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Thread: opinions on parents buying their kids cars, houses..etc

  1. #1
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    Default opinions on parents buying their kids cars, houses..etc

    whats everyone's opinion on this?

    my opinion is i don't see any problem if the parents have the money and want to spend it on their kids........

  2. #2
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    At some point, kids need to learn responsibility and what it's like to budget and handle money effectively. Some learn more quickly than others. I think it's pretty much on a case-by-case basis, but I can say if I become a parent and a high-roller, I can almost guarantee that my kids are on their own. Let them find their own way. Let them see what it's like to struggle to make ends meet. I think it's a great way to learn to appreciate life.
    It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

  3. #3
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    It pisses me off. Call me jealous if you will and I am honest enough to admit that I am.

    On the other hand, every single person that I have known who has been given these luxurious by their parents has absolutely no perception of reality - everything has been handed to them. There is the odd few who actually know that they're lucky, but we're talking 10% here.

    They go off to university where mommy and daddy rent them a condo and buy them a new german car. They sit around for four years and end up working at Burger King as a bitter, cynical husk of what was once human.

    Or alternativly they go off and work for daddy, who again raises his allowance, only now it's called a salary. Either way they still have no real perception of reality.

    At the end of the day, they'll go home and have a beer and so will I. Nobody really cares anyways.

  4. #4
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    This topic is interesting, I guess it depends which way you look at it

    I don't think there is anything wrong with parents helping out their kids.

    My parents pay for my school, insurance amongst other things but I don't take it for granted so I think that is the most important thing. Plus I actually work and pay my dues!

    But on the other hand, some punkass kids don't deserve it.
    Originally posted by rage2
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  5. #5
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    to each their own.....that is part of life

    who cares if their parents want to spoil them.

    doesn't affect me in anyways

    plus if I had kids I would spoil them

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    Originally posted by Fat Dave
    if I become a parent and a high-roller, I can almost guarantee that my kids are on their own. Let them find their own way. Let them see what it's like to struggle to make ends meet. I think it's a great way to learn to appreciate life.
    A great way to appreciate life would be to cruise in a F355, or two... like some High Rollers here =). My kids wouldn't be totally on their own, I'd help out when I can, limited budgets etc. But I'd still give them "cool things" that I never had when I was young.
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
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  7. #7
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    well .. I guess im a kid here, just turned 18 two months ago.. and im gonna be honest, i cant say im spoiled, because i do work for all my personal need ( everything from buspass to clothing to buying computer to books for school) but my 1st year ( and probably the next 2-3 more years) are all paid up by my parents. they are expecting buying me a car after or during the 1st year ( but nothing special, not like a celica or anything).

    But of cuz i know the money are hard to come by, i am saving up money on my own to pay for part of it like cars and what not... but. well i guess i am spoiled to an extend.. But i still like the idea of working for my own stuff...

  8. #8
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    I should clarify what I said a bit.

    Buying a used car or helping your kid out a bit while they're going to school is perfectly fine.

    What I am talking about is the completely obsured scenarios - those are what piss me off.

    Case in point:
    Mom and Dad buy their son a brand new mercedes c430(something like that) and a 4500sqft condo while they are on the sixth year of a BS degree because they pissed away three years.

    Last I heard he was shooting up in an alley because his parents cut him off and he didn't know what to do.

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    Originally posted by bol

    Last I heard he was shooting up in an alley because his parents cut him off and he didn't know what to do.
    thats too bad for him then...

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by ScCab

    thats too bad for him then...

    yeah it is, but i can't help but believe that if he was left to fend for himself financially six years earlier he might be something else.

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    Thats the thing, if parents are going to "spoil" their children, they shouldn't just rip the carpet from under their feet and let them manage on their own, it just wont work. I'm not against parents spoiling their children, because thats why they worked so hard in the first place! However, I'll admit that I'm jealous too!... ever since I was like 10 or so my parents stopped buying me clothes and I had to use my own allowance for lunch money at school, clothes, bus fare, etc. My parents didn't buy me a car when I got my license like most of my friends, but I didn't complain (too much) and just took transit while most of my friends drove around. So after all this yapping, what I'm saying is, I don't find a problem with parents spending all their cash making their children's lives more comfortable. I just wish they would adopt me. :p

  12. #12
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    Personally....I think that the whole thing is glamourized too much. Other people cannot see the pain behind it...

    Sure some kids have a nice car, a nice apartment, any material thing they want....but they're not happier than anyone else. They had to live a life without their parents because their parents were busy making money and working hard. Parents never being there for them for any important event in their life...spending holidays without them...graduations...birthdays...it's kinda sad.

    I know that the parents see what they are doing to their kids...but they know thatin these situations knows that such gift brings temporary happiness and is a way of showing their love for their kids and that they have not forgotten about them completely although they aren't always there for them.

    So in reality, there really is no reason to be jealous. I would much rather be dirt poor but have a loving family to raise me as a strong independent person.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by girlRACER
    Personally....I think that the whole thing is glamourized too much. Other people cannot see the pain behind it...

    Sure some kids have a nice car, a nice apartment, any material thing they want....but they're not happier than anyone else. They had to live a life without their parents because their parents were busy making money and working hard. Parents never being there for them for any important event in their life...spending holidays without them...graduations...birthdays...it's kinda sad.

    I know that the parents see what they are doing to their kids...but they know thatin these situations knows that such gift brings temporary happiness and is a way of showing their love for their kids and that they have not forgotten about them completely although they aren't always there for them.

    So in reality, there really is no reason to be jealous. I would much rather be dirt poor but have a loving family to raise me as a strong independent person.
    wow...well said

    my grandparents rasied me cause my parents were to busy make moo la

  14. #14
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    most of us know how the world works. parents won't hand their kids everything for life. i think parents that are willing to give items to their kids are just trying to make their life more easy. i'll be honest. when i have kids i'll buy them some of the things i never got to own when i was a kid. thinking..........

    sure i'm jealous of some people but i also understand everyone is not equal.
    Last edited by 2000impreza; 06-27-2002 at 01:58 AM.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by ScCab

    wow...well said

    my grandparents rasied me cause my parents were to busy make moo la
    yeah, very well said girlRACER. My parents were never around when I was a kid too, hell they're never around now.
    I want to put in my 2 cents, but everyone's put in such thoughtful comments that I don't want to ruin this thread, haha.

  16. #16
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    my parents run a business. you think they were around much for my sister and myself? some people wonder why i'm so bitter . i probably shouldn't go into any personal examples.

  17. #17
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    but to those people who weren't spoiled by their parents and are jealous, think about it like this:
    If you were handed all this stuff for free, you would not deny it, right? I think I can safely say all of you would take it. So don't hate on the kids that are spoiled, just because their parents buy this and buy that, doesn't mean they can't work for themselves, their parents just chose to raise them that way.

  18. #18
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    The only thing my parents would help me with is co-signing a loan from the bank because I am not old enough (But I would pay for the whole loan, no help from parents) Paying for things make you appreciate it so much more.

    I dont mind that my parents don't help me. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister, sort of a big family. If they helped them out, we wouldn't have any money left

  19. #19
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    I just consider a person that's parents buy them alot of things and support them to be very lucky...because there are ALOT of people that have to work much harder...

  20. #20
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    i think to some extent, it's okay to pay ur kids. but at the same time teach responsibilty.

    if i was rich, and my kid just turned 16, i'm getting them a new cheap car. that way, if they fuck it up, it's not a benz or something. also, the way they treat a cheap car (like an accent) can help determine if the kid is responsible. if he babies the accent, then it'd be nice to see what he can do with a nicer car. it shows maturity.

    this reminds me of a story:
    I took a defensive driving course at AMA one day, and this one guy in my class was talking about how he once drove his truck into a GIGANTIC puddle, on purpose. Only to find out it was basically a deep lake in the middle of a construciton zone. This completely flooded his engine, and so he needed a new car. His dad buys hima brand new car (didnt' say what it was).
    A month or two after he got the new car, he hits a wall. Light tap, but just enough to mess up the body work. So what does he do?? He goes to another construction site, starts nailing his car against another wall (or pole) and told his dad and the insurance company that it was a hit & run. The result of this? Damage ends up being so bad, the car gets written off, and the insurance company finds out, and charges him with insurance fraud.
    By this time, everyone in the room is like "You're fucking retarded!" (and similar comments).
    His reply is "It's okay! My dad's being me another brand new car in a month, and he pays for the insurance anyway."
    After the class is over, everyone's walking to their cars, while that guy is already in his big 4x4 truck. To leave a lasting impression with everyone, he nails one of those small medians that are in parking lots going a good 40km/h, comes 2 inches from a hitting the brickwall that makes up the side of the AMA building, and cuts off a few cars while turning onto 17th ave.

    Now people like that should be shot, and his parents should be given am ass whooping
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