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Thread: Speeding Stories Thread

  1. #1
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    Default Speeding Stories Thread

    So many people get speeding tickets, but I wonder how many great stories we're missing from people who escaped tickets for one reason or another. Or, even great stories where a ticket was received. See, once you turn 25, you magically become responsible and don't speed. I used think that was BS, but it's actually got a degree of truth to it. But, before I turned 25, I used to speed a lot. Now, I take it to the track.

    I'll start.

    In 1992, I had just recently purchased a new Nissan 240 SX LE coupe. It was white, with grey interior. I had ordered the chip from Stillen, and also an exhaust. The car looked pretty nice, full tint, clean, new, nice lines.

    The 1992 240 LE model had a digital speedo in HUD format. So your speed was projected on to the windshield. One of the things the chip was supposed to do was remove the factory speed limiter. Can't remember, but I think it might have been 180km/h.

    One afternoon, I was out with my GF driving towards Banff. The trip was for the express purpose of determing how fast the car would go with the new Stillen chip w/o a speed limiter.

    We were driving up a slight hill, and I was accelerating to just over 190km/h. Still accelerating, we crest the hill and the HUD says 199km/h. As we start to go down the hill, two things happen. The first is that I realize we are still accelerating, but the HUD and speedo don't go past 199km/H. So we're doing 210km/h or so, but it's not reading. The second thing that happens is that my radar detector goes instantly to FULL SCALE ALERT!!!

    Naturally, I slow the car down immediately. Get it back down to about 120km/h. I'm wondering where the COP is, and then notice that an RCMP vehicle is flipping a u-turn through the ditch! I continue driving on my merry way, at or about the speed limit. Watching the rearview mirror closely, the lights start flashing. He closes the gap, and sure enough, pulls me over.

    The GF and I have had some time of course to contemplate the situation. I'm shitting bricks, because I figure OMFG, he just clocked me at 100km/H over the speed limit. I'm in big trouble. Telling him that I was just curious, which may be true, isn't going to cut it! He approaches my car - I already have the window rolled down. I say to him, "uhm, is there a problem officer." Long pause. Seemed like an eternity. His response, "Hell yes there's a problem. Son, roll up your window." Pulse rate exceeds 150. I oblige, rolling up the window partially to reveal a virtually black tint. To boot, it was a dull grey day...

    "Son, you see this tint, this is highly, highly illegal."

    Resisting the urge to gasp in relief, and knowing how lucky I just got, I attempt to care about my window tint, claiming I was unaware that it was illegal at all! If it was illegal, "why can the shop even put it on?" - I actually asked him. But I've never handed my drivers license and insurance over faster in my life.

    As we drove away with my $25 ticket and notice of removal, I reasoned that what must have happened is that he had one of these 'constant on' radar guns, probably on his passenger floor, but left turned on. When we crested the hill, my radar detector immediately picked it up, and went full signal. I slowed down immediately. The officer however didn't likely see me until I had already slowed down, so he never would have even had a visual of when I was speeding...

    I didn't speed for a long time after this, but I did speed before this and after this to extremes, and have been fortunate. I've got at least 3 more stories...

    Let's here some of your stories...or close calls.

  2. #2
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    hmm great time when i got let off I was suppose to have $450 in tickets, no updated insurance, no seatbelt, speeding 15+ in a school zone, the cop went to write my tickets but came back and since his b day was the same as me he let me go

  3. #3
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    i was cruisin down a country road about about a buck 15 (115) no cars in sight all of a sudden there was a group of 4 or so cars, i think nothing of it, btw its 80 zone... cruising along... bam 4 cop cars lol, they were all ghosts... wut fuckin luck, they knocked it down to 105 in an 80 zone and called it a night... but friday the 16th of september, which was just 2 days ago, i got 3 tickets rear signal lights and front signal lights being white not amber or red and another for aftermarket exhaust there was 230$ in tickets and there was 8 cop cars there lol .... so that was good

  4. #4
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    when i was 17 i was heading out to pine lake, got lost on a back country road, flying along at 140 (or more, couldnt tell, spedo is burried at 140) comming to the top of a hill, reach the top and just as i come to the top theres a cop comming the other way, WHOOOO, pull over...

    "you know how fast you were going?"
    "uhh, not really"
    "really, it tops out at 140 so i didnt really know"
    "ill kick it down to 135 so its less demmerits and 100$ less"
    "alright sounds good"

    and as he was leaving i checked my oil too (it just so happens my engine was overheating then too

    "you got a quart of oil with you"
    "yea hang on"

    and he gave me a quart of oil to boot

    when cut open, the rambutan unfortunately fails miserably to deviate from its outwardly testicular appearance, revealing an inside that looks for all the world exactly how you'd expect the contents of a scrotum to look.

  5. #5
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    ok here is mine:

    i was late for work and i had 2 options pull a u turn and go the quick route, or take the long way and have to go over speed bumps and 5x as many lights. So take the u turn, pull a drift around the cornerand hold the car sideways just for the hell of it and than hit the gas going on a off ramp. This cop was sitting at the lights and saw me so he drives over this grass field thing to catch up, i am going probably 160kph in a 70kph and i see the cop in my rear view so I slow down and he pulls me over.

    the comes over and does his little speach "son do you know why I pulled you over" so I respond back that I was speeding because I was late for work. Lucky I had my uniform on and he looks at me, and see's that I am in my cineplex unifrom and he looks at me and i am basically shitting my pants. So he goes to his car and I am going crazy in my car thinking about how I am not going to have the money for my engine swap for over the winter because these tickets will add up to over $500. So he comes back and says, "i know how bad cineplex pays and how hard you guys work, so I will give you a ticket thats $115 for an illegal u-turn" than he tells me how he could have given a stunting ticket, tint, exhaust, speeding and how it was more than I could afford with working for a month at cineplex.

    so he let me off and I was one happy camper cause 1 paycheck later this ticket was paid for. this happened 3 years ago

  6. #6
    ecstasy_civic's Avatar
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    Too many with too many long stories

  7. #7
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    When I was 17 in my 91 Laser, I pulled around the corner into a school zone doig 50 (the school zone starts after the curve) and so as soon as I hit the curve and the sign *BANG* cop waves me over.

    Officer: "Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
    Me: "Maybe 40 kms"
    Office: "43, Liscence and Registration please
    Im shitting bricks at this point, as I'd never been pulled over before.
    Office comes back, crouches next to my car, starts to talk, but it seemed he was out of words. He ripped up my ticket, and said that be cause I had such a handsome stud in the back seat (my bro whom I was driving to school) he would forget about the ticket.

    Originally posted by SKR
    You know what, I'm such a ricer. More form than function, oversized exhaust, Japanese engine, and if I put the tailgate down it kind of acts as much like a wing as the picnic table wings the fast and furious guys are bolting to their cars.

  8. #8
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    Last weekend, doin 130 down barlow, bad mood, bad night, its 230am, coming up to a red light (by the new honda dealership) but i knew it was turning green, so i flew through and just my luck a cop was sitting at the light. so i pull infront of the vehicle infront of him, and slow down, without knowing he was there, take my next right, check my mirrors and hes right on my ass. scared me cause i didnt know till then. follows me for 5 minutes till i pull infront of my house. pulls up beside me, looks at me. shakes his head. drives away.
    He knew i was scared, i was watching him in my mirror the whole way home haha

  9. #9
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    after dropping off my gf at something like 5-6am way down in the SW lol (i'm up in the far NE) i'm gunning it on anderson to make it home b4 the sun comes up...i end up pinning it with a camaro looking car (sorry not so good with domestics really, and i'm actually pulling away ) doing well over 200 when a cop van merges up beside me coming off of macleod. we both see him and warm up the brakes...cop decides to come after me lol i dont even wait for the cherries i start pulling over just waiting for him to go through the routine....cherries come on, full stop out pops the two officers and i could tell the passenger side officer was chuckling, i couldnt help but smirk. i got busted and busted bad....fair n square i was getting what was coming to me. the officer comes up and this is the conversation that ensued:

    "morning sir"
    "morning, do u know why i pulled u over?"
    "cuz i was playing with the camaro" (looking at my feet with a sheepish smile on my face...couldnt help it the officer is smiling at me at this point and his partner is laughing louder now)
    "mmmmmhmmm, goin a bit fast, paperwork etc"

    takes the bit and comes back with my ticket in hand

    thinking to myself "aw crap here it comes"

    officer: "this isnt what you think it's for, and what it should be for...i couldve given you a ticket for speeding, dangerous driving, street racing yadda yadda yadda...his partner pipes up something like over 500 worth of tickets"

    i'm smiling cuz i can tell i got off lucky, the officer is smiling at me, and hands me my oversized exhaust ticket for 115 and says "probably wont be seeing you again for a while"
    to which i promptly reply "nope" with a huge smile
    and he says "have a good morning and slow it down eh"
    "yes sir, thanks so much" and off i go

    and the best part is i can fight my exhaust ticket, because it's an OEM replacement and it only looks oversized

    so basically just a nice morning run in with some good humored officers

  10. #10
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    lol good stories

  11. #11
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    Bah one night i was comin home from work when i first got my car and i was in a hurry to get home and change so i can go meet my gf. So im going a good 80ish through a school zone, some undercover crown vic gets behind me out of no-where. Holy, was I shitting bricks? Slammed on my brakes, turned off at the next turn which was a couple metres ahead, jumped into some alley and shut off my lights, parked in someones backyard parking pad for a good half hour, then drove on my merry way, not to mention was late meeting the gf, was she ever pissed off.

  12. #12
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    hahaha, I love v2kai's story...but come on...don't fight it, the cops let you off with barely anything - just pay it.

    3G, your story is the best one so far though....you must have been sweating bullets.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by snowboard
    Last weekend, doin 130 down barlow, bad mood, bad night, its 230am, coming up to a red light (by the new honda dealership) but i knew it was turning green, so i flew through and just my luck a cop was sitting at the light. so i pull infront of the vehicle infront of him, and slow down, without knowing he was there, take my next right, check my mirrors and hes right on my ass. scared me cause i didnt know till then. follows me for 5 minutes till i pull infront of my house. pulls up beside me, looks at me. shakes his head. drives away.
    He knew i was scared, i was watching him in my mirror the whole way home haha
    pretty much a carbon copy of what i aws going to post. only i was on crowchild heading east at stoney trail. he followed me all the way home to brentwood, stopped in front of my house, and stayed their while i entered my garage, finally left once the door close lol. i almost shit my patns when he followed me down my residential road!!!

  14. #14
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    Oh! I'm so happy someone revived this thread. Just in time for my first speeding ticket that I can actually remember! Sweet...



  15. #15
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    2:30am I'm driving into Calgary from Airdrie at 134kph (not as outrageous as some on the forum) get tagged by a ghost car right around 32nd ave. I think, hmm, maybe he didn't see me, nope he whips around and turns on the lights. This is the first time I've ever been pulled over so I have no idea what to do. He comes up and practically barks "liscence and registration" that was all he said. He showed me the gun at 134kph, then walks back to his car, comes back with a ticket and leaves. I don't think he actually said anything else the whole time. I decided to fight the ticket seeing as how it was my first and I didn't really want 4 demerits on the record. I go into the office and the guy goes, "What can I do for you?" I explain the situation, I'll pay the fine but I don't want the demerits. So he says "okay, let me have a look. Then he goes, well young lady it's your lucky day." soI think great, no demerits! He follows with "the cop that gave you this ticket is no longer part of the force, have a nice day." so I stammer... "umm I don't need to do...." and he emphasizes "HAVE A NICE DAY." that was enough for me. I hightailed it out of there as fast as I could. I should've had to pay something but I'm not going to complain about the outcome at all.
    Success is the ultimate revenge.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by Z_Fan
    Oh! I'm so happy someone revived this thread. Just in time for my first speeding ticket that I can actually remember! Sweet...


    I love that story!

    I have to many with bad outcomes, theres some lucky fuckers on this fourm!!

  17. #17
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    lol, i could make a book for this section, i'll start with one of my better stories and if I feel like it later I may add some more... sorry to make this big, but you have to know the history of what happened before I got pulled over.

    Intro: My house was flooded, so the insurance company put us up in a hotel while they were fixing our house. I was staying at the hospitality inn on southland and macleod. At the time I worked at Visions electronics which is 1 block south of the hotel. The last two weeks I had been late a few times because every day the cleaners would come in the room while I was at work and they would turn off the alarm, which is something I normally don't do, I just leave it set for the next morning. The excuse only worked a couple of times at work till my manager told me, if your late again your fired.

    I had come down with the flu, was feeling sick as shit, and the stupid bitch turned off my alarm AGAIN after I asked them to leave it alone (my fault, I should have checked). So anyways, I woke up with about 30 minutes to shower, get ready and get to work... after I get ready, while im walking to my car I am feeling so shitty I ask myself... "Can I make it through the day with out buckleys?"... then as I open the door to my car and sit down I ponder "Can I get buckleys from the gas station and still make it to work the few minutes I have?"... as I turn the key to start the good old Ford Ferarri... the sound of the V8 assures me it can take me to the shell station in willow park village _AND_ get me to work in the few minutes I have to spare.

    Story: I pull out on to bonaventure and pin it, burn em through first, burn em through second, squack em into third, shift into fourth, SLAM on my breaks, turn into the gas station, run in, grab my buckleys, go pay... I've bought lots of stuff from this gas station so they guy kinda knows me... he says "Uh oh, what did you do?" i'm kinda of thrown off as to why he's asking me like that so I say "What do you mean?" he reply's "The cops followed you in here... they're waiting for you right there" points over to an under cover cop car. .... i'm thinking "oh shit" I just did like 175 in a 60 zone, not only that, but I have about 5 minutes to get to work.

    I pay for my buckleys, run out to my car.. start it up and head towards macleod so I can get to work, for those of you that know where the shell is in willow park village, you know how close it is to macleod... needless to say, I didnt even make it to macleod before being pulled over. Since I didnt see the cop, i'm assuming that he didnt see me either, but just heard me since my car is so loud.... so here we go

    Cop comes up to my window, asks me for my licence and registration... I give it to him right away. He says to me bluntly "I didnt get a chance to clock you, but if I had to estimate your speed, i'd say it was around MACH ONE" I start to get an upset feeling in my stomach and sink into my seat then he says "You were going so fast that when you slammed on the breaks to turn into the shell station I thought your car was gonna do a front flip"... I sink in my seat a little more. This is where it starts to get funny, he says "You better have a good excuse" LOL

    so I show him my hotel key card (which is in my left hand), tell him my house flooded, it's taking forever to get fixed, told him how the cleaners keep turning off my alarm and my boss is gonna fire me for being late, im coughing, I look like ass, I tell him i'm so sick I feel like im gonna die and the only reason I was speeding is so I could get my buckleys (which is in my right hand). he says "wow, that really is a pretty good excuse, where do you work?" so I tell him visions, he tells me he's having some sort of golf tournament and needs some prizes, asks me if I can give him a deal (DUH!) I say "SURE"... he gives my back my ID, I give him a business card, and just like that he let me go, I EVEN MADE IT TO WORK ON TIME! LOL

    (sorry bout the length)
    Click here to check out my racing sim...

    Originally posted by GQBalla
    tictactoe2004 you are scary

  18. #18
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    too lazy to type the whole ordeal but got caught 80 over a month after getting my license .... got out of it relatively easy though.......a couple other bad ones but now im ticket free for 14 months WOOT

  19. #19
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    I always work at a summer camp during the summer. One night after a staff night out, I'm heading back into the state forest. The speed limit is 25 mph, I'm going just under 60, (I think that's about 100kph in a 40) I'm 16 it's a fairly straight road, what's to worry about? I come around a slight bend and he's just sitting there on the inside in the grass, a goddamn forest ranger. He immediately turns his spotlight on me as a go by. I just pull over, (it was actually my second time being pulled over ) I was scared shitless, I'm just sitting there on the side of the road now watching him slowly pull out then come flying up behind me.

    "Well, I didn't realize..." (wtf, I thought I would try)
    "No, I..."
    "Well, I'm heading back to Camp Cachalot."(Maybe the yelling was exagerated, but he calmed down a lot when I said this.)
    "Really, do you know the ranger there?"
    "Yeah, her names Karrie, and I know her husband too."(Her husband is also a forest ranger.)
    "No kidding, well, seeing as how I just had dinner with them last night, and I know they're good people, I'm gonna let you go. I had better not see you speeding again and they will definitly hear about this."
    (Insert overwhelming joy! )

    I said thank you a shitload of times and went back to camp doing 25, I was never so happy. The best part is I never heard anything about it from the ranger or her husband.

    As for the first time I got pulled over, I had a headlight out and the cop must have had something against young kids in sweet land yachts, I got a fuckin $25 ticket. I just paid it, it wasn't worth my time.

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