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Thread: Pet Peeves (MEGA THREAD)

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by Gibson
    People that start rolling before the light turns green. I especially enjoy it when they get it wrong
    It's not even that big of a deal but it annoys the hell out of me.

  2. #22
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    Taxi drivers.

    Thinks they're entitled to stop wherever they want for as long as they want.

    Also people who use whilst instead of while.
    Last edited by Gooseberry; 06-30-2009 at 02:00 AM.

  3. #23
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    My Alderman and Global T.V.
    F'N Liars and they can't drive worth a siht and think they own the roads.

  4. #24
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    -Driving home from work. Blackfoot is a mess.

  5. #25
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    People that go the washroom and dont wash there hands.

    Religious people that hand out those little cards trying to convert people on the Ctrain.

    My fiance (viet) who thinks that ever meat should be cooked to a point that its jerky. (I assume because back home they had shitty meat)

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by snoop101
    People that go the washroom and dont wash there hands.

  7. #27
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    People that wear their baseball caps backwards.
    where do you buy those anyways?

    And the ones who wear them tilted need to be bitched slapped.
    Really who are you trying to impress??
    Can you all say Losers.
    Last edited by cancer man; 06-30-2009 at 09:00 AM.

  8. #28
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    Riding the bus to and from work listening to my iPod when somebody sitting beside you decides to have an argument on her cellphone (in a foreign language) that overrides the sound of my already cranked up music. At least if it was in English, I can tell what she's bitching about.

  9. #29
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    My pet peeve is people who have pet peeves.


    Wait ...


  10. #30
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    Kind of an odd list, but I'll think of more soon enough. A few Iran related ones:

    - People who think that Iranians = Arabs
    - People who pronounce Iran as "i-RAN" instead of "eeh-ran"
    - (predominantly) Italian companies that utilize the colours of their flag in advertising / promotional materials -- nothing wrong with this until they use horizontal stripes instead of vertical (vertical green/white/red = flag of Italy, but horizontal green/white/red stripes = flag of Iran) -- Sbarro is probably the worst offender here.

    hm...the high cost of beef jerky also agitates me a great deal ($5 and up for a tiny sub 100g bag)

  11. #31
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    People that walk slow. (especially noticeable in malls)
    On top of that some of these people are just ambling and seem to have ESP about which way I'm trying to get around them.. Older people are bad for this. They are also usually in packs of 4-6 in a line.

    People that just cluster in groups around entrances/high traffic areas.

    I second (or third) the no signalling.. It's pure lazy

    And I raise you Merging. Jebus. If I ever get into an accident, it's gonna be during a merging lane situation

  12. #32
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    -Teeny boopper girls who yap on their cell phones at 8am about their latest drama while on the C-Train

    -People who whine about being fat but don't do anything about it and continue to eat like crap

    -People who are overly perky in the morning

    -Idiots who force their way on to the train during rush hour

    -People who don't wear deodorant

    -Clients who leave voicemails like this: "Hey it's John, call me back." No number, no claim number, no last name

    -People who don't wave when you let them in...I know it's not a big deal but it just irks me
    Everything I'm not made me everything I am...

  13. #33
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    here we go...

    1. Todd Gallant, Global Weather man, he annoys the hell out of me, I think its the jokes he throws in the middle of all his sentences. ugh!

    2. People who don't think before they text, and have to send 5 separate text messages at once, instead of writing it all into one! Makes me want to chuck my phone out the effin window!

    3. People that bite their nails. Makes me cringe! Its such a nasty habit!!!

    4. People who yield or stop when they are supposed to MERGE!!! That brings out the worst in me!!!

    I think that's about it, I may add something else depending on how my day goes
    Last edited by LadyLuck; 06-30-2009 at 10:36 AM.
    What kind of birdhouse can you build with popsicles, roofies, and a rubber mallet?
    "It's for a rare African bird called "none your business."
    Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
    If you were straight I'd eat you like a BLT sandwich with extra Bacon. And I fucking LOVE bacon.

  14. #34
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    - people that cough/sneeze on the c-train or bus without covering there mouth..

    - people that leave the lid off the toothpaste then it becomes impossible to squeeze out because all the dried toothpaste blocking it..

    - electronic phone systems that ask you " if you need assistance please say "Help" now" etc.

    - when there is just a tiny bit of juice or milk left in the container but it is left in the fridge anyways, you know someone filled there glass they couldn't fit that last three drips in?

    I could go on.

  15. #35
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    Default Pet peeves - edited

    Hybrid reminded me of some real ones ...

    People who buy shoes 3 sizes too big and drag their heels when they walk (sorry - mostly asians)

    People who send emails to me at work without any contact information at the bottom. I deal with a shitload of clients - I do NOT have everyone's ph# memorized.

    Tailgaters in heavy traffic - look asshole there is a car in front of me - neither of us are going anywhere back the fuck off and enjoy your drive.

    People in large 4x4's and large suv's that weave in and out of traffic on Deerfoot

    -40 weather

    dead mouse batteries

    management that says 'do it this way' then you do and they say who the hell told you to do that.

    the offside rule in soccer - if you are dumb enough to let people behind you then you deserve to be scored on.

    pizza crust that isn't cooked

    LU LU clothes on any woman over 24

    LU LU Lemon and Landmark Forums - WTF you have to join a cult to be LULU management?

    Global warming activists

    Global warming pacifists

    unequal rights for women in the workplace

    People ^ usually women in the workpace (or accountants) - that bitch that they are hot walk around and crank all the thermostats all the way to down an then the next day wonder why it is so fucking cold in the office.

    People who drive in my blind spot.

    Office people who turn the speaker on their speaker phone to full volume and use it to dial every phone call they make.

    People who yell in the phone.

    Getting a drink at the drive through that doesn't have a venting lid so it pisses pop all over you when you grab it from the drive through attendant.

    People that spell the word through thru.


    the facepalm smiley

    dog shit on the front lawn

    dog shit on the back lawn (ya we have a dog - I still hate the shit.

    walking into a toilet and seeing shit in the bowl

    stupid shit, like people who think man never landed on the moon

    Crappy (shitty) stereos - if you have a good stereo - fine crank it I like all kinds of music. If not, keep that SHIT turned down 50% distortion is noise - not music.


    shit, I just basically hate shit.

    Fucking courtesy flush - I hate the smell of shit too

    Constipation - I don't like it when I can't shit

    cheap plastic spoons that won't even let you spear a cooked tomato

    American spelling

    People who refer to metric units as "English" - Really? Metric is English? Then what the fuck is a (BRITISH thermal unit?) Retard.

    US maps labelled 'North America' that cut off half of the arctic, three quarters of Mexico, the Maritimes, yet manage to show Hawaii, and Alaska in small square cutouts.

    Car Import tariffs. GM, Chrysler, and Ford would have had to get their shit together years ago if governments allowed true competition.

    Small cup holders.

    Leaky Condoms

    Hockey shootouts

    Manitoba - seriously there is nothing good here get rid of it and cut out three hours driving time when heading east or west.

    Flouride in my drinking water - hey Bronconnier, I have a fucking toothbrush and flouride toothpaste. I don't need more chemicals in my water, now I have to pay extra for a water filter.

    Dave Bonconnier - see stupid shit above

    Rising gas prices every time a long weekend is coming up.

    More shit ... The stupid excuses that the gas companies come up with to explain the rising gas prices. Do the oil executives really think we beleive that SHIT? Just be honest guys - say 'We are raising the prices to gouge your lowly poor asses. Don't like it don't drive or buy plastic."

    People that think K&N filters actually filter better.

    Alarm people that come to my door even though I have a big freaking alarm company sign on the fron of my lawn. No I do NOT want "live 2 way voice" in my house. You don't want to hear my wife and I making love anyway - trust me.

    Sleep Country Canada and Christine Magee and the stupid radio commercials that she does.

    More .....

    Marriage, ya I'm married but its still stupid and it pisses me off


    wimps that don't stand up to bullies

    people who bully wimps into standing up to bullies

    Elementary school is a pet peeve, other than writing and penmanship there is nothing in elementary school that the kids learn that is not repeated later so why not let the kids be kids. Call it what it is ... forced baby sitting.

    Elementary school homework that forces parents to answer for the kids and parents that do their kids homework for them - are you kidding me? My grade 3 kid kid went on a zoo field trip and had to answer the following question. How did bear #16 become a victim of his ecosystem? How in the hell is a grade three kid going to answer that? I let my kid answer, "He liked human food" I volunteered for the field trip and the day after in school as well. Holy SHIT other kids came in with 3-5 page typed dissertations. Another time the kids had to build a familiar Calgary landmark. Kudos to the parents that recreated the Sattledome with an actual working miniature Jumbotron on the inside, don't tell me your kid made that. My kid blew up a balloon threw a white paper over it and called it the soccer dome. Highlight of the class when he did his presentation, took a pin and said this is what it did last winter and popped it. I volunteered that day too, laughed my ass off I didn't know he had that planned.

    Tint tickets, I don't have tint but I do not think having tint should be an offense. Every time i hear that someone got one it pisses me off that my tax money is supporting such stupid police activity.

    Instead cops should focus more on People that put their faith in Darwin, for example
    Originally posted by 'a beyond member'
    How far back do you guys look to suspensions I got caught doing 250km/h 4 years when I still had my motorcycle.
    Doctors that don't diagnose and just treat symptoms are a real pet peeve of mine they should have their licenses pulled. I go in to get my knees checked - they grind - loud and one doc says ya they grind and they should bother you, take some advil. WTF? Fucking idiot doctor. That's like me selling HVAC equipment and saying ya your building has no winter heat, wear a jacket. Thank you captain obvious - thanks for nothing.

    Subaru Brats, If you haven't seen these it is an outback wagon without the wagon might get a garbage bag in the box - useless.

    I coach U10 soccer - kids - please don't reach your hand down the back of your shorts or pick your nose during a soccer game. You do have to shake hands after and I don't want your shit or snot on my hand.

    Parents that think that when they are watching children's sport ( ie children's soccer or hockey) that the game is the freaking world or Stanley cup and they have to chastise every ref call or yell at the kids to play harder. Listen, If I am coaching your kid he's not going to the Bundesliga or the red wings any time soon (or ever) relax maybe get some decaff at Timmies next time. These games are supposed to be fun and they teach the kids punctuality, teamwork, leadership, respect, none of which becomes important when they go out to have fun and mommy or daddy sit there and screams at them to run faster or get the ball for half an hour. Not to mention 80% of the shit you yell is contrary to what the coaches want the kids to do.

    More ...

    People who say ya I'll be there in an hour and show up three hours later.

    Abbreviations - for example this guy complains about one word texts but then is unable to completely type all of his posted words on a full sized keyboard ...
    Originally posted by 'another beyond member'
    One thing off the top of my head are ppl who reply with one word on msn/ cell phone txts, ie. "okay", "lolz" or even just an emoticon!
    OH! and also ppl who break their sentences like this, esp on cell txts:
    "hello how are
    you doing
    ....drive me crazy
    The following forum error is driving me absolutely nuts.

    More ....


    Tom Cruise

    This line in the movie Top Gun "I'll hit the brakes and he'll fly right by" What? I' guess you have to trust me on this if you don't know anything about ACM but what Tom really means is ... "I'll hit the brakes and he's going to do a high yo-yo and then shoot me in the top of the head.

    I hate it when I walk into 7-11 and all of the Slurpee machines are sloshing around watered down urine instead of slurpee.

    AVG Free antivirus, Why do people insist on using use this program when AVG openly advertises that it does not have root kit protection in the free version. I must of cleaned 6 computers in the last for months for friends or friends of the family that had AVG installed and were completely compromised. Two were active spam bots.

    I hate when car companies sell all the good product outside of North America (Toyota Soarer, Toyota Corolla (levin AE101), Euro Ford Focus, etc)

    Small addition ...
    People that are laze and show no self respect yet think the world owes them a favour.
    For example ...
    Originally posted by 'another beyond user'
    1) People who walk around like their the shit
    2) When no one says thank you for something you did
    3) When your the serinor staff at your work but you don't get the respect you desirve because your part time and a teenager
    Look, read this thread, see how many people on a car forum hate bad grammar and bad spelling. A CAR forum. We aren't talking about a goup of English teachers here. We are talking about gear heads. The odd mistake is ok everyone does it. To make consistant mistakes without correction makes you lazy. A lazy teenager who will not get any respect. Start showing some respect for yourself and take some pride in everything you do and you will get some respect. Keep walking around with your head up your ass and thinking that everyone owes you when you don't make an effort and you *will* keep getting disrespected.

    more later ...
    Last edited by alloroc; 07-07-2009 at 10:48 AM.

  16. #36
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    Originally posted by EK 2.0

    Sorry, next time I promise not to say anything....

    you is exempt!

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by rumeo
    People that don't signal, how lazy are you people?
    Originally posted by eglove

    ^ this.

    and people who just change lanes without shoulder checking OR signaling.
    These x2 and OEM HIDs in blazing sunlight, you have DRL halogens for a reason, then you wonder why your ballasts fail earlier than usual and whine about forking over $300+ and no it doesn't help me see you better at 12 noon when the sun is sky high.

    more from my line of work, 100 hour pilots who wear leather jackets, aviators, top gun maverick t-shirts and use noise cancelling headphones on a gdamned C-172 telling me how-to/how not to do aircraft maintenance/planning. even moreso the ones who didnt learn 1+1 and fk up the journey log times consistently, fken tards

    edit: crap i knew i had more,

    ppl who dont understand that there is an inductor coil at busy intersection traffic lights to change them, sit there and 2-3 sequences go by, dont you fkers ever wonder why the lights arent changing?!

    the sunday drivers in the left lane of deerfoot on monday mornings who are doing 80km/h and wont move.

    and finally the idiots who slow down to look at a minor fender bender in the northbound lane causing everyone to stop in our southbound lane, half the time i think the crawl is because of an accident in our lane, nope just a bunch of ppl slowing down to look, there should be fken fines for that kind of nonsense!
    Last edited by n1zm0; 06-30-2009 at 09:52 AM.

  18. #38
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    - people that don't use their blinkers when changing lanes.

    - the so called "ballers" and the way they act.

    - skinny jeans! how do people honestly get in them? and if you can get in them.. hit the gym and put some damn meat on your bones.

    - preachers... of any sort

    - people that don't watch the lights when turning left and holds everything up and then I get stuck waiting till the next set of lights.

    - Oprah/Dr. Phil/David Suzuki/Pierre McGuire

    the worst of them all...

    - people that chew with their mouths open, sound like an F'n horse when you chew, and see the food moving around in their mouths. I get fits of rage where I feel like caving the persons skull in it bothers me that bad. Learn some F'n table manners, nobody wants to hear or see you chew your food!

    ha, that felt good

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by Stubby

    - skinny jeans! how do people honestly get in them? and if you can get in them.. hit the gym and put some damn meat on your bones.
    Do you mean those Emo kids that wear those tight ugly pants? Fricken hell thats Annoying. Some of those girls would look so hot if they dressed normal. I would probably beat my kid silly if he ever turned into one of those people.

  20. #40
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    People who spell Congratulations --> Congradulations

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