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Thread: UCP pronouns trans surgery MEGATHREAD

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    Great, tell me why it matters in the workplace. But you can't. Because you're an NPC.
    That's kind of the purple hair way to reply when genuine facts are presented. "You're an NPC."

    Start using logic and reason, and stop using emotion. It's weak.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SKR View Post
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    What about people who are XXY or XYY? That is science also.
    Those are 1 in a thousand in males. Quite rare. And a physical condition that should be regarded as such and treated with a large multifaceted array of medical and mental health supports.

    Are some of the folks talked about in this thread part of this? Possibly. We wouldnt know unless they underwent genetic testing. So we have yet another large gap in medical data.

    Edit: quick google search brought the following info but it does not seem to be very large;
    Clinical features and prevalence of Klinefelter syndrome in transgender individuals: A systematic review
    [...]Results: Our search strategy retrieved 11 cohort studies comprising 1376 transgender individuals. In all, 14 of 1376 (1.02%) individuals were diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome. Based on the seven studies in which karyotype was undertaken in all individuals, the prevalence is 9/1013 (0.88%; 95% CI, 0.41%−1.68%). Case reports highlight unique treatment considerations in this population, including azoospermia, venous thromboembolism, and monitoring of breast cancer and bone health.

    Conclusion: Compared to the general population, observational studies document a higher prevalence of Klinefelter syndrome amongst transgender individuals, though underdiagnosis in the general population limits conclusions. Routine karyotype in transgender people initiating gender‐affirming hormone therapy is not supported unless clinical features of Klinefelter syndrome, such as small testicular volume, or hypergonadotropic hypogonadism are present. Transgender individuals with Klinefelter syndrome need to manage a unique risk profile if they desire feminizing gender‐affirming hormone therapy.

  3. #303
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    I enjoy reminding all the woke Redditors who are "defending children's rights" about this:

    Jesus fucking christ it's age-restricted? It's about dumb fucking teenagers eating tide pods.

    God dammit the YouTube filters only reinforce my point about how dumb society has become.
    Last edited by davidI; 02-09-2024 at 01:55 AM. Reason: The world has gone retarded

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKR View Post
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    Fuck all to do with anything. You can act like you're smart if you want, but you said sexuality and then tried to pretend it has another meaning. That's the thing. You're making a stupid argument based on a stupid premise.

    "You know I'm Asian right?" No, I fuckin don't. Thanks for the laughs.
    Zhîm being of Asian sexuality is actually very key in this instance because we are debating the existence of binary.

    Which is math.

    That's why you're an NPC.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by OTown View Post
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    Those are 1 in a thousand in males. Quite rare. And a physical condition that should be regarded as such and treated with a large multifaceted array of medical and mental health supports.

    Are some of the folks talked about in this thread part of this? Possibly. We wouldnt know unless they underwent genetic testing. So we have yet another large gap in medical data.

    Edit: quick google search brought the following info but it does not seem to be very large;
    Do you honestly fuckin think I knew enough to know about XXY and XYY, but didn't know enough about it to know how rare it is? Jesus Christ, some of you really struggle with what should be simple concepts. The guy said there are two genders, and that is science. The problem with that is the same fuckin science says it's not as clear as that.

    My point is that people say stupid shit and should be called out on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    Zhîm being of Asian sexuality is actually very key in this instance because we are debating the existence of binary.

    Which is math.

    That's why you're an NPC.
    I hadn't thought of that. You're probably right.

    Just a side note on NPC, it always kills me when dopes act like they're the ones that somehow have it figured out. There's a guy I know who is always posting shit on Facebook like "I'm a wolf among sheep" and other alpha conspiracy shit like that. And I'm like buddy, you rent a duplex on the same street as me. You're no closer to being a wolf than I am.
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  6. #306
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    Imagine defending the non sense that's out there these days with kids and their ever changing genders. How many times does a kid change its pro noun or gender before one realizes the kids full of it.

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKR View Post
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    Do you honestly fuckin think I knew enough to know about XXY and XYY, but didn't know enough about it to know how rare it is? Jesus Christ, some of you really struggle with what should be simple concepts. The guy said there are two genders, and that is science. The problem with that is the same fuckin science says it's not as clear as that.

    My point is that people say stupid shit and should be called out on it.
    Wow quite the aggressive stance when all I did was add context to your statement that it is 'science'.

    For the record; I dont disagree with you in regards to intersex people, but what I am trying to say is that, if that is your 'gotcha' moment, the evidence doesnt really lead to a conclusion that supports your cause.

    If anything it proves it has very little to do with physical/biological/genetic differences, and a lot to do with environment, external pressures, and psychological issues. Do these need to be addressed? Absolutely. But I guess we disagree with the cut-off age of where a child/adult can not only consent to the procedures, but have 'INFORMED consent' as it may hinder their development, reproduction, psychology, and other factors down the road.

    This isnt some surgery to fix a broken leg, these are serious and complex chemical, hormonal and surgical procedures that WILL form a lifetime of potential risks, side effects, physcological and physical issues. If an adult wishes to go through and consents to this in an informed manner im all for it, but a child is a whole other matter.
    Last edited by OTown; 02-09-2024 at 09:58 PM.

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent.ff View Post
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    I mean, ‘genital mutilation cult’ and ‘trannies’ has been brought up already. There is some obvious bigotry at play by some (not all). If it’s entirely ‘parental rights’ then why is there no dismay that parental rights does not matter if the kid is under 15? Those parental rights are fine to be removed, but others aren’t?
    This is the best part, when accurate statistical backed descriptions are labeled as "bigotry". Do you leftards really not realize yet that you've overplayed that word worse than Nazi?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brent.ff View Post
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    I’m 100% shit posting, but I do find it funny that ‘parental rights’ matter only if it’s in the conservative direction
    Because anybody who cares about the safety and security of children, is not going to be advocating for a parents right to mutilate their children for their own narcissistic tendencies. The entire thing is about child welfare more so than parental rights. I don't understand what you would find funny or confusing about this? Unless of course you completely misunderstand the entire trans issue going on right now....... oh right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brent.ff View Post
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    "Smith incorrectly suggests that parental rejection of 2SLGBTQIA+ kids is rare.

    According to a Canadian study by the Family Acceptance Project, 30 per cent of families reject their child when they come out, and many are removed from their homes.

    Among youth who are homeless, 20 per cent identify as 2SLGBTQIA+.

    For those who experience family rejection, the rates of suicide are incredibly high.

    According to the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, 79 per cent of those rejected by their families experienced suicidal ideation and 43 per cent have made a suicide attempt."

    Gonna be some hell of a lot of devil in those details.

    Very strange that people so mentally ill, end up estranged from their families, and suicidal.

    I'd love to see how they acquired this 30% figure. Are we just taking these mentally ill kids words for it? How many of them were finally removed from their homes once parents felt they had no other avenues to offer help, so would prefer not to see the downward spiral eventually leading to the heartbreaking sight of their dead child in their home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugarphreak View Post
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    That would fuck you up pretty good as a teenager... wow. Yeah they should ban that
    Lupron, a popular "Puberty Blocker" is literally used as chemical castration for sex offenders. Anyone thinking this is just hitting the pause button on puberty for their confused kid, is not doing much research into the matter.

    Quote Originally Posted by pheoxs View Post
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    I think it's worth pointing out to date there hasn't been a single under 18 that's received bottom surgery in Alberta. Our current health mechanisms already prevent that regardless of this new law. There also has only been two dozen people under 18 (over 16) in each of the past two years that received top surgery. Given that it already requires parental consent, multiple healthcare professionals being involved, and no provincial funding so it's a paid out of pocket surgery it seems our existing mechanisms are adequate IMO. Our province is up to 4.5 million people now, it's not unthinkable there will be a few cases where it's genuinely in the best interest of the child to go along that route but that's up to the kid, their parents, and the medical professionals to make those calls.

    Also worth pointing out that gender affirming care in youths almost always means social and psychological care. It's already quite rare for any medications to come into the picture and generally only after a number of other steps. Reading this thread it feels like some people misunderstand the situation and think that kids are being handed meds in a bowl of candies.

    All that being said, if a clinic is found to be skirting our healthcare guidelines and providing care that is against our regulations I do fully support them revoking their licenses and suing them into the ground for malpractice. We should fully enforce all the regulations to ensure they are being followed. That is an important distinction.
    As we have witnessed from all sorts of other Liberal actions that repeatedly violate current laws. It certainly cannot hurt to have a back up law on the books.

    Quote Originally Posted by max_boost View Post
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    Where are the therapists psychologists psychiatrists etc in all this
    They're not allowed to practice any longer. It's law now that you have to abide by this affirming care nonsense now that harms patients, or they'll take your license away.

    Quote Originally Posted by SKR View Post
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    Do you honestly fuckin think I knew enough to know about XXY and XYY, but didn't know enough about it to know how rare it is? Jesus Christ, some of you really struggle with what should be simple concepts. The guy said there are two genders, and that is science. The problem with that is the same fuckin science says it's not as clear as that.

    My point is that people say stupid shit and should be called out on it.

    Even people with this condition still generally present as either male or female. They're not some ambiguous amoeba. For all intents and purposes there IS only 2 genders. Just because some people have a birth defect causing them to be born with 1 arm, doesn't mean we change the entire scientific knowledge base so that everyone saying humans have 2 arms, is wrong.

    Saying there is 2 genders is pretty god damn accurate, so I don't know what you'd need to call anyone out for?

  9. #309
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    don’t you have a border to go blockade or something?

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent.ff View Post
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    don’t you have a border to go blockade or something?
    lol. Don't ever change

  11. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by suntan View Post
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    Noted hard-right nazi publication the NY Times:


    I seem to be one of the very few posters on here with teenage children that are almost 18.

    Let me tell you, these fuckers think they know EVERYTHING. That all their decisions are right and all yours are wrong. Usually I tell them to start supporting themselves, and then they start crying like little babies.

    Have fun, parents.
    Quote Originally Posted by g-m View Post
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    They're onto the incognito trick
    Paywall begone

  12. #312
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    Interesting article. Might be a bit long for some of the smooth brains in here
    Last edited by dirtsniffer; 02-11-2024 at 10:44 PM.

  13. #313
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    Story making the rounds. Teacher in Leduc pulled a bunch of students into the washroom to check their underwear. Police investigating. @yegwave posted screen shots... Western News reporting police involvement.

    And the teachers think they need to protect the kids from their parents.... hmm.

  14. #314
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    Looks like a possible pooped in underwear incident and not related to penises and vaginas.

    Still though. Lol.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sentry View Post
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    Thanks! Very interesting. This was funny

    As one detransitioned man, now in a gay relationship, put it, “I was a gay man pumped up to look like a woman and dated a lesbian who was pumped up to look like a man. If that’s not conversion therapy, I don’t know what is.”
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  16. #316
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    There's a good "Full Comment" podcast about this issue.

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by jutes View Post
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    Looks like a possible pooped in underwear incident and not related to penises and vaginas.

    Still though. Lol.
    I've got a theory. The teachers probably didn't want to out the kid to the parents and thought they had to protect them from being hurt at home. So they decided to strip a bunch of them down at school instead.


  18. #318
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    I mean I think people should be a little more honest and genuine about this shit and just care less about being called names and insulted by the woke mob.

    I actually gained a lot of respect for Danielle Smith since the election. I think she's being very reasonable but standing up for the quiet majority
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    'Porn should not be more accessible than sexual health education': Educators raise concerns over Alberta's proposed policies

    “We have a crisis in sexually transmitted infections across our country, notably, things like HIV and infectious syphilis are on the rise. We have children getting too involved in online pornography and the fallout of things like sextortion,” said Grace.

    “Porn should not be more accessible than sexual health education in our schools. Bottomline. We need to educate parents about this.”
    Schools give kids access to porn now? I should go back to school.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  20. #320
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    If there's internet connection, there's access to porn. Especially with the quality of IT that the school systems pay for.
    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
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    Came back to ogle 2Legit2Quit wife's buns...
    Quote Originally Posted by Kloubek View Post
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    They're certainly big, but I don't know if they are the BEST I've tasted.

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