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Thread: Fighting Speeding Tickets

  1. #1
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    Default Fighting Speeding Tickets

    Awhile ago I dont' remember when , I got a speeding ticket, my first one ever, for going like 78 in a 60... Anyways it was a speed trap, and I got pulled over to the side, gave a ticket..... And I went to go fight the ticket in court, I waited till my court date, at this time I was under 18.... So it was youth court...... We got a trial date set and had to wait 6 months.

    Trial date comes and we talk to the crown prosecuter and cop about pleading register owner to the ticket as it was my first ticket, and I didn't want to get any demerits on my license.... Deal goes through and thats what happens, I only ahve to pay a lesser fine and no demrits.... (dont' effect my insurance) from what Im told anyways.

    I got another speeding ticket last year of 2001 sometime, again I forget when exactly, for goin I believe 79 in a 50... Being 18 at the time, this was adult court. I fought the ticket again, but this time I got to talk to the prosecutor right away, and I made a deal with him and got the ticket reduce from a 20 over ticket to a under 15 over ticket..... paid a lesser fee and less demerits... Should show up on insurance, no problem he said insurance companys only see if you have two minor tickets. In which casse I should have only 1 then.

    Now later, last month October, my insurance cheque comes out and I have enough funds, being the start of a new month, my bank decides to charge me some service charges, that I have never once seen before, on my bank charges, I do not have enough funds so they pull the cheque that just came out and get the money for their service charges, like 50 bucks or something. Anyways so my insurance cheque bounced, even tho it did come out...

    My insruance company Dominon at the time sent me a notice of cancellation due to failure to pay insurance. They said if I wanted to continue I had to pay a full 6 months in advance... Which was a considerable amount....

    So I decided to check out kanetix.com..... TD gave me the best quote of 1690 a year, on my LeBaron... my daily driver currently, I said holy shit, thats a hell of alot cheaper, and went with it. All was well talked to the guy on the phone, he asked me the questions etc etc, I answered them truthfully to my knowledge.....

    Today I get a call from him saying I have two tickets against my record, for speeding, and considering I've only had my license for 2 and a half years, it is the equivilant as having an at fault accident........ I told him that I fought one of the tickets in court and had no demirts taken from my license because of it, he said it still showed two from then. So now I pay instead of 1700 a year, I go to 3000 a year........... Almost double because my record shows that I have two minor speeding tickets, when infact I should only have 1......

    Now I ask you guys, what went wrong here.... I went to court to fight the one ticket and pleaded registered owner of the vechile, did this mean nothing? Should I have two tickets on my record regardless of the first one? From what I was told, I was pleading to a different ticket not one for speeding.

    Should I have to be paying for this?
    I do not speed often, I just got busted in some weird areas, wher general traffic is usually goin those speeds most of the time.

    What im going to do now is find out what went wrong with my first ticket, and see if I can get this error fixed, if indeed it is an error.... The insurance guy faxed me a copy of my license info i think he called it an npr or apr.....

    Anyone who can give me some input on the right course of action to take about this would be appreciated thanks......

  2. #2
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    what does it mean or do when you plead "registered owner"? Isn't that like getting a ticket by photoradar? For photoradars, you don't get demerits because noone can identifiy who the driver of the car is, so they ticket the registered owner of the car. But if you got a ticket when an officer pulls you over, how can you plead registered owner when he KNOWS you're the one who's driving the car?

  3. #3
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    Im not exactly sure on how it works, but its pleading to a different ticket in a sense....

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