What should I be, what should I do with my life?? - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: What should I be, what should I do with my life??

  1. #1
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    Default What should I be, what should I do with my life??

    Basically I'm tired of school, I was originally planning on going to Law school, but do I want to spend the next 7 years of my life in school when I could do something much better? I love law, and honestly part of why I'm interested in it is the money. But all that schooling is turning me off, I have a business law final tomorrow and haven't even started studying yet.

    So I'm wondering what my options are for decent paying jobs where I'd only need a couple years education?

    I want to get into music but that's not easy to make money out of, plus my mom would disown me so I'd have to be sure I could go somewhere with it before I go out and do it.

    I feel like I won't be happy doing anything but music right now though.

    I enjoy cars and music a lot and would love to do something with either of them, but I don't want to be poor. What should I do, go into some sort of computer program or something?

    Any suggestions appreciated.

  2. #2
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    You do what you want to do and if you can't figure that out, go do some traveling or just work while you think things over
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  3. #3
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    Hehe, welcome to real life. Doing stuff you enjoy is rewarding, but doesn't pay the bills. Doing something for money sux cuz you don't enjoy it.
    I think for most of us, there's work and there play. And a few are luck enough to be able to do both. Do something you'll enjoy, not just for the money. Just sounds like you haven't found what you want to do. It take time to get going, don't worry about it. It'll click in one of these days.
    How old are you BTW??
    Damn +44411's

  4. #4
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    The IT industry is doing very poorly at the moment. I wouldn't recommend you going through a program, and not be able to find any work at the end. The market is very saturated with “too” many qualified candidates competing for very few positions. Have you ever thought of pursuing a career in “nursing”(requires 4 year degree UofC)? My girlfriend does this, and starting salary is $25. There is so much demand, but so little supply. Basically the exact opposite of the IT industry.

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by OPGForce
    The IT industry is doing very poorly at the moment. I wouldn't recommend you going through a program, and not be able to find any work at the end. The market is very saturated with “too” many qualified candidates competing for very few positions. Have you ever thought of pursuing a career in “nursing”(requires 4 year degree UofC)? My girlfriend does this, and starting salary is $25. There is so much demand, but so little supply. Basically the exact opposite of the IT industry.
    That's a good point. IT is too full now, due to so many people getting into it for the last decade. You'd be better off in almost anyother field. Have you considered a trade position?? Pays good, work with you hands, always in demand. I know lots of trades people who used to be engineers, doctors, etc. Just got tired of the stress and wanted to do something a bit more laid back.

    And its not a bad thing to be in trade. Just something no one ever thinks of doing anymore.
    Damn +44411's

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    , and working in trade has crossed my mind but I'm not sure if that'd be great for me, my mom knows I'm really smart and wouldn't like that, I'd like to do something where I can use my brain, i get bored easily.

    Edit, oops, still 18, 19 in Feb

  7. #7
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    Take some time off, and then go back and do law. After a couple years of shitty jobs and low pay, you'll really appreciate it! But beware of the trap as few people ever come back!
    George likes his Kung Pao spicy!

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by B17a
    Take some time off, and then go back and do law. After a couple years of shitty jobs and low pay, you'll really appreciate it! But beware of the trap as few people ever come back!
    that describes me perfectly!!

  9. #9
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    You had an Epiphany like I did, I was going to be taking Corporate Law at UofC, but I couldnt stand the idea of 8 years out of my life without guarenteeing me a job. I dont know anyone in that field, so getting hookups out of school is difficult.

    Instead I took a year off, worked, made some dough and matured both intellectually and socially (doesn't always show haha)

    I'm now going to be taking a few courses at SAIT for IT Management. It interests me, and like fuck I'm going to take a course that might be in high demand, but is not something that I like. Plus I have a pretty good job where I am now with decent opportunities for the time being, so all and all its pretty good.

    As you can see I'm doing what I want to do, not what everyone else says. Its my life, and I dont like the idea of my decisions already being made for me (hense why I dont believe in Fate nor do I actively persue organized religion).

  10. #10
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    hey yeah i had one of those moments like a few weeks ago, i dunno wtf im doing at university...thinking of coming home to calgary and getting into a trade

  11. #11
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    Why would your mom disown you if you were doing something with your life that made YOU happy:thumbdown: If I were you I'd enroll in some kind of music study program, so you will have knowledge of the various parts of the industry, while ALSO pursuing a career as an artist. If you look at a few of the successful hip-hop artists that were strictly artists previously, they are now/have been succesful producers/managers/composers etc.. So maybe there IS a point in time where being an artist WON'T pay the bills, but obviously there are other sectors in the music industry that will take over/compensate. Whatever path you choose though, just remember that it's YOUR path, and no one else's Just my $0.02

  12. #12
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    Default Re: What should I be, what should I do with my life??

    Originally posted by Hakkola
    Basically I'm tired of school, I was originally planning on going to Law school, but do I want to spend the next 7 years of my life in school when I could do something much better? I love law, and honestly part of why I'm interested in it is the money. But all that schooling is turning me off, I have a business law final tomorrow and haven't even started studying yet.

    So I'm wondering what my options are for decent paying jobs where I'd only need a couple years education?

    I want to get into music but that's not easy to make money out of, plus my mom would disown me so I'd have to be sure I could go somewhere with it before I go out and do it.

    I feel like I won't be happy doing anything but music right now though.

    I enjoy cars and music a lot and would love to do something with either of them, but I don't want to be poor. What should I do, go into some sort of computer program or something?

    Any suggestions appreciated.

    1)hmmmmmmm... Drop out, pop alot of extacy and sell drugs.....
    Big money, no regrets because your to high to notice....hehe

    2)Porn star...

    3)Dude I think your just stressed and worried about failier, stay w/ law school, while us guy's are drivin our Honda's and mazda's you'll be drivin a Ferrari......and bustin some shit in the court house...

  13. #13
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    Wow dude, I was exactly the same frame of mind last year...
    I was going to U of C intending to be a lawyer (my parents wanted me to). Well I hated my law course and the only thing I liked at U of C that was left was Psychology. Well one more semester of U of C and I hated that shit so bad. I dropped right out of U of C and was happier than a pig in shit.
    I realized that I dont want to live my life and ruin my teenage school years doing something I dont wanna do. Basically... I searched my heart of what I REALLY want to do with my life...
    I decided to take 1/2 a year off studying completely. I realized that my true passion is computers, I have been working on them for the longest time, I built my first system by myself when I was 9 years old...
    I realized that I wanted a path in computers / computer engineering.
    I am enrolled in SAIT's CNT program now and I am happier than a pig in shit I have found what I WANT TO DO, and even though my parents sorta disowned me for it, I know I am going to be happy in my studies and in life!


  14. #14
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    Take things one day at a time and just do what you're most interested in. If your parents disown you because you go into something that you enjoy and you won't be suffering a mid-life crisis from in 20 years, then give them a big fuck you and walk out the door.

    I'm getting an education right now for the sake of getting an education. I don't give a flying fuck whether it gets me a high paying job, I'm learning something that's interesting and I'm maturing. I really wanna learn how to paint cars after this degree and work trade maybe.
    "Its because they're stupid, that's why. That's why everyone does everything."

  15. #15
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    Be whatever you want and do whatever you like.

    I am thinking of taking Law school but 7 years wow, I might reconsider. I really have to think hard I like law but staying in school another 7 years I don't know. Um is law school hard?

  16. #16
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    I am much like Hakkola, I haven't a clue what I want to do.
    I dont know what I like.

    Taking another semester off

  17. #17
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    Ever thought of seeing a career counsellor, or maybe even picking up that "What Color is Your Parachute" book? It might help. As for me...I'm just fuked up trying to be good at everything.

    Yo.....Hakk..still up for tuesday nite open mic?

  18. #18
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    My suggestion, if you want a chance at good employment without a lot of school is to pick up a SAIT calender. Going to SAIT is one of the best decisions I have ever made. SAIT has courses for just about everything, most of them only 2 years. Flip through it and see what interests you, you never know what you might find that flips the switch to put everything in motion.
    Drag racing is for fast cars. Solo 2 is for fast drivers.

  19. #19
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    Don't worry man... just go with whatever interests you takes you...

    You're only 18... I'm not saying I'm that much older than you but most people in the 30's don't even know what they want to do.

    I've been working for six years in IT... and I don't know if I want to do it any more, but you know what? It's all I'm good at. All that I know right now.

    Find something you're good at and don't let anything stand in your way.

  20. #20
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    Ask your self what you would do with your day if you had a million dollars....

    whatever you think of, is the job ur suppose to take!

    (this is from some movie....i cant rememeber which, wait i think Office Space....)

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