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Thread: loud vehicle and neighbors complaining?

  1. #1
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    Default loud vehicle and neighbors complaining?

    ok.. well.. i admit, my car is loud... turbo back exhaust is a straight pipe with a muffler. today one of the neighbors came over and threatened to call the cops on me again. the thing is there are cars that are even louder than mine down the street and i'm getting all the blame.. i don't even drive my car that much. i was just reving it to 2000rpm to get the throttle pump setting right on the ecu. anything they can actually do by "calling the cops" ? i'm a bit worried.. lol.

  2. #2
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    haha. sounds like my neighbour.

    at least you aren't everything thats wrong with all young people today, like me...

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by tulit
    haha. sounds like my neighbour.

    at least you aren't everything thats wrong with all young people today, like me...

    hey my neighbour called me that last night when I pulled in at one...ask 1-Bar or Lam-Boy, yes my car is LOUD, but i coast down the street in neutral to avoid any sort of noise...and he STILL waits outside to yell at me...

    I dont think the cops will do anything to you...they prolly will not even bother responding to his "exhaust" complaint, but if he lies and says its something bigger you might have to worry...

  4. #4
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    thats pretty lame. theres a couple hardcores on my street, middle aged people with louder cars than mine so i'm never going to get in any trouble! On guy builds his own race cars and revs the piss out of them every now and then, and the other guy has a ~68 mustang. Nuff said
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
    —Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer

  5. #5
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    yo that is complete BS man i cant belive u r scared of ur neighbour. yo tell him to go F**k himself next time he comes out at u, my neighbour, tried do yell at me and my friend for having his sub up too loud, and i told him to f**k off. dont be scared guy have it as loud as u want u wont get in any trouble. unless more than just that 1 guy is complaning then u got something to worry about, becasue u can get hit with a disturbing the peace ticket.
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    Homer: It doesnt mean anything, just like RAMALAMA DING DONG or GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!

  6. #6
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    Here's a story I have, sorry if im jacking the thread. Anyways working on my car. My neighbour that lives many houses away tells me I am not supposed to work on my car in the alley? Says theyll threaten to call the cops or bylaw if they see me do it again. Could they really do anything?

  7. #7
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    you da shit!!

  8. #8
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    Its one thing if you have a loud car and you're idling for 15min in front of your driveway or revving the piss out of it for no reason. But if you just start up and drive away or come home and turn the car off who gives a shit. People that would complain about that need to get a life.

    The only way i would complain if it was a constant thing. If i was waking up at 1am every night because some guy's car. But if its just a rare occurrence just let it go.

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    ok. good to hear they can't do much. there is more to add to the story.. so i went out about a hour after the incident... to get food. i guess when i was screwing around with the throttle pump setting i turned on the two step launch control by accident, don't ask how.. since i don't even use this function. so i backed out of the driveway step on the gas and BANG BANG BANG big cloud of black smoke . the neighbor came outside and gave me a pretty dirty look. so yeah.. just my luck today. 3rd time this particular neighbor has bitched at me.

    btw. i was only reving to 2000-3000rpm.. which isn't loud at all. about same noise a lawn mower makes.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by ~$eanith~
    thats pretty lame. theres a couple hardcores on my street, middle aged people with louder cars than mine so i'm never going to get in any trouble! On guy builds his own race cars and revs the piss out of them every now and then, and the other guy has a ~68 mustang. Nuff said
    It's different if it's during the day or night. I have a neighbor who work on his Charger because it's a drag car. It's loud as fuck, but no one really gives a damn because he's doing it at 12pm as opposed to 12am.

    Originally posted by crx62
    yo that is complete BS man i cant belive u r scared of ur neighbour. yo tell him to go F**k himself next time he comes out at u, my neighbour, tried do yell at me and my friend for having his sub up too loud, and i told him to f**k off. dont be scared guy have it as loud as u want u wont get in any trouble. unless more than just that 1 guy is complaning then u got something to worry about, becasue u can get hit with a disturbing the peace ticket.
    Way to be tough. I'd be scared if I was your neighbor. Why not be a good neighbour? James lives in my uncle's basement who lives 5 houses up the street from me. He doesn't have a muffler. My uncle and I have both talked to him about the muffler because quite frankly, it's unbelievably loud. Just the other day, I had a neighbour talk to me about his exhaust. No one wants to sound like an ass complaining about this kind of stuff, I'm sure it's the last thing they want to do. But if one neighbour thinks it's loud, I'm sure they're not the only ones that do. It's called mutual respect and common courtesy. I have a lot of old neighbours and as soon as I get anywhere near houses, I keep my revs down as well as my stereo.

    I'm sure you weren't trying to be loud with the car. But I'm sure you can understand their position 2000. The launch controller probably didn't help.

    Obviously, he doesn't know much about cars or he's not as heavy into modifying cars as you are.

    Not saying it's anyone's fault, but people have to look at both sides of the story before they do things.
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  11. #11
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    yeah, i agree for the most part. thats why i wasn't trying to be an ass to anyone. just turned off my car. from my point of view... my car is no louder than a lawn mower with the revs down... so why doesn't he threaten to call the cops on anyone mowing their lawns? Its also obvious this neighbor has something against me . There are way louder vehicles on my street too. A white EG hatch and 2nd gen teg with straight exhaust that always blows by at 2am in the morning... You don't see him going and chasing those cars down. Plus I never rev my car more than I have to.
    Last edited by 2000impreza; 06-28-2004 at 06:28 AM.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by 2000impreza
    Its also obvious this neighbor has something against me .
    That's because you act like a thug and moved his flower pots.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by turboMiata

    That's because you act like a thug and moved his flower pots.
    Actually that was Buhbuh hahahaha... and then I had to move them back while I was drunk you bastards! I alomst dropped on on myself lol

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    Originally posted by Fuji

    Actually that was Buhbuh hahahaha... and then I had to move them back while I was drunk you bastards! I alomst dropped on on myself lol
    Yeah, but the neighbour doesn't know that.

  15. #15
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    Says theyll threaten to call the cops or bylaw if they see me do it again. Could they really do anything?
    bylaw- isn't that a rent-a cop? If so he can't inforce shit.
    Cop- Will tell you to stop and once he is gone just keep doing it.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by turboMiata

    That's because you act like a thug and moved his flower pots.

    More like stole the flower pots, hahaha

  17. #17
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    I would have a nuclear power plant in my backyard if it wasn't for zoning bylaws and neighbours

  18. #18
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    hmm old thread.

    when im pullin gup to my gfs house late at nite i usually shut the car off completely a block away and just coast to a stop in front of the house. when im parking late at nite at my own place, i tend to leave long strips of rubber in the parkade. i do this cuz i hate the maintenance man and it gives me great pleasure to watch him waste hours rubbing out the burnout marks.

  19. #19
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    it happened to friend of mine before !
    and Cop did come, and warn my friend !

    The fact is, no matter you think your car is loud or not, when your neighbor call police, and the police come, and I assume your neighbor are old folks, and you must be a young kid .. guess the Cop will listen to which side ?

    Cop here give shit for no reason for young kids, especially you have a mod car !

    Be careful ! drive slow.

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  20. #20
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    Originally posted by GTS Jeff
    hmm old thread.

    when im pullin gup to my gfs house late at nite i usually shut the car off completely a block away and just coast to a stop in front of the house. when im parking late at nite at my own place, i tend to leave long strips of rubber in the parkade. i do this cuz i hate the maintenance man and it gives me great pleasure to watch him waste hours rubbing out the burnout marks.

    with my daytona i would rev up the 3 inch exhaust and give lots of BOV at the end of my block

    with my jetta i would rev to 4 grand or so with straight through exhaust.

    i hate my neighbors.
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