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Thread: School me on being a Dad

  1. #1561
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    Try telling the consequences of their actions. Not your punishments. Like if they throw their toys, tell them that their toys will wear out and break. That sort of thing.

  2. #1562
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    Speaking of potty training, our oldest almost 4, still wear pull ups at night.
    At what point does this stop? Tips/ tricks to get him out of them or does it just happen?

    I've heard so many varying opinions, but what beyond says is gospel.

  3. #1563
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    Speaking of potty training (in general)... before I just google it and get shammed for not having a 100% potty trained 2 year old any tips on starting. What to do? What not to do?

  4. #1564
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    Quote Originally Posted by vengie View Post
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    Speaking of potty training, our oldest almost 4, still wear pull ups at night.
    At what point does this stop? Tips/ tricks to get him out of them or does it just happen?

    I've heard so many varying opinions, but what beyond says is gospel.
    A boy?

    6 or 7 isn't uncommon for nighttime accidents, after that it's worth looking into the nasal spray thing

    There's apparently some hormone that boys develop later than girls for regulating night-time peeing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by James2013 View Post
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    Oh yes it will or beyond.ca will no longer exist.

  5. #1565
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    Both our 4 and 6 year old boys are good through the night, so long as they pee before they goto bed. If they don't, it's a crap shoot. The sticker chart has worked with our older boy on staying in his bed all night. Younger guy has never had an issue staying in his own bed.

  6. #1566
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    Quote Originally Posted by 88CRX View Post
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    Speaking of potty training (in general)... before I just google it and get shammed for not having a 100% potty trained 2 year old any tips on starting. What to do? What not to do?
    Both of our kids, we waited til a long weekend or something so we could stick around the house for a few days and just went cold turkey. No diapers, no pants for the entire day, just make them sit on the potty regularly. I’ve got pics of my daughter eating her lunch on her potty with a little plate in her lap haha. It worked very well, but you have to be willing to clean up an accident or two. Best done during summer when you can spend a lot of time in the yard haha, but we did it inside during the winter with our boy. Lots of prep work before hand, talking about it with them, reading books about it, letting them pick underwear out at the store, etc.

  7. #1567
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    Quote Originally Posted by 88CRX View Post
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    Speaking of potty training (in general)... before I just google it and get shammed for not having a 100% potty trained 2 year old any tips on starting. What to do? What not to do?
    Potty trained by 2? We hadn't even started trying on our girl. Then she sorta did it all on her own by 3

  8. #1568
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    Our son was done around ~2.5, but he still wears pull ups at night. Our daughter I think we did right around her 3rd bday, but wore pull ups at night for another year or so.

  9. #1569
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjstare View Post
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    Both of our kids, we waited til a long weekend or something so we could stick around the house for a few days and just went cold turkey. No diapers, no pants for the entire day, just make them sit on the potty regularly. I’ve got pics of my daughter eating her lunch on her potty with a little plate in her lap haha. It worked very well, but you have to be willing to clean up an accident or two. Best done during summer when you can spend a lot of time in the yard haha, but we did it inside during the winter with our boy. Lots of prep work before hand, talking about it with them, reading books about it, letting them pick underwear out at the store, etc.
    This is the way.

    No outings, just home with the kids. They’re going to shit on the floor, it’s a once or twice occurrence. Deal with it.

    Always ensure potty during the night time routine. It’ll cut down on accidents.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

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  10. #1570
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    Have you tried fucking his dad?
    In this case that only works if you do it in the first place. But is very effective.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  11. #1571
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    Kids in the '50s were potty trained by 18 months, Big Diaper pushed the propaganda to sell them to lazy parents in perpetuity
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    Quote Originally Posted by James2013 View Post
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    Oh yes it will or beyond.ca will no longer exist.

  12. #1572
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    Quote Originally Posted by 88CRX View Post
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    Speaking of potty training (in general)... before I just google it and get shammed for not having a 100% potty trained 2 year old any tips on starting. What to do? What not to do?
    2 years is early. We did it closer to 3.as previously said, waited till a long weekend. We planned on staying indoors x 72hrs. First thing we did is formally say goodbye to diapers. We threw some out,lettimg him put them. In the garbage bin. Pants off in the am. Pee dripped down his leg. He hated it. We put some pajamas on. They got wet. He hated it. By afternoon he was able to tell us thst he needed to pee. Crazy how fast they learn. Alot of prep work happened in the weeks prior. Lots of books about toilet training. Let him put stickers on his mini toilet etc.

  13. #1573
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    We started my son at 2 years and he had absolutely zero desire. We gave up after 2 months of trying because it wasn't clicking. No matter how many pantless weekends or anything we did he just wasn't interested. We started again right around 3 and he took to it much better. With my daughter we started just before ther third birthday. She did a pantsless weekend and eventually caught on much much quicker than her brother with everything except pooping. My kids have bad FOMO so if they didn't go to the bathroom before they went outside at daycare there was a 100% chance they had an accident.

    As for night time training I started with my son around 4.5 years old. He would go pee before a bath and then again right before bed. I would wake him up once during the night to pee then right back to bed and after a few months he was down to maybe 1 accident a week, and by 4 months he was dry 95% of the time. It took a little work to figure out when the right time was to get him up - first we started right in the middle of his sleep so like 1-2am, then dialed that back to 12-1am and eventualyl we have settled on around 10:30-11pm ish. He's a super deep sleeper so once every few months he might still have an accident but he's actually been getting up by himself most nights now.

    As far as the comment about sticker charts being stressful for kids: the cool part about being a parent is that every kid is different and what works for one doesn't work for others. Its been the only tool that we've tried in relation to potty training and other "get ready by yourself" type activities that has really worked for my kids because they don't give a fuck about taking things away and are unphased by most punishments. The key is to not shit on them for missing a sticker we just tell them tomorrow is a new day to try and earn it again. And when they have a good day and get their sticker we make sure to say "yayyyy! Good job schurchill39's crotch gremlin!"
    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    ...Last thing I want is someone reading my posts and losing their cock over it...
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    Meh, they all look like Jackie Chan to me
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    I'm generally cute.

  14. #1574
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjstare View Post
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    My 3yo son is so stubborn it’s nuts. We can threaten him with anything, he just calls our bluff and moves on with his day. And yes, we follow through with threats. Latest was this week when he decided he didn’t want to participate in swimming, my wife told him if he didn’t listen to the teacher his Halloween candy was going in the garbage… well, he didn’t listen, when they got home my wife threw the entire bag in the garbage in front of him, and he just watched and moved on with his day. He joked about it when I got home.

    Same goes with any other punishment. Take away his toys, no tv, you name it. Doesn’t phase him, he’s a psychopath haha.

    Any tips? I’m all ears.
    My second was like this, but mostly when she was a little older. The best thing we found was a behaviour chart sent home from one of her teachers. There was no specific goal / reward, but she had to hand it in at the end of every month and we would mark down whether or not she did certain tasks & chores, misbehaved or did something nice (cleaning your room without being asked, sharing without being prompted, etc)... "Are we going to mark that you didn't do _____?"

    Well, she wouldn't listen to mom or dad, but fuck me if my kid wasn't terrified of disappointing her teacher that she saw once a week... Might be a little tough on the ego to have your kid not give two shits about what you say, but maybe you can find a way to have a teacher, babysitter, grand parent, etc come up with something similar. On that note, I will say sleepovers at the grandparents was always a good motivator for our kids when they were younger, so maybe you could integrate the behaviour chart into that somehow...

  15. #1575
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    Ours is 2.314 years old... was getting some external pressure to figure it out ASAP so figured maybe we were late to the game.

    Crisis adverted, we're still not the worst parents on earth. Niiiiice.

  16. #1576
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    Quote Originally Posted by 88CRX View Post
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    Ours is 2.314 years old... was getting some external pressure to figure it out ASAP so figured maybe we were late to the game.

    Crisis adverted, we're still not the worst parents on earth. Niiiiice.
    Tell the external pressure source they are fucking idiots

  17. #1577
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    Quote Originally Posted by 88CRX View Post
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    Ours is 2.314 years old... was getting some external pressure to figure it out ASAP so figured maybe we were late to the game.

    Crisis adverted, we're still not the worst parents on earth. Niiiiice.
    our day home said by 3 she likes them potty trained, so we started at 2, didn't work took a break, then she was trained by 2.5.. she stopped wearing pullups at night by 3 as well, but i think we just got lucky.

  18. #1578
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    Yeah day homes prefer less work. But it's "early" for a lot of kids. Whatev.
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  19. #1579
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    I will reiterate my warning about potty training. If you do it too early, you're going to be going to the bathroom all the time, or the kid isn't going to make it to the bathroom, because their bladder is so small.

    My brother learned when he was very young because my one year older sister learned, so of course he had to learn as well. The hallway carpet to the bathroom was a biohazard.

  20. #1580
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    Summer, and spending the day naked in the yard, is the way. Kid too.
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

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