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Thread: whats the worst thing youve ever done on the road

  1. #21
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    Laughing Tiger, That was a Wicked Story!

    I'm sure if i thought about it long enough i could come up with TONS of stupid things i have done on the Road, just dont want to share some of them!:tongue: this one comes to mind as a very stupid moment...........When i first got my Lisence i was Driving my Dads '94 Plymouth Acclaim V6, It had some balls at the Time .....I was Heading North on Bow bottom Trail at a "Leisurely Speed" of 165 and right where it turns into Deerfoot North, the Road goes Downhill kinda, and does a little S-Curve( which i didnt know about ) .....well I Caught about 5 feet of Air, then when i landed i was going practically sideways then fishtailed back the other way, then i somehow managed to keep control, Im pretty sure no one else saw it, but i thought i was going to Die! I drove the Rest of the Way home at like 90 on Deerfoot, my Heart was pumping SOOO fast!
    "Car Manufacturers give us a well engineered basic car but leave it's real development to us."

  2. #22
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    Well I better share on this...
    Did a complete 580' spin out going over the speed limit while racing around a bend, stayed on the right side of the road and didnt hit anything, but well this 580 ' was right infront of a fire truck.... Who then stopped to make sure everything was alright...

    And well the other accident was on grass... Or shall I say MUD... I was in Saskatchewan for a family renuion and myself and my dad were playing in a golf tournament. Well there was this hill that you had to climb to get to an elevated tee box, and this hill passage was narrow and right next to a drop into a lake, a deep lake where some farmers truck is apparently sunk from a drunken rampage in the 70's... But anyways, it had been rainy and there was no guard rail the hill. While going up the hill in a golf cart I was driving with my dad and there were family members in our group in another cart behind us. Lets just say that the hill kinda gave way, and I took a dive in a golf cart with myself and my dad down about a 9 foot straight drop into over 12 feet of lake water.......
    Keep in mind that this was during a FAMILY reunion, and we had to walk back with empty golf bags (the clubs dumped into the lake which they later sent a diver for) to the club house SOAKING WET...
    Well atleast I won the "deepest drive" award

    Had to pay $180 for a new golf cart battery. Plus I didnt feel too bad cus when we went back to take pics the next day for insurance purposes, 2 other people had put their cart in the drink in the same spot that day and the course finally decided to install rails

  3. #23
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    I started really taking driving seriously after I spun out off the road on a 2 lane highway. It had snowed that morning and the roads were not plowed at all. I passed a truck going 110, hit a deep patch of snow and lost it, I should have never been going that fast or attempted that pass in those road conditions, especially in a light RWD truck with a near 60/40 weight bias. I skidded out into the middle of a field on 2 wheels. Luckily some ppl stopped and helped get me out. here's the pic:

    That was 4 months after I got my liscence. That experience scared the shit out of me, but I'm glad it happened, learned quite a few lessons that day without suffering any damage to myself or the truck
    "Its because they're stupid, that's why. That's why everyone does everything."

  4. #24
    lammer Guest


    me and my dad were in the 4runner. early december last year. it was snowing. my dad let me drive out to help my mom, my dad was in the passenger seat. he told me to take a right next intersection..i didn't see it i drove past it hes like oh right there you missed it. i was like oh shit! i slammed the brakes and did a hard right..i spun out like a mad man..i was scared the car woulda flipped or hit someone else.. from then on my eyes are always peeled open and i never miss an interesection.

  5. #25
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    OHHHH, i remember what was probably the dumbest thing I've done. I was leaving glenmore resevoir, we had just rounded up some people for a party at my friends place. Anyway, there's a left turn and he's in his slk230 while I'm in my e320. He had one passenger and i had 2.

    Him being the spirited driver he is, he floors it around the turn onto 90th. Then I, being the spirited driver I am decide to show him what's up also flooring it around the corner. Next thing you know, the rear end slides out and the car starts rocking back and forth, basically I have no idea how I kept it in the lanes as the steering wheel shook violently I practically let go of it and the car seemed to straighten itself out somehow... The girl in the front seat thought it was funny, my friend in the SLk said it looked fockin crazy, haha, and my friend mike in the back seat nearly wet himself...

    Anyway, lesson learned, my 4 door sedan is not a little slk.
    Last edited by Hakkola; 10-25-2002 at 12:39 AM.

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by Ekliptix
    redline, I would have pissed my pants!!!!!!
    i shit my pants man not pissed


  7. #27
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    15 years old no permitt to drive, took my moms car out with some friends and sister, going on a dirt road doing about 80km thinking I'm Michael Andretti, 540 and side swiped some mailboxes. This happened like down the street from my house. Luckly no one was hurt, didn't hit anything else except for the mail boxes. $3500 in damages to the car. Parents were pretty choked. Didn't get my licence till I was 18. They finally got new mailboxes a couple years later but for a while they were half standing and beat up. What was I thinking.........

    Definately a lesson learned, there is only 1 Michael Andretti

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  8. #28
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    16 years old....... just a few short months after i got my licence and the subaru impreza i thought it would be cool to pull some rally stunts to show off. bit of snow/slush on the ground so it was very slippery. took a corner too fast going through a back alley and did a complete 360 on to some guy's lawn..... completly destroyed it. left huge tire tracks... i took off before anyone seen.. i know, i know. it was careless.... 16 year old kids should not have nice cars... all i have to say.

  9. #29
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    When I was 16 and working at Mark's Work Wearhouse, I was going for lunch one day driving my Mother's Honda Accord. I came to an intersection, and made my left turn forgetting that I had the green, but no flashing arrow.
    Well, I clipped some guys beater of a car, and sent him into a 720 (yep, on dry roads). We exchanged info, and told eachother we would settle out of court. My Dad felt it needed to go to court, so we were going to file a police report in 2 days (he was busy at work the next day).
    Lo and behold, the guy I hit came to my house. He threatened my father, called my mother a lying whore, and called me a spoiled jacka$$.
    This prompted my father to "forcefully eject him" from our property, and me to change my story 100%. Turns out now HE was the one who ran the red light, and my lawyer sure as hell made it seem that way.
    His lawsuit was dismissed, while my lawyer managed to net us a tidy sum.

    I'll be writing my lawyer a very nice Christmas card this year.

  10. #30
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    in the van, i sometimes fly towards a redlight at top speed until the last second when i lock up the wheels and slide to a stop..it sometimes gives heart attacks to the ppl going on the intersecting roads hahah. and there was the time i just about rolled the van with benny....we were offroading around somewhere and i hit the ebrake...the tail came out way more than usual, and we slid sideways towards a big hole in the ground. lucky for us, i managed to regain some control before we rolled into the hole.

    but otherwise, i dont really do stupid shit on the road nowadays. even when i first got my license, the worst i would do is use the merge lanes as passing lanes, with a few close calls

  11. #31
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    hahaahhaah these stories are hilarious hahahahah keep em coming
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  12. #32
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    Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
    [Bi hit the ebrake...the tail came out way more than usual, [/B]
    haha, that line is the best! .......Considering its a VAN!!
    "Car Manufacturers give us a well engineered basic car but leave it's real development to us."

  13. #33
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    uhh two weeks ago my gf kept making fun of my 5 series, so we were at this stop sign no one else, i was driving and i was behind her. so i decided to slowly creep up and touch her bumper, one i touched her bumper and i notice she released the brake, i slamed on the gas pedal, and pushed her freaking far.....no damage on any of the cars, but scare the shit out of her.....it was funny at first, but then she got mad and i felt bad....and i did the sad/ guilty face and she gave me a hug.....wooo

  14. #34
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    Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R

    in the van, i sometimes fly towards a redlight at top speed until the last second when i lock up the wheels and slide to a stop..it sometimes gives heart attacks to the ppl going on the intersecting roads hahah. and there was the time i just about rolled the van with benny....we were offroading around somewhere and i hit the ebrake...the tail came out way more than usual, and we slid sideways towards a big hole in the ground. lucky for us, i managed to regain some control before we rolled into the hole.

    but otherwise, i dont really do stupid shit on the road nowadays. even when i first got my license, the worst i would do is use the merge lanes as passing lanes, with a few close calls

    HAHAHA, hey jeff, where's the pic you made of the time you ran into that guy's fence???
    "Its because they're stupid, that's why. That's why everyone does everything."

  15. #35
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    the worst thing that i ever did was when i was drifting in my dad's 87 ford escort 4 door...it had just snowed and i was using the ebrake to slide around like an idiot....in a cul de sac by my house i pulled the ebrake going a little too fast and i did like a 900 into some guys fence...lucky the guys fence was poorly built so i didn't do too much damage to my dad's car at the time.....

    another one (also in the escort) was when i was coming off of deerfoot north onto anderson....i took the off ramp doing like 85....i ended up losing total control of the car, with it fishtailing left then right then left again....it did this about 8 times before i regained control....i swear i came like 2 inches away from crashing that night....i have so many other stories buy i can't post them on here

  16. #36
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    long time ago when i first got my liscence and my first car (my 500$ POS hyundai excel) i'd powerslide through this turn near my house all the time during the winter. yank the ebrake and slide right trough... well i guess one day i got over confident, and took a little more speed into the turn, yanked the ebrake started slidding, but then i dind't have enough mad powaz!! to get my car outta the turn, so i just kept slidding and nailed one of those small cable/telephone/electrical boxes, the tiny tiny ones. excel meets box, and i couldn't believe it, the box litterally got plowed over, i was like SHIT my car's fucked, so i drove home really quick nobody saw, and my car was fine... i couldn't believe it.

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by LaughingTiger
    I have many great stories, But I will tell you one about my friend

    It was a slushy dirty night when...Bob.. ... was driving a few of his buddy's home, he neglected to shoulder check and hit another car causing major damage along the side of the other car, and the front of his fender on yhe pass-side. Bob stopped while the other car pulled ahead. A foreign man got out of the other car and started yelling "you hit car!!" "you hit car!!"..
    Bob was very unhappy, he could not afford another accident on his insurance, out of split thinking he yelled back " You hit my car!!".... The foreign man being confused and angry ran around, looked at bob's license plate got in his car and drove off.... Bod thought to use this to his advantage, Bob quickly followed the foreign man and got his license plate, then went straight to the nearest pay phone and called the police explaining to them that a foreign man w/ ****** license plate did a hit and run..... and hit Bob from the side trying to make a quick change out of the turning lane....The man was caught the next day, charged and later convicted.. Seeing it was not really the foreign mans fault Bob decided not to collect the insurance money from the other man for his damages...

    The end
    I really hope this isn't a story about you 'cause I sure as hell wouldn't be bragging about being selfish dumb bitch.
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