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Thread: Covid-19/Mental Health Anyone Else Having Trouble?

  1. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    Had a bit of time between jobs this afternoon, went on to find 18 geocaches this afternoon SW of Cochrane. No gangs in sight. My most productive day of geocaching ever but they were mostly all of two series of geocaches and not all that difficult to find.
    Check the map out in Waiparous on the East side of the Forestry truck road. Some crazy fucks made a massive series in the shape of a maple leaf that’s like a kilometre wide in the middle of the bush.

  2. #222
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    Woukd anyone be interested in a weekend drunken video chat one Friday or Saturday? Just shoot the shit and drink? Doing that at a brewery would be more fun, but I'm on lockdown. I can host.
    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

  3. #223
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    I would love to, but I can't. I have responsibimitiessss and geocaching.
    Last edited by The_Rural_Juror; 12-02-2020 at 08:55 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  4. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    This x1,000. It's fucking hard to reach out when things suck, but every time you do it feels better. People here bust your balls all day long but when shit hits the fan and people need help, they step up no questions asked.
    I do not have the best phone etiquette but I will gladly chip in for a phone prostitute to help.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  5. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    I would love to, but I can't. I have responsibimitiessss and geocaching.
    Get your guffaws in, hell you might as well neg rep me for being just a wee bit human.


  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    This x1,000. It's fucking hard to reach out when things suck, but every time you do it feels better. People here bust your balls all day long but when shit hits the fan and people need help, they step up no questions asked.
    Yes yes yes!!!
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  7. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    Get your guffaws in, hell you might as well neg rep me for being just a wee bit human.

    I like you. Yous a good human and I have downloaded the geocaching app. The jury's still out on that Stacy dude.
    Last edited by The_Rural_Juror; 12-02-2020 at 10:03 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89coupe View Post
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    Beyond, bunch of creme puffs on this board.
    Everything I say is satire.

  8. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rural_Juror View Post
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    I like you. Yous a good human and I have downloaded the geocaching app. The jury's still out on that Stacy dude.
    Fruit of my loins.


  9. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedog View Post
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    Fruit of my loins.


  10. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by flipstah View Post
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    So since I started this thread way back when I could not stop thinking about losing everything I had ever worked for and having to potentially move back in with my mom at 50, things have most definitely improved in ways I did not think would have been possible.

    First, the business is surviving and while ain't nobody getting rich, we are keeping everyone employed and the vast majority of our clients have been fantastically supportive of the way we do things and some of the simple changes we have implemented dealing with covid.

    Second, in a strange twist of fate, all this covid has led me to a goal I was working towards I did not think would be possible for many more years to come, and that is to get get my ass off the front lines of the business and work from behind the scenes at my home office. It has been glorious! I have not worked in store since the beginning of June when I kinda lost it a bit and told the guys I needed to get out or shoot myself in the face. I was scared as shit about it but my business partner and crew stepped up amazingly and I haven't looked back! I didn't know if I was going to be able to pull it off but looking back I wish I did this a decade ago. I probably work more now in actual working hours than I ever did, but I am happy again and taking the business in directions I have always wanted to go and am feeling good about trying to make the changes that will help us cope with future issues out of our control such as the covid wrench we are all facing this year.

    Third, because my wife has always been a stay at home from day one of our moving in together, 24 years later of being out of the house 9 to 14 hours a day I was not sure how well our relationship would fare, but now being under the same roof 24 hours a day and happily I can report that we are definitely soul mates and things are awesome! A full six months into this and we are both so much happier together than we ever were apart all those hours.

    Anyhow, I am not trying to rub anything in to those who are still battling mental health troubles of any kind, but I hope more I am showing that there definitely is light at the end of the dark tunnel and you just gotta try and get up every day and make the changes you need to that will help you get there. If any of you ever need an ear to bend, please do not hesitate to ask any one of us to be there for you! Beyond members and the board in general have done so much for me that I can't even describe and it/they/we can help you as well if you chose to let it/them/us... I am 100% living proof of this.

  11. #231
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    For me its the flip flop of back and forth.

    I was doing ok when it was that I could go into the office at least once a day and I mean for the most part I still can. But being that I am one of those people that has be careful with covid and though my girlfriend is good and healthy the fact she went through cancer still sometimes makes you a bit over cautious.

    When the state of emergency went back in I decided that I would work from home during the period and after the first day I received yet another email that there was another case of covid in our building. Now I get it this doesn't mean I would get it but when those notices are being sent out almost weekly you really have to start thinking is the risk worth it?

    So here I am back home again like its March of 2020 all over again and it definitely is challenging trying to keep myself from going insane lol.

  12. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
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    Fucking rad man.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    Woukd anyone be interested in a weekend drunken video chat one Friday or Saturday? Just shoot the shit and drink? Doing that at a brewery would be more fun, but I'm on lockdown. I can host.
    Regrettably, after last night I am never drinking again. Much like I said on November 12. Except this time I mean it.
    Last edited by JRSC00LUDE; 12-03-2020 at 11:49 AM.
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

  13. #233
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    Glad to hear you pushed through and are seemingly thriving now Bob. And I'm still glad you made the thread; mental health is something we all need to talk about more and help reduce the stigma.

    For my own part, I've made no secret about the fact I've struggled with depression my whole life. I'm doing my best to navigate these times with my head up, and believe all things considered that I could have gone off the deep end many times over, yet have held it together somehow. But if I'm being honest, covid plus a long lack of employment is doing a number on me.

    My confidence is shattered, and I've gotten used to floating from day to day. I've applied at dozens of places to no avail and the interviews I do get tend to result in being ghosted, as if I failed the interview miserably even when I (usually) think I did quite well. I had 23g in savings when this all started, now I've burned through almost all of it trying to keep bills paid, and even with vaccines being introduced, at this rate I won't be able to survive long enough to see it happen. My RRSPs have lost tens of thousands too. I amassed a lot of skills over my career, yet being 45 now some companies aren't even interested in looking at me to add to their young, energetic team.

    I feel utterly defeated, and it's hard to keep the anxiety down and motivation towards life up at times, but I know I have to in order to put my best foot forward to potential employers and to remain a reliable figure for my wife and son. Now thanks to regulations, I can't even hang with friends or family to try to decompress. I turn to online to try to continue human interaction, yet I can't help but focus on the words of those who deny the danger of this virus and are only looking out for their own well-being, and it makes me wonder if this is a society I want to be a part of in the first place.

    Honestly, besides when my depression had taken over my life as a young man, this has been the single most difficult time in my life. And I know I am not alone... many are in the same boat to varying degrees.

    I demand compensation from China.
    Last edited by Kloubek; 12-03-2020 at 12:39 PM.

  14. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kloubek View Post
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    For my own part, I've made no secret about the fact I've struggled with depression my whole life. I'm doing my best to navigate these times with my head up, and believe all things considered that I could have gone off the deep end many times over, yet have held it together somehow. But if I'm being honest, covid plus a long lack of employment is doing a number on me........ *snip* ........ And I know I am not alone... many are in the same boat to varying degrees.

    I demand compensation from China.
    Man, I hear you. It is tough even on the younger than us people right now. I know my son is having trouble with the job thing as well. What is your gig? Maybe we should start an employment thread that we can all post any contacts, job leads and any advice at all. Not sure if it would be the end all/be all but if it helps even a small amount of people get something going, it would be worth it!

    As far as your mental health, it is good you own it and know what it happening. That doesn't make it easy, but at least you can understand where it is coming from and keep reinforcing to yourself that it is not an issue of your own creation. Sometimes for me I need that. If I created the problems I think it would be a little harder to wrap my head around than if I am just a product of the environment. You are definitely not alone and make sure you keep on trying to work through things, even if it is only here on a chat board brother!

  15. #235
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    Just so you don't think I'm ignoring you...

    I do e-commerce. Started out in graphic design, moved to user experience and marketing deployment and metrics, then project management and eventually executive management. There aren't a lot of executive e-commerce positions here, and most project manager positions want certification, which I don't have. Then specialist positions (marketing campaign management, etc) want people who have devoted their careers to those specialist positions and not a jack of all trades like myself. I guess I worked myself into a relatively narrow niche.

    I have toyed with starting my own thing, but business startup requires money and that isn't exactly in plentiful supply right now.

    Anyway, no need to respond... just wanted to answer your question.

  16. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kloubek View Post
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    Just so you don't think I'm ignoring you...

    I do e-commerce. Started out in graphic design, moved to user experience and marketing deployment and metrics, then project management and eventually executive management. There aren't a lot of executive e-commerce positions here, and most project manager positions want certification, which I don't have. Then specialist positions (marketing campaign management, etc) want people who have devoted their careers to those specialist positions and not a jack of all trades like myself. I guess I worked myself into a relatively narrow niche.

    I have toyed with starting my own thing, but business startup requires money and that isn't exactly in plentiful supply right now.

    Anyway, no need to respond... just wanted to answer your question.
    In case you haven't looked, Shopify seems to be growing big time and most of the roles i saw posted are remote. Check em out. Good luck either way.

  17. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabad66 View Post
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    In case you haven't looked, Shopify seems to be growing big time and most of the roles i saw posted are remote. Check em out. Good luck either way.
    Haha! I just finished talking to a buddy of mine who is heavily in this world and he said exactly the same thing. @Kloubek have you looked into this??

  18. #238
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    I have not. Been looking on Indeed daily, but have always used Calgary as a search criteria. Thanks for the tip.

  19. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
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    First, the business is surviving and while ain't nobody getting rich, we are keeping everyone employed and the vast majority of our clients have been fantastically supportive of the way we do things and some of the simple changes we have implemented dealing with covid.

    Second, in a strange twist of fate, all this covid has led me to a goal I was working towards I did not think would be possible for many more years to come, and that is to get get my ass off the front lines of the business and work from behind the scenes at my home office. It has been glorious!
    Really good to hear! Well done, sir!

  20. #240
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    My sister in London lost her battle with lung cancer last Sunday.
    I had to drive to my elder sisters home here and break the news to her, I had to explain that she had been sick. It came as a shock to her.
    I saw my sister last xmas and its a shock how the cancer spread so fast.

    I drove home after. That first night home alone and trying to go to sleep was horrible. The darkness became this weird heavy mist.

    It is a very complicated situation.
    Im trying to manage my parents over the phone who are very very sad.
    I spent over 26 years trying to bridge peace for my late sister in various ways. I tried to put some plans in place for aftercare for my late sisters kids. But sometimes people are far to gone into fairy land with crazy ideas. I ask myself, what more could I have done or done differently?
    I tried so hard today as a final resort to bridge peoples differences. This was the last attempt. People really don't understand the consequences of their actions. Ive helped so many clients in my professional life. Yet it pains me to see my loved ones make stupid decisions and yet I can't do anything.
    I was mentally exhausted by the end of the day today. I had to make myself a drink with a triple shot to take the edge off.

    I can't even go to say goodbye and give my final respects to my late sister. I can't even visit friends here.

    My sibling went off the rails. I watched powerlessly someone treat them so badly and change them for worse over 26 years. Then having to watch them fade away into cancer and descend into madness.

    If you have a sibling, child, give them a call, a hug. Keep that connection, its really important. There are some dark people out there that will rob them of their minds.

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