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Thread: Praise AMA, 5 Star Towing!! *****

  1. #1
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    Default Praise AMA, 5 Star Towing!! *****

    So as most of you know by know from my notorious mp3 .. http://members.shaw.ca/andrew.b/dying.mp3

    I needed to get my car towed. I have an AMA membership and I need to praise the customer service and care taken by the tow truck driver in transporting my car to the garage.

    First when I called I just wanted to ask questions about it, with the member ship all I had to pay for was all the KM's after 5 .. at $1.75 per kilometer. He took down notes and said to ensure I mentioned my car was lowered and would need to be dollied. I called back later when I was at home ready to go with the car and was greeted again with a very polite representative.

    The trip was 15K so I ended up paying $17.50 I tipped the driver 5bux. - Very well deserved.

    He took an extreme amount of car loading the car, ensuring he didnt wreck the paint at all, dollied it up since it was lowered and overall, all the poeple I spoke with showed general compassion for the concern and care that I have for my car (as im sure we all do).

    When the car was jacked up he let me know he was leaving so I could follow behind and I swear its the most gentle the car has ever been on the road. He didn't exceed the speed limit, went very very slowly and cautiously over any bumps etc. (included the curb leaving my alley). He even backed it up into the driveway for me.

    This is the first time I've had a vehicle towed with AMA and yup, definately ... Just another way to use AMA.

    They get my customer appreciation award!! I couldn't be more happy with my experience in dealing with them.

    For those of you who dont know, the member ship is ~$70 for first time sign up and $63 or so for renewal (per year).

    If you've been sitting in a long lineup at the registry office ever to renew your license/car .. you can goto any AMA booth if your a member and in my experience there has been no wait. You get 10% off at Subway if you show your AMA card (but dont get stamps) and theres lots of other stuff. Definately worth while ...

  2. #2
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    ama contracts out their towing to different towing companies depending on your location man. u should check out the ama premium membership.

    i tihnk its like 20 bucks more than the regular one, but it gives u the first 150km free as opposed to 5. ive used my ama card to tow me from edmonton to calgary (right after i got my engine swap done)

  3. #3
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    Where are you located? I find AMA towing only as good as the company they choose to sublet to. What i like about AMA is the fact that I can get so much stuff done in one building. I get my license, registration, maps, travel tickets, car insurance, house insurance, travel insurance and more all in one building. My experience has always been great there and the staff always seems to be very friendly and knowledgeable. HUGE

    EDIT: You should post the name of the tow company that gave the great service. I'm sure that the other members with lowered cars would like that info.
    Last edited by cobber112879; 08-13-2004 at 10:14 PM.

  4. #4
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    yeah, AMA plus has saved my ass more than a few times, definitely worth it if you drive an older car.

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by cobber112879
    I get my license, registration, maps, travel tickets, car insurance, house insurance, travel insurance and more all in one building. My experience has always been great...
    Just wait until you make an insurance claim with AMA (car insurance)... practice stretching and bending over! lol

  6. #6
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    Don't forget the cheaper Cineplex Odeon movie passes that you can get. They're $8.00 each, and are good at any time. I know movies are a bit cheaper in Calgary now, but here in Edmonton, I think they're like $13.50 on a regular night.

    I usually buy a book of 10. They're nice as gifts too.

  7. #7
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    It was an AMA truck that showed up,.. There's the buliding on 17ave that the AMA trucks are always in, I live closest to that and the receipt is from Alberta Motor Association ..

    I guess with all the highway driving for a measly $20bux (which I just spent) the premium membership would be OK.

    I'm not insured through them for Auto but I've heard the rates they offer are in the top3 for lowest price.

    Oh yea, I also met Doris..

  8. #8
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    Yeah AMA is the shizz, they towed my car a couple of times and they were very polite, quick and careful. he put felt towels under the brake lights they stick on the hood (my car gets towed backwards RWD) and they always dolly it without me even having to mention it

    I always tip as well...

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Praise AMA, 5 Star Towing!! *****

    Originally posted by yohan4ws
    If you've been sitting in a long lineup at the registry office ever to renew your license/car .. you can goto any AMA booth if your a member and in my experience there has been no wait.
    I renewed my registration through the web this year. So much easier.

    I still like the other benefits AMA offers.

  10. #10
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    whats the AMA website?
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
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  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    car arrived at my house perfectly!!! wasnt there to see this but good to hear they did a good job, i was kinda worry, some company towned my mom's van from banff back and cracked the rear bumper!!! i was so freakin chocked!!!

  13. #13
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    Bad experience tonight, they couldn't dolley my car and they had no flat bed trucks... Afterwards they told me they wouldn't help me because my car is modified.

    So I had to use City Wide Towing and the guy was polite and no problems.

  14. #14
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    had my jetta towed 7 times within a year and a half, the only problem i've ever had with them was in the -30 streak this winter when they said i should call someone else and send them the recipt for the refund because they were too busy
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  15. #15
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    Was his name Doug? I work with a guy named Doug at my part time job that tows for AMA. He was telling me about some lowered car that he towed that day. And he usually works in the 17th Ave SE part.
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  16. #16
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    Ive had my share of good and bad stories from AMA. I have needed to had my car towed a couple of times, but on the last time, when I called to get it towed and gave them my membership information, Im A premium member, they said they could not tow my car because it was lowered and they had a new company polocy saying they cant tow any vehicles with modified suspension. Alot of good they did me then, and I havent used them since.

  17. #17
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    I have had my car towed twice by the AMA and for the most part it was good. The tow truck drivers were super polite and helpful. The second time there were complications to the tow and he handled it fairly well.

    My parking stall is on a bit of an angle so with backing the car in the tail would higher than the nose. Both front tires were flat so it didn't really fit in the front dollies all that well to begin with. The front passenger side wheel started to slip forward in the dolly in order to correct this we had to take the parking brake off and use the winch on the truck to pull it back under the tire. When we started lowering it again we had forgotten that the parking brake was off and it was in neutral so it started to roll forward and off the front dollies completely. Admittedly here the driver exercised a little muddled decision making skills but trying to jump in front of the car and stop it forward motion. Fortunately as soon as he moved he let go of the controls to lower the car and it stopped rolling. Had that not happened he would have been pinned between the tow truck and the car. Talons are not light cars to try to push uphill. Anyway we managed to raise it high enough to pull the dollies out using car ramps and blocks of wood.

    All in all I find it worth the money for the AMA membership.
    "Hey, I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."

  18. #18
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    I once tried to tow a car I didn't have current registration/plates on (Because I was obviously driving a different car since this one didn't work) and they refused to cover the tow.

    I should've just threw my plate on the back and didn't say anything, but I went the honest route and got fucked (And yes I have a premium membership).

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by TrevorK
    I once tried to tow a car I didn't have current registration/plates on (Because I was obviously driving a different car since this one didn't work) and they refused to cover the tow.

    I should've just threw my plate on the back and didn't say anything, but I went the honest route and got fucked (And yes I have a premium membership).
    ama membership should cover the member no matter what car hes in and even if hes just a passenger.

    ive used someone elses ama card before with no problems.

  20. #20
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    I didn't catch the guys name but he was talking about another lowered car he was trying to tow before where he couldnt even put his foot under the side skirt .. not sure if he was successful or not but definately a really really polite guy. I Stick to my opinion.

    Originally posted by 93PGT
    Was his name Doug? I work with a guy named Doug at my part time job that tows for AMA. He was telling me about some lowered car that he towed that day. And he usually works in the 17th Ave SE part.

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