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Thread: Israel at war on surprise attack.

  1. #1641
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    Quote Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
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    Basically organized religion is not the problem, but more the symptom.
    Anyone who takes anything in life too seriously is fuckin nuts. It's pretty simple.

    If you dress up like a fruit bat so you can ride your bike everywhere and save the planet, you're fuckin nuts.
    Point your bum at Mecca 5x per day and throw rocks at women? Fuckin nuts.
    Memorize ludicrous sports stats from the past decades of your favourite team? Fuckin nuts.
    March with a God Hates Fags sign at a Pride Parade? Fuckin nuts.

    Go through life making a reasonable effort to experience enjoyment and be reasonable with your co-species members? Normal.

  2. #1642
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Anyone who takes anything in life too seriously is fuckin nuts. It's pretty simple.

    If you dress up like a fruit bat so you can ride your bike everywhere and save the planet, you're fuckin nuts.
    Point your bum at Mecca 5x per day and throw rocks at women? Fuckin nuts.
    Memorize ludicrous sports stats from the past decades of your favourite team? Fuckin nuts.
    March with a God Hates Fags sign at a Pride Parade? Fuckin nuts.

    Go through life making a reasonable effort to experience enjoyment and be reasonable with your co-species members? Normal.

    but he/she/they etx who has a why can bear almost any how
    yea it's cwazy cupcakes
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
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  3. #1643
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    If Palestinians are ready to murder Israeli hostages by trying to chop off their heads with shovels then they need to be ready to get treated like people who chop hostage heads off with shovels.

  4. #1644
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Anyone who takes anything in life too seriously is fuckin nuts. It's pretty simple.

    If you dress up like a fruit bat so you can ride your bike everywhere and save the planet, you're fuckin nuts.
    Point your bum at Mecca 5x per day and throw rocks at women? Fuckin nuts.
    Memorize ludicrous sports stats from the past decades of your favourite team? Fuckin nuts.
    March with a God Hates Fags sign at a Pride Parade? Fuckin nuts.

    Go through life making a reasonable effort to experience enjoyment and be reasonable with your co-species members? Normal.
    Ding ding ding!

    Goes back to my comment that people have a tendency to use things like religion to fuel there already deep seated biases. I have known so many people who identify as say Christian and switch churches because they don't agree with how their previous church interprets scriptures. I mean just the fact that one person at some point in time decided "I interpret the Bible to infer this verse like such and such, and I want everyone to interpret it like I do, so I am starting a new church and tell everybody that my way is right and everyone else is wrong" shows the fallacy of organizing spirituality rather than just living well.

  5. #1645
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabjab View Post
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    I've never seen someone with so much hate for a particular religion. I think you need to get some professional help or you'll get even more crazy
    Let's see:
    - I'm against a war-mongering, murdering, raping, torturing, lying, stealing, wife-beating Pedophile as a Perfect example for humankind to follow.

    - I'm against the only Religion where that God Prescribes violence and terror and hate against non-believers and treats women as 2nd class citizens as being only sex objects and baby makers, and the penalty for leaving said "religion" is Death

    - I'm against the encroachment of said "religion" against the local cultures, norms, values and laws of any place it inhabits. "Peaceful" in a minority, but once it gains it's majority, its true ugly face shows. Just like when Muhammad started out about tolerance when he had little followers and then turned to murder, rape and mayhem, once he got evicted into Medina and started raiding caravans to gain and grow in power by promising booty to his followers. That any semblance of peace in earlier verses have been abrogated with the later verses of violence. That Islam is not just about a worship of a God but a full on Political system.

    I care about the impact the Ideology that teaches that the perfect followers are ones that are actually abhorrent sinners. Where it teaches Wrong is Right, Dark is Light. And I will keep exposing this murderous death cult until the avalanche of Apostasy is open and those won't be afraid to announce it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jutes View Post
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    So you're okay with the sale of aid to fund terrorism?
    Well of course just another way to support Jihad. Just like Rape Jihad happening all over Europe, Terror Jihad, and any Zikat a follower gives which in turn goes to fund Jihad. Jihad mentioned over and over in the Hadiths in reference to the words of Muhammad, which is physical warfare, a holy war against unbelievers and its funding.

  6. #1646
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportEL View Post
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    Let's see:
    - I'm against a war-mongering, murdering, raping, torturing, lying, stealing, wife-beating Pedophile as a Perfect example for humankind to follow.

    - I'm against the only Religion where that God Prescribes violence and terror and hate against non-believers and treats women as 2nd class citizens as being only sex objects and baby makers, and the penalty for leaving said "religion" is Death

    - I'm against the encroachment of said "religion" against the local cultures, norms, values and laws of any place it inhabits. "Peaceful" in a minority, but once it gains it's majority, its true ugly face shows. Just like when Muhammad started out about tolerance when he had little followers and then turned to murder, rape and mayhem, once he got evicted into Medina and started raiding caravans to gain and grow in power by promising booty to his followers. That any semblance of peace in earlier verses have been abrogated with the later verses of violence. That Islam is not just about a worship of a God but a full on Political system.

    I care about the impact the Ideology that teaches that the perfect followers are ones that are actually abhorrent sinners. Where it teaches Wrong is Right, Dark is Light. And I will keep exposing this murderous death cult until the avalanche of Apostasy is open and those won't be afraid to announce it.

    Well of course just another way to support Jihad. Just like Rape Jihad happening all over Europe, Terror Jihad, and any Zikat a follower gives which in turn goes to fund Jihad. Jihad mentioned over and over in the Hadiths in reference to the words of Muhammad, which is physical warfare, a holy war against unbelievers and its funding.
    I think you're absolutely bonkers. You need professional help. Did a Muslim girl break your heart or something? It's ok to talk about it. Islam is living in your head rent free, I urge you to do something about it.

    IDF has raped pregnant women and then killed them that were not Hamas members, been documented in Arab news channels. There is evidence to support this as well. Do you see me hating Jews for this? No!
    Last edited by jabjab; 04-20-2024 at 10:13 AM.

  7. #1647
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    Holy fuck at arguing with the night shift.

    Have people not figured out yet that all this talk about war rape is as real as "razor blades in Halloween candy"? Is it not widely known that this is simply folklore propaganda designed to incite hate?
    There's simply no way that this is actually happening with any relevant frequency that anyone should be talking about it, at all, let alone talking about it across the globe. The same shit was said during the Yugoslavian war about evil Serbians.

  8. #1648
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    Useful idiots gonna useful idiot
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  9. #1649
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Holy fuck at arguing with the night shift.

    Have people not figured out yet that all this talk about war rape is as real as "razor blades in Halloween candy"? Is it not widely known that this is simply folklore propaganda designed to incite hate?
    There's simply no way that this is actually happening with any relevant frequency that anyone should be talking about it, at all, let alone talking about it across the globe. The same shit was said during the Yugoslavian war about evil Serbians.
    Do they have comfort women stations
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  10. #1650
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    Nice little Jazz Diddy. Jabjab will have to turn the volume off as Music is Haram, but I'm sure get get turned on by all the photos of the little child brides, just like his sick pedophile prophet would like.

    I ain't gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender, I ain't gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me! Islam's not for me

    To justify their prophet, they will justify sin, so their sins of their prophet are repeated again.

    ..All over the world in Islamic States, 9 year old girls suffer cruel fate, sold into marriage by twisted men, so Aisha's sad story is repeated again..

    ..Do you care about women all over the world, do you care about those little girls. Better stand up for human rights, Speak out against the laws of Islam.

    I ain't gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender, I ain't gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me! Islam's not for me

    "Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). - Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64

    "And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease." - Koran 65:4
    (This talks about the waiting period before you can divorce your wife, including those pre-pubescents who have not menstruated)

    Yes, I'm against an Ideology that is against Child Rape within its own ideology and Rape against Captive Non-believers. The ones who are bonkers who knows these facts and still hold onto the ideology. Just so the cruel fate of women and children are repeated again and again.

  11. #1651
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportEL View Post
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    Nice little Jazz Diddy. Jabjab will have to turn the volume off as Music is Haram, but I'm sure get get turned on by all the photos of the little child brides, just like his sick pedophile prophet would like.

    I ain't gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender, I ain't gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me! Islam's not for me

    To justify their prophet, they will justify sin, so their sins of their prophet are repeated again.

    ..All over the world in Islamic States, 9 year old girls suffer cruel fate, sold into marriage by twisted men, so Aisha's sad story is repeated again..

    ..Do you care about women all over the world, do you care about those little girls. Better stand up for human rights, Speak out against the laws of Islam.

    I ain't gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender, I ain't gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me! Islam's not for me

    "Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). - Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64

    "And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease." - Koran 65:4
    (This talks about the waiting period before you can divorce your wife, including those pre-pubescents who have not menstruated)

    Yes, I'm against an Ideology that is against Child Rape within its own ideology and Rape against Captive Non-believers. The ones who are bonkers who knows these facts and still hold onto the ideology. Just so the cruel fate of women and children are repeated again and again.

  12. #1652
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    What's so funny? I don't find Child sex exploitation a laughing matter, you sicko. You want your Islamic paradise like this? You're as depraved as your prophet. Your prophet also had dreams of Aisha as a baby, and that she would be his one day. 54 vs 6 year old. Get your head checked, sicko.

    Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia will not be normalized. All about sick gross satanic control either through Ideology of Islam, or through control of officials and those of influence. Will be more and more exposing this all.

  13. #1653
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    Police finally moving into the Tent Cities being set up taking over Columbia, NYU, and Yale University, and arresting a whole bunch of people including professors. These are supposed to be places filled with smart people? Yeah right. Blocking Jewish students access into, shutting down the card access of a Jewish professor, and all a bunch of Pro-Hamas chants, including a sign pointing to Jews saying Next Al-Qassam victims.

  14. #1654
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportEL View Post
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    What's so funny? I don't find Child sex exploitation a laughing matter, you sicko. You want your Islamic paradise like this? You're as depraved as your prophet. Your prophet also had dreams of Aisha as a baby, and that she would be his one day. 54 vs 6 year old. Get your head checked, sicko.

    Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia will not be normalized. All about sick gross satanic control either through Ideology of Islam, or through control of officials and those of influence. Will be more and more exposing this all.

    I think you're crazy. Again, you need to see professional help ASAP

  15. #1655
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    You're crazy if you don't have him on ignore by now

  16. #1656
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    Quote Originally Posted by msommers View Post
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    You're crazy if you don't have him on ignore by now
    You mean both of them right?
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  17. #1657
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    Useless people outraged over things out of their control.

    Anti-Israel protests break out in U.S. universities following arrests at Columbia

    Terrorism support in Canada.

    Most of these people are white and are obviously suffering from mental health crisis.

  18. #1658
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    Quote Originally Posted by jutes View Post
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    Useless people outraged over things out of their control.

    Anti-Israel protests break out in U.S. universities following arrests at Columbia

    Terrorism support in Canada.

    Most of these people are white and are obviously suffering from mental health crisis.
    Are you sure most of them are white? Not from the video footage I've seen, but then again, I haven't actually been out to one of these protests, since I'm not stupid.

  19. #1659
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    The majority are not whites at the protest.

  20. #1660
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    What even is a white person anyway?
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    Quote Originally Posted by JRSC00LUDE View Post
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    Pizza preferences are more polarizing than politics.

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