifeguards, 1 ex staff and 10 randoms, so I shut it down. Now while we’re waiting for everyone to clear out, Mr. ex staff knows his way around & thinks it would be hilarious to make photo copies of his ass in the guard office – Only problem is his fat ass cracks the glass in the process. He says nothing to anyone, pulls his pants up over the shards of glass in his ass, and closes the lid on top of the blood and leaves. Next morning I get a phone call about what happened since I had closed the night before – Had no idea. They eventually uncovered the story from one of the other staff there and threatening them – Eventually someone caved. I ended up taking the fall in the end once they found out I was the ringleader behind most of the late night swimming. Was actually terrified at the time since they had discussed trespassing charges & tried to make me pay for the photocopier originally, lol.

    I want to say I’ve matured as an old man, but those nights were the funnest part of my uni days, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Poor first aid bed prob hasn’t seen any action since I’ve left
    Originally posted by killramos
    It's a Chrysler, it won't last long enough to depreciate.

  3. #43
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    Well, I was an asshole kid. I believe it told a few stories on here.

    I ended up getting caught at one point and got charged for shit I did. Because i was a minor, i had to pay for damages and do community service.

    Me and my buddy were working at the food bank to work off my debt. There were so many ripe tomatoes...so many big open walls...both me and my buddy got fired....from community service....at the food bank, for throwing tomatoes at the wall.

    I'm an idiot lol
    Last edited by 03ozwhip; 06-27-2019 at 12:32 PM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03ozwhip View Post
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    Well, I was an asshole kid. I believe it told a few stories on here.

    I ended up getting caught at one point and got charged for shit I did. Because i was a minor, i had to pay for damages and do community service.

    Me and my buddy were working at the food bank to work off my debt. There were so many ripe tomatoes...so many big open walls...both me and my buddy got fired....from community service....at the food bank, for throwing tomatoes at the wall.

    I'm an idiot lol
    If it makes you feels better, every grocery store in the city has tomato splat marks high up on the back room walls.

  5. #45
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    I had a winning 19th birthday. I woke up that friday? my friends mom whom i was living/paying rent told me i had a week to find a new place to live. Then i go outside/go work, my sweet chevette doors and hatch open, stereo gone.

    I think i got my roommate/friend to drive me to work and i was fired at the end of the day, totally unexpectedly. Later that evening I got food poisoning from "the king and i" thai resturant on 12th? Parents were out of town so i left the club and headed to okotoks where my girlfriend was going to come stay with me later (i left the club at 9:15 or something).

    Had to crawl from my car (shouldn't have been driving at that point) to the house and I was really really sick by that time (45ish mins after leaving the club), hallucinating, fever, sick to stomach, and feeling weird, like i was getting a really bad flu. Don't remember shit for 2 days, whole weekend. Sunday night I was much better. Not really sure wtf but I still tell the story ha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darell_n View Post
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    If it makes you feels better, every grocery store in the city has tomato splat marks high up on the back room walls.
    No doubt. Back in the day working at the IGA as a kid, guys used to throw expired produce into the dry stockroom ceiling fan - the walls around it were just pitch black.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BerserkerCatSplat View Post
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    No doubt. Back in the day working at the IGA as a kid, guys used to throw expired produce into the dry stockroom ceiling fan - the walls around it were just pitch black.

  8. #48
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    I worked at a Wendy’s for about 6 weeks when I was 14. My older brother knew the manager and I interviewed well. My only caveat for the summer... Do NOT schedule me on Tuesdays. Manager said no problem. I was an accomplished piano player and took extensive Royal Conservatory Courses to get my higher levels as I was considering becoming an instructor in the future. Tuesdays were the only days back then you could advance quickly in levels by cramming the multiple lessons and testing on the same day.

    Assistant Manager didn’t like me that much, so scheduled me on a Tuesday to fix a scheduling conflict she couldn’t resolve any other way. Asked for that day to be moved as I have a standing request which I had only accepted employment in the first place be approved. She promptly removed my Tuesday off request moving forward and told me if I didn’t show up - I’d be fired.

    Tuesday came and went. I didn’t show up..... Assistant Manager called me and fired me over the phone. I laughed, swore at her and hung up.

    My next shift was Thursday. Manager called me asking WTF?? I didn’t show up for the Thursday shift and that’s unusual. Oh?? Didn’t you know Assistant Manager scheduled me for a Tuesday, cancelled all my future Tuesdays and fired me for no-show of a Tuesday shift?? News to him! Told me to come in right away to clarify what happened.

    Me, Manager and Assistant Manager had a brief meeting in the office. Assistant manager spewed large web of lies for 15 minutes, Manager took notes silently the whole time. Manager asked me if I had anything to add? Nope. Nothing other than what I said to him on the phone. Manager turns to Assistant Manager and promptly fires her. While she cried, Manager turned to me and offered me my job back. I turn it down. Thanks, but No thanks, plenty of other places where I can make far more than $4.50/hr.

    I wasn’t technically fired from this job, but I was threatened with termination and quit in retaliation.

    I worked for Blockbuster Video part time at the tail end of high school/beginning of college. What a pitiful company to work for. If you happened to know ANYTHING else other than how to run a till, the company had a tendancy to try to use those skills to the point of abuse and give you NO credit for your contributions in the same breath (sleazy management would always use employee skills in ANY possible way to catapult them to corporate status). They were also into this cheesy "family atmosphere"-styled corporate culture that made you vomit. Nepotism was also rampant.

    I was one of the few people that knew how to repair a till, fix a VCR/TV/computer, fix broken VHS tapes via splicing and so on at the store level. I didn't mind doing the work as I was given quite a few perks at the time, but when the store managers figured they were saving a small fortune by having me do the repairs - they would gloat about THEIR accomplishment of barely using the repair budget at regional meetings.

    It wasn't bad at first. But when I started getting phone calls on my days off at closing time (when I was trying to study) to troubleshoot a computer problem or a till error .... or to expect me to come in off hours (without pay) to get a tape stuck out of a VCR - that's where I drew the line. I was told that my job was hanging by a thread, and if I wanted to keep it I would have to start teaching them how I performed my repairs - no dice. When my job was threatened for non-compliance, I fought back.

    I sent a letter to my managers with copies going to several other store managers in the area and the regional office detailing all the company policies and labour laws that were broken or ignored to get those beloved cost savings. Suffice it to say I fucked them over pretty badly. At the end of the letter I tendered my resignation. The copy going to the regional office had this information that the other letters didn't have... I asked them to note the date I resigned and see the sudden INCREASE in the repair budget AFTER I left. It also didn't help that there was a healthy backlog of repairs at the time I walked.

    Three months later I got a phone call from corporate. I was offered a technical freelance position that would roam from store to store doing repairs at a MUCH higher rate of pay! I took it on principle because the hours were flexible and I felt a sense of poetic justice.

    One thing I could say is I LOVED it when customers would accidently return one of their own VHS tapes in one of our covers. I've had a few instances of people recording their gay/lesbian, S&M, bondage or fetish sessions on tape (I'm not kidding). The reactions from the customers who came back to get their tape was PRICELESS!

  9. #49
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    Mine's a bit of petty revenge plus almost being fired.

    The closest I've come to being fired was working at Rogers video around 2008-2009. I was in university and needed the money, there was Blockbuster just up the road and Rogers Video just down the road. I walked into Blockbuster to apply and the guy there laughed at me for even applying, said there was a whole process and hiring fairs and they don't "just hire" people so I took my resume and walked over to Rogers, asked if they were hiring and told the guy about what happened at Blockbuster - we both laughed about it and I got the job on the spot.

    Things were great for a few months, never had to work too hard, always got paid on time, pretty chill environment but then one day I get a text from the store manager - he just got fired for stealing and they fired the assistant manager too because she was in on it. I had no idea but to be honest, I really didn't pay attention to what they did, it was a minimum wage job and I just ran the till and cleaned the store and minded my own business. They brought in some bitch who worked the Forest Lawn location to open and close (since they no longer trusted everybody) and she was the most insufferable cunt to work for. She immediately sucked all the fun out of the job, moved everybody's schedules around and constantly berated us for not being good enough. The only highlight of this is that she had to drive 30 minutes to our location instead of working right beside her home, and that she had to open every single morning. After about a week I was working alone with her and she said some rude thing about how everybody was so lazy at our location, I forget exactly what, and I mentioned that maybe it's because she was a slave driver and people don't take kindly to being treated this way. She disappeared to the back (obviously to make a phone call) then came back 5 minutes later and sent me home for "gossiping" (WTF?), said to leave immediately, I'd be paid for the day but they were bringing somebody else in to finish my shift.

    When I came back the next day they had a big stack of paperwork ready for me and she asked that I leave my phone and all electronics at the front desk and come to the back with her. It was pretty obvious I was about to get railroaded for my old boss's stealing (after she came in she kept hinting that clearly everybody in the store MUST have known about it) so I told her not to bother, I called her a fucking bitch and walked out. I saw her car there opening the store every day for almost 3 months after that

    Talking to a couple other people who used to work there, a couple of them got written up or fired for being involved with the theft - no idea if that's legit or not but they insist it wasn't - the cunt from Forest Lawn ended up running the place and since she was a "manager" she didn't even get overtime for the long hours they made her work.
    Originally posted by Vagabond142
    Is the best game. Ever. In everness. It is more awesome than a robot caveman punching God in the dick. It is that awesome

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