Today I learned you can officially decline your ballot in a provincial election - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Today I learned you can officially decline your ballot in a provincial election

  1. #1
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    Default Today I learned you can officially decline your ballot in a provincial election

    A lot of people I talked to regarding policies and representatives have the same view point. None of the candidates actually represent their views and one of two things happen. They either choose the 'least worse' or they don't vote and then get blamed for apathy.

    Today I found out you can actually go to the voting station, officially decline your ballot, and it gets counted and publicized as refusing to vote for any party rather than just staying home and then the media blames it on apathy.

    Hopefully if more people learn this as an option then people that simply don't want any of the candidates they'll still go out to vote and make it count to show the government they don't support any of the parties.

    Will it change anything? Probably not but if large numbers of people start declining to vote for a representative maybe it will catch traction. Imagine if half the 18-25 age group that is so apathetic actually turned up but declined to vote what that would say. Who knows maybe it could make a change.

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 08-13-2019 at 01:20 AM.

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak
    You have to return it to the box with nothing written on it... if you write on it, they count it as spoiled and it gets tossed.

    I think I read somewhere if more than 50 percent have nothing written on it they have to redo the election. Maybe somebody can confirm
    Yeah, I'm trying to find something more official on a Alberta government website but it's basically as soon as you get your ballot you just inform them that you'd like to decline to vote and hand it back to them.

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    Default Re: Today I learned you can officially decline your ballot in a provincial election

    Originally posted by pheoxs
    A lot of people I talked to regarding policies and representatives have the same view point. None of the candidates actually represent their views and one of two things happen. They either choose the 'least worse' or they don't vote and then get blamed for apathy.
    So true.

    I've always said that there should be a "None of the above" option on the ballots.

  5. #5
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    Seems like an exercise in futility to me

    I understand not liking enough of the candidates to vote for any of them, but who cares about a scratched vote, vs a declined vote, vs a no-show? It's all the same in the end.
    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
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    Came back to ogle 2Legit2Quit wife's buns...
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    They're certainly big, but I don't know if they are the BEST I've tasted.

  6. #6
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    Just vote Liberal.

    That will destroy the PCs and strip them down to the nuts.

    Then maybe after 4 years they will be worth voting for again.

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    Originally posted by Tik-Tok
    Seems like an exercise in futility to me

    I understand not liking enough of the candidates to vote for any of them, but who cares about a scratched vote, vs a declined vote, vs a no-show? It's all the same in the end.
    But that's exactly it. If you don't vote then the public chalks it up to apathy / not caring. If people actually went out and declined to vote it would start showing that people are informed, do care, but don't support any of the candidates.

    In elections one vote never matters, but collectively it can change things. Ideas spread, if 10k people declined to vote and the media picks up on it, maybe more people are aware next election and 50k decline to vote, and so on. Change takes time in democracies, but nothing will change if people don't take the initiative.

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    ^Nailed it.

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    Why would the politicians give 2 shits if you don't vote?

    Imo it gives them a the more reason to ignore your opinions and views since you aren't a voter anyways.

    You are just one less person they have to convince to join their side.

    Anonymously spoiling a ballot means nothing.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

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    Apathy - that's why I still have Druh as a councilor.
    Will fuck off, again.

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    Originally posted by pheoxs
    Ideas spread, if 10k people declined to vote and the media picks up on it, maybe more people are aware next election and 50k decline to vote, and so on. Change takes time in democracies, but nothing will change if people don't take the initiative.
    Every election I note that the votes never add up to the number of voters there was, and not once have I ever heard the media talk about that little gap. I'm not even sure they receive the information of how many are scratched vs refused. They'd much rather focus on the non-voter apathy anyways.

    Procedure on close of poll
    111 (1)
    After the closing of the poll, the deputy returning officer
    shall immediately count the number of spoiled and declined ballots and record the total on the outside of the envelope containing those ballots and then seal it.
    So there you go. There's one envelope with both spoiled and declined.
    Last edited by Tik-Tok; 04-08-2015 at 05:11 PM.

  12. #12
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    I suspect that if the ballots did have a "None of the above option" (and it was made well known), then voter turn out to specifically choose that option would increase significantly.

    The people would then realize that they're united, and that's what starts public protests and even revolutions.

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    Originally posted by Seth1968

    The people would then realize that they're united, and that's what starts public protests and even revolutions.
    The only thing they are united in is not being able to make up their minds.

    If you really think none of the options fits your needs and that a lot of people agree with you and your policies then run for office. That's how you really "fight the system".

    I bet you would be surprised at the number of people who think you are retarded.

    If you choose not to vote or decline to vote all you are is a sheep who instead of needing sheparding, walks into the paddock on his own.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

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    The only thing they are united in is not being able to make up their minds.
    I've read (and continue to read) thousands of Albertan's opinions on the matter via various blogs. The reason they can't make up their minds, is that they view the parties as basically the same, but with a different name.

    More specifically, the concern is entitlement, over spending, corruption, lack of accountability, outrageous compensation and retirement packages, corporate lobbying, back room deals, illegal donations, denial of certain civil rights, etc, etc.

    The rest of your post isn't worth replying to.

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    Originally posted by Seth1968

    I've read (and continue to read) thousands of Albertan's opinions on the matter via various blogs. The reason they can't make up their minds, is that they view the parties as basically the same, but with a different name.

    More specifically, the concern is entitlement, over spending, corruption, lack of accountability, outrageous compensation and retirement packages, corporate lobbying, back room deals, illegal donations, denial of certain civil rights, etc, etc.

    The rest of your post isn't worth replying to.
    A lot of talk there.

    But your declining to vote plan carries about as much weight as staging a sit in in your living room.

    Your right. That's totally going to bring about change.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  16. #16
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    I believe that what I and pheoxs are saying, is exactly what would happen.

    You state that running for office is the best way to "fight" the system. I suggest that it's the least effective way to illicit change, with the most effective being public protest.

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    Originally posted by Seth1968
    I believe that what I and pheoxs are saying, is exactly what would happen.

    You state that running for office is the best way to "fight" the system. I suggest that it's the least effective way to illicit change, with the most effective being public protest.
    Your theory of what exactly?

    Step 1 spoil Ballot

    Step 2 media reports that bunch of people anonymously spoil ballots.


    Result Radical change in government policy by really teaching them a lesson!

    Pretty delusional if you ask me.

    More likely scenario?

    Step 1 Spoil Ballot

    Step 2 media reports that the PC's have won the election.


    Repeat until dead.

    I tell you what? Let's see who ends up being right.
    Originally posted by Thales of Miletus

    If you think I have been trying to present myself as intellectually superior, then you truly are a dimwit.
    Originally posted by Toma
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolobimmer View Post
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    guessing who I might be, psychologizing me with your non existent degree.

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by killramos

    Your theory of what exactly?

    Step 1 spoil Ballot

    Step 2 media reports that bunch of people anonymously spoil ballots.


    Result Radical change in government policy by really teaching them a lesson!

    Pretty delusional if you ask me.

    More likely scenario?

    Step 1 Spoil Ballot

    Step 2 media reports that the PC's have won the election.


    Repeat until dead.

    I tell you what? Let's see who ends up being right.
    As I said before, one vote will never make a difference regardless of what you do. However if enough people get fed up, and are aware that this is an option, those numbers ad up.

    Sure if a hundred people decline to vote the media won't even notice, not different than if I run as an independent and get a hundred votes.

    However if it builds traction and the election after you have a significant amount of people doing it, they can't ignore it. If 10% of the population went out and declined it would make headlines, not just here but across Canada too and be an embarrassment to the political parties.

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    Originally posted by killramos

    Your theory of what exactly?

    Step 1 spoil Ballot

    Step 2 media reports that bunch of people anonymously spoil ballots.


    Result Radical change in government policy by really teaching them a lesson!

    Pretty delusional if you ask me.

    More likely scenario?

    Step 1 Spoil Ballot

    Step 2 media reports that the PC's have won the election.


    Repeat until dead.

    I tell you what? Let's see who ends up being right.
    Ok Mr smartass, whats your all knowing perfect solution? O wait *yawn* we don't care.

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by pheoxs
    However if it builds traction and the election after you have a significant amount of people doing it, they can't ignore it. If 10% of the population went out and declined it would make headlines, not just here but across Canada too and be an embarrassment to the political parties.
    This reminds me of the "Nobody buy gas on Tuesday June XX" the gas companies will go bankrupt!

    It's never going to happen. You can barely get what 50% turnout total? 10% of those people spoiling their ballot?

    What's my advice? Educate yourself, vote for who you think best represents you, cross your fingers they win. If they don't, decide whether you can live in Alberta till the next election when it all happens again.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Before I start pwning all the members with my findings.
    Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
    Plus, is it true you can feed a pig elephant dong and it will still grow and build meat?
    Originally posted by Toma
    rx7_turbfoags best friend
    Toma the homophobe?

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