Yeah you guys are probably right. I'm out of practice with little kids.
Yeah you guys are probably right. I'm out of practice with little kids.
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Let her go hungry before boarding. Start feeding her snacks as soon as aircraft starts pushing back. That's when they typically start pressurizing the cabin. You'll want her chewing (or sucking on bottle/titty) the entire time until you level off at altitude.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
Last edited by Tik-Tok; 02-05-2025 at 10:49 AM.
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One day, I'll be like you.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
My kids don't have issues on ascent and descent. I don't know why.
Same. Don't know why, don't care why, just happy to take the win.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
It's exactly this, tagging and lugging it around is the largest pain especially when we plan on taking trains within Europe that won't require a car seat and prefer to fly with no checked baggage but we'll see if that's even going to be possible the way my wife packs!This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
My wife packed a full suitcase for an overnight at the nordic spa. I don't even know what was in there.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
Sorry you are considering on taking no checked bags and children?
Originally posted by Thales of Miletus
If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
Originally posted by Toma
fact.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
It was westjet. I was going to post my experience about booking but stopped as I got too angry. Yes we wanted an extra seat. To book it was the biggest bullshit I have ever experienced in my life. Called. Spoke to 2 agents who didn't know what the F they were doing. Got disconnected mid way. We then called back again and it took 1.5 hrs to book the fucking thing on the phone. And they also charge us 25 dollars for that. We got very lucky at chsck in. Just happened to be someone we knew, and she was able to check us in without issue.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
We were stuck with westjet for this one as the times were in our favor (10am departure, 3pm arrival here, and for return it's 4pm departure, arrive home at like overnight). We checked the car seats in this time. Risky move. First time I've ever done it. They arrived on the other end. One dude on our flight did not receive his but a westjet agent was very quick to assist him in getting one (I guess they have a supply of them there for such scenarios).
Here is how the trip went.
1. Tons of traffic due to snow. I hired transport to get us to the airport. Driver was good.. Bypassed alot of it.
2. Baby vomited in car ride to airport.
3. Get to airport. Change kid etc. Baggage cut off time was now. Approaching.
4. Helpful friend of ours was there at check in. No need to weigh bags etc. Tag bags. Tag car seats. Go. She knew how to deal with the infant with seat situation.
5. At security they had some super calm helper dude. This guy saved us. Helped us get. All our shit through security and was totally calming. His literal volunteer or job title is helper. "guys this is the no rush line, we are going to take our time".
6. Get to plane. We have extra seat for infant etc. This is only way I could imagine travelling.
7. It gets better. 74 people missed the flight due to weather related cancellations. Tons of empty rows. We walked the plane. Sat in random rows that were. Empty etc. It was difficult as we hit the 4 hr mark but I've been through worse.
Our 4.99 year old (his birthday is this week) had a great time on the flight. Will be just a year or two before the little one can easily travel.
Thanks for the advice gents.
Lightest cheapest car seat is cosco scenera FYI.
lol yep every time… lap held infant under 2 and want to book an extra seat without a car seat on the plane. 5 seconds explaining and then 45 mins on hold as they navigate their manual.
But… you’re there! Have a blast!
Lol that's what I immediately thought.This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
We've been doing business class but once the guy is >2 we'll have to come up with a new plan
Also have the Cosco car seat and it's very light. Not sure how safe it is but it ticks the box
Last edited by g-m; 02-06-2025 at 08:53 PM.
Z32 TT
1996 Integra - winter beater with studs - RIP (deer)
2002 WRX - to be sold
2010 sti - winter
It's so easy to travel when they are <1yo. We took our then 8m kid to Europe (Paris, Bordeau, Bacelona) and it was pretty easy. No carseat. Just had to check a pack&play and stroller. Probably could've got away with no stroller and just a baby carrier. But we did have to bring quite a few luggages. It was a longer trip so we dedicated a full one just for diapers and formula. Zero issues with having the hold the baby on our laps the whole time.
Between 1-2y was considerable harder - when they want to move around, whine about real food, and has a nap schedule. We took them (I think 6 months and 3yo ish?) to Hawaii and brought our own car seats. It was alot of haul around the airports but once we got our rental cars and have the seats setup, it was easy peasy.
After that we flew down to the States for a few cruises. The ones where we had to rent a car, we would bring the booster seat for the older kid (5yo), but rent the car seat (~$15usd/day) for the little guy w/ car rental. they use such shitty stuff thought and definitly would've been cheaper to just head to the Target to buy one as one time use but... like someone said earlier.. try leaving your wife with hangry kids by themselves at the airport for more than 10 mins after a long flight.. good luck...
A recent travel hack we discovered ( if it's even considered a heck..). The last 2 trips we booked WJ with their Ultra Basic fare, so no seat selection + no overhead bag. However since we have young kids in our booking, they let us select the seats anyway during booking. We were able to book all 6 of us (including the grandparents in the same reservation) sitting together right at time of booking. Having the WJ credit card also gave us 6 free checked bags! Between the Ultrabasic fare + checked bag fee, that probably saved us >$1500 per trip.
Also ultrabasic means you board last (zone 9), and they will remind you that you cannot use any overhead space. But with young kids you get prioritize boarding anyway, so you can board anytime. and if you REALLY want to use the overhead bin, no one on the plane will question you since you are not boarding as Zone 9.