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Thread: Ohio brings New DUI Punishment - Special Plates

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by Shaolin
    I didn't read the article, but I think i can get the general idea from reading the posts.. if they do it to individuals that'd be alright, but family? come on.. it's like, if my sister fucks up and does something stupid, I will get the blame for it as well? Only person that can control the offender is the offender themself, so where's the logic in getting the family members involved?
    yeah its not like someones 17 year old son can stop his dad from going to the bar and getting gooned and driving home
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
    —Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer

  2. #22
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    It is a good thing that all family members get the plates, although some think it is too harsh, the person who does drink and drive will get so much heat from there family that they will never want to go though it all again.
    How long do the plates stay on?

  3. #23
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    i think thats a good idea. people will get unwanted attention and most people dont like that so this is a good. this is also good for cops to id cars that have been convicted of DUI before..

    then again when it comes to new years police might just target these cars on the road just to make sure they arent drinking, and this might lead to a lawsuit of some sort..

  4. #24
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    I think its an excellent idea, even doing the whole families cars... one more thing to think about when deciding whether or not calling a cab is worth the extra $20

    they should bring that to alberta... also makes it easier for the police to pinpoint previous offenders on the streets, and I doubt a previous offender would be driving drunk with those plates... moving target!!

  5. #25
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    i dont agree with the rest of the family having to have those liscence plates too...i mean sure you could drive their cars and no one will know BUT if i screw up why should my parents or whoever in the family have to suffer the consequences...on top of this it makes those vehicles targets to vandalism, eventhough that person is just a relative of a drunk driver. I mean...what is it really supposed to solve by this? Everyone knows you got caught drinking and driving...so what?

  6. #26
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    i think its a good idea all around. If your driving effected people around you directly they would bother you to not DUI. Really whatever it takes to stop people from DUI is probably worth it.

  7. #27
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    Originally posted by hjr
    Really whatever it takes to stop people from DUI is probably worth it.
    good point. the "unfairness" to the family members really is trivial when it could mean a reduction in DUI related accidents.

  8. #28
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    I see problems on the horizon for this one...
    All you need is some anti drunk driving advocate as overzealous as some of the know anti abortion activiststhat tend to go overboard, and do something stupid to a person driving a car with those plates, and the government will be sued and the taxpayers will pay..
    Vandalism is on thing, put other peoples lives in danger in the search to save lives , in IMHo is kinda non productive...
    I am not advocating DD'ing, however, lets keep the punishments as they should be ...Jail time, then pay the price singularly.. and one you have served your time, you have served your time...
    A long time ago, when I worked at North Hill Mall, we use to watch the cops put a grease pencil X on the headlights of cars driven by people that entered the bar at the highlander hotel, then lateron a bunch of cops would know which vehicles to pull over..good idea until someone took issue with the cops vandalising his car with grease pencils...Maxt
    Too loud for Aspen

  9. #29
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    As my title states, I live in Ohio and cannot wait to see someone's car with these plates on there! I guess we'll see if they're effective or not in the future...

    It would definitely clash with the E and or SLK haha

  10. #30
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    by punishing the associated family, it shows the driver that unless he/she wants to hummiliate the family. they wont drink and drive. it also makes them think twice and not only about them selfs when they hop in the car pissed.
    Solid Gino......

  11. #31
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    Good idea but poor implementation.

  12. #32
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    the reason why they associate the family with this is because its not just yourself your thinking about, now you hafta think how this impacts the whole family.

    i am all for it!
    Originally posted by Mibz
    She's already exhibiting signs of turning into my Mom, I need some sort of legal recourse if a full-blown transformation occurs.

  13. #33
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    Originally posted by 403Gemini
    the reason why they associate the family with this is because its not just yourself your thinking about, now you hafta think how this impacts the whole family.

    i am all for it!
    That's retarded.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

  14. #34
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    Originally posted by rx7_turbo2

    That's retarded.
    im baffeled? how is it retarded?

    if you drink and drive it impacts your family, with or without these liscence plates. should a kid be proud to say "my dad cant drive me/pick me up cause DUI" ? no. with this law you think about your entire family and the consequnses of your actions because it impacts them DIRECTLY.

    without it, you DUI and get in an accident and severly hurt somebody, that person CAN sue you but with a greasy lawyer you can win. You win, then there is no big deal. but with this liscene plate you win you still wear the plate. so does your family.

    and anybody who opposes this law boogles my mind. do you drink and drive? do your relatives? if so your not doing enough to imbed into their minds that its not right.
    Originally posted by Mibz
    She's already exhibiting signs of turning into my Mom, I need some sort of legal recourse if a full-blown transformation occurs.

  15. #35
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    Originally posted by 403Gemini

    im baffeled? how is it retarded?

    if you drink and drive it impacts your family, with or without these liscence plates. should a kid be proud to say "my dad cant drive me/pick me up cause DUI" ? no. with this law you think about your entire family and the consequnses of your actions because it impacts them DIRECTLY.

    without it, you DUI and get in an accident and severly hurt somebody, that person CAN sue you but with a greasy lawyer you can win. You win, then there is no big deal. but with this liscene plate you win you still wear the plate. so does your family.

    and anybody who opposes this law boogles my mind. do you drink and drive? do your relatives? if so your not doing enough to imbed into their minds that its not right.
    Ya maybe your right. Perhaps we should do this with all offences. Someone in your family is found guilty of robbery, why not label the whole family thieves. Even better your son's a serial killer, lets send the whole family to jail. Give your head a shake man. Just cause some dumb ass in the family acted like a moron is no reason to paint the whole family with the same brush. Punishing innocent people ya that sounds like a smart idea
    Last edited by rx7_turbo2; 01-02-2004 at 02:11 PM.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

  16. #36
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    Well I live in Ohio and this pisses the hell out of me. #1 Taft needs to be shot. He is one of the worst things that has happened to Ohio. #2 the family should not have to have the plates. That is just retarded. So if my sister is an idiot and gets a DUI why the hell should I have to have that plate on my car. It just gives the cops one more way to uselessly profile people. Then every cop and ever normal person would target me as a drunk and bad driver when I've never even been pulled over let alone gotten a ticket or DUI. Its just another stupid waste of money.

  17. #37
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    I am a big proponent of taking responsibility for your actions, something society (or, at least american society) has put on the back burner in recent years - So i think the plate is a OK idea.... not a great solution to the problem however. The solution to the problem is not babying the offender and taking the lowlife's driver's license. Drunk driving shows ultimate lack of regard for the safety of other people and that shouldn't be tolerated. Take their license after the first offense without question.

    Originally posted by hellcat
    #2 the family should not have to have the plates.
    I agree, going way too far and messing with other peoples lives just because some idiot was selfish - Very uncool aspect of the law.

    Personally, I think the punishment for DUI should be MUCH stricter than just license revocation... but unfortunately, our society and the bleeding hearts would never let that happen, instead lets spend lots of money trying to "help" them and try and show them the error of their ways....

    *end of rant*

  18. #38
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    Bamboo canes work very well in Singapore for showing people "the error of their ways"

  19. #39
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    it's a good idea, but what if your buddy has the plate and is parked in your driveway? next thing you know YOUR house or property is being fucked up.

  20. #40
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    I really don't think it is a good idea. Do you honestly think that a drunk person will think about the "plate they might get" if they jump into a car and drive? Is humiliation the first thing on a drunk person's mind?
    It's a step in the right direction, but I don't think it is that great of an idea.

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