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Thread: Beyond Resume Review service

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    Default Beyond Resume Review service

    I've helped a few fine beyond.ca members with resume tips and tricks over the years, and I thought there were probably others who can help as well. Figured a big thread was a worthy idea.

    If you have time to review a few resumes FOR FREE, post some information about your experience and industry.

    I'll start, I've got about 15 years experience in the Oil and Gas world, drilling, completions, production and service company experience. I'm not currently a hiring manager, but I was for a little while.
    I'm willing to look through about one resume a week, and preference/priority will be for beyond members who have been around a while and who contribute to the forum. If you want me to take a look, PM me.
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    I'm way less "me" than people give me discredit for.

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    I will also start by posting a couple of my top resume tips

    - If you have quite a bit of experience, or experience in a variety of industries or positions, it's hard to fit everything on two pages. My trick is to write a resume that's TOO LONG and then cut it down to two pages based on the specific requirements of the job you are applying for. This means that you have to put some effort into every application, but it's my opinion that this is well worth your time.

    - Formatting matters! If you have bullets, use the same bullets everywhere in the document. Watch your indentations, font sizes etc.

    - Simple clear language is best. Don't try to sound like shakepeare, especially if you are applying for a technical position. You aren't trying to impress anyone with your vocabulary.

    - Don't have too many "sections" in your resume. I recently reviewed one that had seven sections. It's too much.

    - Highlight skills that make you special. Don't spend much time on things that every applicant will have.

    - Every sentence should say what YOU PERSONALLY achieved. Being "part of a team that...." or "a member of a group who . . . " isn't impressive.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    I'm way less "me" than people give me discredit for.

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by ExtraSlow
    I will also start by posting a couple of my top resume tips

    - If you have quite a bit of experience, or experience in a variety of industries or positions, it's hard to fit everything on two pages. My trick is to write a resume that's TOO LONG and then cut it down to two pages based on the specific requirements of the job you are applying for. This means that you have to put some effort into every application, but it's my opinion that this is well worth your time.

    - Formatting matters! If you have bullets, use the same bullets everywhere in the document. Watch your indentations, font sizes etc.

    - Simple clear language is best. Don't try to sound like shakepeare, especially if you are applying for a technical position. You aren't trying to impress anyone with your vocabulary.

    - Don't have too many "sections" in your resume. I recently reviewed one that had seven sections. It's too much.

    - Highlight skills that make you special. Don't spend much time on things that every applicant will have.

    - Every sentence should say what YOU PERSONALLY achieved. Being "part of a team that...." or "a member of a group who . . . " isn't impressive.
    These are things I'm good at reviewing for people, not necessarily their content but rather how they present it. I'm free to help review some resumes as well

    Another tip: Make sure to tailor your resume to each application. If you're applying for a drafting job, don't waste 5 lines of your resume expanding on your Bell Sales Rep job from for the last 4 years though that may be the only work experience you have; instead, add more to your education section about relevant courses and specific relatable interests you have picked up.
    Last edited by jwslam; 06-05-2017 at 02:54 PM.

  4. #4
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    You're doing an awesome thing, ExtraSlow!

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    Decided since I've been counting on favours and help from people for things professinally for a while now (and I still am), I should even things out by doing favours for people. I also don't mind this kind of thing, I can do a pretty detailed review in under half an hour.

    Awesome that jwslam has chimed in, I'm sure there are lots of beyonders who have value to add in this area. Probably several who are more qualified than me.

    Best part about free advice is that you can ignore if it you think it's wrong.
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    I'm way less "me" than people give me discredit for.

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    Tried to message you, inbox must be full.
    Last edited by GT.....O?; 06-06-2017 at 08:10 AM.
    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary… That’s what gets you."

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    Private messages haven't been working for some users for a long time. It's not a problem with my inbox. I sent you a PM with my email.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    I'm way less "me" than people give me discredit for.

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    Originally posted by jwslam

    These are things I'm good at reviewing for people, not necessarily their content but rather how they present it. I'm free to help review some resumes as well

    Another tip: Make sure to tailor your resume to each application. If you're applying for a drafting job, don't waste 5 lines of your resume expanding on your Bell Sales Rep job from for the last 4 years though that may be the only work experience you have; instead, add more to your education section about relevant courses and specific relatable interests you have picked up.
    Another tip: make sure you have a section dedicated to saying that you don't use fidget gadget during meetings

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    Originally posted by rx7boi

    Another tip: make sure you have a section dedicated to saying that you don't use fidget gadget during meetings

  10. #10
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    Tip: No one cares about winning your peewee hockey participation ribbon 10 years ago, no matter what your mother says
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

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    You're doing an awesome thing! I've been out of work for 6 months now. Worked as a EIT on pipeline projects/facility projects. If someone is open to help, please let me know.

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    - unless you are a new grad remove all your BS experience from when you were a teenager. If your 27years old I don't need to know you worked as a lube tech when you were 17 unless you are applying for a mechanics job.

    - formatting is key...make sure everything looks clean and use a good template. DO NOT use fancy fonts. Arial or TNR only.

    - if you are applying for an overseas job in Asia or the Middle East Put a picture of yourself on your resume. They typically like white people so showing that you look North American is a plus.

    - document your personal work achievements in your resume very well. As noted above "part of a team that did X" sounds stupid. I know a lot of people who could say they are a part of my projects because they photocopied stuff at some point lol.

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    Work in finance, have several years experience from energy trading to corp finance. Don't know much about engg/technical resumes, but any business/finance resumes I'd be happy to chime in. Some good general advice already, but would also add:

    -keep job descriptions to 3-5 bullet points roughly. Use 1 bullet to describe your role, other bullets should describe your achievements there. If the bullet point isn't relevant to the job your applying to, then delete it or change it to be relevant.

    -Formatting and spelling is key. Upon initial screens of resumes, formatting and spelling errors will get your resume tossed automatically. Use spellcheck, print out your resume and review it before you submit it.

    -This may be up for debate, but don't put references as a section on its own. Everyone knows you will provide references when needed, don't waste valuable space on your resume for this.

    -Your resume should flow and "tell a story" in a sense. After reviewing it, the hiring manager should be able to figure out how your experiences led you to where you are and why your applying for so and so job.

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    Here's a question for the smart folks on here. I've been told repeatedly that you need to make sure you resume scans well with the common ATS software that nearly every company uses. What's the best way to test this? I know there are some wesbites that say they do this, but if they are running something different than the "real" ATS systems, then it's kind of pointless.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenIsMightier View Post
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    I'm way less "me" than people give me discredit for.

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    Originally posted by ExtraSlow
    Here's a question for the smart folks on here. I've been told repeatedly that you need to make sure you resume scans well with the common ATS software that nearly every company uses. What's the best way to test this? I know there are some wesbites that say they do this, but if they are running something different than the "real" ATS systems, then it's kind of pointless.
    I have had some success with passing the initial screening with jobscan.co

    it's kind of nice to start off with that as a framework of skills you should focus on your resume. They'll usually give you a handful of skills you don't have, and you can shift your bullet points to meet their needs. But nothing's 100%. It's hard to even say if people are failing from the ATS or employers are not even looking at online resumes.

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    Here is my experience (automotive/insurance/trades/office) hiring/getting hired/helping other people getting hired (it has been a very long time since I worked for a huge company so I have not had to deal with screening software):

    The point of a cover letter is to make me want to read your resume, nothing more.

    The point of your resume is to make me want to give you an interview, nothing more.

    Don't have a wall of text for your cover letter or resume. It makes me not want to read it. (2-4 sentences a paragraph (ideal amount of lines of text between your "dear ___" line and your signature = about 14ish i'd say))

    Tailor the cover letter and resume to the job; I dont want to see any generic shit that makes me think you're resume bombing the city. Try to catch my attention in your first paragraph of the cover letter and get down to business fast. Don't use cliche phrases i've heard a million times (makes me want to skip the entire thing. shit like how much you want the job = a waste of words, or thank you for reading my cover letter... uhg). In the 2nd paragraph give me info why you are qualified for this job. In the 3rd paragraph continue that theme but try to leave on a high note by give me a piece of something interesting related to the job about yourself that makes me need to read your resume; dont give me the whole story about it either... leave me hanging wanting more. One of my friend's has a good one; she did work for the air crash investigation for fight MH17. I wrote her cover letter so there is just enough information to make someone think, wow I'd like to hear the story about that. There is no 4th paragraph with substance; if there is, it's now a wall of text and the entire cover letter and resume runs the risk of getting tossed without anyone ever reading it.

    The entire time you're writing your cover letter and resume you should be thinking does 'this' help my chances of getting the job? If it doesn't, delete it.

    As for the resume: Most important information first. Usually that is experience, but it could be education. finance degree > telling me your last job was working at mcdonalds if you're applying at a bank.

    You do not lie, but you do not need to tell the whole truth, and can tailor your version of the truth to what benefits you. If you're applying at mcdonalds with a finance major degree, it's now a business degree, as your angle is you now have formal post secondary management education. This is extremely important for dates; fill in gaps. You didn't work from august 2013 to april 2015, and then from august 2015 to june 2016, you worked from summer 2013 to spring 2015, and summer 2015 to summer 2016. If you got laid off in Jan 2017 from a place you worked 4 years at, you dont want them to realize you have been looking for 6 months with no success. Make your work history less detailed and more to your advantage by saying 2013 to 2017. If you only worked at a place 2 months, delete it off your resume, and make the dates less detailed to fill in the gap. No one wants to see someone with a string of a million jobs they can't hold.

    Only put useful stuff in your cover letter/resume. Anyone who tells you to put goals, objectives, or any of that crap doesn't know wtf they are talking about IMO. Only list hobbies if it helps you also (or you desperately need filler). Example: If you know the owner of the business is a golf nut and every 2 months there is a company golf tournament or some shit, then yes, put down you golf. Otherwise skip it, it's not useful.

    As for useful stuff only, the same holds true for experience. Every line of your work or education experience should be written so that some part of it is useful to the current job you are being hired for. Even if something is in a totally different field there may be something completely valid. One of my friends was a parts girl for a year while looking for a genetics research job, and you'd think that is crap information, but she has experience ordering, dealing with vendors, handling invoices/billing/accounting discrepancies. Labs usually have one person do all the ordering and dealing with vendors, so try to find an angle for turning unrelated experience in to potentially related experience.

    If you have an interview, its down to seeing how much you actually fluffed up your resume, clarifying tidbits on your resume we are interested in getting more details on, and how much we like you. Maybe 4 people get an interview (the 2nd last time I hired we had 150 resumes for one entry level position) so it'll likely be you... if you dont fuck up the end game and come across as weird. My advice for interviews is interview them as much as they are interviewing you. If all you do is sit there like a lame duck answering a string of questions and dont engage me with your own string of questions, how boring are you? How little did you stand out in my memory after I finish interviewing 4 people? I dont care if you dont legitimately have any questions, ask stuff.

    Provide me with as much contact info as possible; do not make anything hard for me. Phone number/email/alternate phone number/etc etc. Put it on the cover letter and resume. Dont assume I love contacting people by email. Seems like a no brainer but surprisingly people fuck that up and only provide an email or a phone number they dont answer... Have your references ready and pre-warned to expect a call too; also try to have an answer for when is a good time to call them as well... I don't have time to call 3 different people's voice mail 4 times a day. If that happens and I'm having a tough time deciding between you and someone else, you just made that decision for me, thx!

    In the last 15+ years there has only been one job I sent a cover letter/resume off for and didn't get hired (still received an interview though).
    Last edited by zhao; 06-06-2017 at 10:40 PM.

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    Originally posted by ExtraSlow
    - Don't spend much time on things that every applicant will have. - Every sentence should say what YOU PERSONALLY achieved. Being "part of a team that...." or "a member of a group who . . . " isn't impressive.
    Originally posted by Type_S1
    - document your personal work achievements in your resume very well. As noted above "part of a team that did X" sounds stupid. I know a lot of people who could say they are a part of my projects because they photocopied stuff at some point lol.

    In IT, every resume talks about "performed migration as part of a team", and it takes some time in the interview to determine whether they ACTUALLY did the work or just watched. If you're not a fit for the job, you're just wasting everyone's time and won't be considered for other positions.

    "Lead the team" can show leadership, but don't use that if you're the person that actually performed the technical work. I'm no resume expert, but I read a lot of them and I'd rather see something that shows you personally planned and executed the project with back-end support from a team.

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    Originally posted by dandia89
    I have had some success with passing the initial screening with jobscan.co
    Cool, that does seem to be the frontrunner. I'll be doing some testing with it over the next weeks.

    Also, I have room to do another resume review before Monday if anyone wants. PM me.
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    ^Worth it for people who can't seem to get an interview going.

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    OK, I've had two come in and I won't be getting to any more for about a week.

    Common problem is that most people seem to be describing the duties of the positions they held and not that actual actions that they personally took to achieve results. Bonus points if you can quantify those results with numbers and specific examples.
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    I'm way less "me" than people give me discredit for.

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