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Thread: OFFICIAL: 2020-21 NHL Thread

  1. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    I just don’t get what dictates goalie interference on that play. Was it skate in crease? Was it a touch on Talbot while being pushed in but didn’t impede him in moving to attempt to make the safe whatsoever? Because fuck I’ve seen both those scenarios reviewed as no goalie interference against the flames.

    Maybe I just don’t understand the rules, even tho I’ve read the rules yearly. Or maybe it’s just fucking random.
    GI outside the crease is tricky, GI inside not so much. By the NHL rules, if you are inside the crease and you keep the goaltender from being able to move into a spot inside the crease (like Talbot was trying to come further out to cut the angle), that's GI. In the crease and you even just screen the goalie and a shot goes in, that's GI. You don't even have to touch him. GI was the right call in that game by the letter of the rules.

    69.3 Contact Inside the Goal Crease

    - If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

    - If a goalkeeper, in the act of establishing his position within his goal crease, initiates contact with an attacking player who is in the goal crease, and this results in an impairment of the goalkeeper’s ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

    - If, after any contact by a goalkeeper who is attempting to establish position in his goal crease, the attacking player does not immediately vacate his current position in the goal crease (i.e. give ground to the goalkeeper), and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. In all such cases, whether or not a goal is scored, the attacking player will receive a minor penalty for goalkeeper interference.

    - If an attacking player establishes a significant position within the goal crease, so as to obstruct the goalkeeper’s vision and impair his ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.
    Same call was made in Vegas's favour earlier in the series - if anything, this is a remarkable level of consistency for NHL officials.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    The dumb yank announcers are repeatedly saying "he's in the crease", but neither skate was. Talbot is choosing to touch his ass and work up to getting a thumb up there and that's why the puck flies in because he's choosing to be distracted by a player who's legally standing nearby.
    Tuch had one foot and most of his body solidly in the crease. Talbot could give him a reacharound and it would still be GI. Even if Talbot never touches Tuch, it's still GI. Don't stand in the crease, if you get pushed in try to get out. Tuch just sat in the crease, easy call. Tuch didn't get pushed in either, he wilfully skated into the crease behind Dumba and had ample opportunity to leave before the shot came. It doesn't help his case that the ref yelled at him to get out of the crease multiple times before the goal.

  2. #322
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    ^Bullshit (respectfully). Dumba is essentially holding him in the position he was in (with his skates outside the crease, hence he's happy to stay there).

    If he's standing there all by himself, then I can't easily see it as GI. But that D-man is giving him "nowhere to go".

  3. #323
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    Goalie Interference is the biggest call the ref and Toronto gets to make and probably the most inconsistent.

    I agree though, it is goalie interference based on the rules regardless if a defenseman was impeding Tuch's movement or not. He should not have been that close to the goalie in the first place.

  4. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    ^Bullshit (respectfully). Dumba is essentially holding him in the position he was in (with his skates outside the crease, hence he's happy to stay there).

    If he's standing there all by himself, then I can't easily see it as GI. But that D-man is giving him "nowhere to go".
    As per the rules, Dumba has a right to his ice position. He is in no way required to move out of the way so Tuch can exit an illegal position he put himself into (Tuch can also shove him out of the way if he's strong enough, that's legal). If Tuch was pushed into the crease and held there that's a different story, but Tuch willfully skated into the crease between Dumba and Talbot entirely of his own volition and continued to place himself between them as the play shifted across the entire ice - hence why the ref kept telling him to clear out. This is about the clearest-cut example of a 69.3 you can get.

    Tuch's skates (not to mention the rest of him, it's not just defined by skates FYI) are pretty clearly in the crease in both shots and if you watch the overhead he's inside the blue paint for the entire sequence.

  5. #325
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    I feel that he left the offending area (and took great lengths to do so) before the shot and left the goalie adequate time, space and opportunity to make that save. Talbot was too busy reaching out for another ass-fondle to make the save and that's on him.

    I'll concede that the play is debatable. You're incorrect to say it's a "clear cut example of 69.3" when you consider that DeBoer needed to be extremely confident to call for a review as he is essentially risking the game to suffer the deflation of a bullshit goal, plus jump onto your heels for an immediate powerplay where they can score again.
    I'll defer to his judgement over mine or yours.

  6. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    I feel that he left the offending area (and took great lengths to do so) before the shot and left the goalie adequate time, space and opportunity to make that save. Talbot was too busy reaching out for another ass-fondle to make the save and that's on him.

    I'll concede that the play is debatable. You're incorrect to say it's a "clear cut example of 69.3" when you consider that DeBoer needed to be extremely confident to call for a review as he is essentially risking the game to suffer the deflation of a bullshit goal, plus jump onto your heels for an immediate powerplay where they can score again.
    I'll defer to his judgement over mine or yours.
    Tuch was still in the crease when the puck entered the net and was for an extended period of time leading up to it. At no point did he ever make an attempt or succeed in leaving the crease. DeBoer made a desperate call in the hopes he could salvage the game for the Knights - let's not pretend that coaches only challenge when there's clear-cut evidence either way, they often roll the dice. The review was very brief and only needed to confirm what the officials already saw when they called off the goal in the first place - it was not a difficult or overly debatable call. Assuming the judgement and rulebook knowledge of a coach is better than that of both the on-ice and off-ice officials is certainly a take.

    I don't want to be a jerk about this, but I was a hockey official for 20-odd years and this is not a hard call to make.

  7. #327
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    I was, too... No joke, for 21 years. LoL! But let's face it, that doesn't matter. I can live with not convincing you and I'm sure you can do the same.
    So, whatever happened to Pat Smith? He was ordained to make The Show forever ago and I don't see him there, or anywhere, for that matter. He was The Chosen One. I think I saw him in a world final of some sort, so I guess he got his Level-6, but I can't find him anywhere else and now I assume he's too old. Did he quit in a hail of gunfire? Injury? Did he sexually assault a male? (No wait, that was Remy)...

  8. #328
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    Yup, all good bud. I enjoyed the discussion.

    Hah, Pat Smith, that's a throwback. He worked the Dub for ages and I think did some WJC work but no idea what happened from there. Kinda faded away, I heard some complaints about his WHL work a couple of times but who knows how valid that was.

  9. #329
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    Unrelated, but I once got accused of taking a bribe to rig a junior high girls regular season volleyball game. Fuck I would have for ten bucks. I think I only got paid four bucks a game.

    Reffing is awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by littledan View Post
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    look, if you stick your dick on my shoulder, then I'm gonna stick my dick on your shoulder. That's how shoulder dicks work.

  10. #330
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    Haha man, some people get downright crazy. Had an angry coach jump on the ice and chase us once, that was pretty funny. A kid's prosthetic leg came off during play one time, which was briefly terrifying for any spectator who didn't know it was a prosthetic.

  11. #331
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    I put a clown-ass Jr. B guy in the box and he smashed the CD's that the score & time keepers were using on the PA system so one of them attacked the dude in the box and I had to kick them both out.

  12. #332
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    Raging idiots in Jungle B, imagine my surprise.

    That said, there was never a chippier, dirtier, just plain angrier leauge than the women-only one I filled in for a handful of times. Christ were they a nasty bunch, had to have eyes on the back of your head or they'd just spend any available moment two-handing each other as hard as they could. With a stick, not the other thing you're thinking of.

  13. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by BerserkerCatSplat View Post
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    Raging idiots in Jungle B, imagine my surprise.

    That said, there was never a chippier, dirtier, just plain angrier leauge than the women-only one I filled in for a handful of times. Christ were they a nasty bunch, had to have eyes on the back of your head or they'd just spend any available moment two-handing each other as hard as they could. With a stick, not the other thing you're thinking of.
    Ha! I really enjoyed reffing female hockey and always felt it was part of my duty to contribute even though at the time I was doing Junior. I always enjoyed how much more effectively women worked as a team to pass SO much better than their male counterparts because they were very smart - they knew their skating was significantly lesser and they worked as a team, so well.

    But yes, I quickly learned that their ability to police themselves was virtually zero. It was incredible seeing the responses! Minor obstruction hooks were frequently met with responses of "I will break my fucking composite stick slashing your knees, you fucking ringette WHORE!!¡!" And, sometimes it was just this yard sale of gloves and other misc equipment while the "victim" sinks her fingers into the birdcage facemask of the offender before indiscriminately hurling girl punches toward a helmet. I honestly learned so much from working those games.

    I ended up in a weird tournament one time that had weird teams from all over Canada, or something. It was marquee so they had an emphasis on using female officials, who they had brought in from all over the place. So I was just a placeholder, because I had no vag, which was fine. They didn't have enough female officials at high calibre, so they needed some males to fill some gaps (LoL). But I ended up in some sort of fucking game that I swear went 8 periods... Fuck me sideways, that was a grind. That tennis me, I'll have to see if I can look it up. It simply had to be a record.
    The bonus was there was a legit hot female official they travelled in and I got to plow the shit out of her, 6 ways from Sunday. She got friction burn on her knees that was medically alarming and I had trouble walking after that. Fuck.

    Women's hockey. Is. Awesome.

  14. #334
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    Dat Patch goal, tho!!
    Holy fuck. Why isn't this score 8-3?!?

  15. #335
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    Vegas 4th goal was a fucking BEAUTY.
    Originally posted by SJW
    Once again another useless post by JRSCOOLDUDE.
    Originally posted by snowcat
    Don't let the e-thugs and faggots get to you when they quote your posts and write stupid shit.
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

  16. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Dat Patch goal, tho!!
    Holy fuck. Why isn't this score 8-3?!?
    Said the same thing game 5. Thank fuck shits getting past Talbot.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  17. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    Said the same thing game 5. Thank fuck shits getting past Talbot.
    I just remember the Edmonton Talbot. Talbot-One = shutout.
    Talbot-Two = minimum 5 goals allowed.
    Nothing in between. Ever.

  18. #338
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    Haha nobody was watching Janmark there

  19. #339
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    Leafs gonna Leaf? Leafs gonna leaf.

  20. #340
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    People forgot that Montreal was a very good team at the start of the season. Oilers and Leafs losing the way they are respectively would be nothing short of glorious.

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