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Thread: Alberta Colleges seeking degree granting status

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by Godfuader

    Besides, transfer entrance to Huskayne is 3.6 so if you dont start off at uni, its gonna be killer to transfer.
    it is indeed a killer....i got 3.6 on the dot and got i just this year (from Com Sci at the U) now 3rd year MGIS

  2. #22
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    way to go eblend ^^^ that gives me hope to get into pharmacy

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by Weapon_R

    No. If the colleges are granded university status, the degrees will be recognized all over Canada.

    Devry has no recognition within Alberta or anywhere else.
    My cousin is attending Devry right now & I'm pretty sure Devry's degrees are recognized in Alberta... but only in Alberta though...

  4. #24
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    Originally posted by kiwi
    Sorta like Devry. Their bachelor degrees are only recognized in this province. Outside of Alberta, it's no different from a tech diploma from Sait.
    Most places in Alberta won't even recognize their degrees!

    Originally posted by eblend
    but does anyone actually want to graduate from mount royal and get a degree there? not to offend anyone but many people go to mount royal because they don't have the grades to make it into university right away, many ppl eventually transfer to university once they get a good gpa due to easier classes at mount royal. I have a few friends who go to mount royal and their classes are seriously a joke, and all they tell me is their gpa is going up so they can finally transfer.
    I can't speak for other students in other faculties, but as a CPSC student who's attended both institutions, I strongly believe MRC had much better classes than the equivalent U of C ones. I attended a couple of the first year CPSC classes at U of C and they were a fucken joke. I literally attended classes so I could take a nap. I decided to enroll at MRC to finish the remaining first year CPSC requirements as well as the second year ones because I was only allowed unclassified status at U of C because of my shitty high school grades. When I transferred over, I thought MRC would be a skip in the park. Fuck, was I wrong! When I got there, I found that they were so far ahead compared to U of C. I struggled for the whole semester just to get caught up with everyone. In fact, most of the people who dropped out of the first year CPSC courses at MRC went to Uni and were getting B's! Hahaha!

    One thing between the classes at the two places, at MRC, the classes are smaller and the instructors don't have TA's so they're marking your work themselves and they often have much higher expectations. Over there, I really had to earn my marks. At the U of C, to get good marks, all you needed to do was regurgitate textbook material. The TA's would practically give you full marks on your assignments just for handing it in, since most of them were too lazy to look over your work anyways. Plus the assignments were easier. At MRC I was constantly pulling late/all nighters just to hope to get a mediocre grade. At U of C, I've never spent more than 2 hours on an assignment and they were usually done well over a week before it was due and the lowest grade I'd ever gotten on any of them was probably a 95%. My GPA actually went up significantly after transferring over! Hahaha! It's funny to see that most 4th year CPSC students can't even apply 1st year knowledge. It just seems that most CPSC students get their degrees for time served really. It's no wonder why the engineers make fun of us! Hahaha!

    But like I said, that's from my own experience within CPSC. I can't say whether it's the same for others in different faculties. Going to MRC definitely put me a head of the game and if I could've finished a 4 year degree program there, I wouldn't have even hesitated to.

    Originally posted by AG_Styles
    don't ppl going to MRC get marks just for attending class?
    I'm sure that's only a few classes. But then again, I've also taken some classes at U of C that did this too.

  5. #25
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    My friend took some choir singing class at the UofC & all she had to do was show up to all of the performances to get an A!!!

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by kiwi
    My friend took some choir singing class at the UofC & all she had to do was show up to all of the performances to get an A!!!
    but don't you have to do a solo audition to get into those music classes now?!?!?!

  7. #27
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    Originally posted by kiwi

    My cousin is attending Devry right now & I'm pretty sure Devry's degrees are recognized in Alberta... but only in Alberta though...
    Tell your cousin to leave while he/she is ahead and go to a school that will land him/her a job.
    Original Post NAZI Moderated

    Originally posted by r3cc0s
    Felon or Mistermeiner

  8. #28
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    Originally posted by Weapon_R

    Tell your cousin to leave while he/she is ahead and go to a school that will land him/her a job.
    DeVry does fuck all for finding you a job. If you do manage to find a job its because of your own effort, of which they try and take credit for.

    "Oh yes we have a 89% student employment rate...."

    Of which 99% of those students in that statistic now say "Do you want fries with that sir? or by chance do you need help with your C++?"

  9. #29
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    Originally posted by Weapon_R

    No. If the colleges are granded university status, the degrees will be recognized all over Canada.

    Devry has no recognition within Alberta or anywhere else.
    To be serious now actually....lol

    Last time i checked i think it was last year, DeVry was granted University status in Alberta. Their normal Bachelor Degree for the computer programming stream (Computer Information Sciences) degree is recognized pretty much anywhere you want since its actually their Phoenix, AZ campus degree that you earn from Calgary. Their Bachelor of Technology on the otherhand is pretty much garbage.

    DeVry Calgary Accreditation
    Last edited by hexified; 03-25-2005 at 02:59 AM.

  10. #30
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    Originally posted by D'z Nutz

    I struggled for the whole semester just to get caught up with everyone.

    At MRC I was constantly pulling late/all nighters just to hope to get a mediocre grade.

    I can totally relate.

  11. #31
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    Originally posted by t-im

    but don't you have to do a solo audition to get into those music classes now?!?!?!
    Yes, there is a solo audition you have to do to get into the class, but once you're in, you just sing in a choir... & there's your A!

    Originally posted by Weapon_R

    Tell your cousin to leave while he/she is ahead and go to a school that will land him/her a job.
    hmm... my cousin is actually an international student. He didn't have the grades to get into university & he really wanted to study Info. Tech., so it was either Devry or Sait... in the end he chose Devry because it offered a Bachelor's degree.
    He's doing really well! He has a 3.8 GPA or something
    but he only has one year left, so I doubt he'd want to transfer to UofC... & Devry is a lot more hands-on

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by 2002civic

    What degree's will they be offering that Universities won't?
    One is the Bach. of Technology degree - and there is some sort of administration one I believe as well (At least in NAITs case).

  13. #33
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    Originally posted by 2002civic
    and on a side note where is this funding going to come from since there is already 3 universities fighting for the little money that is available and all there are complaining, maybe you could educate me on what they'll do about that as well
    Do you have ANY Idea where funding comes from and how it is determined?

    Did you know that at NAIT, less than 50% of their funding comes from the government?

    Until you know where and how the funding occurs, don't go getting all excited.

    And yes, I do work for NAIT so I have a bit of insight on funding.

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