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Thread: How to Fight "All Show and No Go"

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    Default How to Fight "All Show and No Go"

    Well as requested by a bunch of beyonders I will be starting a thread dedicated to my training over the next while. Feel free to ask any questions or tips fitness related

    My original goal was to get jacked as shit Period (2008-2009), i could care less about strength, cardio, flexibility etc.

    I was a mere 160 lbs and at 6'2 I was literally a twig head to toe. I can actually remember a time when my wrist was the same size as my bicep/tricep

    I did the dumbest routines off of bodybuilding.com for at least 2 years before I discovered the bread and butter. Dorian Yates blood and guts. It was the first time I got some serious gains, I was hooked. Then I plateaued hard.

    In pure desperation I actually went and took the PFT program out of mount royal, not to be a personal trainer but to better my own knowledge. I was sick of gimmicks, BS trainers and shitty ass 'Gym Rat' Knowledge. Little did I know it would lead me into an awesome career.

    From university to now I went from 180-205 (1 year) all from my own programs and trial/error. This is me from beginning (08-09) all the way up to 3 months ago.

    I thought I had good results but I was easily mistaken. Why? Because my goals had changed.
    Awesome I look big now what? haha maybe it was out of shear boredom but I needed a change. I hated seeing myself as that guy, benching 2 plates but unable to squat 2 plates ass to grass, having so many weaknesses. Fast forward 3 months

    Current Goals
    Get Strong as Shit
    Get heavy as Shit
    Stay Ripped
    Maybe get a tan hahahahaha

    Current Stats as of August 16th According to my new revised Program

    Flat Bench 230x5
    DB Row 80x8
    Dips 10
    Back Squat 200x5
    Power Clean 135x3
    Shoulder Press 125x4
    Pullups 25 lbsx5
    Hang Clean 105x6
    Deadlift 285x3 305x1 (grip failure)
    Front Squat 170x4
    Stay tuned!

    Update as of dec 13

    Back Squat 260x3
    Power Clean 195x3
    Deadlift 350x2
    Bench Press 250x3 (tested 3 weeks ago)
    DB Row 120x8

    Been doing ALOT of grip training stay tuned.
    Last edited by scboss; 12-13-2012 at 11:37 PM.

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    Also here is a taste of what ive been doing now
    Sumo Deadlift

    My back after a couple months of olympic lifting

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    No matter what this will come out gay (but no homo). But finally a "build" thread with before/after shots. That's what provides the motivation IMO, more than the weightxreps going up and omg quinoa and Greek yogurt is the bomb diggity.

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    Originally posted by eglove
    No matter what this will come out gay (but no homo). But finally a "build" thread with before/after shots. That's what provides the motivation IMO, more than the weightxreps going up and omg quinoa and Greek yogurt is the bomb diggity.
    Yeah keep in mind that they are using the threads to motivate themselves and hold themselves accountable. I think its great when they post meals because it shows how hard they are working because eating is half if not more of the battle. Most people dont have before and afters haha why? Because they quit.

    My only motivation comes from myself. If im not being educated or training my body I feel like im wasting time. Some people spend thousands on shit to make them happy. Why the hell would you not spend time to make yourself, the very thing you are everyday the shit? It blows my mind

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    Im still in my break week from heavy lifting. My workout today was

    3x8 Deadlift (just 135)
    200 Pushups
    100 Pullups
    100 Jump squats

    Ab curcuit
    20 leg raises
    20 oblique Crunches (per side)
    20 situps
    20 bicycles (per side)
    20 knee tucks
    x5 rounds equalling 700 reps

    Cannot wait for monday to start lifting heavy again. Im periodizing 4 weeks on 1 week off to allow my CNS to recover!

  6. #6
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    Can you post the program you plan to follow for the next 4 weeks of your heavy block?

  7. #7
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    Damn you take a deload after 4 weeks? Must be going SUPER heavy in those 4 weeks. I don't really think u need to deload, I've done 6 months of periodized 3's without burning out until I started doing circa max stuff with bands/suited work.

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    Originally posted by KRyn
    Can you post the program you plan to follow for the next 4 weeks of your heavy block?

    Originally posted by liquidboi69
    Damn you take a deload after 4 weeks? Must be going SUPER heavy in those 4 weeks. I don't really think u need to deload, I've done 6 months of periodized 3's without burning out until I started doing circa max stuff with bands/suited work.
    Clean/Jerk 5x3
    Weighted Pullups 5x5
    Overhead Squats 3x8-10
    Incline DB Press 3x8-10
    Close Grip Pushups/rev Curl 3x8-10

    Turkish Getups
    3 way glute ham raise

    Front Squat 3x5
    Clean Low Pulls 3x3
    Flat Bench 5x5
    DB Rows 4x15-20 (workin the grip)
    Face Pulls/ Tricep Pushdown 3x8-10

    Big Slams
    Good Mornings
    Ab Curcuit

    Deadlift 3x5
    Push Press 3x5
    Back Squats 4x8-10
    Lat Pulldown 3x8-10
    Dips/EZ curl Bar 3x8-10

    Prowler Sled
    Glute Ham Developer
    3 way plank

    Plus I have a couple 2adays because of Muay Thai
    This is why I deload every 4-6 weeks haha

    updated reps/sets
    Breaks are 2min main lifts/ 1:30 for secondary stuff
    Last edited by scboss; 08-09-2012 at 04:29 PM.

  9. #9
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    Well Tuesday's just a cardio day, Thursdays basically an assistance day, Saturday is another assistance/cardio day.

    You are really only lifting heavy 3 times/week, and depending on what your percentages are...you should be ok. I lift 5 days a week on the power lifts, for three hours, up to 90% x 3, and there's some weeks where I run 7k or I swim for an hour.

    Don't underestimate what your body can handle, most people don't ever reach the point of overtrianing.

  10. #10
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    How do you define "strong as shit"? In my opinion your program has way too many things going on for you to ever get strong. Will your strength increase? Of course, will programming like that make you strong... doubtful.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: How to Fight "All Show and No Go"

    Originally posted by warcaster
    Clean and Jerk 115x8 (still working on form)
    sets of 8 with the quick lifts will most likely hurt your form, form suffers as you fatigue. go with 8x1 or 4x2 or 3x3

    Originally posted by warcaster
    From university to now I went from 180-205 (1 year) all from my own programs and trial/error.
    Also curious about this point. With all the tried and true, tested beginners programs out there (starting strength, various 5x5s etc) why waste a year of trial and error on your own programs?
    Last edited by lint; 08-09-2012 at 03:02 PM.
    heloc that shit

  12. #12
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    LiquidBoi69 and KRyn are the "Strong as shit" guys on here.

    I'd listen to them.

    Also, Warcaster this is where I got my Prowler - You were looking for one eh?

    I got mine from UFgyms:


    It's pricey, but cheaper than EliteFTS. They wanted to charge me 300 bucks for shipping.

    If you can look up build spec sheets online and take it to welder friend or metal shop. They will be able to build one for cheap. And you can custom tailor it to fit in your civic.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

    -H.P. Lovecraft

  13. #13
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    In my opinion, you need less cardio, more heavy lifting, less "I'm gonna overtrain" mindset.

    If you're scared of frying your CNS, just do some linear prioritization, or conjugate your exercise selection and do heavy stuff.

    Have some structure to your program more than just the [shoulders/back/legs/chest] routine you got going on everyday + half your days being cardio. Exercise selection should be based off of your weaknesses when you're doing strength training...not the generic bodybuilding bodypart exercise selections. Identify muscular weaknesses, write a program that will strengthen those weaknesses.

    Also, you say you want to be strong. But in what way? Olympic lifting/powerlifting/functional strongman type? If you want to be strong...you have to be strong at SOMETHING. The thing you'll find about strength is it's very specific to movements. And if you aren't specializing your movements and trying to be overall strong...I guess that would be considered strongman type strong. But understand that you will never be a good of oly lifter or pl'er unless you specialize your strengths and techniques to specific lifts. You can still be good, but you won't be as good.

    If you're gonna be good overall strongman style, do all the lifts (shoulder press, deadlift, bench, squat, oly lifts.) One lift a day, go heavy on them as long as your forms good, do assistance based off of your weaknesses on those lifts. If you really want, do cardio after. Periodize based off max's/form.

    Also thx Darkane lol. We are still getting our asses handed to us though in competitions. 205lbers squatting and deadlifting 700lb in the IPF single ply...
    Last edited by liquidboi69; 08-09-2012 at 03:09 PM.

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by liquidboi69
    In my opinion, you need less cardio, more heavy lifting, less "I'm gonna overtrain" mindset.

    If you're scared of frying your CNS, just do some linear prioritization, or conjugate your exercise selection and do heavy stuff.
    Agreed, if you actually want to get strong you have to lift heavy ass weights day in and day out. You need to work as heavy and as hard as you can for the next year and actually attempt to over train. For the average gym goer over training is impossible. The only things you will ever really over train (or beat up) are your tendons, joints, ligaments and maybe your CNS (you can only be so lucky). Over training of muscles is impossible in my opinion. In order to move heavy weight and become strong you have to have an excellent support system in place. Stop wasting your time with fruity ass exercises and pick up some heavy shit.
    Last edited by KRyn; 08-09-2012 at 03:11 PM.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Darkane
    LiquidBoi69 and KRyn are the "Strong as shit" guys on here.

    I'd listen to them.

    Also, Warcaster this is where I got my Prowler - You were looking for one eh?

    I got mine from UFgyms:


    It's pricey, but cheaper than EliteFTS. They wanted to charge me 300 bucks for shipping.

    If you can look up build spec sheets online and take it to welder friend or metal shop. They will be able to build one for cheap. And you can custom tailor it to fit in your civic.
    Yeah I ended up getting a econo prowler for 200 bucks and man did it kick my ass last saturday. 40 yard sprints with 205 never felt so dirty.

    This program has already been tested by me in the last 3 months and it has increased all of my lifts/endurance significantly. I never want to compete in lifting but when I play sports, go to wrestling or muay thai I want to be on another level.

    I couldnt even do 20 burpees in a row 2 months ago lol now I can do 100

    I found when doing 5x5 programs my cardio/muscular endurance took a huge hit. These programs also do not cater to my weakness's (bloody front/overhead squat)

    Im still training on my break weeks mostly to give me a break mentally. 2 adays take its toll and I will not go down that route again. I focus on my mobility, flexibility and footwork during my break and re-assess my program.

    Sorry forgot to include sets reps on my exercises haha will edit that.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by warcaster

    I found when doing 5x5 programs my cardio/muscular endurance took a huge hit. These programs also do not cater to my weakness's (bloody front/overhead squat)

    The Beauty now is you CAN focus on lifting while letting the Prowler take care of the conditioning.

    Also your legs will explode from all the concentric pushing of the prowler.

    Tip for Quads: buy Ropes or some sort of straps (I have EliteFTS Blast straps) and attach them to the front of the prowler. Pull it backwards in a 135 Deg crouched position for an insane VMO burn on the quads.

    As for Overhead squatting, ditch it. Unless you plan to compete, and you don't, it's not worth it.

    Instead focus all your attention on Front squatting (use a heels elevated on 10lb plateS) and back squatting (Could use Box squats to really hammer the posterior chain).

    This this squat "split" you will make more over all 'squat' progress. The overhead just isn't worth it.
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

    -H.P. Lovecraft

  17. #17
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    So your goals are actually not to be strong and heavy as shit, or to be good at lifts, but to be have good endurance, decent strength, and to be good at muay thai at wrestling then.

    That is what you shoulda said to begin with if that's the case.

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by liquidboi69
    So your goals are actually not to be strong and heavy as shit, or to be good at lifts, but to be have good endurance, decent strength, and to be good at muay thai at wrestling then.

    That is what you shoulda said to begin with if that's the case.
    My goal is long term. I will get strong as shit it will just take longer, in the end I want the big 3 to be at 2.5x my body weight. My goal is to be able to do this by time I'm 30 (I'm 27 now). I have 3 years and I think that's more then reasonable. In the last 3 months I've added

    35lbs to my deadlift
    40lbs to my squat
    30lbs to my bench
    35lbs to my overhead press

    I guess your version of strong as shit and my version are 2 different things lol.
    I can currently jog 10k with no issues and I'd like to keep it that way haha

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by Darkane

    The Beauty now is you CAN focus on lifting while letting the Prowler take care of the conditioning.

    Also your legs will explode from all the concentric pushing of the prowler.

    Tip for Quads: buy Ropes or some sort of straps (I have EliteFTS Blast straps) and attach them to the front of the prowler. Pull it backwards in a 135 Deg crouched position for an insane VMO burn on the quads.

    As for Overhead squatting, ditch it. Unless you plan to compete, and you don't, it's not worth it.

    Instead focus all your attention on Front squatting (use a heels elevated on 10lb plateS) and back squatting (Could use Box squats to really hammer the posterior chain).

    This this squat "split" you will make more over all 'squat' progress. The overhead just isn't worth it.
    I'm just doing overhead squats till I get rid o the pain in my hips from flexibility issues.

    I got the rope and a harness with my sled. I tried everything on the weekend, the low push bar was by far the worse thing I have felt in a long time. I gotta get it welded tho cuz I think the shitty bolts are gonna snap if I go over 300 pounds.

    Gonna hit this program 4 weeks. If I start plateauing 5x5 here I come

  20. #20
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    Well i was just confused, because you said you wanted to be heavy/strong as shit on your original post. Then you said you are running away from strength programs like 5x5 because your endurance suffers, and that you're excited that you can do 5x the amount of burpees now.

    Looks like you mentality is more so 'fit' as shit, not strong as shit. Everyone can make progress at first doing everything, eventually there's only so much you can do, and you'll have to specialize to make it to the next level. Sure you might get stronger AND fitter with newb gains, but you won't be as strong OR as purely fit as you could be specializing on your goals. But I guess i misunderstood your goals as pure strength because it sounded like it on your original post.

    And yes I think the majority of the population doesn't understand how strong people out there are.
    Unless you are squatting 2.5x BW, benching 1.5x BW, and deadlifting 3x BW like many many people out there...I wouldn't consider it strong. Especially if it's your sport.

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