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Thread: Making A Murderer

  1. #61
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    Branden Dassy's stepfather did it?


    more controversy....questionable jurors
    Last edited by nonofyobiz; 01-11-2016 at 06:49 PM.

  2. #62
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    I'd be more inclined to believe it was Scott Tadych. The questioning with the bus driver and his story (which was incredibly confident to the point of hilarity) were totally different.

    I dunno he just seems like a creep too lol.

  3. #63
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    Scott tadych = the Dassey boys step father don't it?

  4. #64
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    I believe so. I was agreeing, although didn't say so. My bad

    It's interesting how many comments I've read on this. Especially from the people claiming to work in crime scene investigation, law enforcement and lawyers. Everyone is just dumbfounded how poorly this whole thing was investigated. The forensic anthropologists said it pretty plainly, they handled it like shit and was not up to standard. And that's just one piece of the puzzle here.

    A giant fucking gongshow to say the very least. Still sucks that Avery is in jail again. He's probably not a saint by any means and clearly his gf/fiance wasn't either but some serious hate must have started all from that sheriff's wife/gf way back when? I dunno, it's mind boggling this is real and not just made up shit for TV.

  5. #65
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    As soon as that boy said he saw that dude going hunting I assumed one of them did it.

  6. #66
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    Originally posted by msommers

    A giant fucking gongshow to say the very least. Still sucks that Avery is in jail again. He's probably not a saint by any means and clearly his gf/fiance wasn't either but some serious hate must have started all from that sheriff's wife/gf way back when? I dunno, it's mind boggling this is real and not just made up shit for TV.

    If one of the issues that came up in trial had been the only questionable issue then it would be tough to argue that he didn't do it. But its just one thing after another after another after another....

  7. #67
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    So I just finished watching the full series. I feel like, with the evidence shown in the documentary Avery most likely did it. But I also think the documentary did a poor job of showing prosecutoral evidence and it deem seem very biased.

    I feel like they conveniently left out (or at times glanced over):

    Avery had a 'creepy' history with Halbach, including meeting her in just a towel, stalking her, calling her - she stating she would never work for him again as she was creeped out
    Avery had called Holbech 3 times that day, hiding his number with a *67 feature
    Avery used a fake name to have Autotrader send Halbach to the yard for a 'vehicle'
    Avery's rifle was analyzed and the bullet with Halbach's DNA on it was shot from the rifle in question
    Avery's sweat was also found in the car
    Avery has a long history of violence towards women, including stalking, assaults, pointing a gun, and sending letters uttering death threats - blames women on his false imprisonment
    Avery had inside the trailer an AutoTrader bill of sale which had been brought there by Halbach
    Avery had just recently bought shackles/handcuffs and was in his possession
    Avery once killed a cat by burning it after dousing it in gasoline to "watch it suffer"
    Avery told fellow inmates he wanted to 'build a torture chamber' when he got out
    Avery had been seen by 2 people dropping items into a fire which turned out to be Halbach's phone & purse
    Bleach could have very easily been used to clean the blood from all areas, and a 22 rifle would very unlikely had much blood splatter

    Also, whether you believe her or not, this interview just came out yesterday:

    Jodi, Avery's ex, has an opinion that he's guilty. Interesting to hear another perspective. Sounds like some serious domestic violence and jealousy issues in the Avery home.

    Also sounds like Avery was supposed to pick her up on that day but did not show up.

    All in all my opinion of the documentary is that it does outline the delicate balance between the justice system and true justice. It does show some of the downfalls of the american system, and how any human system will have its loopholes and failures. Its unfortunate but it does happen.

    At the end of the day I just feel that a documentary that is constantly poking holes and accusing the police and prosecution of 'missing information' that they in return ironically missed a huge opportunity to be as transparent as possible. I just feel like its a bit biased, but understand that they were most likely on some sort of time restraint.

    It was an entertaining and neat series, but I just find it hard to believe it. I realize that, yet again, I might be the Devil's advocate here. Take my opinion as it is, and opinion. I just find it extremely hard to believe that 2 seperate police departments along with the FBI, or some family member, conceived this idea of murdering a young female and framing steven avery.
    Last edited by OTown; 01-14-2016 at 11:50 PM.

  8. #68
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    Avery's DNA was found in the car/hood. None of it was proven to be sweat or blood I believe.

    Bleach does not remove blood and DNA. Even if you bleach the whole place, they have a way of detecting any traces of blood.

    My question to you is, how does one person shoot another in a setting with so much other random things around, and is able to clean it perfectly clean.

  9. #69
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    sure, the blood inside the RAV 4 was Avery's blood but how do you explain having none of his fingerprints?

    the supposed bloody scene in the garage was meticulously cleaned up by Avery. every single drop of blood disappeared without a trace, yet he just hides her vehicle under some branches?

    the vial of blood from the county's evidence room had been tampered with as well. sure, the blood was supposedly tested but every other scientist said the test should've been deemed inconclusive, unlike what the FBI came back with.

    they key wasn't found for days while the cops had searched the house inside and out and just happened to be found by a Manitowoc sheriff that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

    the bullet fragment that was found 4 months after the original search found no DNA of either person on it.

    the Manitowoc sheriff's were caught in numerous lies during the trial about timelines and details of what supposedly happened.

    other than the BLANK bill of sale and the key, there was no DNA evidence that Halbech was ever in Avery's trailer. it was only his brother-in-law (that doesn't like him BTW) that ever said he saw Halbech walking towards the trailer.

    it was suggested by the prosecutor that the stalker was Avery, but nothing was every proven. maybe Halbech's boyfriend or brother decided that those voicemails were not needed so they deleted them when they were able to "guess" her password?

    how in the world does he use a fake name to get her to come out the Avery compound? everybody in town knows who lives there. the road is named after them!

    it doesn't take 2 whole police departments to frame someone. all it takes is 1 or 2 people that know the system and can manipulate things during the investigation.
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  10. #70
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    Originally posted by OTown

    I feel like they conveniently left out (or at times glanced over):

    Avery had a 'creepy' history with Halbach, including meeting her in just a towel, stalking her, calling her - she stating she would never work for him again as she was creeped out
    Avery had called Holbech 3 times that day, hiding his number with a *67 feature
    Avery used a fake name to have Autotrader send Halbach to the yard for a 'vehicle'
    Avery's rifle was analyzed and the bullet with Halbach's DNA on it was shot from the rifle in question
    Avery's sweat was also found in the car
    Avery has a long history of violence towards women, including stalking, assaults, pointing a gun, and sending letters uttering death threats - blames women on his false imprisonment
    Avery had inside the trailer an AutoTrader bill of sale which had been brought there by Halbach
    Avery had just recently bought shackles/handcuffs and was in his possession
    Avery once killed a cat by burning it after dousing it in gasoline to "watch it suffer"
    Avery told fellow inmates he wanted to 'build a torture chamber' when he got out
    Avery had been seen by 2 people dropping items into a fire which turned out to be Halbach's phone & purse
    Bleach could have very easily been used to clean the blood from all areas, and a 22 rifle would very unlikely had much blood splatter

    It was an entertaining and neat series, but I just find it hard to believe it. I realize that, yet again, I might be the Devil's advocate here. Take my opinion as it is, and opinion. I just find it extremely hard to believe that 2 separate police departments along with the FBI, or some family member, conceived this idea of murdering a young female and framing steven avery.
    First off i want to say that, if you believe Avery was framed for this murder, that doesn't mean that 2 different police departments and the FBI were in on it. It's pretty tough for the defense to prove Avery's innocence and NOT be able to follow other leads... it's laughable actually. So in the judgement of the Judge presiding over the case, there wasn't enough evidence to point to a another person killing the girl so they were not even allowed to argue that point (i believe this is how the law in Wisconsin works from what I've read). Anyways, the defense had to suggest that he was framed by manitowac county police and they stated they believed it was the work of 2 or 3 individuals, the ones who had motive, the ones who stood to be personally and professionally held responsible for Avery's earlier wrongful conviction via the civil lawsuit against them. their lives were about to be completely ruined and they were desperate...i don't think it's hard to imagine. So as far as the neighboring county sheriffs department... I doubt they were IN on it, but as fellow officers I believe they very easily can look the other way or just avoid asking questions. Gotta remember these are smaller communities...people know each other. Some low level deputy wouldn't go around telling these other cops (who shouldn't have even been around there) 'hey don't touch that', or 'hey what are you doing over there?' or raising suspicion about them. They are very much on the same team and going against that would be very difficult for a person. Also the FBI just hurried out this test to check for that chemical in the blood, I think because they believed he was guilty - because these other cops said he was guilty, and it was sort of a professional courtesy to help out this other law enforcement organisation.

    Regarding all the points listed above about Avery and the stuff the docu apparently left out...where did you get all that information? I don't remember that stuff in the series, can you provide a link? I've tried doing some searches but nothing turned up.

    All i remember was the thing about the cat.
    him threatening his first wife when he was in jail.

    When did it say that Avery was harassing the girl? When did it say that HE was the one that made those phone calls? They mentioned the phone calls but there was no evidence they were from him.

    What about the story that the Tadych guy trying to sell that .22 rifle?

    I disagree about any "long history of violent towards woman" ...again, where did u get that from?
    How do u know how that bill of sale got there and why is that so out of the ordinary? how does that contribute to the evidence that he brutally raped and killed this girl?
    Shackles and handcuffs? don't remember anything about that.
    who saw him dropping items into the fire that turned out to be the phone and purse? how the hell would anyone be able to see that and how does the fact that someone may have saw from a distance him throwing 2 items into the fire prove that the purse and phone weren't planted there...unless u were RIGHT there, and saw a purse and phone being thrown into the fire by Avery then that is useless info.

    If she was killed in the garage or bedroom there would be some blood, he would have had to burn down his trailer.

    WHERE THE FUCK IS THERESA'S BLOOD? lol This is a fcking trailer trash dim wit....not Dexter Morgan.

    Yes the documentary is biased, it is presenting evidence from the bias of him being innocent and wrongfully convicted. aren't all documentaries starting off from a point of bias?

  11. #71
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    I would like to see the court transcription, hear all of the evidence that was given and decide from there. After watching it though I strongly believe it was the 2 that saw each other on the highway at supposedly different times

  12. #72
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    Steven Avery's probably so fcked in the head by now it'd be better to just keep him in there.

    I don't even know what to think after listening to this...
    Last edited by nonofyobiz; 01-15-2016 at 08:52 PM.

  13. #73
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    Originally posted by theken
    I would like to see the court transcription, hear all of the evidence that was given and decide from there. After watching it though I strongly believe it was the 2 that saw each other on the highway at supposedly different times
    You should be able to buy it through PACER. That's how I got all those Banerjee court docs years ago.

    Edit - Reddit says it was never filed in PACER. Odd.

    Edit2 - you can buy it from manitowoc county for $6k.

    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
    I have gone above and beyond what I should rightfully have to do to protect my good name

  14. #74
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    Ya 6 week × 5 days a week × hrs per day.....? No thx

  15. #75
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    Just finished it.

    Lenk and Colborn did it.

    But I don't really trust police anymore so I'm biased.

    Is Travis Vader going to be the subject in Making a Murderer: Canadian Edition........?
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  16. #76
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    After watching I feel that the police/lenk/colborne did it. I wonder how high up it goes. The Judge seemed to be in on it as well. Such a fucked up story. Insane to me that Brendan was guilty on all counts as well.

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  17. #77
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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-24-2020 at 10:55 AM.

  18. #78
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    Originally posted by 01RedDX
    Any bets that tonight's SNL is doing a skit on this? With Bobby Moynihan as Steven Avery.
    I think ddduke may take that bet...fire him a pm.

  19. #79
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    Last edited by 01RedDX; 09-24-2020 at 10:55 AM.

  20. #80
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    The problem with this show is that you get one slanted account of the story. There is more to it than what the show has let on because there is no interest without controversy.

    I also think that although the defense theory was interesting, it distracts from some undisputed facts;

    A) Halbach was at Avery's house. We know that 100%.
    B) Avery requested that she come and dialed her privately twice.
    C) The nephews initial confession was more real to me than his denial. I'm a firm believer that an initial story is more believable than a latter denial. His description of the murder initially was better articulated than his one-word denial later.
    D) A woman was murdered, probably on those lands, without a plausible explanation to the contrary.

    I am definitely not saying he did it but the story seems to add up when you consider all of the factors. I felt that the conspiracy theory was pushed too hard and fell flat with the EDTA testing. The defense theory that the officers somehow committed the murder or planted evidence to prove Avery did it would have been too large an undertaking in my opinion to pull off. Too many people were involved to suggest they were all in on it without an explanation as to why they would risk it for such little payoff.
    Original Post NAZI Moderated

    Originally posted by r3cc0s
    Felon or Mistermeiner

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