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Thread: 2020 US Election mega thread

  1. #2221
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    You mean Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, same guy who claims to have invented email, that Vitamin C is all that's required to treat Covid-19, that the coronoavirus was being spread by the Deep State under the direction of Dr. Fauci, and in the modeling he presented at the AZ hearing only realized the "+130" by manipulating variable to get the answer he wanted (including 58% of independents voting for Trump)? That guy? Seems like a reliable source.

  2. #2222
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    Only reason I can see for allowing him to speak would be to further push to release the actual data for analysis. In Arizona they confirmed there was no point to recount given that they are alleging physical ballots were introduced, so the count would end up the exact same. This is why they push for the data or to discard ballots.

  3. #2223
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    This was an interesting witness. https://youtu.be/eZXkAv7yKgw?t=15777

    TLDR: One from the other team pointing issues with poll worker training. Unfounded baseless evidence (sarcasm), based on first-hand account with voice recordings as well as a court case. This testimony backs up others claims that the TCF Center was a hostile environment for Republican poll watchers and challengers, where the obstruction wasn't accidental but planned. Which also just *happens* to have occurred in the same fashion in other key districts in other states. Stating fact from testimony, not making a judgement here myself.
    Last edited by syscal; 12-02-2020 at 05:41 PM.

  4. #2224
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    Lin wood with Crazy Kraken lady at a rally encouraging people not to vote for republican senators unless they join in on the madness

    Please keep it up

  5. #2225
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    Nothing about this in the media? I'm seeing NOTHING on YouTube or Google search from any main stream media outlets.

    Why would they do this on camera? For anyone who doesn't watch, it's video surveillance of suitcases of ballots being pulled out from under tables after poll workers and challengers told counting stopped and being sent out. Then tabulated when the room is empty. Four cameras with timestamps confirming affidavits of witnesses who spoke to the situation. Unless they find a good reason for this to happen (wtf could it be?) this is a smoking gun for Georgia as far as evidence goes.

    Move movement in PA - http://www.repmetcalfe.com/News/1868...and-Integrity-

    HARRISBURG – Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) joined with Senator-Elect Cris Dush, Rep. Aaron Bernstine, Rep. Tim Bonner, Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, Rep. Jim Cox, Rep. Russ Diamond, Rep. Jonathan Fritz, Rep. Mark Gillen, Rep. Barbara Gleim, Rep. Jim Gregory, Rep. Rich Irvin, Rep. R. Lee James, Rep. Mike Jones, Rep. Rob Kauffman, Rep. Dawn Keefer, Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, Rep. David Maloney, Rep. David Millard, Rep. Brett Miller, Rep. Dan Moul, Rep. Mike Puskaric, Rep. Kathy Rapp, Rep. Brad Roae, Rep. David Rowe, Rep. Frank Ryan, Rep. Tommy Sankey, Rep. Paul Schemel, Rep-Elect Brian Smith, Rep. Craig Staats, Rep. Parke Wentling and Rep. Dave Zimmerman in sending the following letter calling on Gov. Tom Wolf to exercise his constitutional authority and immediately convene the PA General Assembly into special session to provide election oversight:

    “Dear Governor Wolf:

    “We call on you to exercise your constitutional authority to immediately convene the General Assembly into a special session for the purpose of enabling the General Assembly to swear in its members and organize. Article II Section 2 provides for a legislator’s term to begin on December 1st. Article II Section 4 requires the legislature to convene at noon on the first Tuesday of January, at which time we are scheduled to be sworn in and organize. Due to the extraordinary election activities occurring, it is necessary for the General Assembly be sworn in and organize immediately in order to be actively engaged in continued oversight of this election to ensure the integrity of the process.

    “Article IV Section 12 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania provides that the governor ‘may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the General Assembly.’ Additionally, Article II Section 4 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania provides that a special session may be ‘called by the Governor whenever in his opinion public interest requires.’ This election clearly represents an extraordinary occasion, and the public interest requires that you convene the General Assembly immediately.

    “There are numerous unanswered questions regarding the election that require a sitting General Assembly to examine and fulfill our duty to conduct oversight. A General Assembly in session is necessary to seek answers to these questions to help restore our citizens’ faith in the electoral process. Interim State Government Committee Chair Seth Grove sent a list of such questions to Secretary Boockvar. In addition to his requests, we request the following information and answers to the following questions:

    1. The logs indicating when dropbox ballots were collected and delivered, the log of persons who made these deliveries and who had access to dropbox keys and when that access was obtained.
    2. Whether local officials created a two-person per key system with ballot dropboxes, such as an authorization key, physical key, or yubikey to ensure these ballots were properly collected and delivered for counting.
    3. The logs indicating when ballots were collected and delivered from temporary satellite offices, and who had access.
    4. The list of all private persons deputized to collect ballots through mobile pick-up efforts.
    5. How were ballots delivered to the Pennsylvania Convention Center on November 3 and November 4? Are the logs to delivery trucks available for review?
    6. How many jurisdictions used private grants to pay election workers? Which counties specifically participated in these grants?
    7. Were local officials required to follow directives from the donors of these private grants? If so, what were the directives? Which counties specifically participated in these grants? Why were some counties eligible for these grants while others were not?
    8. In response to eyewitness testimony presented during the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing held on November 25th in Gettysburg, the logs to the tabulators demonstrating which and when votes were recorded in Philadelphia during election week must be released.
    9. The release of the shift logs and shift changes kept during election week for all workers and volunteers present in polling and tabulating locations.
    10. The number, if any, of challenged ballots that were cast and the number which were counted.
    11. Contracts between the state and/or local election offices and private organizations allowing either data sharing regarding poll books and registered voter lists or cooperation which involved allowing access to enter data in the poll books or participate in the design or maintenance or enhancement of the poll books and the Sure system.
    12. Access to all video of dropboxes and all documents and information relating to the security steps taken to protect the integrity of ballots entering dropboxes and removed from dropboxes. Also, all documents and information relating to security and systems implemented to prevent fraudulent ballots becoming comingled with dropbox ballots.
    13. Any and all communications and action taken to comply with court orders to segregate “cured” ballots from non-cured ballots and to segregate ballots received after election day from those received in a timely fashion.
    14. Copies of the contract between the state and local officials with machine vendors making clear reference to the state’s right to gain access to machine logs and to conduct a review and/or investigation of machine performance. If this right is not reserved to the commonwealth or the local election office an explanation of why this right was not reserved.
    15. Inventory of and logs of all USB or any other electronic data storage device which the Commonwealth, Counties, voting machine vendors or third parties to the voting process which had access to precinct or county voting systems as well as to any which were connected in any way to the SURE system.

    “In addition, yesterday a Pennsylvania whistle blower revealed new information. A truck driver working for a subcontractor of the United States Postal Service revealed that he transported well over 100,000 completed absentee ballots from Bethpage, NY to Harrisburg, PA. There is no logical explanation for this to happen.

    “We call on you to exercise the authority granted to you in our Pennsylvania constitution to call the General Assembly immediately into session so that we can provide the election oversight the public deserves.”

    Representative Daryl Metcalfe
    12th District
    Pennsylvania House of Representatives
    Media Contact: Ty McCauslin
    RepMetcalfe.com / Facebook.com/RepMetcalfe
    Last edited by syscal; 12-04-2020 at 12:28 AM. Reason: clarity

  6. #2226
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    Quote Originally Posted by syscal View Post
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    Nothing about this in the media? I'm seeing NOTHING on YouTube or Google search from any main stream media outlets.

    Why would they do this on camera? For anyone who doesn't watch, it's video surveillance of suitcases of ballots being pulled out from under tables after poll workers and challengers told counting stopped and being sent out. Then tabulated when the room is empty. Four cameras with timestamps confirming affidavits of witnesses who spoke to the situation. Unless they find a good reason for this to happen (wtf could it be?) this is a smoking gun for Georgia as far as evidence goes.

    Move movement in PA - http://www.repmetcalfe.com/News/1868...and-Integrity-
    Probably didn't realize they were on video. Funny listening to that snooty bitch after the video is presented.

  7. #2227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Probably didn't realize they were on video. Funny listening to that snooty bitch after the video is presented.
    This is what I noticed too. This hearing and the Michigan one had democrats present. Watching this is the same as Canadian politics where, as a general statement, the conservatives tend to be level headed and listening and the liberals just call everyone a poopy-head and bring up CNN headlines. I can't imagine some of these people being thought of as professionals...it doesn't compute for me. I'm certain both sides have people like this, but it's what I'm noticing here. Guy in Michigan brought up Giuliani asking Trump for a pardon, after repeatedly misrepresenting this 30+ lawsuits being thrown out, which really brought out some drama.

  8. #2228
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    Quote Originally Posted by syscal View Post
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    This is what I noticed too. This hearing and the Michigan one had democrats present. Watching this is the same as Canadian politics where, as a general statement, the conservatives tend to be level headed and listening and the liberals just call everyone a poopy-head and bring up CNN headlines. I can't imagine some of these people being thought of as professionals...it doesn't compute for me. I'm certain both sides have people like this, but it's what I'm noticing here. Guy in Michigan brought up Giuliani asking Trump for a pardon, after repeatedly misrepresenting this 30+ lawsuits being thrown out, which really brought out some drama.
    And the black woman in Michigan who kept screaming about being "under oath". The chairman is like "Uhhh, they have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury, they technically are under oath" Then she proceeds to just go on a yelling fit.

    Anyway, drama aside. I'm not saying that everyone needs to jump on board the Trump Train. But with this evidence, if you're not at the very least questioning if something shady has happened, you're either an ignorant fool blinded by party allegiance, a complete retard, or someone that has a lot to lose if this corruption is verified. There is not really any other options at this point.

    The crazy thing about this, is that Michigan and Georgia are already able to be flipped by just removing the votes of people that voted in multiple states and dead voters. And it's looking like Nevada will be the same. If any of this fraud allegations get through the court system, it should be a landslide Trump victory. It just boils down to how the whole thing gets rectified.

  9. #2229
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    Hard to tell what's what when there is some sort of reasonable doubt in all of this. Plenty of news sources stating things are debunked, including the video, but still so much incompetence in all of this - then the opposite story from other news sources. It's going to be an interesting couple of months.

  10. #2230
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    Quote Originally Posted by syscal View Post
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    Hard to tell what's what when there is some sort of reasonable doubt in all of this. Plenty of news sources stating things are debunked, including the video, but still so much incompetence in all of this - then the opposite story from other news sources. It's going to be an interesting couple of months.
    Seems like all Trump needs to do is prove there is enough discrepancies or irregularities to justify an audit. If they did an actual audit, that would highlight all the simple stuff like people who voted multiple times and dead voters. Those appear to be enough to swing the entire election. Even if they found all this video evidence to be debunked afterwards, as long as they can use it to justify an audit they should be happy.

  11. #2231
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    I am now at the point where all of this is just too much to stay on top of and where I actually want to turn to the media to tell me what's up.

    Problem being, I don't trust a single source at this point. Can't say any of this is productive in my personal life, but it's like watching a good TV show...hard to just drop it before seeing the ending!

  12. #2232
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    Quote Originally Posted by syscal View Post
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    I am now at the point where all of this is just too much to stay on top of and where I actually want to turn to the media to tell me what's up.

    Problem being, I don't trust a single source at this point. Can't say any of this is productive in my personal life, but it's like watching a good TV show...hard to just drop it before seeing the ending!
    Dude ... Take a fucking break. Go outside.

  13. #2233
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    Quote Originally Posted by syscal View Post
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    I am now at the point where all of this is just too much to stay on top of and where I actually want to turn to the media to tell me what's up.

    Problem being, I don't trust a single source at this point. Can't say any of this is productive in my personal life, but it's like watching a good TV show...hard to just drop it before seeing the ending!
    I suggest just looking at it like most of the rest of us - pure entertainment. Nothing more. It was fun while it lasted and I enjoyed following it closely up until the election but most of the ridiculousness seems to be coming to an end. If Trump runs again in 2024 there might be something to get excited about haha.

  14. #2234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitsu3000gt View Post
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    I suggest just looking at it like most of the rest of us - pure entertainment. Nothing more. It was fun while it lasted and I enjoyed following it closely up until the election but most of the ridiculousness seems to be coming to an end. If Trump runs again in 2024 there might be something to get excited about haha.
    This is what I do anyway. It's an opportunity to learn. I get caught up in the media narrative and the impact they have on day to day life more than I do the election.

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  15. #2235
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    Why are you burning a perfectly good guitar? Dollar bills burn more efficiently.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  16. #2236
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    Why are you burning a perfectly good guitar? Dollar bills burn more efficiently.
    Lol. I've barely played since my teens, might as well be firewood.

  17. #2237
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    Why are you burning a perfectly good guitar? 100 Dollar bills burn more efficiently.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  18. #2238
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    Well they've already identified the women in the video. And now that they have the time stamps from the video, they were able to link the huge spike in Biden votes that happened overnight, to the time stamp of the video when these women were scanning these ballots. The actual number of votes counted during this large spike of votes even matches up with the average amount that can be counted by those machines at the time they were scanning them.

    Craziness. I wonder how much of this is co-ordinated? Or just rogue idiots at different counting centers trying to commit these frauds on a personal level?

  19. #2239
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheoxs View Post
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    Dude ... Take a fucking break. Go outside.
    Haha ya gotta chill and unwind a bit lol the world has always been nuts in the battle for power, control, money etc.
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  20. #2240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    Well they've already identified the women in the video. And now that they have the time stamps from the video, they were able to link the huge spike in Biden votes that happened overnight, to the time stamp of the video when these women were scanning these ballots. The actual number of votes counted during this large spike of votes even matches up with the average amount that can be counted by those machines at the time they were scanning them.

    Craziness. I wonder how much of this is co-ordinated? Or just rogue idiots at different counting centers trying to commit these frauds on a personal level?
    And the media/left? *Crickets*

    Its truly disturbing how the left has finally cast off any guise of giving a shit about the rule of law. To me, this is the equivalent of everyone just going "meh" and not saying anything about WaterGate. But its not just the civilians, but the whole machine, the legislative and judiciary are turning a blind eye.

    100% of that is Trumps fault. He needed to purge the entire "swamp" ie Civil service. It was a good start with judges, but at only the federal level, that wasn't enough.

    This is gaslighting at its peak. Maybe what it feels like to live in China or the Soviet Union? You never know whats real.

    However, this shitshow is great for me, 10% reduction in exchange rates already, if Biden is put in power, I'm expecting $1.20cad/usd.

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