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Thread: When Realtors Aren't Great

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    Default When Realtors Aren't Great

    ****I have no experience with any realtors who are members or sponsors on this forum. Nothing I say is intended to damage anyone's reputation here and I mean no disrespect. This is a rant about the industry, in general.****

    I don’t have much experience with the real estate process, but I do understand how things are bought and sold and the effect of price in the speed of sales. It's not the simplest thing in the world, but it’s not that complicated. Realtors are supposed to help facilitate this process based on the needs of their client. Some of them are excellent. Unfortunately, too many of them are dangerously stupid and some of the smarter ones are choosing to max out their profit or image over their specific client's needs.

    Why is this? I think it's partly because it's too easy to become a realtor and that attracts some of the same morons that get excited when they see the "work from home and make $2k/week" advertisements on TV at 4AM. Think about it... "I can make $8-grand selling a $400,000 house and all I had to do was take some pictures and put it on the internet?! Derp! How long does the course take until I'm on this gravy train? Sign me up!!" Once they get in, they realize that it’s a lot more work and weird time commitments than sitting on the couch while the checks roll in. But it’s too late – they are now realtors.

    So, this puts far too many realtors into the marketplace and with only so many Buyers/Sellers, there's not enough money to have everyone make a living. On the plus side, a bunch of the realtors are really stupid and lazy so they shouldn’t be taking much market, but how is someone just moving to a new city supposed to get a decent realtor to show them around? They can't ask their friends or anyone in the new city, because they probably don't know anyone there. Now they're stuck picking based on glossy advertisements, bus stop signs or blindly trusting a big company like Century-21 or whoever... This is how the stupid ones still get by.

    The smart realtors that don’t have enough contacts still need to convince the market that they’re better than the morons. They do this by claiming to be simultaneously two completely opposite things. “I am the best Seller’s realtor because I will sell your house for the most money in the least time.” Their second pamphlet says “I am the best Buyer’s realtor because I will help you get your Seller's price down below market value so you get the best deal.” I don’t understand how anyone could fall for this but I also don’t drive a new Jetta on an 84 month loan. Lots of people are driving those cars and lots of people believe that these realtors have the magic buying and selling formula. If you can sell something for a higher price than other market comparables, you’re not going to sell it quickly, if you’re able to sell it at all. If you’re making terrible offers all the time, the Sellers aren’t going to always be desperate enough to give their houses away and your Buyers aren’t going to be buying.

    Another tactic if you can’t sell enough houses is to take more training courses that give you some imaginary letters after your name so people armor your profession more. “Oh look. I’m a CCIM and the religious fanatic that taught the course said right in the brochure that ‘a CCIM is a PhD level credential’ so you know I’m knowligeable”. (I’m not making this up. There’s a CCIM dude that claims “it is PhD level”.)

    So, here’s my experience (from a few years ago and before I joined this forum) and why I am upset about this industry. I wanted to sell my house. In order to do that, you need to find out what it’s worth. In order to do that, you can look at your property assessment and get a rough idea, but what you really need to do is contact a realtor for one of these “free assessments”. What they essentially do is look at the recent sales in your area of comparable homes and work out approximately what $/sq-ft houses are selling for. Then adjust if your house is unique or crappy or better. Does that seem hard? Also, no. But you need a realtor to access their data base of the actual selling prices, otherwise you’re just pricing based on a bunch of asking prices instead of legit, selling prices. How do you pick this realtor? If you know someone or you have a friend whose opinion you value and you’re certain that they had a good realtor, then that’s great. If not, you’re stuck with the glossy crap that 5 different realtors put in your mailbox every week and the internet. Great.

    So you ask your friend who just sold his house and he recommends _______ and brags that his house sold on the first day and they had multiple offers. That realtor must be good, right? No! That realtor is one of the smarter ones that’s being a lazy piece of crap. He priced that house way too low and it sold instantly for way less than it should have. If you put an E46 M3 in Laguna Seca Blue on Kijiji for $9-grand your phone will explode and after you recover your messages you’ll sell that car for more than $9-grand but you’re not suddenly a genius salesman. You’re an idiot. If my friend owed some bikers a pile of money and he needed to sell that house instantly, that realtor did his job but I know that he could have held it for a year without suffering.

    I don’t want that realtor or anyone like him. Next step is to try to remember some names from the pamphlets that you’ve been throwing directly in the garbage for years and years. The one that you’re able to remember is a decent looking woman (because hotness can sell houses) and off you go to her website. She’s got a Facebook page and a website and a phone and Instagram and LinkedIn and Twitter and a trillion ways to get in touch. Fill out her online form from her website and wait to hear back. I would expect something in minutes but after a day of hearing nothing I phoned. Someone took a message with my info and then I still never heard back. How the hell does someone that has literally been begging for my business for years and has wasted their money on all these websites and advertisements not call back?

    Now I don’t want her but I still need someone to get me a price point. Next I’m stuck driving around my area looking for names on realtor signs because they should have a clue about my neighborhood. I finally get ahold of two. First guy comes over and has a quick look and gives me a report and it’s low. Stupid low. The next guy comes over a couple days later and he even brings a partner with him. They both agree on a much smaller range that is also quite low. The guy actually said “the last thing I need is another listing sitting on the market”. Whoa Playa. So sorry for wasting your time! Dunno what made me think you sold houses for a living.

    Great. Now I’m doubting my own value because I’ve got 2 or sort of 3 realtors that have said my house is worth way less and I’m talking about numbers between 10%-15% below what the house should sell for. That’s a huge chunk in realty. This ain’t like buying used tires on Kijiji for half of what the guy was asking. A lot of realtors won’t even show their clients an offer that’s 5% below asking price. Finally another friend comes to the rescue with a realtor. This guy comes over with a report that’s not way different from the others but he goes way farther back in time with his because the recent sales were not really that similar to my house and then he factors it because of the current economic conditions and market. Does that seem hard? No.

    I list with him and the house doesn’t sell in the first day or week or month. But it does sell within the average time that houses are selling for in Edmonton. That means it was priced appropriately and I got tens of thousands more in my pocket than if I went with the others.

    Why were the others so off in their pricing? Maybe they weren’t. The fee structure system rewards realtors for doing this. If you’re selling a $400,000 house for 10% less at $360,000 the listing realtor only makes $600 less while the Seller loses out on $38,800 cash in their jeans. The realtor sells the house in less than one week and can brag that he is a miracle salesmen and get ready to list another house. He can even get the client to shake his hand and thank him rather than break his hand in a vice beat him with a lead pipe for costing the Seller thirty-nine thousand dollars. That $600 out of the realtor’s pocket is nothing more than an investment in future sales. He’ll make it back 5-fold by getting to list his next house that much sooner. How could you sleep at night denying a medium income family $39,000 in their pocket, just so you can quickly list another house and make another eight thousand?! You’re stealing from your customers when you should be stealing from your association! They’re the ones pumping out licenses on a conveyor belt!

    Let me repeat that some realtors are excellent and this isn’t all about bashing realtors. But the criminals and the ones that suck need to get weeded out and the stupid Realty Association had better start doing something about this because right now they aren’t and vigilant new competitors with alternatives are taking care of it for them. Answer your phone. Stop being lazy and pricing houses so low that they sell instantly. You’re not a hero, you’re a crook who left a bunch of your client’s money on the table. If you have a web presence and social media you need to actually use it beyond simply setting it up. Don’t spend all day handing out junk mail and then act all high and mighty when someone wants to give you some business. It’s fine to be proud of your job, but stop acting like you’re invaluable neurosurgeons or you’re going to end up like Film Projectionists.
    Do your job!

    *Again - references to "you" and "your" are directed at lousy Realtors, not anyone here. This was written years ago...

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    I was actually thinking about starting a new thread here but this is kind of on topic.

    So, we've been hearing about how crazy the market is, sold in less than 24 hrs with multiple offers above asking...we're looking to put our home on the market within a month, maybe even within a couple weeks, just waiting for a letter to sign off on my work transfer to Vancouver.

    My thoughts would be...wouldn't this be an ideal time to go with one of those low commission/flat fee realtors? Or maybe even do it all completely myself.

    I mean, if the market is as hot as it is right now, what are the realtors actually doing? Do up a writeup, take some pics, post it on MLS, spend less than a day showing the home, and bam...$20,000 commission? Fuck that right?
    Last edited by JohnnyHockey13; 03-05-2021 at 06:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyHockey13 View Post
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    I was actually thinking about starting a new thread here but this is kind of on topic.

    So, we've been hearing about how crazy the market is, sold in less than 24 hrs with multiple offers above asking...we're looking to put our home on the market within a month, maybe even within a couple weeks, just waiting for a letter to sign off on my work transfer to Vancouver.

    My thoughts would be...wouldn't this be an ideal time to go with one of those low commission/flat fee realtors? Or maybe even do it all completely myself.

    I mean, if the market is as hot as it is right now, what are the realtors actually doing? Do up a writeup, take some pics, post it on MLS, spend less than a day showing the home, and bam...$20,000 commission? Fuck that right?
    I do believe the a great realtor offers a great service and can really add a lot of value to you. And that's really important.
    But if you don't know one and you don't have a valuable referral from someone you can confirm has had a great experience, then it may be time to start looking at bargain basement stuff.
    My neighbour sold hers by herself and while she saved a lot of money, it was definitely a lot of work and she faced many obstacles. It's a pretty big pain in the ass and that's why the reward is significant.

    In my opinion, a house that sells in 24hr was priced low (maybe only 98% of the time). Price that thing truly in line with the market, and it's going to sell in a reasonable, normal length of time.
    If you want a quick sale and you can handle leaving tens of thousands on the table, then that's fine. Just be at peace with that knowledge.

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    Doesn't the same go for any industry? Most hires work out average at best, with a few standouts spread amongst the masses. Certainly true for engineers

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    But if you don't know one and you don't have a valuable referral from someone you can confirm has had a great experience
    I don't even trust most referrals. When I moved into this neighborhood we bought privately, but everyone on the block was asking if we used "So-and-so?" because he was the best, he's sold so many houses in the area and really quickly too, and everyone said what a wonderful experience it was.

    I took a look at his listings, they were priced so fucking low it was ridiculous. Dude was making bank selling old folks houses for cheap so they were gone in two days. None of the old grannies knew how to use the internet to find what prices should have been. The few other realtors in the area had proper prices listed and they still sold within a couple of weeks for 10% more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tik-Tok View Post
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    I don't even trust most referrals....
    I think I'm saying the same thing by emphasizing "confirm". In my initial rant, I mentioned my friend's referral, but because that realtor gave their house away, I was like a thanks but no thanks.

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    Sorry to hear about your experience! As some others have pointed out, this type of (typically greed-fueled) incompetence is rampant across multiple (all) industries and not just in realty. Doesn't excuse things one bit, and it's probably worse in realty than most other industries.

    With that said, there are definitely good ones out there but they are much fewer and far between. Those are the ones you want, but the irony is that they might be harder to find if you don't know where to look or who to ask. They're not typically going around spamming you with brochures or door hangers - they're too busy selling houses.

    I'm currently having a bad experience with a realtor, but not in the traditional sense. I was helping a friend go house hunting and we decided one weekend that we'd check out open houses. Upon googling "Calgary open houses", I ended up submitting my contact information via a form to get past the "paywall" on a realty firm's website, so I could see which houses were available for viewing that weekend. Big mistake.

    This was more than a year ago. This realtor still texts me, regularly, despite me telling him that the house hunting has been put on pause indefinitely. If he's not texting, he's calling me from an unknown (unblockable) phone number and leaving messages. Most of them are passive-aggressive, if he's in a good mood that day. It's getting fucking creepy. Is this what they're teaching in Sales 101 these days?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyline_Addict View Post
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    Sorry to hear about your experience! As some others have pointed out, this type of (typically greed-fueled) incompetence is rampant across multiple (all) industries and not just in realty. Doesn't excuse things one bit, and it's probably worse in realty than most other industries.

    With that said, there are definitely good ones out there but they are much fewer and far between. Those are the ones you want, but the irony is that they might be harder to find if you don't know where to look or who to ask. They're not typically going around spamming you with brochures or door hangers - they're too busy selling houses.

    I'm currently having a bad experience with a realtor, but not in the traditional sense. I was helping a friend go house hunting and we decided one weekend that we'd check out open houses. Upon googling "Calgary open houses", I ended up submitting my contact information via a form to get past the "paywall" on a realty firm's website, so I could see which houses were available for viewing that weekend. Big mistake.

    This was more than a year ago. This realtor still texts me, regularly, despite me telling him that the house hunting has been put on pause indefinitely. If he's not texting, he's calling me from an unknown (unblockable) phone number and leaving messages. Most of them are passive-aggressive, if he's in a good mood that day. It's getting fucking creepy. Is this what they're teaching in Sales 101 these days?
    Funny you mention Sales 101...the one and only sales job I've ever had was when I was 26 and got a job doing sales for World Health Club. I kid you not, in the training, they specifically told me to find out what their emotional reasons were for wanting to join a gym and to exploit it (essentially emotionally blackmailing them). They also told me those boxes they set up at places for free one year membership contests are completely bullshit, there is no real prize, it's just to get people's numbers and we were instructed to call these people up to say "I got your number from blah blah....unfortunately, you didn't win, but we CAN offer you a free 2 week pass"...another dishonest thing, the admin fee, we were trained to start off by telling them that it was $100, but in the end, worst case, we tell them we will waive it in order to make them feel like they're getting a deal, the trainer literally told us the admin fee serves no other purpose other than that. After that experience I have never had much respect for anyone that works in sales. I refuse, to this day, to buy a vehicle from dealer for this reason. Now obviously I don't believe all sales people are shit, but the industry DOES attract a lot of shit people.
    Last edited by JohnnyHockey13; 03-05-2021 at 08:59 PM.

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    Psychological manipulation is marketing/sales. Why are the McDicks arches the colour they are, for example?

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    Wait wait, wait! Shut up. Everyone, shut the fuck up!!
    Did I just find out that the "Bro, enter here for free gym memberships, Bro" things are a sham? Illegitimate?! Nefarious!!??
    Here I've been actively filling those cards out for 12+ years with all of my many many enemies' names and today, March 5, 2021 I'm to find out that they were not winning free gym memberships?¿?!!!!?!1!1!??¿?

    I don't know what to believe anymore!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    March 5, 2021 I'm to find out that they were not winning free gym memberships?¿?!!!!?!1!1!??¿?
    I don't know what he's talking about. I ALWAYS won, a free 2-week pass.

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    I don’t really trust realtors after hearing a bit of inside info from my realtor buddy. I think if clients could see some of the text messages between buyer/seller agents especially when it’s offer time, they would be in shock. At the end of the day it’s in the realtors’ best interest to do a fast deal and often times that’s the opposite interest of the clients they represent.

    Next time I need to sell or buy I’m going to try bode personally. The worst thing that can happen is that it doesn’t work out and I fall back to using a realtor again

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    We're in the market for a nice new house but the last realtor I used has gone off the map, though he pretty much only dealt with property in Airdrie, he was a great guy. Now, since we are kind of back looking for a realtor (not actively looking but considering options) it seems like we may just end up dealing with the listing agent for whichever house we end up getting. How many people have gone this route and had success? It seems like it may be a decent option because some signs point to the realtor being more willing to push the sellers on a low offer since they are getting double commission. Plus I am pretty picky and the only purpose for a realtor would be the paper work, I don't need someone showing me houses at random because Ive probably already seen it on Realtor.ca and if I didn't already want to see it then there would be no point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    Psychological manipulation is marketing/sales. Why are the McDicks arches the colour they are, for example?
    visibility, red and yellow are the easiest colours to read from a distance... thats why many top companies use yellow and or red.
    User title molested by Rage2.

    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    It's not the size that matters, it's the taste it leaves in your mouth.

    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE
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    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    No logic, thought, input, etc from cult member...

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    This is why i never use top notch realtors, they're in it to win it, and to do that, you need to be cutthroat, both to your competition, and your customers.... Look for the little guy who really isn't looking to create an enterprise out of it to take over the world. I just bought a house and used a personal friend Robb Leece, he works for graham realty (same guys that run Graham auctions), he's a humble guy and just enjoys what he does and doesnt concern himself with taking over the world. The whole process was simple, transparent, honest, and casual, while also taking things professionally when that was required. He even told us on multiple occasions that he would not support us putting in an offer because he knew it was not what we wanted and our impatience was clouding out judgement and he was right! We waited a couple weeks and ended up with our dream house.
    Last edited by Thaco; 03-05-2021 at 10:06 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    It's not the size that matters, it's the taste it leaves in your mouth.

    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE
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    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    No logic, thought, input, etc from cult member...

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    Buying realtors have it so breezy. Get them on an automatic email-list of features they're looking for and it sends it out. The customer comes back and says I want to look at these houses -- they're essentially glorified babysitters.

    At least the selling realtors have to do something, and this is what separates the "good" from not so good/lazy/cheap. The people spending money on staging, proper photos, cleverly worded ads...I can at least some value there. Buying? Not so much.

    My experience with all the realtors I have dealt with has been negative.

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    Somebody I respect once told me if everything in your life fails, become a realtor. From my experience this is largely true. Most of the realtors I know were the ones barely making it through high school and didn’t bother with any sort of post secondary or trade school after high school.

    There are some good ones out there but let’s face it, it’s an industry largely dominated by uneducated morons trying to make a buck.
    Last edited by BavarianBeast; 03-05-2021 at 10:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaco View Post
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    personal friend Robb Leece, he works for graham realty (
    Damn, I was just wondering earlier today what robb was up to these days. Does he still have that convertible k-car?

    Super nice guy and a car nut too (albeit not mainstream)

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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyL View Post
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    Damn, I was just wondering earlier today what robb was up to these days. Does he still have that convertible k-car?

    Super nice guy and a car nut too (albeit not mainstream)
    He does, he loves that sweet lebaron with the flames... and the Winnebago
    User title molested by Rage2.

    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    It's not the size that matters, it's the taste it leaves in your mouth.

    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE
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    I say stupid shit all the time.
    ^^ Fact Checked

    Quote Originally Posted by Misterman View Post
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    No logic, thought, input, etc from cult member...

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    We're looking at selling our house within the next year and a half and I'm the kind of person that wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I could have sold it for more than I did. What SHOULD we be looking for in a relator so I know what to look for and can skip over the duds that everyone has mentioned here?

    We're currently in a ~$440k house in the burbs, so out of the typical wheel house of some of the higher end highly regarded real estate agents on this forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    ...Last thing I want is someone reading my posts and losing their cock over it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sugarphreak
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    Meh, they all look like Jackie Chan to me
    Quote Originally Posted by ExtraSlow View Post
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    I'm generally cute.

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