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Thread: city paying for alignment?

  1. #21
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    holy cow guys, were lucky enough to even have pretty much really nice roads. you hit a pot hole, it is your fault. comes with the territory as an expense. take a situation like this, if some shmoe hits black ice, spins or loses some control and snubs the curb, your gonna say it's the cities fault? your have performance tires that grab the road, the city has grooves in the road to channel water. if your car grabs and gets tossed in to a rail or divider or something of the sort, you gonna sue? pretty some were gonna be like the americans sueing for everything cause we cant admit our own mistakes. just like the lady that sued mcdonalds!

    dont bother flaming cause i wont read it.

  2. #22
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    Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
    maybe u can start a petition too and have all the speedcowboys guys sign it

    Originally posted by suffeks

    maybe you can bend over and fuck yourself. because everyone ive talked to on here says your a fucking loser. no petition need in your case.

    Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
    haha is that so? as i recall, im not the one that posted regularly until he got his ass flamed away by everyone on the board. or have u already forgotten all the posts saying "we dont care about your moms purple taxi and no it cant outrun a corvette".

    and actually i cant bend over and fuck myself. instead, how about i break a bottle over your asspan face and steal your wallet?

    Originally posted by B17a

    Are you serious? By that same logic then, we should sue the city if they don't put rocks down because the roads are slippery and more accidents occur. Winter tires help but so does gravel, I'd much rather have them on our roads then not. You may have wonderful tires but the moron following you may not, some sanding helps cut down on the moron factor.
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by HACHIROKU_4AG
    holy cow guys, were lucky enough to even have pretty much really nice roads. you hit a pot hole, it is your fault. comes with the territory as an expense. take a situation like this, if some shmoe hits black ice, spins or loses some control and snubs the curb, your gonna say it's the cities fault? your have performance tires that grab the road, the city has grooves in the road to channel water. if your car grabs and gets tossed in to a rail or divider or something of the sort, you gonna sue? pretty some were gonna be like the americans sueing for everything cause we cant admit our own mistakes. just like the lady that sued mcdonalds!

    dont bother flaming cause i wont read it.
    Tru dat..
    No one wants to be responsible for their own actions. That Mcdonalds shit would have been tossed in Canada. Maybe she didn't know it was hot... Pffffff- fucking money hungry whore..
    This goes along with everyone wantings something for nothing. GET A JOB AND PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING WAY
    Ford tuning guy...

    I have too much respect for the idea of God to make it responsible for such an absurd world.
    Georges Duhamel

    joke of the day:
    Originally posted by Danger_Mouse
    There is a replacement for displacement. It's called technology.

  4. #24
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    I think the city will only pay for it, if the pothole has been reported and they haven't fixed it yet. Not completely sure about that though.

    but the windshield thing is just retarded. everyone has that problem. I think some states have a law where the insurance co. must replace your windshield (cracked from rock ships) w/o raising any premiums. too bad we don't have that here.

  5. #25
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    Originally posted by HACHIROKU_4AG
    holy cow guys, were lucky enough to even have pretty much really nice roads. you hit a pot hole, it is your fault.
    lol, ever been out of calgary?

    Actually I think you're misinformed, and I think I have a pretty good case against the city, when we ask them to pave the roads and they say they'll fix them and only put gravel on which lasts a week I don't think they're doing what they should be.

    And if that post is about the first post then I think it's out of line, I thought this thread was about billing the city, not suing, there's a huge difference, but admittedly I haven't read this entire thread.
    Last edited by Hakkola; 02-03-2003 at 09:53 PM.

  6. #26
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    ya i know the window is unreasonable, same with rocks on the roads. but potholes, they're not really avoidable, because it happens so suddenly. as for rocks and snow, you knows its there. potholes you dont really notice until you hit one, especially if it was night time in my case.

    i will get money somehow. see if i speed, why do they get money for it? its not fair really. if they dont pay, well they'll have more people phoning in, because where ther are signs stating poor road condition, they'll be slowly disappearing.

  7. #27
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    Originally posted by HACHIROKU_4AG
    holy cow guys, were lucky enough to even have pretty much really nice roads.
    I know we have better roads than some places, but they are still pretty craptastical!

    Originally posted by suffeks
    but potholes, they're not really avoidable, because it happens so suddenly.
    not to flame you cause I and probably everyone has done the same thing, but hitting a pothole is the driver's fault. They are nearly all avoidable. If anyone hits a pothole it's their own fault because they weren't paying attention to the road.

    as I said before I'm not trying to flame you, it's jsut what happens.

    good luck with the lawsuit

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