Flames Season Ticket Holder - Jason Fillion scams me out of $3K+ - BEYOND CSI HELP - Page 10 - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Flames Season Ticket Holder - Jason Fillion scams me out of $3K+ - BEYOND CSI HELP

  1. #181
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    Originally posted by KristenA

    My husband says he would love to post himself he just needs an account and will tell you all of it. I also told him to get in touch with all the other people (that we know of, there are of course lots that we don't know of) and tell them about this thread as well.

    As for the question of his wife's knowing. When all this happened with my husband she claimed to not know, however - it was made very clear that she was his business partner and just as much a part as he was (before everything went to hell in a hand basket). So I am doubtful now of her innocence. I felt so sorry for her at first but now considering they are still together (there is more to that story but it isn't really relevant) I am fairly certain she knew. The Jason Fillion from BC is the same one - he had a business go belly up there as well. Which I am sure was "someone elses" doing too (sarcasim noted).
    Just get your husband to post under your account, as long as the info gets out there it's all the same.

    Once we have enough people post their experiences about Jason Fillion (by then this thread should be the number one Google hit for his name), we can get someone to write up a letter to the local media outlets and see if the story catches any of their interest... I think the fact that it was for Flames tickets will make the story relatable to a lot of Calgarians (as many people pick up tickets from kijiji/ebay/craigslist/etc) and on top of that the fact the internet was used to drag the scammer to the public spotlight and in the process unearth a lot of his past "debts" will definitely be enough for someone to run with it.

    See below for a past example:

  2. #182
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    When your husband joins he should post a new thread, so google search of his name comes up with more results with scammer in the title! This guy sounds like belongs in a cell with a big boyfriend!!!

  3. #183
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    Originally posted by kvg
    When your husband joins he should post a new thread, so google search of his name comes up with more results with scammer in the title! This guy sounds like belongs in a cell with a big boyfriend!!!
    Not only for the reason of more results searching Jason Fillion on Google.. but just in case OP decides to delete this thread. At least that way the stories of all the people related to Jason Fillion scamming them don't get removed because the OP decides to remove this thread.

    OP. you have any updates??

  4. #184
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    Originally posted by Genjuro

    I check with the info you posted and section 213, row 22 seats 1-8, 11-12, 14-21 were attended. I'll get in shit if check the names.. so I wont. This is for the game on the 25th.
    That’d be quite a treat for some Beyonders if Jason still has the tickets and attends the games.

    All they need is photo of Jason Fillion – Serial Scammer…
    Hell Bent on the Worst Kind of Infamy

  5. #185
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    Originally posted by Jlude

    Rage said it's up to the OP to decide.
    Of course it is. That's always been the policy. What I meant is that it'll be removed if the OP requests it, not left up regardless of what the OP wants to do.

  6. #186
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    Originally posted by A790

    Of course it is. That's always been the policy. What I meant is that it'll be removed if the OP requests it, not left up regardless of what the OP wants to do.
    I know you know, you know. Thought it might have been confusing cause the OP did mention that he might offer to take the thread down.

  7. #187
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    Well.. another day has come and gone and no contact from Jason Fillion. Up until I had heard from the wife of his ex business partner, I was actually giving him the benefit of the doubt with respect to his financial problems, but that is all over now. The person posting to this thread today has no reasons whatsoever to lie about what happened. Since last Wednesday when he first called me, Jason has strung me along promising some form of payment and even making me feel bad for the dissolution of his marriage. (I have since found out the truth about that which makes sense to me know as it wasn't his wife in the Armada when he came to pick up the check back in March.)

    Anyhow, I was told on Saturday that he had some cash and had said he would make some form of payment today. I told him I was out of town and he would have to email money transfer me the $ and I have not heard anything since. So... as promised, here is the correspondence we have had going back since this thread was started. It is a rather long read, but that is only due to Jason's long winded BS weave of a web he has spun.

    A couple of items of note before anyone questions whether this is a true story or not:
    - he goes on and on about negotiating with the Flames to extend his payment terms. Given he indicated that he made the initial payment that I paid him, and also given that he made a profit off of the sale of the tickets to me, all he had to do was ask me for the remaining payment, for which he did not do, nor did he have a response for when I asked him about it.
    - he paints a financially bleak picture of not being able to keep the heat on, etc etc, yet, he still had a new cellphone number which was in the initial kijiji ads. As well, his last email was sent from an Iphone. Who can afford an Iphone, yet can't afford to keep the heat on?

    I more than gave this guy the benefit of the doubt, yet now unfortunately I know the truth about this guy...

    Here's the email trail...

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Habs
    Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:15 am
    To: Ebonyknight <[email protected]>, Jason Fillion
    <[email protected]>, Jason Fillion
    <[email protected]>,


    I have been calling and/or emailing you on a daily basis so I'm sure you are at least getting some of the messages. What is going on here? You either have the tickets or you don't have them. If you don't have them as of yet, I assume you are not getting them given all other season ticket holders have had tickets in their possession for 2+ weeks. You said that you would call me back on Saturday evening and it is now Thursday. I can only assume by your lack of response that you are purposely trying to blow me off. I can understand that you are busy, however, when you actually wanted my cash initially, you had no qualms in hounding me to get it. If you think I'm just going to walk away from this, you are mistaken. The first preseason game is Tuesday and thus if I don't hear from you by Sunday night, I will be forced to take alternative courses of action.>

    His response only after finding out about this post...

    Well Habs,

    First off I will say I am sorry for the lack of communication, but I am struggling to survive at the moment please read,

    Not that it would matter to you since you so kindly put up a blog up about me and my wife... first I would appreciate you removing any mention of my wife, we have been through hell and back lately and almost ended in a divorce over all the shit that has went on. We lost the season tickets because we could not make the next payment it was a choice of making the payment of making the rent. I knew full well that if we lost the tickets I would have to pay you back, which I have full intentions of doing. I love how people assume what people's intentions are, I have not had the time to call you or anyone, I am trying to keep our head above water right now. We have lost both our homes, lost pretty much everything we had due to a business partner screwing me over and me getting sick shortly after that(all of which I can prove).

    Here is my response to your comments so you can do whatever you want with it, I love that when someone is down that people love to kick them;

    (This is his rebuttal to every point in my initial email)

    Hi everyone - Just thought I would share a little ordeal I had have to deal with over the past few weeks and was wondering what my next steps should be. I apologize in advance if this is a little long winded...
    Back in March, I had answered an ad on Kijiji for Flames Season tickets for the upcoming year. Normally I am very skeptical of most ads on there, but as it turns out, I had dealt with this guy before when I had purchased a few pairs off of him in 2008. I had met him in person at his office in Kensington and he seemed to be legit as at the time he was a mortgage broker. I had also talked to his wife at the time and as it turned out the tickets were legit and I didn't have any problems.

    "Tickets were legit and we were selling them as right about March is where I got screwed over by my Ex-partner I had brought into the business to get him to help me run it, which is my fault as I put too much control into his hands."

    So... fast forward to this past March and Jason agreed to sell me the full season for $6,500. The seats were in Section 213 Row 22 so I thought it was a decent price. He wanted half of the amount upfront ($3,250) which I thought was reasonable, given that was when the first payment was due to the Flames for renewal according to some of my friends that have season tickets. He seemed to be in a huge rush to get the cash off of me which should have been a warning sign at the time, but again, given my dealings with him before I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I got him to sign an agreement and I paid via check which was cashed right away.

    "I fought and fought with the Flames office to extend our payments on the tickets but we because we were late paying for our tickets they wanted the whole lump sum, I did not make it in time and so we lost them, I did not contact you right away as I thought I could get another set of season tickets from you through a friend of mine as I did not want you to go without what I promised. Yes I was in a rush for the money to try to save the tickets, which of course after I paid they only gave me a week to get the rest. Regardless I lost the tickets and so I will send you the money back as soon as I get it.

    Starting about a month ago, I sent him an email asking if he had the tickets in yet with no response. I tried calling both his cell and office numbers, both of which were disconnected which was the first thing that started to get me worried. I was able to track down a home number from an old email back in 2008 and was relieved to find it was still active. I left several voicemail messages over the next week or so and even talked to his kids a couple of times... each time I was told that both Jason and his wife were not home.

    "I simply have not been home as I have been trying to keep us alive feel free to come talk to my kids or my wife about us having no power gas or water for weeks, if I was this amazing scam artist you seem to have made me into you would think I would be able to at least keep the lights on. Actually I have never taken anything from anyone if I am guilty of anything it is being too trusting, and always helping others before myself or my family. Cell phone number is disconnected because whatever money I am earning right now goes to the basics. I could of just as easily changed my home number but I did not as it is the only way my creditors (credit card companies) can get a hold of me.

    The week before the preseason was about to begin... I tried calling again on a Saturday afternoon, but this time I used my girlfriend's cell and lo and behold he answers! He tells me that he was meaning to call me but has been really busy with work... I ask him if he has the tickets and he replies no... then he says that he has company over and he will call me back at 7pm that evening... of course...I never received a call. I continued to call and leave voicemails and emailed both him and his wife and still no response.

    "For one I do not know your number to NOT ANSWER, for another that was the first night I had been home before midnight in a few weeks, and I was sitting down with my kids watching a movie for the first time in months, which I fell asleep while watching that is why i did not call you back that night. The next day the mayhem of my life ensued and I have not stopped since, well until now that I am writing this email because my wife called me in tears over someone sending her the link. Really nice that you have added to our trouble.

    Last week after three weeks of not being able to get a hold of either of them and the first preseason game just around the corner, I begin to realize that I am officially being scammed. I tried calling the Flames sales office to see if they could give me any information but they said they can't because of Canadian privacy laws.... they say the only way they can give info if the cops get involved. ..so I call the cops and surprising enough, they can charge him with fraud so they took a report, but who knows how long that will take and whether I will ever see anything from it.

    "You were not scammed I lost the tickets, I have been trying desperately to sell whatever I can to get us out of the hole and to get you and a couple friends their money back, there was never an intention of scamming anyone at all I lost that tickets. The stupid fuck heads posting on the blog you wrote about the stuff I have for sale or the services I am offering to try and stay alive are not helping your cause. As for the person who posted I left Enderby owing 48,000 dollars, well that is pretty funny because that is obviously someone who I told about my bankruptcy way back when, my Main debt when I went bankrupt was $48,000.00 to CRA because the book keeper we had in BC screwed up and I ended up with a big debt. When I left Enderby I was actually $150,000.00 in debt which I manage to pay down to about $48,000.00 in debt before going bankrupt.

    So, now I'm out $3,250 and dont' really know what my next steps should be. Who knows if he did this to others or if it was just me. It wasn't exactly a sophisticated fraud given I paid him by check and he signed an agreement so there is definitely a paper trail, especially given I know that they were his season tickets in the past! I have found 3 different potential home addresses online for him all in the South, but who knows if he actually still lives at any of these addresses. At this point, I don't even care about the tickets... I just want my cash back.

    "So you are not out anything as soon as I sell our Travel Trailer it should be more then enough to pay you out and get us back to a point where we are breathing again. Obviously if I was scamming you I would not of signed anything and would of asked for cash would not of been a very good scammer. Situations collided and everything in our life blew up. You see I can prove everything I am saying, via third party stuff so you can see it is what it is."

    Here's the information I have on him:
    Name - Jason Fillion
    Former employer - mortgage broker - Mortgage Alliance - Was not employed by them
    Current employer - President, Lucrative Timing - well most current I have - This company never got off the ground thanks to what happened
    Vehicle - Silver/Grey Nissan Armada - what he was driving when I paid him in March - We lost the Armada so we are not driving that around.

    I am sorry I have not communicated with you life has just been one ball of stress, after Wednesday my life will return somewhat to normal, I would appreciate if you would remove the blog as it is not helping get me out of this. I am sorry you felt you had to go to that extent but you will get your money back every penny. You are more then welcome to keep this EMAIL and use it in a court of law if you need to with my promising your money back. Again Habs I am sorry. I will contact you on Wednesday, please Respond to this email address at [email protected] as you are sending to my wife emails address so I do not see them.

    I know hindsight is 20/20, but I always got a bit of a bad vibe off this guy. He was always talking a big game. He even actually called me out of the blue a couple of times after not having talked to him the first time after a year trying to get me to invest in this or that and that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity blah blah blah.

    "Well if you got a bad vibe off me I am sorry I have done nothing but help anyone and everyone I can in my life, mind you after the last 6 months of hell I have been through I won't be as helpful anymore. As for those opportunities they were real and I was about 60 days out from making it all come through when my partner screwed me. Again not blaming anyone but myself, as I chose him there for was my responsibility.

    I guess the lesson learned from this is to trust my own intuition.. I'm still hoping that I can get this cash back somehow...just not sure how... if he claims to be the entrepreneur/institutional investor that he is...surely, anyone trying to google him will come across this thread and steer clear.If anyone else has any suggestions on what to do next, they would be more than welcome!

    " As for where I live I would be more then happy to meet with you after Wednesday as I am hoping by that time I will have some good news. Every minute you have that blog up it is making it harder for me to sell my items to get your money back and for us to survive, so do what you will. I will call you on Wednesday.

    Another rant sent a couple of hours after the first one...

    From: STAND BY [[email protected]]
    Sent: 09/28/2010 01:43 AM CST
    To: Habs
    Subject: Re: Fw: Please read

    I am Glad at least you are enjoying the fact you have made a seriously bad situation worst. You can say I brought it all on myself or whatever you want.

    I am done, I will not be surprised if my wife leaves me in the morning, I may not of had a chance to contact you due to the fact of working so hard to maybe finally get out of this, but you took that away from me as well. So I hope $3250.00 was worth it. Some of the people who posted on the blog best hope I never find out who they are. We have been through a nightmare and we were almost out of it and now we are done. Thank you Habs. You see you have a job you have a way to make money, right now due to my ex-partner I do not, well I did until today. So I hope your Revenge on the Evil Jason was worth it.

    This will be the last email you receive from me, I am done.

    If I sell my trailer I will send you the money via email money transfer of something, I never intended to rip you off so believe what you want.

    PS I will try find the documents in the mayhem to send you to prove the foreclosures, the loss of my business well that is easy, I closed my office and was selling everything from it on Kijiji as well as my photocopiers to try to stay alive. It is not hard to piece together the truth in my story, the Flames tickets were my wife's favorite thing they were the one thing I was trying to keep, I had convinced her to sell this season to help us survive, funny it is now the thing that will kill me. All the assholes that seem to think this is just a big joke arrange a meeting I will stand in front of everyone of them, just do not bring anyone that insulted my wife because they will be DEAD and I will be in Jail.

    My response...


    I'm sorry to hear about your downtimes, but ultimately you have blatently refused to contact me over the last four weeks... I have countless times left my phone number.. you have my email addresses...it's pretty ironic now that you contact me as soon as I post something online that is 100% the truth. I want my cash back and until I get the amount paid in full, I am not changing anything.
    I cannot help what other people post on that blog. It is ultimately not my problem that you are in this situation. It was been 3 weeks since I talked to you and you have not tried to initiate any contact. What you have done is fraud.... not sure if the police have contacted you yet, but I did file a report with the Fraud Unit...they should be contacting you shortly. There is one way for this to all go away... pay me back what you
    owe me! Plain and simple.


    And his response.....

    Well your call on this, not much I can do but stick with what I said before is I will contact you as soon as I have some money. The definition of Fraud is when someone does something knowing with the intent to deceive someone, I had no intentions of deceiving you and taking your money I can show you countless emails from the Flames office where I was fighting with them to extend my time so I could get everything paid. Do not change the blog do not take it down, but all that does is make a bad situation worst. As I said before I am sorry for the lack of communication I have not been able to even see my family much since I have been trying to keep us all alive. Feel free to send the police, I can prove everything I am saying is true, all you have done by posting that blog is make it harder for me to sell what I need to get your money back and make sure we survive. I understand you are upset as you should be, but your comment that it is funny you get a response once you post something on the internet, well I never would of seen the post on the internet had someone not sent it to my face, which she called me balling her eyes out. So I took time out to email you even though right now as I am writing this my time to fix my problem is running short as my friend who is helping us fix it is leaving tomorrow, I have been going day in and day out trying to get things back on track. So do what you want be mad as much as you want all I can do is apologize and call you Wednesday as I have promised. All I have been doing is selling off all our extra assets to keep things alive at the end of the day everybody I do not care who it is, if they got into the bind I got into they would first do everything they could to make sure their family was ok, then make sure they were ok so then they could rebuild and fix things. You might be out $3250.00 but we have lost about $250,000.00 dollars over being scammed and going through this, you can think that I deserve it, but if that had not happened we would not be having this conversation and you would be sitting in the season ticket seats and next year we would still have our seats that we waited forever to get.

    By the way the Next Threat or Death Threat I get via email from one of your "BLOG" friends I will be sending it to the police I am sure that your employer or the Media would be happy to know one of their employee's is Threatening me and my family with Bodily Harm.

    If I was going to RIP someone off it sure the hell would not be over $3250.00, nor would I use my real name nor would I give them a receipt or accept a cheque, you are intelligent do the math if I was planning on ripping you off I would of done none of those things.

    By the way the Police can find me at 270 Autumn Circle SE in Auburn Bay,(go a head and do a title search you will see I am renting a house first time I have rented since I was 20 years old) I will be home more after tomorrow and my friend goes back over seas. After 7pm is the best time to catch me at home.

    PS If I showed you all the shit I have been through you would think it was a TV movie, and I am not sure where I said I did not have your email address but if I was not near home I would of had no access to my email, either way not making an excuse and I will make this right which I had full intentions of doing even before you posted the blog.

    Have a nice Day....


    And now my response back....


    This is the last time I am going to be responding to your emails. However you got yourself into this situation that you are in is ultimately not my problem. You have been dodging me for the last month... a simple phone call or email to explain your predicament would have sufficed for the time being, but no, you finally respond because I post my story of dealing with you online.

    I am by no means a lawyer, nor a police officer, but the police came by last week to take a report because they believe that you defrauded me. Since up to this point you were unwilling to make contact, I had no other alternatives and I think I have succeeded in getting your attention. I stand by my entire post as being 100% factually correct. I cannot control what anyone else sends you as it is a huge messageboard. If I wanted to send you threats, I think I would have already done so. I mentioned in my last email before I filed the police report that if you didn't respond, then I was going to have to take alternative action which I have. By threatening to bring the media or my employer into this isn't going to go very far. I have not and will not "threaten you or your family with bodily harm". The facts are as plain as day - we had an agreement, I paid you $ upfront and you disappear.

    I have no interest at this point for a physical confrontation at your place. I already had the address and was not going to stop by as I felt that I have made adequate attempts to sort this out to no avail.

    Again, you have had this cash for over six months and season tickets would have been finalized a month ago...if you can't afford to heat your place, then clearly you weren't planning on renewing your season tickets.

    You can contact me when you have my payment in full. The second that is done, I will have the thread removed.


    His response...

    Your comment about me dodging you for the last month I have been trying to survive and pay my rent for the last month I have had ZERO time to make a Simple Phone call the one night you finally got a hold of me I was not going to talk around my kids and worry them more as they have been through this hell with me, not that you even fucking care because you have it in your head I am a scammer, I am someone who is trying to keep his family alive and getting rid of every luxury I earned over the years to make sure they survive, I have had to fire sale most everything I had and the only items I had any Equity in my homes well one got Foreclosed on (52 shawmeadows Rise SW, go ahead and check title and the Other I sold and if I had not been able to negotiate with the lender I would of walked out owing 12,000 dollars in Realtor Fees). Unless you want to take the bullshit down and stop your fucking friends from sending me emails. Then you leave me no choice but to do nothing simply because I do not have a bank account overflowing with money, I have ummmm no money at all right now and since your brilliant plan lost me what little work I had, my only choice is to file bankruptcy. So your choice your call, think about it if I do not pay you back you can always put it back up. Funny how you say you cannot control what people put up on a Closed Forum that does not allow new registrations.

    Thanks to some asshole that posted an ad on Kijiji, little hard to even pay you back or get back on my feet if assholes are doing this. I was not threatening until your "Friends" sent me threatening emails. I apologized that is all I can do at this time. As for the Season tickets, if I had of used that money to keep my heat on then it would not of been off use your brain. The difference here is I never not once planned on defrauding you or anyone else I apologized for the lack of communication but I have not been around to be able to communicate with anyone until Recently. Feel free to come by and visit with or without the police. I never said anything in your post was Un true except the fact that you stating that I MEANT to be fraudulent in this Transaction.

    Hope about you go ahead and send the police and sue me in small claims court so I can prove everything I am saying because that is the only way you are getting money from me now you stupid ASS. I have more then enough proof in emails back and fourth with the Calgary Flames office to prove I fought with them to try to keep my season tickets alive.

    I truly wish with all my heart and soul sometime in your life you get caught in a Financial position by no causing of your own and I hope and PRAY that someone does to you what you just did to me. You got my attention all right but in the end you screwed yourself. Have a Nice Day.

    If you choose to remove the bullshit and allow us to deal with this civilly then let me know as I said before my Friend who is my only hope at rescuing us from this Flys out on Wednesday so I will actually have a life again after this. I am more then happy to prove to you everything I have said. If I wanted a Physical Altercation with you, I know where you live and where you work would not be that hard, I sent you my Address to show you I was not hiding and was willing to deal with this.

    I will give you this warning next Friend of your that sends a nasty EMAIL to my wife who has nothing to do with this, I will find them and correct them physically. Keep her out of this, you and your friends want to come at me feel free you leave my wife and kids alone of God help you.


    After the emails to my CEO....

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Habs
    Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:45 pm
    To: [email protected]

    I just got a call from our office's in house lawyers about this. They had a laugh and gave me some good legal advice, thanks for the referral. Nice try bud. Maybe you should be spending more time earning $ to pay me back as opposed to searching for my CEO's email address. I await your payment tomorrow. I will remove the thread the second I receive payment. Again I reiterate the purpose of the thread is to not call you out as a scammer and that you intentionally defrauded me in the beginning,(yet, given I am out $3K, I would consider myself as being scammed out of that $) rather it is to notify the public that anyone should think twice about dealing with you. If you ignored me when I was constantly bugging you, then I'm sure there's some others that fall into that category as well. At least going forward, anyone googling your name can read about my dealings with you. You can say time and time again that you didn't have 30 seconds over the last 4+ weeks to contact me via phone or email, but we all know that is BS. As a result, alternative measures were taken and now the shoe is on your foot to remedy them.

    From: STAND BY <[email protected]>
    Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 19:34:38 -0600
    To: Habs
    ReplyTo: [email protected]
    Subject: Re:

    Well think what you want, I truly beyond words in this situation, I have told you the truth in everything that happened, I have everything documented but you are so bent on teaching me a lesson it is sad. Even if the BLOG had not been posted I would of still been contacting you on Wednesday because that is when my time is finally going to free up. Did I not communicate yes I fully admitted that, I even apologized for it. The time I took to respond to the blog and even this email I do not have time to do this, if I had time even to explain everything you would understand, well I would hope that you would but I do not even have that time.

    As long as their are posts on the blog about my wife you will not see 1 red cent, trash me bash me do whatever you wish, but as long as there is something up there about my wife you will see nothing.

    Did you make your point yes, see the problem is now you are making it so I have no hope of selling anything I have to make the money to pay you, because all of your friends bash me and my wife who had nothing to do with it on kijiji.

    I am sorry you felt scammed, in the end we ran into really hard times, that I do not wish on anyone, not even you. Sad thing is I have third party documented proof of everything I have been through, and the people on the blog saying "I hope he is not getting soft" not looking for soft but you accuse me of scamming you and lying to you and you will not even look at the proof of what I said. You said on the blog it could make a bad movie, yes it could I truly wish it was all untrue but it is my life. I was 60 days away from finally being successful at my project when my Ex-partner screwed me. None of which is your problem but all you are doing is prolonging things. Feel free to make a small claims court file on me, as I will not have the MONEY tomorrow, I said I would call you tomorrow once my time freed up.

    Even if you take the blog down at this point without making a retraction the damage is done. Sad thing is I truly never meant for you to lose any money and even if I pay you back now you and everyone on the damn site will be convinced that I only paid you back because of the blog which would be untrue as I have always had the intention of paying you back.

    When my partner screwed me he also screwed other people who were depending on me.


    Here's a followup email after he called me a couple of times on Thurs & Fri....

    I got some money not a lot but would like to meet on Monday when you get back to figure this out. I lost the sale on the seadoo because of the blog guy backed out.
    Thank you,

    Jason Fillion

    "When the world says "Give Up!"
    Hope Whispers, "Give it one more try!""

    Sent from my iPhone

    I told him that I was away and he would have to email money transfer me the $...lo and behold, no response

    Note the Iphone he is now responding from. How the blog affected his seadoo sale makes no sense whatsoever...grasping at straws with BS lies once again....
    Last edited by habshabs; 10-05-2010 at 12:02 AM.

  8. #188
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    LOL am I missing something, or do you just not know how to read? Didn't he clearly tell you in one of those emails "take me to civil court or call the police because that's the only way you'll see any money out of me you stupid ASS"? Why are you still going on with this, if even the scammer HIMSELF told you to fuck off and get on with the legal proceedings because he doesn't plan on paying you shit?

  9. #189
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    Originally posted by Scuderia
    LOL am I missing something, or do you just not know how to read? Didn't he clearly tell you in one of those emails &quot;take me to civil court or call the police because that's the only way you'll see any money out of me you stupid ASS&quot;? Why are you still going on with this, if even the scammer HIMSELF told you to fuck off and get on with the legal proceedings because he doesn't plan on paying you shit?
    No need for any sarcasm...those idle threats were made when our fellow beyonders were making his life a living hell... if you read all of the correpondence (along with his phone calls), he was backing down from his threats if I took the thread down after he paid.. If anyone has been through small claims court before, when there's no cash or income to garnish..it's a complete waste of time

  10. #190
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    Originally posted by habshabs
    Well.. another day has come and gone and no contact from Jason Fillion. Up until I had heard from the wife of his ex business partner, I was actually giving him the benefit of the doubt with respect to his financial problems, but that is all over now. The person posting to this thread today has no reasons whatsoever to lie about what happened. Since last Wednesday when he first called me, Jason has strung me along promising some form of payment and even making me feel bad for the dissolution of his marriage. (I have since found out the truth about that which makes sense to me know as it wasn't his wife in the Armada when he came to pick up the check back in March.)

    Anyhow, I was told on Saturday that he had some cash and had said he would make some form of payment today. I told him I was out of town and he would have to email money transfer me the $ and I have not heard anything since. So... as promised, here is the correspondence we have had going back since this thread was started. It is a rather long read, but that is only due to Jason's long winded BS weave of a web he has spun.

    A couple of items of note before anyone questions whether this is a true story or not:
    - he goes on and on about negotiating with the Flames to extend his payment terms. Given he indicated that he made the initial payment that I paid him, and also given that he made a profit off of the sale of the tickets to me, all he had to do was ask me for the remaining payment, for which he did not do, nor did he have a response for when I asked him about it.
    - he paints a financially bleak picture of not being able to keep the heat on, etc etc, yet, he still had a new cellphone number which was in the initial kijiji ads. As well, his last email was sent from an Iphone. Who can afford an Iphone, yet can't afford to keep the heat on?

    I more than gave this guy the benefit of the doubt, yet now unfortunately I know the truth about this guy...

    Here's the email trail...

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Habs
    Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:15 am
    To: Ebonyknight &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Jason Fillion
    &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Jason Fillion
    &lt;[email protected]&gt;,


    I have been calling and/or emailing you on a daily basis so I'm sure you are at least getting some of the messages. What is going on here? You either have the tickets or you don't have them. If you don't have them as of yet, I assume you are not getting them given all other season ticket holders have had tickets in their possession for 2+ weeks. You said that you would call me back on Saturday evening and it is now Thursday. I can only assume by your lack of response that you are purposely trying to blow me off. I can understand that you are busy, however, when you actually wanted my cash initially, you had no qualms in hounding me to get it. If you think I'm just going to walk away from this, you are mistaken. The first preseason game is Tuesday and thus if I don't hear from you by Sunday night, I will be forced to take alternative courses of action.&gt;

    His response only after finding out about this post...

    Well Habs,

    First off I will say I am sorry for the lack of communication, but I am struggling to survive at the moment please read,

    Not that it would matter to you since you so kindly put up a blog up about me and my wife... first I would appreciate you removing any mention of my wife, we have been through hell and back lately and almost ended in a divorce over all the shit that has went on. We lost the season tickets because we could not make the next payment it was a choice of making the payment of making the rent. I knew full well that if we lost the tickets I would have to pay you back, which I have full intentions of doing. I love how people assume what people's intentions are, I have not had the time to call you or anyone, I am trying to keep our head above water right now. We have lost both our homes, lost pretty much everything we had due to a business partner screwing me over and me getting sick shortly after that(all of which I can prove).

    Here is my response to your comments so you can do whatever you want with it, I love that when someone is down that people love to kick them;

    (This is his rebuttal to every point in my initial email)

    Hi everyone - Just thought I would share a little ordeal I had have to deal with over the past few weeks and was wondering what my next steps should be. I apologize in advance if this is a little long winded...
    Back in March, I had answered an ad on Kijiji for Flames Season tickets for the upcoming year. Normally I am very skeptical of most ads on there, but as it turns out, I had dealt with this guy before when I had purchased a few pairs off of him in 2008. I had met him in person at his office in Kensington and he seemed to be legit as at the time he was a mortgage broker. I had also talked to his wife at the time and as it turned out the tickets were legit and I didn't have any problems.

    &quot;Tickets were legit and we were selling them as right about March is where I got screwed over by my Ex-partner I had brought into the business to get him to help me run it, which is my fault as I put too much control into his hands.&quot;

    So... fast forward to this past March and Jason agreed to sell me the full season for $6,500. The seats were in Section 213 Row 22 so I thought it was a decent price. He wanted half of the amount upfront ($3,250) which I thought was reasonable, given that was when the first payment was due to the Flames for renewal according to some of my friends that have season tickets. He seemed to be in a huge rush to get the cash off of me which should have been a warning sign at the time, but again, given my dealings with him before I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I got him to sign an agreement and I paid via check which was cashed right away.

    &quot;I fought and fought with the Flames office to extend our payments on the tickets but we because we were late paying for our tickets they wanted the whole lump sum, I did not make it in time and so we lost them, I did not contact you right away as I thought I could get another set of season tickets from you through a friend of mine as I did not want you to go without what I promised. Yes I was in a rush for the money to try to save the tickets, which of course after I paid they only gave me a week to get the rest. Regardless I lost the tickets and so I will send you the money back as soon as I get it.

    Starting about a month ago, I sent him an email asking if he had the tickets in yet with no response. I tried calling both his cell and office numbers, both of which were disconnected which was the first thing that started to get me worried. I was able to track down a home number from an old email back in 2008 and was relieved to find it was still active. I left several voicemail messages over the next week or so and even talked to his kids a couple of times... each time I was told that both Jason and his wife were not home.

    &quot;I simply have not been home as I have been trying to keep us alive feel free to come talk to my kids or my wife about us having no power gas or water for weeks, if I was this amazing scam artist you seem to have made me into you would think I would be able to at least keep the lights on. Actually I have never taken anything from anyone if I am guilty of anything it is being too trusting, and always helping others before myself or my family. Cell phone number is disconnected because whatever money I am earning right now goes to the basics. I could of just as easily changed my home number but I did not as it is the only way my creditors (credit card companies) can get a hold of me.

    The week before the preseason was about to begin... I tried calling again on a Saturday afternoon, but this time I used my girlfriend's cell and lo and behold he answers! He tells me that he was meaning to call me but has been really busy with work... I ask him if he has the tickets and he replies no... then he says that he has company over and he will call me back at 7pm that evening... of course...I never received a call. I continued to call and leave voicemails and emailed both him and his wife and still no response.

    &quot;For one I do not know your number to NOT ANSWER, for another that was the first night I had been home before midnight in a few weeks, and I was sitting down with my kids watching a movie for the first time in months, which I fell asleep while watching that is why i did not call you back that night. The next day the mayhem of my life ensued and I have not stopped since, well until now that I am writing this email because my wife called me in tears over someone sending her the link. Really nice that you have added to our trouble.

    Last week after three weeks of not being able to get a hold of either of them and the first preseason game just around the corner, I begin to realize that I am officially being scammed. I tried calling the Flames sales office to see if they could give me any information but they said they can't because of Canadian privacy laws.... they say the only way they can give info if the cops get involved. ..so I call the cops and surprising enough, they can charge him with fraud so they took a report, but who knows how long that will take and whether I will ever see anything from it.

    &quot;You were not scammed I lost the tickets, I have been trying desperately to sell whatever I can to get us out of the hole and to get you and a couple friends their money back, there was never an intention of scamming anyone at all I lost that tickets. The stupid fuck heads posting on the blog you wrote about the stuff I have for sale or the services I am offering to try and stay alive are not helping your cause. As for the person who posted I left Enderby owing 48,000 dollars, well that is pretty funny because that is obviously someone who I told about my bankruptcy way back when, my Main debt when I went bankrupt was $48,000.00 to CRA because the book keeper we had in BC screwed up and I ended up with a big debt. When I left Enderby I was actually $150,000.00 in debt which I manage to pay down to about $48,000.00 in debt before going bankrupt.

    So, now I'm out $3,250 and dont' really know what my next steps should be. Who knows if he did this to others or if it was just me. It wasn't exactly a sophisticated fraud given I paid him by check and he signed an agreement so there is definitely a paper trail, especially given I know that they were his season tickets in the past! I have found 3 different potential home addresses online for him all in the South, but who knows if he actually still lives at any of these addresses. At this point, I don't even care about the tickets... I just want my cash back.

    &quot;So you are not out anything as soon as I sell our Travel Trailer it should be more then enough to pay you out and get us back to a point where we are breathing again. Obviously if I was scamming you I would not of signed anything and would of asked for cash would not of been a very good scammer. Situations collided and everything in our life blew up. You see I can prove everything I am saying, via third party stuff so you can see it is what it is.&quot;

    Here's the information I have on him:
    Name - Jason Fillion
    Former employer - mortgage broker - Mortgage Alliance - Was not employed by them
    Current employer - President, Lucrative Timing - well most current I have - This company never got off the ground thanks to what happened
    Vehicle - Silver/Grey Nissan Armada - what he was driving when I paid him in March - We lost the Armada so we are not driving that around.

    I am sorry I have not communicated with you life has just been one ball of stress, after Wednesday my life will return somewhat to normal, I would appreciate if you would remove the blog as it is not helping get me out of this. I am sorry you felt you had to go to that extent but you will get your money back every penny. You are more then welcome to keep this EMAIL and use it in a court of law if you need to with my promising your money back. Again Habs I am sorry. I will contact you on Wednesday, please Respond to this email address at [email protected] as you are sending to my wife emails address so I do not see them.

    I know hindsight is 20/20, but I always got a bit of a bad vibe off this guy. He was always talking a big game. He even actually called me out of the blue a couple of times after not having talked to him the first time after a year trying to get me to invest in this or that and that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity blah blah blah.

    &quot;Well if you got a bad vibe off me I am sorry I have done nothing but help anyone and everyone I can in my life, mind you after the last 6 months of hell I have been through I won't be as helpful anymore. As for those opportunities they were real and I was about 60 days out from making it all come through when my partner screwed me. Again not blaming anyone but myself, as I chose him there for was my responsibility.

    I guess the lesson learned from this is to trust my own intuition.. I'm still hoping that I can get this cash back somehow...just not sure how... if he claims to be the entrepreneur/institutional investor that he is...surely, anyone trying to google him will come across this thread and steer clear.If anyone else has any suggestions on what to do next, they would be more than welcome!

    &quot; As for where I live I would be more then happy to meet with you after Wednesday as I am hoping by that time I will have some good news. Every minute you have that blog up it is making it harder for me to sell my items to get your money back and for us to survive, so do what you will. I will call you on Wednesday.

    Another rant sent a couple of hours after the first one...

    From: STAND BY [[email protected]]
    Sent: 09/28/2010 01:43 AM CST
    To: Habs
    Subject: Re: Fw: Please read

    I am Glad at least you are enjoying the fact you have made a seriously bad situation worst. You can say I brought it all on myself or whatever you want.

    I am done, I will not be surprised if my wife leaves me in the morning, I may not of had a chance to contact you due to the fact of working so hard to maybe finally get out of this, but you took that away from me as well. So I hope $3250.00 was worth it. Some of the people who posted on the blog best hope I never find out who they are. We have been through a nightmare and we were almost out of it and now we are done. Thank you Habs. You see you have a job you have a way to make money, right now due to my ex-partner I do not, well I did until today. So I hope your Revenge on the Evil Jason was worth it.

    This will be the last email you receive from me, I am done.

    If I sell my trailer I will send you the money via email money transfer of something, I never intended to rip you off so believe what you want.

    PS I will try find the documents in the mayhem to send you to prove the foreclosures, the loss of my business well that is easy, I closed my office and was selling everything from it on Kijiji as well as my photocopiers to try to stay alive. It is not hard to piece together the truth in my story, the Flames tickets were my wife's favorite thing they were the one thing I was trying to keep, I had convinced her to sell this season to help us survive, funny it is now the thing that will kill me. All the assholes that seem to think this is just a big joke arrange a meeting I will stand in front of everyone of them, just do not bring anyone that insulted my wife because they will be DEAD and I will be in Jail.

    My response...


    I'm sorry to hear about your downtimes, but ultimately you have blatently refused to contact me over the last four weeks... I have countless times left my phone number.. you have my email addresses...it's pretty ironic now that you contact me as soon as I post something online that is 100% the truth. I want my cash back and until I get the amount paid in full, I am not changing anything.
    I cannot help what other people post on that blog. It is ultimately not my problem that you are in this situation. It was been 3 weeks since I talked to you and you have not tried to initiate any contact. What you have done is fraud.... not sure if the police have contacted you yet, but I did file a report with the Fraud Unit...they should be contacting you shortly. There is one way for this to all go away... pay me back what you
    owe me! Plain and simple.


    And his response.....

    Well your call on this, not much I can do but stick with what I said before is I will contact you as soon as I have some money. The definition of Fraud is when someone does something knowing with the intent to deceive someone, I had no intentions of deceiving you and taking your money I can show you countless emails from the Flames office where I was fighting with them to extend my time so I could get everything paid. Do not change the blog do not take it down, but all that does is make a bad situation worst. As I said before I am sorry for the lack of communication I have not been able to even see my family much since I have been trying to keep us all alive. Feel free to send the police, I can prove everything I am saying is true, all you have done by posting that blog is make it harder for me to sell what I need to get your money back and make sure we survive. I understand you are upset as you should be, but your comment that it is funny you get a response once you post something on the internet, well I never would of seen the post on the internet had someone not sent it to my face, which she called me balling her eyes out. So I took time out to email you even though right now as I am writing this my time to fix my problem is running short as my friend who is helping us fix it is leaving tomorrow, I have been going day in and day out trying to get things back on track. So do what you want be mad as much as you want all I can do is apologize and call you Wednesday as I have promised. All I have been doing is selling off all our extra assets to keep things alive at the end of the day everybody I do not care who it is, if they got into the bind I got into they would first do everything they could to make sure their family was ok, then make sure they were ok so then they could rebuild and fix things. You might be out $3250.00 but we have lost about $250,000.00 dollars over being scammed and going through this, you can think that I deserve it, but if that had not happened we would not be having this conversation and you would be sitting in the season ticket seats and next year we would still have our seats that we waited forever to get.

    By the way the Next Threat or Death Threat I get via email from one of your &quot;BLOG&quot; friends I will be sending it to the police I am sure that your employer or the Media would be happy to know one of their employee's is Threatening me and my family with Bodily Harm.

    If I was going to RIP someone off it sure the hell would not be over $3250.00, nor would I use my real name nor would I give them a receipt or accept a cheque, you are intelligent do the math if I was planning on ripping you off I would of done none of those things.

    By the way the Police can find me at 270 Autumn Circle SE in Auburn Bay,(go a head and do a title search you will see I am renting a house first time I have rented since I was 20 years old) I will be home more after tomorrow and my friend goes back over seas. After 7pm is the best time to catch me at home.

    PS If I showed you all the shit I have been through you would think it was a TV movie, and I am not sure where I said I did not have your email address but if I was not near home I would of had no access to my email, either way not making an excuse and I will make this right which I had full intentions of doing even before you posted the blog.

    Have a nice Day....


    And now my response back....


    This is the last time I am going to be responding to your emails. However you got yourself into this situation that you are in is ultimately not my problem. You have been dodging me for the last month... a simple phone call or email to explain your predicament would have sufficed for the time being, but no, you finally respond because I post my story of dealing with you online.

    I am by no means a lawyer, nor a police officer, but the police came by last week to take a report because they believe that you defrauded me. Since up to this point you were unwilling to make contact, I had no other alternatives and I think I have succeeded in getting your attention. I stand by my entire post as being 100% factually correct. I cannot control what anyone else sends you as it is a huge messageboard. If I wanted to send you threats, I think I would have already done so. I mentioned in my last email before I filed the police report that if you didn't respond, then I was going to have to take alternative action which I have. By threatening to bring the media or my employer into this isn't going to go very far. I have not and will not &quot;threaten you or your family with bodily harm&quot;. The facts are as plain as day - we had an agreement, I paid you $ upfront and you disappear.

    I have no interest at this point for a physical confrontation at your place. I already had the address and was not going to stop by as I felt that I have made adequate attempts to sort this out to no avail.

    Again, you have had this cash for over six months and season tickets would have been finalized a month ago...if you can't afford to heat your place, then clearly you weren't planning on renewing your season tickets.

    You can contact me when you have my payment in full. The second that is done, I will have the thread removed.


    His response...

    Your comment about me dodging you for the last month I have been trying to survive and pay my rent for the last month I have had ZERO time to make a Simple Phone call the one night you finally got a hold of me I was not going to talk around my kids and worry them more as they have been through this hell with me, not that you even fucking care because you have it in your head I am a scammer, I am someone who is trying to keep his family alive and getting rid of every luxury I earned over the years to make sure they survive, I have had to fire sale most everything I had and the only items I had any Equity in my homes well one got Foreclosed on (52 shawmeadows Rise SW, go ahead and check title and the Other I sold and if I had not been able to negotiate with the lender I would of walked out owing 12,000 dollars in Realtor Fees). Unless you want to take the bullshit down and stop your fucking friends from sending me emails. Then you leave me no choice but to do nothing simply because I do not have a bank account overflowing with money, I have ummmm no money at all right now and since your brilliant plan lost me what little work I had, my only choice is to file bankruptcy. So your choice your call, think about it if I do not pay you back you can always put it back up. Funny how you say you cannot control what people put up on a Closed Forum that does not allow new registrations.

    Thanks to some asshole that posted an ad on Kijiji, little hard to even pay you back or get back on my feet if assholes are doing this. I was not threatening until your &quot;Friends&quot; sent me threatening emails. I apologized that is all I can do at this time. As for the Season tickets, if I had of used that money to keep my heat on then it would not of been off use your brain. The difference here is I never not once planned on defrauding you or anyone else I apologized for the lack of communication but I have not been around to be able to communicate with anyone until Recently. Feel free to come by and visit with or without the police. I never said anything in your post was Un true except the fact that you stating that I MEANT to be fraudulent in this Transaction.

    Hope about you go ahead and send the police and sue me in small claims court so I can prove everything I am saying because that is the only way you are getting money from me now you stupid ASS. I have more then enough proof in emails back and fourth with the Calgary Flames office to prove I fought with them to try to keep my season tickets alive.

    I truly wish with all my heart and soul sometime in your life you get caught in a Financial position by no causing of your own and I hope and PRAY that someone does to you what you just did to me. You got my attention all right but in the end you screwed yourself. Have a Nice Day.

    If you choose to remove the bullshit and allow us to deal with this civilly then let me know as I said before my Friend who is my only hope at rescuing us from this Flys out on Wednesday so I will actually have a life again after this. I am more then happy to prove to you everything I have said. If I wanted a Physical Altercation with you, I know where you live and where you work would not be that hard, I sent you my Address to show you I was not hiding and was willing to deal with this.

    I will give you this warning next Friend of your that sends a nasty EMAIL to my wife who has nothing to do with this, I will find them and correct them physically. Keep her out of this, you and your friends want to come at me feel free you leave my wife and kids alone of God help you.


    After the emails to my CEO....

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Habs
    Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:45 pm
    To: [email protected]

    I just got a call from our office's in house lawyers about this. They had a laugh and gave me some good legal advice, thanks for the referral. Nice try bud. Maybe you should be spending more time earning $ to pay me back as opposed to searching for my CEO's email address. I await your payment tomorrow. I will remove the thread the second I receive payment. Again I reiterate the purpose of the thread is to not call you out as a scammer and that you intentionally defrauded me in the beginning,(yet, given I am out $3K, I would consider myself as being scammed out of that $) rather it is to notify the public that anyone should think twice about dealing with you. If you ignored me when I was constantly bugging you, then I'm sure there's some others that fall into that category as well. At least going forward, anyone googling your name can read about my dealings with you. You can say time and time again that you didn't have 30 seconds over the last 4+ weeks to contact me via phone or email, but we all know that is BS. As a result, alternative measures were taken and now the shoe is on your foot to remedy them.

    From: STAND BY &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 19:34:38 -0600
    To: Habs
    ReplyTo: [email protected]
    Subject: Re:

    Well think what you want, I truly beyond words in this situation, I have told you the truth in everything that happened, I have everything documented but you are so bent on teaching me a lesson it is sad. Even if the BLOG had not been posted I would of still been contacting you on Wednesday because that is when my time is finally going to free up. Did I not communicate yes I fully admitted that, I even apologized for it. The time I took to respond to the blog and even this email I do not have time to do this, if I had time even to explain everything you would understand, well I would hope that you would but I do not even have that time.

    As long as their are posts on the blog about my wife you will not see 1 red cent, trash me bash me do whatever you wish, but as long as there is something up there about my wife you will see nothing.

    Did you make your point yes, see the problem is now you are making it so I have no hope of selling anything I have to make the money to pay you, because all of your friends bash me and my wife who had nothing to do with it on kijiji.

    I am sorry you felt scammed, in the end we ran into really hard times, that I do not wish on anyone, not even you. Sad thing is I have third party documented proof of everything I have been through, and the people on the blog saying &quot;I hope he is not getting soft&quot; not looking for soft but you accuse me of scamming you and lying to you and you will not even look at the proof of what I said. You said on the blog it could make a bad movie, yes it could I truly wish it was all untrue but it is my life. I was 60 days away from finally being successful at my project when my Ex-partner screwed me. None of which is your problem but all you are doing is prolonging things. Feel free to make a small claims court file on me, as I will not have the MONEY tomorrow, I said I would call you tomorrow once my time freed up.

    Even if you take the blog down at this point without making a retraction the damage is done. Sad thing is I truly never meant for you to lose any money and even if I pay you back now you and everyone on the damn site will be convinced that I only paid you back because of the blog which would be untrue as I have always had the intention of paying you back.

    When my partner screwed me he also screwed other people who were depending on me.


    Here's a followup email after he called me a couple of times on Thurs &amp; Fri....

    I got some money not a lot but would like to meet on Monday when you get back to figure this out. I lost the sale on the seadoo because of the blog guy backed out.
    Thank you,

    Jason Fillion

    &quot;When the world says &quot;Give Up!&quot;
    Hope Whispers, &quot;Give it one more try!&quot;&quot;

    Sent from my iPhone

    I told him that I was away and he would have to email money transfer me the $...lo and behold, no response

    Note the Iphone he is now responding from. How the blog affected his seadoo sale makes no sense whatsoever...grasping at straws with BS lies once again....
    All I heard was, "waaahhhh, wahh, waaahhh, I screw people out of thousands of dollars and am always the victim, waaahhh"

  11. #191
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    ^^^why in the FFUUUCCCKKK would you quote him AGAIN?

    what a sob story
    Originally posted by Modelexis
    If I have questions about my phone bill, I don't post it on beyond, I call telus.
    Originally posted by D911
    worst part is definitely when the dudes smacking it with his dick like that inside out anus owes his dick some money.
    the crap you find when you dig through ask leo

  12. #192
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    Originally posted by habshabs

    No need for any sarcasm...those idle threats were made when our fellow beyonders were making his life a living hell... if you read all of the correpondence (along with his phone calls), he was backing down from his threats if I took the thread down after he paid.. If anyone has been through small claims court before, when there's no cash or income to garnish..it's a complete waste of time

    So what exactly do you plan on doing now? Continuing the novel that you and him have created? I fully understand that claims court can be a huge hassle, but I'm pretty sure it's about that time man. He's not going to pay you. At the end of the day, your "fellow beyonders" aren't going to be attached to the issue like you are, because it's YOUR money that's been taken. I don't understand why people depend on beyond to solve all their problems. Thankfully, you seem like you're doing okay in life, and the 3 grand isn't going to break your back. You have documentation, proof, witnesses, police reports, and a solid case overall. Get started, don't waste your time with this fuckin loser, it's like you said, he can afford having an iphone but he's working till midnight to keep the heat on?

  13. #193
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    Sounds like another Sean Banerjee.

  14. #194
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    Last edited by KristenA; 11-16-2012 at 03:09 PM.

  15. #195
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    Originally posted by RecoilS14

    how do people like this have good paying jobs???
    They still managed to get good pay job and peoples are fallin fro there sweet talk....

  16. #196
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    I have everything documented but you are so bent on teaching me a lesson it is sad.
    Hahah wow. Yeah i'd like to teach someone a lesson when they screw me out 3250$, then proceed to make excuses and lies to my face for over a month.

    Pretty unreal how he always has something to make you feel sorry for him to take away from the fact he's a lying, scamming, fuckrag... "I was watching a movie with my kids for the first time in a month and i fell asleep..." etc etc. Feel sorry for me so I can keep that 3250$ please! Fuck that

  17. #197
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    Last edited by KristenA; 11-16-2012 at 03:09 PM.

  18. #198
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    As bad as it is, if someone scammed me out of $3k and I knew where they lived, their legs would have a meeting with a baseball bat /hardcorebrah

  19. #199
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    home and cell phone numbers would help make this guy's life hell. (note that the 403 number listed earlier in the thread is disconnected.)

  20. #200
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    You need to find out who's using the seats and where the tickets are coming from.

    If the tickets are coming from him you need to target the seats. Embarrass whoever is sitting in them.

    If he is using the seats to enhance his appeal to future "marks" this wouldn't look good, would it.

    If he is selling the seats for profit, word will get out the seats are not legit.

    How about getting signage put on the seats just before the game stating the tickets have been stolen. Or getting the cops checking tickets stubs, cause a scene.

    Lets get pictures of who's sitting in those seats.

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