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Thread: How to get my fat friend to workout?

  1. #1
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    Default How to get my fat friend to workout?

    My buddies and I have been trying to get our big friend to start losing some weight and living a healthier lifestyle altogether. One of his closest friends, who is equally as big as him, just started working out and is loving it.

    However, even with one of his closest friends getting healthier he refuses to go to the gym/be more active or eat healthier in general.

    Here is his current situation:
    -About 5'6 at about 210-220lbs.
    -eats out EVERY DAY at mac hall. Greasy chinese food, bubble tea, bottles of pepsi and energy drinks are like his water
    -No physical activity at all, hell he is too lazy to even walk up two flights of stairs to hand in an assignment.

    We are pretty concerned for his health. He has NO energy during the day. Sleeps during class, sleeps when doing homework (currently failing a lot of courses) and stays up late playing video games.
    Hell, his mom even offered him $1000 to lose 10 lbs. He didn't even give it a shot.

    Any ideas on how to get him motivated?
    After several months of trying, I'm about ready to give up.

  2. #2
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    Unfortunately there probably isn't much you can do to make him want to lose weight. He has to decide on his own that he wants to do it.

    Have you asked him why he chooses to live that way? What is it about that lifestyle that he enjoys? Etc. etc.

  3. #3
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    Tough situation. Some people just need to realize they need change on their own, no matter how much people around them try to convince them that they have to change.

    On the other hand though, I know people who just simply enjoy being fat. Not obese, but they couldnt give less of a shit about exercising and eating healthy, and just enjoy eating whatever they want. Maybe your buddy is one of these people?

  4. #4
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    Damn. I wish my mom offered me $1000 to lose 10 lbs.

    But when that happens, that's bad.

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by flipstah
    Damn. I wish my mom offered me $1000 to lose 10 lbs.

    But when that happens, that's bad.
    lol me too, i can do that in a week

  6. #6
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    Does he have any other interests other than video games? Maybe get him to play some sports with you. If he enjoys it, then he will be being more active and having fun at the same time.

    Other than that, seriously, sit down with him and ask him what he wants out of life. Surely, not to live alone, die early, and just play video games?

    As mentioned, old habits die hard. The only person who can help is himself. You guys can only guide him in the right direction.

    If it's getting so bad that his health is at risk, then I'd personally threaten to not be his friend until he tries to live healthier. This may or may not work, so you would have to know what kind of person he is. If doing this is going to make it worse, then this might not be the best idea.

    I hate people who are addicted to video games. I have certain friends who are, and I don't hang out with them at all because they're poison to me. In my eyes, they're lazy slackers and I can't stand it. There is a difference between people who play video games and those who are addicted.
    Last edited by Disoblige; 11-27-2012 at 03:46 PM.

  7. #7
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    If he's as stubborn as you describe, my guess is it will take a health problem of some kind to open his eyes. It's sad but I think that's true for a lot of big people. Until they hear a doctor tell them "lose weight or else...." there may not be a lot you can do if friends and large quantities of money don't even motivate him.

    If his doctor is telling him he needs to lose weight or else something terrible will happen (which should be obvious, but anyways...), then perhaps something more drastic would be necessary. Not sure what you could do though other than call "friends off" or something haha.
    Last edited by Mitsu3000gt; 11-27-2012 at 03:44 PM.

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by Marsh
    Tough situation. Some people just need to realize they need change on their own, no matter how much people around them try to convince them that they have to change.

    On the other hand though, I know people who just simply enjoy being fat. Not obese, but they couldnt give less of a shit about exercising and eating healthy, and just enjoy eating whatever they want. Maybe your buddy is one of these people?
    Yeah I'll agree with some of this.

    The unfortunate wake-up call is going to be from a doctor (if he even goes) or he ends up in the hospital from a heart attack.

    The problem with helping someone with any sort of self improvement is that you can't force them into doing the better option. You honestly need to educate the individual enough to make them self aware of what they're doing or not doing, and also how it affects people around them.

    If they want to be a fat fucking piece of shit and they're happy, well, so be it. But one excuse comes out of their mouth about their state of health and you call them out in the worst way possible.

  9. #9
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    Does he have a gf?

    Instead of his parents throwing more money at him (which seems to be the case right now..) maybe they should cut him off ?
    Last edited by EK69; 11-27-2012 at 04:33 PM.

  10. #10
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    I mean this in the most sincere way.

    Tell him to man the fuck up. He's so damn young, but doesn't mean one day some illness will creep up and shit on his world.

    You mention Mac Hall so hes not that old, I'm only 24 and been through a fuck and a half, and everyday I go to the gym. I look at my scar everyday and it reminds me that one day cancer may come back and wreck my world all over again. And if it does, I'm going to be hell as sure I am at my fittest ever because nothing will break me down but death itself.

    I just came back from the hospital again because over the weekend they thought my body was rejecting my liver. All I did in the hospital was lunges down the hall ways, did flights of stairs, and squats all day.

    The way you mention him, I'm assuming he doesn't work? Yet he has money being supplied to him?

    I can't imagine a man that is sleeping in class, failing many classes, and too lazy to exercise to have a job that can supply all his food. Is his parents supplying him money to do all this, because $1000 for 10 lbs is no joke of an incentive.

    Is it possible his parents might be the one fueling his life style?

  11. #11
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    Hot chicks don't like fat guys (Unless they are super rich).

    If slamming hot girls isn't enough motivation, I don't know what is! haha
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  12. #12
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    He has no girlfriend, never has unfortunately. I think a girl could be a huge motivation factor for him though.

    He doesn't have much interest other than video games and trading card games (I think its called Magic the Gathering?).
    Tried to get him to do sports. Only thing he has taken to is paintballing but we don't go often enough (expensive) so he doesn't get much exercise throughout the year from it.

    He's a nice guy, just stubborn with his health. I asked him why he refuses to do anything and his answer was "Because I'm lazy". Which kind of enraged me inside because that's not good enough of an answer for me.
    We would rather he not get to the point where a doctor has to tell him to change his life, but I think that might be the case at this point in time.

    And no, his parents don't give him any money (from what his close friend has told me). He works at a grocery store so he has his own income. They were just hoping it would motivate him.
    Last edited by The BMW Guy; 11-27-2012 at 04:48 PM.

  13. #13
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    The easiest and most effective thing to do is make a poster, sometimes you have to show the facts as obvious as they are..

    One side showing pictures of death, being a virgin, health risks, ugly chicks..

    The other side showing a healthy guy, hot girls, etc etc.

    Tweak the idea obviously, but it might work.

    Good luck to you and your friend, that's very thoughtful of you guys looking out for him.

  14. #14
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    Get him to go for a full check up at the Dr's. Maybe the health results will scare him into doing something about it
    A Ferrari is a high maintenance chick, you spend money regardless of what you do with her. You can baby the C63, or slap on all seasons, and you won't be spending anything but yearly maintenance. Of course that's like dating a stripper and refusing to fuck her, which would make you gay.

    Originally posted by Rage2

  15. #15
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    go to his house, hide his games and trading cards and replace them with water bottles and a membership to the gym. nothing like getting someone motivated that lost everything he holds dear that is completely useless in the real world.

  16. #16
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    You telling him to work out or trying to get him to go will push him away further.

    Quit doing that entirely.

    YOU cannot do anything. HE has to do it himself. Be a friend though.

    Dont just leave his side, stick by him, continue doing the things you guys are doing. Hell, try and get him to go out to a club or something open his eyes up a little bit that there are some goooorgeous girls out there that he could be with if he lost some weight.

    Getting healthy is a battle within ones self. You cant fight that battle for him, he has to do it himself. Give it time... He'll realise it soon enough

  17. #17
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    03ozwhip's idea is pretty sweet.

    To see your friends go through all that trouble to try to help you out, could be great motivation and it may show how serious you guys are at helping him out.

    Whatever happens, I hope for the best for this guy.

  18. #18
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    You've done what you can, and he obviously has no interest in getting healthy.

    No offence, but maybe it's time you minded your own business.

  19. #19
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    Do some group things with some women. May be he will get some motivation to get healthy in hope of meeting someone. I have a few friends like that. Not as overweight but still 4-6 months pregnant. You can lead by example, if he doesn't follow then it's his issue.

  20. #20
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    Your a good friend for caring. Most people don't even give a shit about their friends health status.

    The best method while harsh, is to start making fun of him and criticising his lazy ass. Hell even humiliate him in front of others. Yes I know this is harsh but if all else fails, I'd say do this. You have to get him in the mind set of not becoming comfortable in his lifestyle. This is how people rack up so much weight, they become comfortable being fatass's and with today's society, you can't offend anyone that is fat unless your close to them.

    This is basically what got me motivated to get fit. I'm still not fit as I want but I sure improved alot. You gotta get someone to feel unhappy for them to change their style. Things only get worse with weight really.

    Sometimes you gotta be tough if you wanna make someone better.

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