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Thread: Bulking and Cardio

  1. #1
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    Default Bulking and Cardio

    Ive been bulking for about a month and 1/2 now.. eating everything in site.. Ive gained alot of weight.. Im at 212 now.. but my stomach seems to be getting big too.. (a lil flabby)

    Would it be allright for me to do cardio after waking up before breakfast to burn fat? or would that void the point of BULKING

    Whats your experience

  2. #2
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    You may be well served by keeping a food log for a few days. Quite simply you are taking in more calories than you are using and your body stores the extra as fat. Find a few areas to trim back - adding cardio during a bulk cycle will usually work directly against your goal since you'll be burning off the nutrients needed for bulking - also you'll be spending time doing cardio that could be used for weight training or recovery.

    Typically weight trainers will cycle - do a few months of bulking (bulk cycle) followed by a month or two of leaning back down (cut cycle), rinse and repeat. In other words, don't worry about the flab too much right now, work up to your weight goal then do a month of dedicated leaning down.

  3. #3
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    You could still jog in the middle of your bulk, but you won't be able to bulk as fast or as much. I wouldn't do that much cardio though if your looking to bulk. I notice if I don't do cardio at all I'll get flab in my stomach too. But you can still do it, I've put on around 15lbs while still doing cardio since October, so its possible.

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    If your "bulking" and your noticing it in the gut, your either eating really bad stuff, or your over dosing your food intake per meal... In other words if you wanna bulk well you should eat as much as your eating now BUT spread it out throughout the day, 6 meals+

  5. #5
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    Bulking by eating alot is only hammering on fat.

    Where this fat is deposited is upto your genetics....nothing you can do about that.

    If you are the type that puts on fat in your gut, then you are a prime candidate for heart disease, hair loss, insulin resistance, and have a greater chance of diabetes.

    If you wanna bulk with muscle, then just work out REALLY hard and eat reasonably.

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    Originally posted by Toma
    Bulking by eating alot is only hammering on fat.
    this is not entirely true. it depends on what you're eating. if you eat a lot of junk food, then yeah, it's going to turn into fat. but if you're eating a lot of lean cuts of meat, then it's not all going to turn into fat.

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    Originally posted by EG STyLeZ

    this is not entirely true. it depends on what you're eating. if you eat a lot of junk food, then yeah, it's going to turn into fat. but if you're eating a lot of lean cuts of meat, then it's not all going to turn into fat.
    Your body doesn't distinguish whether it gets 200 calories from junk food or 200 calories from lean meat. Your body simply stores excess calories as fat.

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    Originally posted by EG STyLeZ

    this is not entirely true. it depends on what you're eating. if you eat a lot of junk food, then yeah, it's going to turn into fat. but if you're eating a lot of lean cuts of meat, then it's not all going to turn into fat.
    If you consume more calories then you expend, you have no choice but to store them as fat (after you topped of your immediate glycogen stores).

    Lack of proper nutrition will make your body more stubborn to building muscle.... but excess food will make you fat, and wont make your muscles grow more then with just proper nutrition.

    The excess is of course...fat.

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    Originally posted by Toma

    If you consume more calories then you expend, you have no choice but to store them as fat (after you topped of your immediate glycogen stores).

    Lack of proper nutrition will make your body more stubborn to building muscle.... but excess food will make you fat, and wont make your muscles grow more then with just proper nutrition.

    The excess is of course...fat.

    Would that not depend on the type of calories, it would be better to get calories from Protein then sugar

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    The advantage in consuming high amounts of protein is that protein can be used to make muscle or energy. Carbs(sugars / starches) can only make energy. Too many calories will always be stored as fat, regardless the source.
    Last edited by 1badPT; 01-20-2005 at 06:06 PM.

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by Toma

    If you consume more calories then you expend, you have no choice but to store them as fat (after you topped of your immediate glycogen stores).

    Lack of proper nutrition will make your body more stubborn to building muscle.... but excess food will make you fat, and wont make your muscles grow more then with just proper nutrition.

    The excess is of course...fat.
    The point i was trying to make was that having a diet very high in protein is probably better for bulking than a diet very high in carbs, because at least most of the protein can be used to repair muscles from training.

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    Bulking makes absolutely no sense to me. Working out should be about HEALTH, FITNESS and taking care of your body regardless if you're trying to get big or stronger. Stuffing your face with unessesary calories tells me that you've received some bad advice from someone or something, perhaps a magazine or a buddy on crank??

    Bulking IMO serves absolutely no purpose what so ever. It is a notion people beleive that by putting on 20-40lbs will make them stronger and of course bigger(muscle mass), but really makes them fat, lazy, unhealthy and unattractive.

    If you want to get big and look good, train hard and eat right.

    And its very simple to calculate your caloric intake from proteins, carbs, and fats for your body to grow normally without putting on the excess bodyfat.

    My 2pennies

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    Originally posted by ble
    Bulking makes absolutely no sense to me. Working out should be about HEALTH, FITNESS and taking care of your body regardless if you're trying to get big or stronger. Stuffing your face with unessesary calories tells me that you've received some bad advice from someone or something, perhaps a magazine or a buddy on crank??

    Bulking IMO serves absolutely no purpose what so ever. It is a notion people beleive that by putting on 20-40lbs will make them stronger and of course bigger(muscle mass), but really makes them fat, lazy, unhealthy and unattractive.

    If you want to get big and look good, train hard and eat right.

    And its very simple to calculate your caloric intake from proteins, carbs, and fats for your body to grow normally without putting on the excess bodyfat.

    My 2pennies
    starting out as 'the skinny guy' will make you want to bulk up

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by ble
    Bulking makes absolutely no sense to me. Working out should be about HEALTH, FITNESS and taking care of your body regardless if you're trying to get big or stronger. Stuffing your face with unessesary calories tells me that you've received some bad advice from someone or something, perhaps a magazine or a buddy on crank??

    Bulking IMO serves absolutely no purpose what so ever. It is a notion people beleive that by putting on 20-40lbs will make them stronger and of course bigger(muscle mass), but really makes them fat, lazy, unhealthy and unattractive.

    If you want to get big and look good, train hard and eat right.

    And its very simple to calculate your caloric intake from proteins, carbs, and fats for your body to grow normally without putting on the excess bodyfat.
    Bulking makes ABSOLUTE sense to me. You need to stay anabolic and the easiest way to do this is to eat a shit load and keep a positive nitrogen balance. Eating the bare minimums will cause you to be catabolic at some points throughout the day. It is possible to gain strength while cutting, but it is so much more difficult than a clean or dirty bulk. The point of putting on 20-40 pounds is not to keep it on forever...but to bulk up, and then cut down for definition at a later period (competition or summer for example). The place where you're getting your calories is very important too....empty calories (beer) vs. nutrient rich proteins, carbs etc. can make all the difference.

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    Bulk during the winter cut during the summer.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by three.eighteen.

    starting out as 'the skinny guy' will make you want to bulk up
    If you have a ectomorph body type and want to gain more mass, it would be very important to figure how many calories you need in order to obtain your goal. Once you figure out where you'll be getting those clean calories then its quite simple to gain the mass but of course you'll have to be persistant, dedicated and realistic about your goals.

    A friend of mine who has been competing for several years in the Natural Bodybuilding competitions bulks in excess of 20 to even 60lbs during his off season. His first comp he weighed in at 140lbs and won first place in the lightweight class. Last year when he competed he bulked up to 205lbs prior to the show. When it came time to diet, based on his fat test, he figured that he put on at least 15-25lbs of lean muscle mass.

    He spent 4months dieting for the show to compete in the middle weight class, trimmed down to 160lbs and thought he would be ripped. According to him, since he bulked up in excess for 4 years eating everything in site, he truly beleived he gained a lot of muscle. Turned out, he was still well above 10% body fat at 160lbs.

    So, back to my first argument. Why bulk in excess 20 -30lbs, it serves no purpose what so ever. For those of you who compete, you're just digging yourself into a deep whole when it comes down to dieting. From my experience with people, the ones who bulk up in excess are those who use bulking as an excuse to eat garbage.

    Originally posted by davidI

    Bulking makes ABSOLUTE sense to me. You need to stay anabolic and the easiest way to do this is to eat a shit load and keep a positive nitrogen balance. Eating the bare minimums will cause you to be catabolic at some points throughout the day. It is possible to gain strength while cutting, but it is so much more difficult than a clean or dirty bulk. The point of putting on 20-40 pounds is not to keep it on forever...but to bulk up, and then cut down for definition at a later period (competition or summer for example). The place where you're getting your calories is very important too....empty calories (beer) vs. nutrient rich proteins, carbs etc. can make all the difference.
    You don't have to bulk in excess to be in an anabolic state and maintain a positive nitrogen balance. Figuring out what and when to eat is key to building muscle. Eating correctly doesn't mean eating a shit load, nor does it mean eating the bare minimum.

    IMO why put yourself in an unhealthy state where you are going to look fat regardless if your going to trim up for summer or a comp? Why not be 10 to 15lbs above your 2% bodyfat range all year round? Why not practice good eating all the time? It would be by far easier to lose a few pounds than a ton.

    Most people think its easy to lose weight or go on a strict diet to lose extra pounds. But in reality its quite a challenge and when they suddenly realize how difficult it is they get desperate and turn to fat burners but strangely enough they always continue with there fast food ways and end up not losing a single pound.

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