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Thread: RCMP take over investigation of UCP 'irregular financial contributions' allegations

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    Default RCMP take over investigation of UCP 'irregular financial contributions' allegations


    Lengthy article, best to actually have a read through it

    It's alleged Callaway was a "kamikaze" candidate who entered the race to attack former Wildrose leader Brian Jean on Jason Kenney's behalf, a story that broke when audio was released of a conversation outlining the plan.
    The complaint identified 18 donors to the Callaway campaign who were alleged to have made donations using money that was provided to them, which is an offence under the provincial Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act.
    This bit was also interesting:

    Two days before the leadership vote deadline in October 2017, both Jean and fellow leadership candidate Doug Schweitzer asked the UCP executive to suspend the vote over concerns about voter fraud.

    In February, Gill sent a letter to the RCMP alleging that Kenney's campaign improperly manipulated the electronic voting process during the vote.

    The campaign set up kiosks where votes for Kenney were cast using PINs sent to fake email addresses, Gill said.

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    Just tactical politics, nothing to see here.

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    Heh, all the UCP had to do was nothing and probably win the biggest landslide of all time.

    But they going to fuck it up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lasimmon View Post
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    Heh, all the UCP had to do was nothing and probably win the biggest landslide of all time.

    But they going to fuck it up.
    They didn't fuck it up. Brian has probably been planning this for a while to get back at Kenney.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    They didn't fuck it up. Brian has probably been planning this for a while to get back at Kenney.
    I don't know. I think a couple shady things will come out that Kenny did to ensure he won. Maybe not illegal per se, but shady.

    Might make the election closer than it should be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lasimmon View Post
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    I don't know. I think a couple shady things will come out that Kenny did to ensure he won. Maybe not illegal per se, but shady.

    Might make the election closer than it should be.
    Unless RCMP shows up and put Kenney in cuffs, and Kenney too smart for that, it's still gonna be a UCP win.

    I don't see UCP supporters staying away from the poll unless Kenney comes out as gay or proven touched little kids.

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    I think this is most UCP supporters reaction - who cares, it's politics, suck it up buttercup.
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    That is anyone's reaction. Unless there was something criminal done, nobody gives a crap about internal party politics (rightfully or not).

    I don't think it changes the equation for anyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HiTempguy1 View Post
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    That is anyone's reaction. Unless there was something criminal done, nobody gives a crap about internal party politics (rightfully or not).

    I don't think it changes the equation for anyone.
    I won't say nobody, there is a sizable Jean supporters within merged UCP. Especially how Kenney has been removing old grassroot WR candidates from running for UCP.

    Saving grace is this comes in too late for those grassroots start another party to go against UCP.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 03-17-2019 at 12:31 PM.

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    I am pissed about all this for sure. I wanted Jean to win.

    Buuut nothing short of some Church level perversion will make me vote for anyone else

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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtsniffer View Post
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    I am pissed about all this for sure. I wanted Jean to win.

    Buuut nothing short of some Church level perversion will make me vote for anyone else
    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    ...Last thing I want is someone reading my posts and losing their cock over it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sugarphreak
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    Meh, they all look like Jackie Chan to me
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    I'm generally cute.

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    Default UCP “Kamikaze” Scandal

    Looks like the Kenney campaigned used a pretty dirty move to win the UCP leadership. No wonder Jean is coming out and criticizing Kenney these days. I’d be pretty bitter too if I found out two campaigns colluded against me.

    The campaign of former United Conservative Party leadership candidate Jeff Callaway may have violated Alberta election law by not disclosing professional services it received from Jason Kenney's campaign, a political scientist says.

    On Saturday, CBC News reported on a leaked cache of documents showing Kenney's campaign provided Callaway's with resources during the 2017 UCP leadership race, including strategic political direction, media and debate talking points, speeches, videos and attack advertisements.

    All were aimed at undermining Kenney's main political rival for the leadership, former Wildrose leader Brian Jean.

    Kenney, Callaway campaigns collaborated to attack Brian Jean during UCP leadership race, leaked documents show
    "The Act is pretty clear that campaigns are allowed to share resources with one another, but they have to disclose it when they do," University of Alberta political scientist Jared Wesley said.

    Wesley specifically pointed to a section of Alberta's Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act. It states that parties, constituency associations, candidates, and contestants can transfer goods and services to each other; the goods and services won't be considered contributions but the recipient must record the "source and amount."

    He noted Callaway's final campaign return, which is publicly available online, does not disclose any services the campaign received from Kenney's campaign.

    "If there were professional services that were transferred from one campaign to another, they need to be disclosed," Wesley said. "And if they weren't [disclosed], they are in contravention of the law."

    University of Alberta political scientist Jared Wesley says under Alberta election law, a campaign that receives a professional service from another must disclose it. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
    Wesley said while the speeches and talking points Kenney's campaign provided might not constitute a "professional service" under the law, the videos, political ads and graphics definitely would. It's not clear however if the Callaway campaign used that content.

    Callaway has not responded to interview requests over the past several days.

    UCP executive director Janice Harrington responded with an emailed statement Sunday.

    "Sharing communications, political strategies, or information between leadership campaigns is not an in-kind contribution and is not against the rules," the statement said.

    But it did not address the fact, as shown by documents leaked to CBC News, that Kenney's campaign also provided the Callaway campaign with professional videos, attack advertisements and graphics, which Wesley said would constitute a professional service that would have to be disclosed by Callaway.

    Political ads provided to Callaway campaign

    The leaked documents show Matt Wolf, a senior Kenney campaign staffer and his current deputy chief of staff, communicated regularly with Callaway's communications manager Cameron Davies, and also on occasion with Callaway's campaign manager, Randy Kerr.

    One of the documents, a "timeline of events" prepared by Davies for Alberta's election commissioner, alleges the Kenney campaign made a concerted effort to recruit a "stalking horse" candidate for the specific purpose of attacking Jean.

    "The Callaway campaign received assistance with videos, graphics, speeches, emails, and other communications advice including communications to the Leadership Election Committee," Davies' timeline states, a fact confirmed by other other documents leaked to CBC News.

    Kerr has not responded to interview requests.

    In a Saturday interview with CBC News, Davies confirmed the authenticity of the leaked documents and he said the extensive support and direction provided to the Callaway campaign by the Kenney campaign was specifically to undermine Brian Jean.

    Davies also confirmed Callaway was recruited for the express purpose of attacking Jean and that it was known from the outset by both campaigns that Callaway would withdraw from the race and endorse Kenney, which is what eventually happened.

    In a statement issued late Saturday, UCP executive director Janice Harrington said the communication between the two campaigns was "perfectly normal in a preferential ballot election and was within the rules of the 2017 UCP Leadership Election."

    An attack ad graphic provided by Matt Wolf to the Jeff Callaway campaign on Aug. 24, 2017. It is not known if the graphic was used. (Supplied)
    The UCP continues to insist the Kenney campaign did not collaborate with the Callaway campaign in a so-called kamikaze campaign. Callaway has also denied those allegations.

    But neither of Harrington's statements issued on Saturday and Sunday addressed the contents of an internal email, dated Aug. 13, 2017. In it Davies provides a timeline to Wolf that includes a rough date for when Callaway would drop out of the leadership race.

    "The themes I'm pushing for are: Seeds of Doubt (Aug. 14-26); Consistency (Aug. 23 - Sept. 6); Trust (Sept. 1 - Sept. 13)," Davies continued.

    "Jeff drops (although depending when debates are, you may have other ideas?)," Davies's email to Wolf continues.

    In his interview with CBC News, Davies said Callaway's withdrawal from the leadership race "was something that wasn't necessarily negotiable.

    "It was something that had been decided in a meeting in mid-July between Callaway and the Jason Kenney leadership team."

    RCMP investigating donations

    Alberta's election commissioner began investigating Callaway's campaign late last year after a complainant alleged that 18 donors contributed to Callaway's campaign using money that was provided to them, which is illegal. In February, the commissioner fined Karen Brown $3,500 for donating to the Callaway campaign "with funds given or furnished by another person."

    The election commissioner also fined Davies $15,000 for obstructing his investigation into the Callaway donations. Through his lawyer, Davies has said he will appeal the fines. He told CBC News he is cooperating with the commissioner's investigation.

    On Friday, CBC News revealed the election commissioner has handed the investigation over to the RCMP's serious crimes branch.

    RCMP take over investigation of United Conservative Party 'irregular financial contribution' allegations
    At an unrelated news conference that same day, Kenney said the RCMP investigation is "about someone else's leadership campaign from 18 months ago," adding later that "all I can tell you is that the campaign that I ran was in full compliance with all of the financial and legal requirements."

    Wesley, the political scientist, said Callaway's campaign clearly had an obligation to disclose the professional services Kenney's campaign provided.

    "If you share professional services with another campaign, the campaign that receives it has to disclose it," Wesley said. "And there is no record, at least publicly, that that disclosure has been made by the Callaway campaign."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also seeing this shared around which makes it more clear what they did.

    To Albertans:

    March 17, 2019

    I follow with great deal of interest how the “Kamikaze Campaign” unravels over the last 48 hours in the media, and how Jason Kenney and Matt Wolf respond to it, denying any knowledge or participation in organizing it.

    It’s time to set the record straight.

    Even though Jason Kenney and Matt Wolf deny any knowledge or participation in organizing the “Kamikaze Campaign”, the facts are different.

    On July 19, 2017 a strategy meeting was held at Jeff Callaway’s house, which consisted of an evening of discussion and a dinner. I catered the food for that dinner.

    Jason Kenny, John Wiesnberg, Jeff Callaway, Brad Tenant, Shuvaloy Majumdar, Cam Davies and I were in attendance.

    At that strategy meeting, we agreed that Jeff Callaway will join the UCP leadership race as a candidate and will run a campaign aimed at discrediting Brian Jean. We felt that it was important for Jason Kenney to win decisively and that this could only be guaranteed if another candidate took away from Jean’s popularity. To show unity, we needed a big win.

    At that meeting, we agreed that Jeff’s campaign will be staffed with competent people who will run a credible campaign, but in collaboration with Jason’s campaign. We also agreed that at an appropriate time Jeff Will pull out of the race and endorse Kenney.

    I recall that I asked how we’re going to finance the second campaign. I was told not to worry, that won’t be my responsibility and that the money will be taken care of.

    At that meeting, Kenny asked that I be included in future strategy meetings. I attended several strategy meetings since that time.

    It troubles me to see volunteers blamed for the Kamikaze Campaign, as it was our strategy group that planned it. It’s time that each one of us admits to our role in staging Callaway’s campaign and not blame it on volunteers.

    I hope that this brings some clarity to this matter. UCP MLAs, candidates and all Albertans deserve to know what really happened.

    With respect

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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtsniffer View Post
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    I am pissed about all this for sure. I wanted Jean to win.

    Buuut nothing short of some Church level perversion will make me vote for anyone else
    Kenney will find his own Gerald Butts and dive on this fire and then life moves on.

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    Isn't this similar to what Druh Farrell does to get split votes so she can win?
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
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    From what I understand there is no evidence any of this actually occurred aside from BJ complaining and Snotley piling on?

    Callaway hated BJ, and probably did run as a torpedo candidate but there isn’t any evidence this was actually a conspiracy cooked up by JK and the UCP, my understand is BJ just reaped what he sowed on this one.
    Last edited by killramos; 03-18-2019 at 12:47 PM.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rage2 View Post
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    Isn't this similar to what Druh Farrell does to get split votes so she can win?
    druh called out kenney on twitter because of his new female candidates not getting 'tactile running' and i tried hard to find an article about this but came up empty handed

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    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    From what I understand there is no evidence any of this actually occurred aside from BJ complaining and Snotley piling on?

    Callaway hated BJ, and probably did run as a torpedo candidate but there isn’t any evidence this was actually a conspiracy cooked up by JK and the UCP, my understand is BJ just reaped what he sowed on this one.
    Well now its multiple people within the party making similar claims. Hardyal Mann also came out and claims to have been in the meeting when all this was discussed and even listed who was present.


    "Jason Kenny, John Wiesnberg, Jeff Callaway, Brad Tenant, Shuvaloy Majumdar, Cam Davies and I were in attendance."

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    Quote Originally Posted by killramos View Post
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    From what I understand there is no evidence any of this actually occurred aside from BJ complaining and Snotley piling on?

    Callaway hated BJ, and probably did run as a torpedo candidate but there isn’t any evidence this was actually a conspiracy cooked up by JK and the UCP, my understand is BJ just reaped what he sowed on this one.
    Well they’ve basically admitted it occurred, their stance has moved from “We didn’t do it” to “what we did isn’t illegal, it’s just politics.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by kertejud2 View Post
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    Well they’ve basically admitted it occurred, their stance has moved from “We didn’t do it” to “what we did isn’t illegal, it’s just politics.”
    Looks like it was illegal, but only on Callaway's end for not reporting it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtrema View Post
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    I won't say nobody, there is a sizable Jean supporters within merged UCP. Especially how Kenney has been removing old grassroot WR candidates from running for UCP.

    Saving grace is this comes in too late for those grassroots start another party to go against UCP.
    We're certainly on the same page for once, and your saving grace comment is 100% correct. I suppose a better statement would be "under the circumstances, nobody cares enough to do anything about it".
    Last edited by HiTempguy1; 03-18-2019 at 01:49 PM.

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