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Thread: RCMP officer damaged my Vehicle

  1. #1
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    Default RCMP officer damaged my Vehicle

    Alright today at 4:00pm (Sunday, June 18th I was driving from Edmonton to Calgary (in my 94 Eagle Talon) when near red deer I was pulled over for speeding, now I was in fact speeding going about 125km/h and I have no problem with a speeding ticket though it seems odd to get pulled over for a speed that low on Hwy 2.

    Anyway he comes up behind me and I pull over, few min later he comes and asks for my License and Registration takes it and goes to his car he then returns a few moments later and asks me if I know the posted speed limit for the area, I reply that I do; he asks how fast I think I was going. I reply “110km/h” he informs me that I was in fact going 125km/h I deny it. He then without asking or saying anything begins picking with his thumbnail at the tint on my passenger side window ripping about an ¼ of my tint off. I ask him what he is doing and he reply that it’s illegal to have tint on side windows not behind the driver and asks who applied the tint. I ask him politely to stop picking at my tint to which he reply’s “you MUST remove this tint before I can let you go.” I ask if he is serious to which he states that I must now begin to remove the tint myself. I then ask him very directly if he is ordering me to remove the tint from my windows. He replies that yes I must do it right now. I ask him if I have to do it right now or if I can do it later he tells me he cannot hear me and asks me to step out of the vehicle, but wait here is the fun part. He then opens my passenger side door without asking, this is where the problem starts. I curbed the car a few weeks earlier after being cut off, this pushed my right passenger fender back and it now prevented my passenger door from being opened, it could only open about 1.5 inches before hitting the fender and stopping. This cop I guess did not notice and just reamed my door open causing a large crease in my fender and popping most of a trim piece off the same fender. I ask him what he is doing and if he noticed that he just damaged my vehicle he replies that he did not notice. I myself had tried opening the door after the curbing and it was VERY noticeable that the door overlapped with the fender by almost a ½ inch there was no way he did not noticed that he just bent my fender. He asked me to step out of the car as he leans in and takes a sniff, I ask him again directly “Are you searching my vehicle?” he replies “No, just helping you get out.” Which was Bullshit, he was very clearing trying to illegally inspect the interior of the vehicle he has no probably cause to be opening my passenger door, especially since there was no passenger and I was in the drivers seat with a center console in the way.

    I climb over the console and exit the vehicle, the tells me to start removing the tint and starts picking at it again. I again ask if he is ordering me to do it and he replies that he is. I begin to remove the tint leaving a huge sticky mess on my window he tells me to do the other one before he will let me go. I ask him about the fender and what he’s going to do about the damage. He tells me “It looks like that was already there son.” I tell him that It most defiantly was not. He tells me I am getting off easy with just a speeding ticket I stop talking before I dig myself into a hole, I finish ripping the tint off the other window he explains the ticket to me tells me my three options tells me to have a nice day and walks back to his car and drives away.

    I now has 1 $89 speeding ticket for 15 over the limit giving me 2 demerits which I will go fight, 1 Hugely messed up front fender and two windows covered in a huge sticky mess that looks ugly as hell. I am now trying to figure out what the hell to do to get this fixed. I honestly feel that he violated my rights by opening my door and destroying my window tint without asking or saying anything to me on either occasion. I know the tint was illegal whatever I would have eater a ticket for it because I have been driving around for a year in the car and never been pulled over before and its unlikely I would ever get another ticket for the tint, but now my windows are covered in glue and looks terrible. The fender also has me pretty choked since before he decided to open the door all I had to do to fix it was take the fender off and reposition it and it would have been fine, now I need a new fender and trim piece and some repainting on the lip my door. Any suggestions on what I can do to have this set right?

  2. #2
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    Guess you should've been nice and taken off the tint like he first asked.

    Good thing he decided not to impound and tow your car for the tint as well, since Red Deer is a long walk to Edmonton or Calgary.

    Shitty about your fender (it really is) but it could have been avoided very, very easily.

    Most cops I know would have towed your car the second or third time you questioned them about the tint. You know it's illegal, so why argue?

  3. #3
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    Damn dude, that is the gayist shit i have ever heard.

    But the tint happened to me, in sask, and he made me take it off too, but sure as hell not like that.

    I had to use goo be gone and razerblade to get it all off, you might also want to take your door trim off as you will still see some of the goo

    good luck

  4. #4
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    For the goo use hot water and a razor blade.

    but next time u get pulled over, roll ur window down all the way really fast before he gets to ur window

    we left edmonton @ like 4 o clock, averaged 140-150 the whole way back no cops to be seen.

  5. #5
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    I was very polite when asking I was just very shocked that he reached into my car and riped off a chunk of tint without saying anything. I mean asking me to remove it is one thing removing it himself without asking I consider to be a violation of my private property. And I am well within my rights to question any direction that a police officer gives me, I did not know if he could actully force me to remove the tint so I wanted to be very clear that he was ordering me to do it incase any sort of damge was caused because of it. And honestly I would have prefered he towed my car rather than damage it such as he did.

  6. #6
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    the RCMP picked at mine too... i wasnt impressed but i was to shocked to say shit.

    a buddy of mine had his slashed with a razor blade

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  8. #8
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    I'll give to that kind of bullshit as well. Asking is one thing but just starting to peel it off and shit himself is wrong. Opening your doors and shit is bullshit as well IMO.

    I came home from Edmonton today as well....lucky I guess because I averaged around 140kmh the whole way home (I slow down near Ponoka and Red Deer...).

  9. #9
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    What a dick! Too bad man, sorry to hear about it!

  10. #10
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    These guys got enough authority they can fuck around with whoever they want.

    i'd rather be harassed by a regular cop then an RCMP officer. 90% of RCMP encounters involve an Asshole officer (because he can be. )

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by RotaryDrifter

    These guys got enough authority they can fuck around with whoever they want.

    i'd rather be harassed by a regular cop then an RCMP officer. 90% of RCMP encounters involve an Asshole officer (because he can be. )
    ya cant fuck with rcmp

  12. #12
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    Thats definetly shitty. I actually got a speeding ticket like 3 weeks ago doing about 135km/h on #1 between Calgary and Strathmore and the RCMP only gave me a 111km/h ticket, was pretty nice about the whole thing and even commented on my car.

    Tonight though I was driving past 16th and Centre Street and got pulled over, I was doing only about 55ish so I knew I wasn't speeding. A CPS officer got out and came over to my door and asked me to roll down my windows and I obliged. He then comments on how I have nice rims, I was like WTF? Next he asks where I got them since there is a same set of rims stolen tonight in the NE! I was totally shocked and it took like a minute for his question to set in, then I replied I got them from Speedtech a while back. Now I have to fax a copy of the rim sale receipt to him. Talk about a fucked up experience . I am sure he can't tell the difference between crappy tire american racing rims and my racing harts. Even if he could how the hell can he tell what rims mine were when I was in motion. "Sigh" Rant is over....

  13. #13
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    whoa...go fight that in court dude...i think i am not sure if you got iilegal tint i think they should give you a least a week to get it off...and the door opening thing i dont think tahts allowed...they would prob have a search warrent for that (sorry for spelling mistake) that some bull shit...well that sucks..

    i would fight it

  14. #14
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    What he did is entirely a violation of your rights. Fight it.

    Its your property, without a warrant or probable cause he was no right to touch your tint or open your door.

    Awhile back I was loitering in chinook parking lot, just hanging out after hours in the underground parkade.

    For some reason the security thought we were pushing carts around, and asked me to return a nearby cart I had nothing to do with. When I left to do that I came back and noticed the hatch of my car was open and the security was snooping around in my trunk. I diligently asked "what the $%^@ are you doing". They said "it was open, we were just looking around... Which is complete BS. I found out later my freinds had opened it and for some reason the security guard found it fit to touch my belongings in the trunk. I argued with them over it, and told them they have no right to do that and I would WILLINGLY call the cops, accept being banned from that mall just to see them both out of a job.

    Funny how they left right after I said that. Never called the cops, didnt want the hassle.

    But as far as your situation goes that officer had no right to do what he did. In a similar situation I had a licence plate cover an officer asked me to remove, I did so, removed it, and after some aggrovating use of his siren right in my ear I landed a 120 dollar ticket for a licence plate cover. When you go to court ( and I say WHEN, not if.) Bring photos of the fender and any other problems encountered with the officer, and explain what he did. Make sure the officer is there in court when you go, because Im sure you want to talk face to face with him this time with a prepared argument.

    Personally, I think RCMP is going to shit. I got pulled over in vancouver and the cop aparantly radared me, while moving, from over 1/2 KM away, up a hill, in drenching rain. According to him I was GOING 104 he clocked me at 114 and He gave me a ticket for 75. I was, in reality, going 80.

    Its just so horrible to see an officer of the law, meant to PROTECT your rights as a tax-paying honest canadian and use them against you, violate them.

    For RCMP.

  15. #15
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    What an IDIOT!

  16. #16
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    The RCMP are window tint nazi's.

    But whatever, it is the law so what can you do? Get it re-done

  17. #17
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    I would be more concerned with the damage to the car than with the removal of illegal window tint, you know its illegal on the fronts and you got busted so whatever. but he damaged your car. his info is all on the speeding ticket. take it downtown and tell them that he pulled you over for speeding, you removed the tint like he asked and he proceeding to open the passenger door without your consent damaging your fender. I would, I dont care if they are RCMP they can't just damage your stuff and say "it was like that when i got here" have a friend from edmonton write you up a paper describing what damage has been done and see if you have a picture of the car while you were in edmonton.

  18. #18
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    I've had my car impounded by the leduc rcmp on my drive back from edmonchuck back in my ricer days. Tinted windows, ricer bulbs, lack of amber reflectors, and exhaust. The asshole peeled the tint partially, and told me to finish it. Once I was done, he called a tow truck, and had my car towed to an impound lot because it was not "street legal"!!! I had to have my sister bring all of my stock parts to me, from Calgary, I had to swap them over in the pouring rain, pay the impound/towing charge, and drive home. Best part....my sunroof was open for 3 hours in the pouring rain.

    Moral of the story: Keep your mods legal, or as discreet as possible. Ricers prepare to be owned.

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by glennc
    Its your property, without a warrant or probable cause he was no right to touch your tint or open your door.
    I'm pretty sure that no warrant is necessary to search a car on the public roads.

    A warrant *may* be required if it's in your garage (or on your property) - but if they follow you to your house and you park the car to avoid being searched - you may still be out of luck...

    It's a lot different in the USA...

    This is just my recollection from a legal course I took years ago.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: RCMP officer damaged my Vehicle

    Originally posted by ThinkAboutIt
    ....... I ask if he is serious to which he states that I must now begin to remove the tint myself. I then ask him very directly if he is ordering me to remove the tint from my windows. He replies that yes I must do it right now. I ask him if I have to do it right now or if I can do it later .....
    Being a smartass in front of an asshole with law on his side doesn't help. You are just giving him reasons to fuck with you some more.

    If he said, he want tints remove, do it. You know it's illegal, he knows it's illegal. Don't try to weasel out.

    File a complaint all you want but I won't over something so minor. It'll probably just paint a target on your back.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 06-19-2006 at 09:01 AM.

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