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Thread: Fat Burners: 1-Cent's guide to fat burners worth your time

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    Default Fat Burners: 1-Cent's guide to fat burners worth your time

    Fat Burners: 1-Cent's guide to fat burners worth your time

    Here are the main players in fat loss supplementation that work, anything else is more than likely 90% gimmick and I wouldn’t waste my time. Nothing listed here is illegal to possess or use within Canada, in contrast if you live in the states almost everything listed is illegal lol. You won’t find everything here on store shelves though, most are ‘fringe’ products, meaning not illegal but their use is discouraged primarily through propaganda and bad publicity.
    A number of things can be acquired as ‘research chemicals’ for ‘research purposes’ on your ‘lab rats’, be careful who you give your money to online though.
    I don’t like to censor my posts in terms of social acceptability but that doesn’t mean I think everyone should be using potentially dangerous fat burners or anabolic steroids, I say it how it is, be cautious of what you get yourself into. More than anything don’t take my word alone on anything, do your own research!!


    Ephedrine -
    Used primarily for thermogenic fat loss (also as a nasal decongestant) by stimulating the release of adrenalin. An easy way of looking at it is the adrenalin stimulates beta sub 2 and beta sub 3 receptors which allow for fat mobilization to occur. The downside of ephedrine is it’s not very accurate in which receptors it stimulates, along with various beta types, alpha types are also stimulated to some degree and we don’t want this! Alpha sub 2 receptors when stimulated will prevent fat mobilization out of cells and if fat can’t get out it can’t be burnt as fuel. The solution to this is Yohimbine if you read on…
    Most people use too little to get the desired effect because they only come in 8mg pills now, when it was available as a fat loss supplement they came in 25mb tabs and two were often recommended. Today’ standard ECA stack contains 20mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine and 325mg aspirin. I’d like to note that ephedrine doesn’t work the same on everyone, I have some kind of natural ephedrine resistance and less than 100mg won’t do anything for me, I’ve even gone much higher than that. Most of the people I know that have used it preferred around 50mg and that’s what I recommend too for best effect in the majority of people.

    Caffeine - Inhibits phosphodiesterase (a catalyst enzyme that lowers cyclic AMP levels inside cells), as well as promotes epinephrine (adrenaline) release which increases cyclic AMP even more. To simplify, it allows cyclic AMP to stay in your system longer without being broken down and helps to increase it. I think I’ll skip explaining the role cAMP plays since most of you wouldn’t care (it’s a dry topic), it translates hormonal signals between cells is about all you need to know, needless to say we need it in order to get that fat burning.

    Aspirin - Aspirin inhibits prostaglandin production, which prolongs the thermogenic effects of ECA and increases metabolism by sustaining elevated cyclic AMP levels. Aspirin is a mild uncoupler of oxidative phosphoralation; its metabolic effects at reasonable dosages are minimal. In obese women aspirin may have a more significant metabolic effect. From a fat burning perspective, generally with respect to the EC stack its impact is negligible - you don't NEED aspirin for it to be effective.

    Yohimbine – An alpha sub 2 adrenergic receptor antagonist and is best suited to solve the problems associated with ephedrine and alpha sub 2 stimulation. It is also ideal for women because their bodies contain significantly more alpha sub 2 receptors in certain fatty areas than men do which is why they have such a difficult time losing fat around their thighs, butt, etc.
    Works much the same as Ephedrine by stimulating the release of adrenalin, it’s widely believed to be more effective and can either be used as a substitution for Ephedrine or it’s also fine to take it with Ephedrine (YCA or EYCA). 5mg or 7.5mg should do, they usually come in 2.5mg tablets.

    1R, 2S Norephedrine - The most thermogenic ephedrine alkaloid, if you want the best variation of the ECA stack you want YNCA (Yohimbine + 1R, 2S Norephedrine + Caffeine + Aspirin). The differences chemically are very small, one surprising difference however is that 1R, 2S Norephedrine although greatly superior to Ephedrine, causes much less of a wired feeling because less of it manages to pass through the blood-brain barrier.
    It is very difficult to find, there’s only a handful of companies that are allowed to import it into North America because the FDA in the US feels if it became a widely used drug there would be even more cases of health problems than associated with Ephedrine which is already on their shit list as most of you know, it doesn’t help that it can be easily utilized in methamphetamine synthesis. Be careful of which version you get if you can find it, 1S, 2R is about 1/2 as strong as 1R, 2S (the one you want). The first place you should look is online chemistry supply retailers; I’ve seen it at a few.

    Clenbuterol - A beta-2-andrenergic agonist/antagonist as well as a bronchodilator used in a few asthma medications in very small amounts. So what does it do for us? It makes cellular mitochondria produce more heat, increases your normal metabolic rate and acts as an appetite suppressant. Clen is a tricky drug to use properly and does require some trial and error, you'll need to figure out how much you can stand to take by slowly ramping up the dose until you feel uncomfortable then drop a little and stay there.
    Optimally one would do a 6 week duration of clen and during week 3 of this you'd also run Benadryl at 50-100mg per day for 1 week. You use Benadryl because it will upregulate your beta-2 receptors, clen downregulates them very quickly meaning they lose sensitivity and clen will no longer work.


    Week 1 - 30mcg /day (Split in 10mcg 3 times per day)

    Week 2 - 60mcg /day (Split in 20mcg 3 times per day)

    Week 3 - 90mcg /day (Split in 30mcg 3 times per day) + Benadryl 50-100mg /day for 7 days

    Week 4 - 120mcg /day (Split in 40mcg 3 times per day)

    Week 5 - 120mcg /day (Split in 40mcg 3 times per day)

    Week 6 - 120mcg /day (Split in 40mcg 3 times per day)

    Your body temp will rise over this period but around week 3 it will have dropped to normal (Desensitised Beta-2 Receptors). This is now the time to use a cationic ampiphylic drug such as Benadryl at around 50-100mgs/night before bed (every 3rd week or so, for that week). Your body temp will again rise after you've discontinued Benadryl (not during use).
    The amount of clen used is dependant on sides such as blood pressure and body temp so the above amounts are just examples in the average range. If the sides are too bad at 120mcg but ok at 90mcg try 100mcg and stick with that, etc.
    Do not use ECA with Clen, Ephedrine will contribute to beta-2 receptor desensitization and hinder the effects of Clen, they cancel each other out to some degree. Clen is a much better alternative to any other fat burner because it is also anti-catabolic meaning it will preserve muscle tissue while burning fat, in animals its also effective at building muscle tissue but unfortunately the effect is much less pronounced in humans. You could write endless pages about this drug, its a HUGE topic and I've only outlined the basics, if you chose to use it I suggest you explore it further, just be careful about what you buy into there’s a lot of miseducation out there about it (mostly administration wise, if you hear people talking about using it 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off, slap them and move on, using Benadryl in week 3 makes this theory obsolete).

    Cytomel (Liothyrine Sodium) -
    Works to regulate oxidative metabolisation of your body’s energy sources, be it food or stored sources like fat, muscle and glycogen, T3 does not however discriminate or play favourites like Clen. For this reason I would classify T3 as an advanced fat burning drug because it is very much recommended that T3 be taken with an anabolic steroid to defend against muscle loss. If you're 100% natural and take T3, the muscle loss would be significant make no mistake about it!
    What T3 does is increase your body's energy demands by increasing the activities of the enzymes involved in the oxidative metabolic pathway; basically you use more energy doing less work. Take the difference between an ectomorph (someone who is naturally lean and can eat anything without getting fat) and an endomorph (the opposite); essentially T3 is a key factor, not the only one by any means but a big player. T3 can turn the endomorph into something close to the ectomorph without changing diet or training. Other positive effects include increased ATP production, increased natural hGH secretion and increased protein synthesis. Besides being very catabolic its fairly safe when used responsibly, don't stay on it too long 12 weeks is usually perfect with at least that time off.
    Clen can be taken with T3 as well, T3 actually upregulates beta-2 receptors so it’s a big help with Clen cycling. For dosing, 25-100mcg depending on your goals, sensitivity and what you're stacking it with, if you are not using anabolic steroids do not exceed 25mcg /day or the muscle you will lose will make you cry.

    Synthroid (Levothyroxine Sodium) -
    Naturally in your body, T4 converts to T3, consider it the middle man in getting to fat loss (aka T3). I would suggest not using the stuff because it’s about 1/3 as effective as T3, the dosage is therefore 3x greater costing you more money. Stick with T3, if T4 is your only option then 200-300mcg /day is an average dose.

    DNP (2,4-dinitrophenol) - This is the extreme end of fat loss drugs, so lets get this out of the way first - do not fuck around with DNP unless you have educated yourself on it for a good couple months, if you fuck up the consequences are quite displeasing, you could go blind, or end up in the hospital with a body temperature that will baffle the minds of any doctors present as you turn very unattractive shades of yellow. DNP in practice is used for a variety of things, one being a very effective insecticide and another being a powerful explosive used at the start of the 20th century and WW1. It comes in two forms, pure crystalline DNP and powdered DNP, crystalline being the more effective of the two.
    That aside, it can be used very safely when you're knowledgeable about what you're doing. DNP, like Clen, is a very large topic so I'll just give you the basics. DNP burns fat by raising your body's temp and basel metabolic rate, it can raise your metabolic rate as much as 80%, compare this with an ECA stack which boasts 10% on a good day (5% is more realistic). It acts on your muscle's ATP, depleting it extremely quickly so more must be produced and as we all know to create ATP energy must be consumed in the form of food or fat. Making your body’s ATP formation as inefficient as possible doesn’t seem to make much sense but think of it as your body being in a constant state of aerobic exercise 24 hours a day non-stop, even when you sleep.
    The side effects are numerous and not very fun including extreme lethargy, sweating like you've never experienced in your life (think having to change your clothes after walking across the parking lot), increased RBC viscosity and doubled oxygen consumption by your muscles meaning your endurance is zero, fluctuating blood pressure, lowered thyroid production, vision problems, sleeplessness, water retention, nausea, dehydration, electrolyte depletion, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, allergies/dermatitis, rapid breathing. If your body temp rises above 103F, discontinue use and then start over at 200mg next time, if it was 600mg that was unmanagable try 400mg max.
    While on DNP your carb intake MUST be high, 1-2g /lb of bodyweight to be safe, a ketogenic diet (cutting carbs) can easily result in your forced discontinuation of DNP also known as death.
    Supplementing as many vitamins and minerals as possible is best because you will sweat so much that a great deal will be lost that way, water intake must also be high - no less than 5 litres a day. Other supplements that will make your life easier will be glycerol to help hydrate muscles and prevent catabolism at 2-3 tablespoons /day, antioxidants especially fat soluble vitamin E at 800-1000 IU’s /day to prevent free radical damage, potassium citrate to help prevent blood acidity at 2-3 grams /day.
    Begin at 200mg /day, after 3 days increase to 400mg /day and if you can tolerate it bump it up again to 600mg 3 days later – do not exceed 600mg. 3 weeks is the longest you will want to stay on it, expect to lose 1lb of fat per day during this cycle, 20lbs is quite do'able in 3 weeks. DNP, like Clen, is also anticatabolic, it won't burn up your muscle tissue like T3 will but I still don't know if I'd do it while natural.
    Like I've said if you know how to use it you'll be 100% fine and you'll lose a lot of fat really fast, there’s no faster way to drop fat besides a knife. I know people who've ran DNP 20, 30, 40 times and they're doing great, just don't abuse it or bad things will happen.

    Its been found that DNP has a side effect unique to women which can lead to them becoming sterile or having other ovary related complications.

    Usnic Acid – Used to be sold legally in the less effective form of Sodium Usniate but has since been yanked off the market because it was found to be hepatoxic (cause liver damage). If you do come across it now it will most likely be in the form of 98% Usnic Acid, a much purer and stronger version of the same. Like everything else its only dangerous when used in excess, do you think the American ephedrine ban was brought about by people using the recommended dosage? No it was the obese people with heart conditions that insisted on taking 10x the normal dose because they figured it would work 10x better and then ended up dead. 500-1000mg is solid dose for 4-8 week duration depending on your goals. It works using the same mechanism as DNP, the difference is it’s about half as effective and the side effects are much milder which for a lot of people is welcomed. It’s a good option before diving into DNP but much harder to acquire since its been banned in the US in any form, online stores from overseas are your best bet.

    Other compounds with fat burning properties as a side effect worth noting but not getting into:
    LR3 IGF-1
    Oxandrolone (Anavar)
    Trenbolone / Finaplix

    Compounds that will make you test positive on a test for performance enhancers (not rec drug test), if you get tested in a sport don’t take these or risk getting the boot:
    Oxandrolone (Anavar)
    Trenbolone / Finaplix

    That’s about it boys, my fingers hurt like I just spent an afternoon with your girl
    I wrote it pretty fast but I’m sure it’s at least 98% accurate lol I’ll add to it if something comes to me I think is relevant.
    Last edited by 1-Cent; 10-09-2005 at 05:07 PM.

  2. #2
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    You guys ask enough misc. fat burner questions so heres everything laid out in one place, have fun and don't get too skinny

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    Good post man, I was just looking through some info on this stuff hahaha

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    T3 and Clen work great.

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    Originally posted by ecstasy_civic

    Good post man, I was just looking through some info on this stuff hahaha
    Fuck man my brain hurts
    Are you still a wheel chair bound criple? Hows that going for you? Lots of pants midget action I'd assume

    You guys better be fat so you can put this to good use.

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    Originally posted by 1-Cent

    Fuck man my brain hurts
    Are you still a wheel chair bound criple? Hows that going for you? Lots of pants midget action I'd assume

    You guys better be fat so you can put this to good use.
    Im doing better, tommorow, day 1 Ive got a light spar and then hittin the weights
    No more midgets in the pants dude, seem to have stretched the belt lol

    Ill get ahold of you later tonight after dinner

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    Good read, good info!

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    Is yohimbine HCL not popular seperate (as far as product goes I mean). I know its in SAN Tight, but it doesn't say how many mg.

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    Originally posted by Ripper
    Is yohimbine HCL not popular seperate (as far as product goes I mean). I know its in SAN Tight, but it doesn't say how many mg.
    Fitness supplement stores don't usually sell it separately, the best place to look is herbal supplement stores, they usually have them in 2.5mg tabs.

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    Originally posted by ecstasy_civic

    Im doing better, tommorow, day 1 Ive got a light spar and then hittin the weights
    No more midgets in the pants dude, seem to have stretched the belt lol

    Ill get ahold of you later tonight after dinner

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by ~Leah~


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    Originally posted by ecstasy_civic

    Shes trying to say she appologises for streching your pants like that

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    never thought id tell?


    whats the deal with Lipo-6? soo many ads everywhere

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    what's your experience with clen vs. an ECA stack?
    whats the cost per cycle of each?
    and where would go to get either?

    I am a curious one today
    "Why would you do such a thing?"
    "Because I knew it would hurt you profoundly."

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    Originally posted by canuckmuscle
    what's your experience with clen vs. an ECA stack?
    whats the cost per cycle of each?
    and where would go to get either?

    I am a curious one today
    Clen is way beyond ECA, both are cheap, under $100 for a good length and dosage I'm sure. ECA you can get anywhere, you just have to buy the 3 parts separately. Clen I can't think of anywhere off the top of my head, ordering online would be necessary though, I've probably got a few places bookmarked... add my MSN [email protected] anyone else is welcome to too if you have questions

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    Default I would like to add to that

    Great info!!....I would like to add to that list with a product that is 100% natural and has NO ephedrine or chemicals like that for people who prefer not to use that (your choice).
    It is called Skinnees and it is amazing...if anyone is interested in it let me know.


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    Dude, enough with the skinees already

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    Default Re: I would like to add to that

    Originally posted by Jedi_Master
    Great info!!....I would like to add to that list with a product that is 100% natural and has NO ephedrine or chemicals like that for people who prefer not to use that (your choice).
    It is called Skinnees and it is amazing...if anyone is interested in it let me know.

    I looked into it, I guess someone could empty out the pills and use the bottle to put something useful in, maybe a cactus?

    I mean I'll give the 'doctor' behind it props for marketing skills, ie: put so many ingredients in that when people read the label and see them all they think 'wow this shit must be well thought out, no one would put all that in there for no reason!' counting on the fact that they have no idea most of what's in there is supported only by anecdotal evidance at best and not only that, the dosage of each is so low because there are so many ingredients, that I can't point one out that would reach anything resembling its threashold for effect.

    What is 'Dr. Isaac's' first name? All of his marketing minions have first names but the creator doesn't? Where is his research published? I tried to look him and his product up in every international medical database and came up with nothing. If its true he put years into research like your site states, he must have published his findings or that would be a pretty big waste of time as they would mean nothing to the medical community. If hes a real doctor you would think his primary interest would be to further medical knowledge, not make a buck off the MD in his name.

    My favorite part by far though has to be the made up words he felt he needed to pretend to own, especialy 'Leanotrim' ROFL jesus, that word in itself is like a marketing orgy, bonus points to Dr. Isaac for finding a way to mate multiple fatloss adjectives into one, theres not a marketing exec alive that doesn't jerk it furiously to that word every night before bed. Not surprisingly there aren't any trademarks for any of those 'proprietary blends'.

    The truth hurts

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