We're organzing a Studio Night and we're looking for a female model or two to sit in to shoot for a couple hours. The shoot will just be strictly for fun and will involve no nudity. This event will be on July 13th, 6:00pm so the model must be available this evening for the duration of the shoot.

We don't have any specific requirements at the moment, except that the model be 18 years old or over. Models must be patient and easy going as we will be trying different things with lighting. Models may be required to bring a couple outfits, depending on the type of shooting we decide on.

This could potentially be a semi-regular event so we can keep a record of anyone interested in future shoots or in case our chosen model(s) decides to bail out at the last second. This particular shoot will just be a fun thing, so there will be no payment for services rendered. However we will be using the standard TFP agreement (Time For Prints) in which any photographers who participate must be willing to provide selected prints to the model at no cost for time and services given. This will be a good opportunity to get different types of photos from different photographers in a single night!

If you, or anyone you know, is interested please PM me for additional contact information. Models will need to send a sample photo to me so we have an idea of what they look like. Snapshots are just fine. If I come up with more information, I will post it as details get worked out.

To the wiseass perverts who feel they need to make stupid remarks, save your material for Showtime at the Apollo.