First off, by SE I dont mean the Forrest Lawn projects or Dover, I mean deep SE, as in around Douglasdale or in and around there. Much the same with the SW. I live in Marda loop, but anywhere in the SW works for me.

Just looking for a good family (general) doctor. The one I've been going to for the last 26 years is getting ready for retirement, and is taking so much vacation time that he's never there. That and a few other things that's really getting to me.
So Im looking at transferring my records to a good doctor.

Basically Im mainly after

-Punctual, nothing irks me more then waiting for 30min-1hr to see him past the appointment time.
- Caring and understanding. Kind of a rarity for doctors these days, but just after a guy that knows his stuff, and how to treat/deal with the problem at hand.

Anybody with good experiences you'd care to share? thanks a lot for reading this and offering any help you can.