Beyond has an official Cardano / ADA pool now!
Cardano / Ada is 3rd gen crypto currency which uses a "proof of stake" system for security instead of raw power, race to the bottom hashing.
Its more efficient and fair distribution of rewards should lead to a long and healthy crypto currency.
What that's means for the investors or "stakers", stakers will receive a proportional share of this pools rewards. The chances of mining a block in a given epoch (5 days) are pool stake over 1,000,000. So a healthy Pool of 1MIL will see 1 block per epoch and returns of 4.5%/yearly.
This pool is taking 340 ADA per block for operating costs. PLUS 1.5% for a Calgary based charity per epoch plus another 0.5% goes to since I know none of you cheap bastards keep this place alive.
Rewards Tracking Sheet
The Hardware:
- 1x raspberry pi 4 8GB with POE hats and 256GB SSD
- 1Gb fiber connection
Useful links
YYC Adapools Stats
Cardano staking basics
Pool Hardware stats (Please PM for access)
NDAX.IO Crypto Exchange (affiliate link)
Adjusted Cost for tracking gains and taxes. Free!
Cardano YYC Twitter Updates
Pool TODO list:
- Fill out more Metadata
- Make a real website?
- Add a 3rd relay once we have returns.
- Add POE power backup and second WAN
Edit: More of the pool rewards are going to charity now.