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Thread: Lord of the Rings 2

  1. #1
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    Default Lord of the Rings 2

    Would anyone be crazy enough to want to watch it at 12am tomorrow night? haha

    I am seriously considering it as I don't sleep till 4am anyway!
    Originally posted by rage2
    Shit, there's only 49 users here, I doubt we'll even break 100
    I am user #49

  2. #2
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    ill be there for the 12:01 show as i was last year
    2 doors and 4 rings

  3. #3
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    What show is this? Where at?

    I want the sound track to this movie. made by the same guy who did the soundtrack for Requiem For A Dream.

    so tight

    Dave P

  4. #4
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    I'll just wait for a few weeks for things to cool down. As much as I'd love to hear the gasps and cheers of the fan-boys at the front of the theatre opening weekend.

    The last time I went to see that movie (the first one) opening night, some dork was pointing out errors according to his arcane knowledge and supreme power to die a virgin. "Wood elves dont have swords longer than 14.3402149120 inches *snort snort* I am so l337 it hurts".

  5. #5
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    Funny thing about that movie is it made me want to READ the books and I NEVER read books unless they are for school/work.

    I am very excited about this movie though, it's supposed to make the first one look like nothing and the 3rd one with the siege of Gondor is supposed to make this one look like nothing.

    Cool preview!!!
    "All these years I thought it was power that brought responsibility. It's not. I was wrong. It's responsibility that brings power. It's knowing what needs to be done that brings strength. And courage." - Peter Parker, Earth X

  6. #6
    lammer Guest


    OMG! I love lotr. but i can't go on opening day..my friend was planning to go on his bday and i won't ditch him. oh man i want to watch it.

    i've been waiting all year just for this movie..I know this movie will be worth the wait.

  7. #7
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    Sweet!!! Let me know how it goes Max!!!

  8. #8
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    yeah I cant wait to see it im going tommorow at 5:00...my friends sister is going at 12:01 tommorow

  9. #9
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    they are playing it in West Ed already since yesterday or something.. 1 special show/day I *think*

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Lord of the Rings 2

    Originally posted by max_boost
    Would anyone be crazy enough to want to watch it at 12am tomorrow night? haha

    I am seriously considering it as I don't sleep till 4am anyway!

    what the hell? you are supposed to be going with me!!!

    i can't go b/c i have a 8am exam tomorrow.
    Originally posted by ashee
    What's 30 grand when you're buying a BMW, M6 please.

    Originally posted by t-im

    You sound like the type of guy who would buy a C-Class just so you could tell people you have a Benz.
    Oooh the irony.

  11. #11
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    Lol, i wanna see it, but i saw this satirical diary of someone waiting in line for it, i'll try and find it, it's the funniest thing i ever read.

  12. #12
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    From the Filthy Critic,


    This week we have a very special treat. Every day this week, my nephew Jimmy will be camping out in line at the Olde Town Colorado Cinemas for Friday's first screening of The Two Towers. In exchange for the price of a ticket, Jimmy is letting me publish his new journal entry each day.

    Many of you remember Jimmy. He is the president of his high school's "Dungeons and Dragons" club, claims to live on the blood of virgins, and is also leading a sit-in protest to make "The Philosophy of Star Trek" an official class on campus. A year ago he changed his name from Jimmy to Necron, Romancer of Death. We in the family still call him Jimmy, and you can too. It pisses him off.

    Skip to Monday

    By 16-year-old Jimmy Critic

    Six a.m.

    This is Necron, Romancer of Death, with a dispatch from the netherworld of my nefarious existence. For those of you living in the narrow world of the present, today is Sunday, December 8, 2002 A.D. For me, it is the first day of the rest of my life... and death. Simultaneously. Try to wrap your puny little brains around that one.

    I rose before the sun this morning, greeted the darkness and then waited for the gathering gloom of daylight while my sister hogged the bathroom. I nourished myself by draining the life force out of a crow with my mind. Then my mom made me some oatmeal and told me to wear a warm jacket under my trench coat. But I have my mind to keep me warm.

    I wanted to get in line for The Two Towers last week, before all the weaklings started showing up. But my earth-bound mother, the bitch, said I had to go to school. Oh, yeah, like algebra and health are more important than J. R. R. Tolkein. Helllloo? Derrrr. I guarantee you that in twenty years, arithmetic will be long forgotten. Our bodies won't even exist. I'll live entirely in my mind, entering the lowly physical world to gather nourishment from virgins and to trade "Magic: The Gathering" cards.

    7:40 a.m.

    Because of my mom, and because she wouldn't drop me off until she was leaving for work, I'm sixth in line, not first. I should be one millionth, because if you aren't in line you're a loser. What do you have to do that's more important than sitting in line for The Two Towers? Nothing, so shut up.

    Barry Warner is first. Tolkein's spinning in his grave because to have Barry Warner get the best seat is an insult. He hasn't even read all of the books, and we wouldn't let him join our Vampyre Den because he doesn't know the words to "Skullful of Maggots" by Cannibal Corpse. Fucking loser. Tolkein wanted me to be first and now I have to go through eternity, knowing not a day will go by that I don't think that I let Tolkein down.

    Second in line is this really fat, disgusting, funny-smelling guy about 30 with red hair who laughs at his own jokes. He talks a lot, but he knows everything about Tolkein. It's hard not to look at him and admire him. He's let his body deteriorate to the point that he obviously isn't living in the physical realm, or at least worrying about morbid obesity. I can hardly wait until the day I graduate from the terrestrial prison called Arvada West High School. On that day, the universes will open and all roads will be available to me. I will have the strength, mental acuity and opportunity to do anything I want. I will choose to get as fat as humanly possible and sit in my bedroom all day long, communicating with like-minded souls via psychic waves, or chat rooms. This fat pig is my idol.

    People three through five are members of the Vampyre's Den: Black Angel, Ash Muerto and Cyberius X. We agreed to meet at six, earthling time. But then my mom would only give me a ride on her way to work, so I was late.

    8:20 a.m.

    It's really cold. I have to retreat into the wondrous realm of the mind to remind myself that temperature matters not. Otherwise, I have to piss.

    10:07 a.m.

    There are now 15 people in line. I wonder why everyone is white and male? Also, I think Barry Warner is jerking off in his pants.

    12:15 p.m.

    There is a real sense of community developing in line. We are people with a common goal: to see The Two Towers before anyone else and thereby have a competitive advantage over the rest of society. We share common interests and while some of the people in line behind me are shockingly ignorant about "Deep Space Nine" I believe that they share my goals and interests. They are the cream of the crop.

    1:30 p.m.

    Looking around at my linemates, it's obvious we have assembled one of the most powerful brain trusts the world has even seen. If the terrorists really wanted to win, they would bomb us because who would moderate the "Babylon 5" newsgroup then?

    This group could create a self-sustaining and peaceful ecosphere right now. I will call it the Necrosphere. If you put us in a dome over us, we would have the power and intellect to survive without any help from the outside world. We'd create our own oxygen, our own waste recycling, water filtration and governance. Oh, but we'd need a Taco Bell, one that serves Mountain Dew.

    3:17 p.m.

    My mom just stopped by, honked her horn and asked if I wanted a ride home. No, Mom, Cyberius X won't hold my place in line. And his name isn't Wayne any more. God, she's so annoying.

    5:08 p.m.

    It is dark now. The night creatures will be coming out to prowl and feast on the flesh of the weak. Somewhere in the distance, a coyote howls. Every time a coyote howls, a baby has been sacrificed at the altar of Satan. Good. I hate babies.

    7:12 p.m.

    There are 37 people in line now. We are all still white and male. If I were a girl I would be in line just so I could hang out with me.

    The people after the first twenty are too lame to live in the Necrosphere. They will have to stand outside and wish they could be me and that fat guy. A man stood in our line for two hours before he asked if it was the line for Extreme Ops. Nobody else has left. Ash made a run to Taco Bell because he gets an employee discount and he pissed in Barry's Coke before he got back.

    The theater won't let us use their bathrooms. I want to go behind the building, but what if some other guy comes and tries to sneak a peek?

    8:30 p.m.

    I will conclude my first day of journal. This is only the first step in a long journey to Rivendell. Not all the warriors in line will complete the journey. And if someone dies, I have dibs on his jacket. It's so damn cold.


    7:15 a.m.

    I didn't sleep well, but I woke up and my hands were frozen to my face with drool. It was so cold last night that I still can't feel my fingers and I have a splitting headache. I reiterate, I cannot wait to be free of the shackles of this mortal coil. But every moment of torture and discomfort will make the movie that much better.

    At about midnight, my body gave out on my and I had to piss in a bush. I pretended I had a Romulan cloaking device so nobody could see my wiener.

    Last night, two people left the line when the temperature dropped below freezing. A man near the end of the line yelled "Fucking homos!" Then he chased and tackled them.

    There is no way I'm getting out of line now.

    9:47 a.m.

    There are now 68 people in line, and only four sets of "Star Trek" RPG cards to go around. The first girl got in line a few minutes ago. She has the best-looking homemade Galadriel costume I have ever seen. She's too far back in line for me to get a good look at her, but she's probably hot.

    12:14 p.m.

    Well, word has made it up the line. Everyone says the girl is hot. The guy behind me said that on a scale of one to ten, she's a Class 6 Druid.

    She can live in the Necrosphere with me and we will breed a race of super vampyre babies. I know I said I hate babies, but I love vampyre babies. Once they get their teeth.

    1:13 p.m.

    That was the best gordita I've ever eaten.

    2:34 p.m.

    I can tell she's pretty because all the guys around her are trying to outdo each other's "Stargate" trivia in really loud voices to each other, but not to her.

    Barry Warner claims he made out with the girl in the Digimon video display booth at ComiCon. He's a liar. Galadriel is too much of a lady to swap spit with him.

    4:48 p.m.

    The more I think about it the angrier I get at Barry. He didn't kiss her and I want to tell her what he said. It is my duty to protect her honor. I would, except I don't want to lose my place in line.

    6:12 p.m.

    My lame mom just came by and dropped off a jacket. It would be totally embarrassing if 20 other guys moms didn't do the same thing. I bet Galadriel is shivering. White gauzy dresses aren't warm and no amount of bragging by the jerks around her will keep her warm.

    8:20 p.m.

    Word was passed up the line that Galadriel might have to leave the line. She's cold. I don't want my super-breeding vampyre to leave. I know that with 84 people in line that my odds of winning her heart are 83 to one, but that's way better than at any of the sci-fi conferences.

    9:19 p.m.

    Galadriel left the line. I don't know what strength possessed me, but I lost my spot when I ran after her. Well, first I yelled, "Hey, you, come here." But she just kept walking. I thought if she came, everyone else would let her get in next to me because she's a girl and they like girls.

    Galadriel's real name is Shawna and she is the most beautiful, graceful woman in the world. She's pooping behind the theater right now. I will sign off because I have a long night of mind-melding ahead of me. Two Towers rules!

  13. #13
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    I'm going to go see it tonight too at Paramount. Already bought my ticket for 12:10am!! How long is it? I know one showing there was already sold out.

  14. #14
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    133 min as posted on Calgarymovies.com

  15. #15
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    i'm gonna wait till the weekend, its all sold out here and i coulnd't get tickets a week ago....

    so i'm just gonna stare at my sig

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by Zephyr
    i'm gonna wait till the weekend, its all sold out here and i coulnd't get tickets a week ago....

    so i'm just gonna stare at my sig
    STARE at your sig....Gandalf the GHEY?
    The same dude who plays FAGneto in X-men?

    Gonna wait until X-mas eve, the theatre will be almost empty.
    You can get the best seats and you can goof off and throw lightning bolts at each other.
    Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!
    "All these years I thought it was power that brought responsibility. It's not. I was wrong. It's responsibility that brings power. It's knowing what needs to be done that brings strength. And courage." - Peter Parker, Earth X

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by mwmhong

    You can get the best seats and you can goof off and throw lightning bolts at each other.
    Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!
    sig deleted by moderator, because they are useless

  18. #18
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    Lightning power uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhnnnnnaaaaanannaaaaa

  19. #19
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    I got back from the movie last night at 4AM!! I was listening to some people coming out of the theatre and they said they had to work in 4 hours! crazy.

    It was a great movie though Highly recommended and much better than the last one...much much better. It was definitely worth buying the tickets at 5pm and waiting 20 minutes in line and getting home at 4am!

    What did everyone else think?

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by girlRACER

    It was a great movie though Highly recommended and much better than the last one...much much better. It was definitely worth buying the tickets at 5pm and waiting 20 minutes in line and getting home at 4am!

    What did everyone else think?

    *cough* geek *cough*

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