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Thread: Have you or anyone you know gotten COVID?

  1. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    Well I think I know what happened here...
    Dude, come on that was zenops level bait. I was fishing for Killy. smh

  2. #402
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    I can't even approach that level of evil.

  3. #403
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    So after close to 8 years of not ever being sick - I got it 2 weeks ago now. Felt a bit sore one day late afternoon and went to bed early that night, woke up at 1am shaking uncontrollably and began puking every 30 mins from that point onward. Fever was 102.9F and the vomiting lasted until morning. I passed out finally to sleep then and slept all day. Woke up later afternoon with the worst full body aches ever (could hardly stand up) and bad headache. So began tylenol (1000mg) and advil (400mg) together every 6 hours which worked serious wonders. The following day I actually felt quite fine, just the headache was still very bad but the Tylenol was seriously the biggest difference, within 10 mins of it I would feel it getting a bit better.

    But the 4th day I felt 90% better, no more aches, no fever, even the headache was gone - but then began coughing like crazy!!! Took those black halls for a day, had some chicken soups, some tea. (Took home test positive for those 4 days in a row - every day.)

    Then day 5 felt completely back to normal. Even tested negative that morning, took a second test to be sure - negative. Everything seemed back to normal, the coughing was gone. I didn't even feel the need for tylenol or anything. THEN.. few days go by, I started feeling insanely tired. Even just walking up stairs super out of breath and sweating like I did a workout. I'm now on day # 14 since first day and feel completely fine except still get very tired just doing minimal tasks. Tried doing some yard work this past week and felt like I did an intense workout, out of breath sooo quickly. Going to try a bicycle ride this afternoon on a pathways and see how it goes.

  4. #404
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    That's sounds like it hit you harder than most. Glad you're doing better.

    Maybe take it easy on the bike ride, and don't push hard.

    I still haven't got the ok from my Dr to get back to the gym. He just wants me to walk around like I'm retired.

  5. #405
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    Were you vaccinated, @Kijho ?

  6. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by zechs View Post
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    As an asthamtic, I can assure you doctors are fucking retarded and have no clue what to prescribe or even what is available, even the lung specialists tend to have no damn clue.
    Word. My doc keeps trying to change my inhalers and i'm like, eh no, I've finally gotten the formula that works after 30 years, why the fuck would I change it just because there's a newer drug on the market?

    I'm glad that even with all my chronic health issues, i'm clearly a prime genetic specimen when it comes to covid, since I wouldn't have even known what it was when I got it and I'm still able to walk up stairs

  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Were you vaccinated, @Kijho ?
    Yup, but only the 2 doses pfizer I got. (When I got the vaccines I got sick for just 1 brief morning the next day and the 2nd dose I didn't feel anything after.)

    So the bike ride wasn't too bad actually it felt good during it - but pretty quickly afterwards I was coughing quite a bit for about 10 mins. when I sat back down in the truck. Sort of that feeling after you have worked out too hard maybe. But it was only a 30 mins. light ride along the pathways. Uphill at the end though that I think got me haha..

  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kijho View Post
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    Yup, but only the 2 doses pfizer I got. (When I got the vaccines I got sick for just 1 brief morning the next day and the 2nd dose I didn't feel anything after.)

    So the bike ride wasn't too bad actually it felt good during it - but pretty quickly afterwards I was coughing quite a bit for about 10 mins. when I sat back down in the truck. Sort of that feeling after you have worked out too hard maybe. But it was only a 30 mins. light ride along the pathways. Uphill at the end though that I think got me haha..
    And what was the duration between your vaccines?

    I know in my case, I rushed as fast as controversially possible between 1 & 2. Then it was I think at least 12 months before my third.

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
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    Sorry to bump this thread but I have some new developments and was wondering if anyone else is having similar issues.

    As I mentioned previously, I think I have long Covid at the very least bronchitis for the last year. Dry cough, shortness of breath etc. When I get any kind of cold it wipes me out completely, very short of breath, shallow breathing, deep breaths produce coughing fits etc. Doctors originally sent me for heart tests, ecg, stress test thinking it was heart related, but all good. Had a spirometry test couple months ago and showed decreased lung capacity and lower blood oxygen content (I had a cold at the time). Doc prescribed an inhaler type to use as needed (cant remember the name off the top of my head) used it for a week but no noticeable change. Only thing that seems to help is actually tylenol. Used it as needed and it worked great, which has the doctors confused.

    So now to the new development. I thought these health problems this was all down to covid weight gain. In Aug last year I saw numbers on the scale I had never seen before, 265lbs I'm usually around the 240lb dad bod. But I started to notice that weight is just coming off. I'm now 227lbs and I'm not doing anything, no change in diet or exercise. I'm basically 7lbs off my usual training/soccer weight, but I'm losing muscle mass it seems. I still have a cough (now phlemy) and occasional sore throat, both especially bad in the morning. When my doctor noticed the unplanned weight loss he sent me for more tests, and all coming back normal. Sent to a specialist as well and he wants to redo all the lung tests. Other than the cough and sore throat, the shortness of breath etc only comes back when I have a cold or something (kids are disease factories).

    Anyone else experiencing this?
    my father in law has an extreme issue with shortness of breath right now. Bad enough he's constantly being hospitalized. Drs have no clue what's going on. They've done every test in the books. Ruled out heart issues. Ruled out lung issues. Ruled out cancers.

    They tried to blame a new onset of asthma.

    Biggest issue is he's running out of medication they can give him to help him breath. He was a super healthy guy. Going down the stairs can cause him too much stress these days.

  10. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kijho View Post
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    Yup, but only the 2 doses pfizer I got. (When I got the vaccines I got sick for just 1 brief morning the next day and the 2nd dose I didn't feel anything after.)

    So the bike ride wasn't too bad actually it felt good during it - but pretty quickly afterwards I was coughing quite a bit for about 10 mins. when I sat back down in the truck. Sort of that feeling after you have worked out too hard maybe. But it was only a 30 mins. light ride along the pathways. Uphill at the end though that I think got me haha..
    Two shots of pfizer for me too. Had the same symptoms as you, but i never had a fever. But i spewed my guts out.

  11. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    And what was the duration between your vaccines?

    I know in my case, I rushed as fast as controversially possible between 1 & 2. Then it was I think at least 12 months before my third.
    2 Months between! (June and August)

    This thread makes me sad seeing some people with problems too, my father got also (from when I did 2 weeks) but his cough has just simply not gone away. Nothing else, but just the persistent cough. Kept thinking maybe it's all the pollen / allergies or something but hearing other people with similar experiences, I hope it gets better for you @DonJuan

  12. #412
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    I'm willing to bet more people have long covid but don't realize it. It seems like a lot of kidney / liver damage is pretty common as well. Random heart palpitations is another one, the strange thing is ekg and monitoring machines have trouble picking it up and doctors have trouble explaining it.

    I hope everyone recovers from it!

  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
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    That exactly it. Every single thing you just said is me also. Symbicort, that's what it is, couldn't remember the name. It is possible that I wasn't able to take it incorrectly as you're supposed to take a deep breath and hold for 10 sec, kinda hard to do when I'm fighting a coughing fit as soon as I breathe deeply. I was even popping that black Halls that tastes terrible. Try a humidifier at night? And try the tylenol? The strange thing for me is when I went on vacay it was basically back to normal, sore throat and a little phlegmy in mornings, but I was feeling great able to do things and walk around and snorkel like usual. Breathing was back to normal.

    Not kidding about the tylenol, got off the plane in Pearson and felt terrible before a long walk to the next gate. I was sweating because I didn't want to cough up a lung in the busy terminal and getting looked at or arrested or something. Popped a tylenol and waited for like 5min. No real probs after.

    It's when these doctors get really concerned and start looking for signs of cancer and shit that has me worried.

    Oh I don't smoke, or do any drugs. Only drink occasionally. Never been on any meds in my life.
    I was consistently getting sore throat, phlegm cough, plugged sinuses, etc. I used to get sick like that twice every year, but now it seemed to be constant.

    My wife changed the bedside tables, and moved my CPAP down to the lowest shelf. I had a suspicion it was humidity related as it always used to be. Moved my CPAP back up to bed level, and suddenly I started clearing up. With the CPAP sitting low, the humidity in the hose would condense and just fall back into the machine. I figured that out because it was rarely needing to be refilled with water.

    Other than humidity, the other thing that has a bad effect on sinuses and throat, is dirty furnace filter.

    Whether you have "long covid" or a vaccine injury, talking care of those 2 things should at least make the best of things. A good humidifier next to the bed when sleeping makes a huge difference.

  14. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
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    No previous respiratory illness of any kind in last 39 years.

    April '21 caught Covid, recovered, except that I haven't breathed properly since. Never had allergies. 91% blood oxygen. Reduced lung capacity.
    No family history of any lung or respiration problems, non smoker/vaper. I work in an office. Heart and blood tests are all good, BP is normal.
    Used to be able to run for 90 mins, now going to the basement requires 5 mins of laying down, even after losing 40lbs in 8 months.

    What's dumb is not to see a connection.

    My doctors haven't even said the words "long covid" or even "bronchitis". They are just addressing the symptoms, but not said what the problem is.

    It's weird that people only seem interested in making anecdotal connections to a corona virus that the human body has dealt with forever, and not the completely new thing we've all had shoved in our bodies.

    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
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    The wife had that joint pain in her hip same time I was sick. It was bad, she described it as almost the same level as giving birth, few days later it was gone.

    Has anyone run into the "covid brain fog" as some people describe it?
    I'm willing to listen that this one may not be an actual thing, or related to the gov't stealing our brain signals, 5G lag etc.
    Definitely been foggier the last year. But that could also be attributed to having a 1 year old.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kijho View Post
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    So after close to 8 years of not ever being sick - I got it 2 weeks ago now. Felt a bit sore one day late afternoon and went to bed early that night, woke up at 1am shaking uncontrollably and began puking every 30 mins from that point onward. Fever was 102.9F and the vomiting lasted until morning. I passed out finally to sleep then and slept all day. Woke up later afternoon with the worst full body aches ever (could hardly stand up) and bad headache. So began tylenol (1000mg) and advil (400mg) together every 6 hours which worked serious wonders. The following day I actually felt quite fine, just the headache was still very bad but the Tylenol was seriously the biggest difference, within 10 mins of it I would feel it getting a bit better.

    But the 4th day I felt 90% better, no more aches, no fever, even the headache was gone - but then began coughing like crazy!!! Took those black halls for a day, had some chicken soups, some tea. (Took home test positive for those 4 days in a row - every day.)

    Then day 5 felt completely back to normal. Even tested negative that morning, took a second test to be sure - negative. Everything seemed back to normal, the coughing was gone. I didn't even feel the need for tylenol or anything. THEN.. few days go by, I started feeling insanely tired. Even just walking up stairs super out of breath and sweating like I did a workout. I'm now on day # 14 since first day and feel completely fine except still get very tired just doing minimal tasks. Tried doing some yard work this past week and felt like I did an intense workout, out of breath sooo quickly. Going to try a bicycle ride this afternoon on a pathways and see how it goes.
    This doesn't really sound like covid. Did you get a test that was positive at the start? Or what was the assumption of this being covid and not food poisoning or some other malady?

  15. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    This doesn't really sound like covid. Did you get a test that was positive at the start? Or what was the assumption of this being covid and not food poisoning or some other malady?
    4 tests positive 4 days in a row, yup, Day 5, 6, 7, negatives. I took 2 tests the the first two days because I didn't know if I was doing a 'good enough' job swabbing etc.. But idk even how good those at home ones are.
    Last edited by Kijho; 06-10-2022 at 10:20 PM.

  16. #416
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    With long covid, it seems to come in waves. One week will feel fine, next week will have a slew of problems that may be completely different. Several months for some, at this point for me personally there may be some permanent issues (not all bad which is crazy)

    Most do seem to have a low grade cough through the entire ordeal.
    DXY 100

  17. #417
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kijho View Post
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    4 tests positive 4 days in a row, yup, Day 5, 6, 7, negatives. I took 2 tests the the first two days because I didn't know if I was doing a 'good enough' job swabbing etc.. But idk even how good those at home ones are.
    Oh gotcha, you only mentioned testing negative in your original post.

    Yeah the rapid tests seem a bit sketch. I had mild symptoms for like 5 days. Then I finally took a real turn where my symptoms were still mild, but much worse than the first 5 days. Super runny nose, stuff like that. Then I finally tested positive on a rapid test. I confirmed mine with PCR, but I was surprised how long it took for the rapid test to finally give me a positive.

    I don't know about Calgary? But in Edmonton I have been seeing a big resurgence of goofy mask wearers. I still follow the AHS hospital counts, and it has been just steadily falling for months. Down to 24 ICU's now. So I'm not sure where the make believe fear is coming from again? But I don't watch the news, so maybe they've been pushing it again.
    Last edited by Misterman; 06-11-2022 at 07:11 AM.

  18. #418
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    Got to protect yourself from MONKEYPOX.

    Stay home stay safe.

    Flatten the curve.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  19. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenOps View Post
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    With long covid, it seems to come in waves. One week will feel fine, next week will have a slew of problems that may be completely different. Several months for some, at this point for me personally there may be some permanent issues (not all bad which is crazy)

    Most do seem to have a low grade cough through the entire ordeal.
    Long covid? Never heard of it. But im fully aware of long aids.

  20. #420
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    Covid finally hit our house, not sure where we picked it up but I'm going to blame the kids because kids are gross. My wife was wiped out for a few days with a bad headache, body aches, and sweats. It was pretty mild for me with the exception of loss of energy and this god damn cough. I was feeling good enough to change the spark plugs in the RDX but halfway through the fatigue hit me like I had just spent 10 hours working outside in the heat. It was very bizarre, like a heat exaustion coupled with sore muscles. My hips felt like someone took a baseball bat to them so I spent a lot of time on the couch for the rest of the day.

    For the kids, the only symptom we can attribute to them is the shits. My 4 year old had an upset stomach one morning then shit his brains out all day and my 2 year old had about 7-8 sharty diapers. Besides that they have been 110% which sucks dealing with when we are sick. Thankfully they can go back to daycare wednesday.

    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    Got to protect yourself from MONKEYPOX.

    Stay home stay safe.

    Flatten the curve.
    Monkey Pox is the most prevalent in the gay community from close contact with bodily fluids from what the media tells me. So half of beyond is probably safe, but the other half is literally and figuratively fucked.
    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    ...Last thing I want is someone reading my posts and losing their cock over it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sugarphreak
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    Meh, they all look like Jackie Chan to me
    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    I'm generally cute.

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