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Thread: Gear, Juice, Roids, AAS, Ph Etc.

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    Default Gear, Juice, Roids, AAS, Ph Etc.

    I don't know much about them! Sounds like a few people on these forums have some experience or know some stuff about them and it's always nice to learn.

    Edit: I'm just gonna ask we keep this on topic too! I haven't seen any malicious posts yet but I know this can be a controversial topic and I don't need to see 1000 useless posts saying drugs are wrong because that's what your CALM 20 teacher told you. They can be bad, they can be good, this thread isn't to debate if they're right or wrong - it's just to learn about them and hear peoples real world experience.
    Last edited by davidI; 12-07-2004 at 01:34 AM.

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    Default Re: Gear, Juice, Roids, AAS, Ph Etc.

    Originally posted by davidI
    I've heard good things about M1T except that it has nasty sides. From what I've heard a lot of the 'legal' shit is actually stronger than the illegal stuff....but the gov't is smart enough to know this as well as bodybuilders so they're all being outlawed!
    well i did a little reading on M1T for you, because ive honestly never heard of it. its a highly effective oral androgen. However, it is a totally different prosteroid both in affect and activity than Testosterone.

    Heres a quick cut and paste:

    When a hormone is alkylated (like adding a methyl group to the 17th ring) it totally changes the pharma-kinetics of the compound as well.

    Have you noticed that most 1-Testosterone users report better sex-drive, more energy and a positive outlook upon life with their musculature gains? Yet those using M-1-Test report lethargy, no sex-drive and really bad moods to go along with high blood pressure and head-aches, oh and increased muscle mass. Personally, though effective, I dislike M-1-Test for health concerns.

    This is all due to the methylated alteration that alters a chemical's effect upon androgen receptors and physiology in general. Most of this is due to secondary activity triggered by the compound such as adrenalgenic and neuro-net over-stimulation, hepatic alterations and general burn-out.

    Though M-1-Test employed at a daily dosage of 10-20mg for 2-4 weeks seldom results in liver concerns (if it is a very high quality product free of other raw material metabolites and toxins), it certainly does have several negative side effects easily avoid by opting for 1-Testosterone Cypionate delivered through any viable means.

    so in short (IMO):
    there are better products available with the same/better results and less side effects!

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    this product isnt legal in canada anyways (and it wont be legal much longer anywhere else by the sounds of it), so its not a matter of comparing legal to illegal substances. The side effects are some of the weirdest/ worst ive heard of. And since its oral you have to take Hepatotoxicity (liver damage) into account aswell.

    not recommended by me IMO.

    Edit: The general concencuss from everyone ive talked to says its twice as potent as test-1 and so are the side effects, and since its methylated its liver toxic too, and one should just keep to the "real deal".
    Last edited by Wildcat; 12-07-2004 at 12:09 AM.

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    I've tried to do quite a bit of research on this issue. Although I wont speak for everybody else, I would never personally come near an anabolic steroid.

    Come to think of it I saw a buddy of mine at Kilkenny tonight. He has changed quite a bit since the last time I saw him, he has been on 'juice' as he put it for about a year now. He is really intense and edgy, hasn't gotten that much bigger though.
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    Originally posted by hockeybronx
    Come to think of it I saw a buddy of mine at Kilkenny tonight. He has changed quite a bit since the last time I saw him, he has been on 'juice' as he put it for about a year now. He is really intense and edgy, hasn't gotten that much bigger though.
    by the sounds of it he took roids thinking getting big will come automatically and he probly still eats like shit, and since he was at kilkenny i assume he drinks too.

    nothings free, theres no get "huge and do nothing" program.

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    Originally posted by Wildcat

    by the sounds of it he took roids thinking getting big will come automatically and he probly still eats like shit, and since he was at kilkenny i assume he drinks too.

    nothings free, theres no get "huge and do nothing" program.
    Actually you are quite right there. I was watching the news when they were talking about Barry Bonds, and they talked about how healthy and smart lifestyles can really minimize the side-effects of steroids.

    However I still maintain that the gains are not worth it to me, I really believe I am achieving what I want by just living a healthy lifestyle.
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  7. #7
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    i wasent talking about side effects, i was talking about gains. if you know what your doing you can still remain totally healthy and take roids. the gains are 75% diet/lifestyle.

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  8. #8
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    From what I know, steroids can be pefectly healthy in the hands of the right user. The problem is that most people who wanna juice are dumb, lazy and don't have the training background behind it. It sounds like Wildcat knows what he's doing and has done is research so I have no problem with guys like him!! It's the 17 year olds that way 150 and eat like shit that make steroids sound so dangerous! I was like most people up until this year and bought all the media hype about roids being the devil but since then I've learned a lot on BB forums and it sounds like they can be quite useful in the hands of the right individual.

    I guess my only fear is that their purpose is to alter your bodies chemistry...I know you're supposed to take post cycle estrogen inhibitors and what not but it still seems like hair loss, acne, lethargy, joint pain, depression etc. are possible sides even if done 100% correctly.

    Thanks for the info Wildcat. I was never sure why people said they were so lethargic, bad moods etc. compared to 1-Test users who almost seemed to be the opposite. I understood how alkylated compounds worked but never realized that it reacted differently in the body. I always thought that it was basically 'one step away' from becoming testosterone and it basically became the same as an 'illegal' steroid after being processed by the body.

    Wildcat, what have you had experience with or what do other people you know use? Just curious on your personal stats and what benefits/sides you've had from any cycles you've run. People always ask me about juicin and stuff and I always tell them that it's not something I want to do so I don't know anything about it but I'd like to be able to give them informed advice! I'm not against people using in any way, I just want to stay natural until I reach my absolute pinnacle (which I don't think I ever will if I keep drinkin like a fish!) If I ever do get big enough to contemplate competing I definately might look into it as a possibility but not at this stage in my training 'career' (I use that term loosely!)

  9. #9
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    im not going to comment on any of my personal experiances ill keep that to pms but i will generalize and try to put together a laymans guide to roids.

    First, there is no perfect steroid, they all effect the body in different ways, give different results and have different side effects. Steroids are added hormones, hormones are the way in which your body communicates with itself in order to operate. Adding a hormone will always result in the production or inhibition of another hormone.

    Some terminology:
    Cycle: the time in which you are currently using steroids, no one can continually use steroids without severly damaging their bodies. so it is "cycled" on and off giving your body time to reach homeostasis, most people consider a cycle to include PCT.
    PCT: "post cycle therapy", the time during and immediatley after a cycle in which an estrogen inhibitor is used (eg Novalex, Clomid) or another benifiting hormone (HCG). The purpose of the PCT is to return the body to a natural level of testosterone.
    Stacking: a "stack" is a combination of steroids in a cycle, one steroid cant do everything, so it is common (almost mandatory) that a user will stack.

    Heres a list of the most commonly used steroids:

    Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin)
    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
    Boldenone Undecylate (Equipoise)
    Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan)
    Trenbolone (Finaject)
    Trenbolone Acetate
    Injectable Methandienone (Dianabol)
    Testosterone-Mix (Sustanon / Omnadren)
    Testosterone Enanthate (Testoviron / Primotestan)
    Testosterone Cypionate (Testex)
    Oxymetholone (Anadrol / Anapolan)
    Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)
    Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol)
    Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)
    Oral Methandienone (Dianabol)
    Mesterolone (Proviron)
    Noretadrolone (Nilevar)
    Oxandrolone (Anavar)
    Oral Stanozolol (Winstrol)
    Testosterone Propionate (Viromone)
    Testosterone Undecanoate (Andriol)
    Ephedrine Hydrochloride

    Im totally generalizing and im tired of typing so just ask me anything you want.
    Last edited by Wildcat; 12-07-2004 at 05:29 PM.

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  10. #10
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    Shiite man you know your roids!!!! As for my personal opinion on juice, I could never be proud of something that wasn't natural. I guess people use it for differnet reasons and I can acknowledge that, but no matter what, once your a juicer your labeled for life.
    I have way more respect for someone who can accomplish their goals naturally. I think once people find out someone is takin roids they say to themselves "Yeah but he's a juice monkey anyone can be that big with roids" even though this may not be the case. There's just such a negative stigma associated with taking roids I've never actaully considered doin it. Just my 2 cents.

  11. #11
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    to get unaturally big it takes unatural means, thats really what it boils down to.

    alot of guys are very secretive about roids because they dont want to be labled that way.

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    Very true, I wouldn't want anyone knowing if I where to juice.

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    I ran into a friend of mine from high school about a year ago. He was a hardcore athlete in our school back in the day. He told me that after we graduated, his parents pressured him hardcore to do well in university sports and he totally cracked. Steriods became his answer to getting better and stronger. When I saw him, he looked awful, he had been caught using by his coach, kicked off the team and he was then trying to stop but stopping using them had some crappy side effects just like using them.

    He's done with them now but he's still not back to where he was before he even started using, he figures he set himself back permanently from where he should have been in his althletic career if he had never used steriods in the first place.

    Scarry stuff, aside from the major attitude and in some cases, paranoia you get from using, you have other serious stuff like potential heart problems (which is the big one) but other stuff can go wrong with your organs as well...doesn't seem like the right way to go about things

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    If you go the prohormone route, you have a legal way to get similar results, but you also deal with the same side effects.

    Steroids are injected as a complete molecule ready for your body to use. Prohormones on the other hand target a "useless" hormone in your body (DHEA) and convert it either to estrogen or an androgen.

    I'm sure you know the upsides already so here are the downsides:

    Brief downsides:

    -you are playing with the very chemicals that make you a man or woman
    -your own body's hormone production is reactive - by artificially increasing the amount of these hormones in your body, your body's own production of these hormones stops, and if it stops for long enough, your body will lose the ability to produce these hormones later when you eventually do stop (cycling helps avoid this, but its a hell of a price to pay if you don't stop in time or if your body is over-sensitive).
    -if you increase the androgens, you'll get male pattern baldness, irritability and "puny balls"
    -if you increase estrogens, you get the bitch tits and you retain water more

    I did a fair bit of research on PH's and I've decided its just not worth it. If you want to give it a shot, I highly recommend this article:


    Its a lot to read, but at least you can make an informed decision on it. I certainly wouldn't try them knowing what I know.

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    Keep in mind that all PH's will be banned within the first or second week of January.....

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    I was considering juice for a while until I worked at Cowboys for a few months. Another doorman and his girlfriend were telling me about his manhood problem. He was saying the he literally has no nuts, and can't even get it up anymore.

    Apparently another bouncer had a heart attack, and isn't even 30 yet.

    The thing that bothered me is that there were other doormen that were just as big and were completely natural, they even worked out together and pushed the same amount of weight.

    Doesn't seem worth the risk to me.

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by DUBBED
    I was considering juice for a while until I worked at Cowboys for a few months. Another doorman and his girlfriend were telling me about his manhood problem. He was saying the he literally has no nuts, and can't even get it up anymore.

    Apparently another bouncer had a heart attack, and isn't even 30 yet.

    The thing that bothered me is that there were other doormen that were just as big and were completely natural, they even worked out together and pushed the same amount of weight.

    Doesn't seem worth the risk to me.
    There are right ways to do things and wrong ways to do things. These guys were likely doing things wrong...

    you can't compare a natural guy to a guy who juices without taking into account what they're taking, their training habits, their diets and all of the other shit in their life!!!

    I'm never gonna drink cause I know people that died from drinking and it's not worth the risk. I'm never gonna eat another potato chip cause people who eat potato chips get heart disease so it's not worth the risk. You can't make generalizations with stuff like that....

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    Originally posted by davidI

    I'm never gonna drink cause I know people that died from drinking and it's not worth the risk. I'm never gonna eat another potato chip cause people who eat potato chips get heart disease so it's not worth the risk. You can't make generalizations with stuff like that....
    Maybe 1% of drinkers have died. Maybe 10% of potatoe chips have heart disease. But probly more like 75-90% of juicers have problems...

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    Originally posted by Singel

    Maybe 1% of drinkers have died. Maybe 10% of potatoe chips have heart disease. But probly more like 75-90% of juicers have problems...
    Where'd you pull those percentages out of!?! Besides, if it was 75-90% that have problems....they shouldn't be using it because they're too dumb or immature. Too many young people with no knowledge or experience just think it's an easy fix and they end up losing hair and blame the juice....blame their own stupidity. I watched a great interview this morning on Headline Sports with a guy at University of Wisconsin I think who was saying how anabolics shouldn't be banned in the olympics etc.

  20. #20
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    ya, theres a big difference between steroid users and abusers. but i dont think steroids have a place in professional sport other than bodybuilding because its a necessary evil. There is natural bb aswell but the physique isnt even comparable to an IFBB pro.

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