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Thread: Pot, Ecstasy and LSD... Safer than Alcohol, Cigarettes

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    Default Pot, Ecstasy and LSD... Safer than Alcohol, Cigarettes


    The new system ranks drugs according to the estimated harm they cause, rather than by the current A, B, and C divisions. Tobacco appears in the top half of a league table of 20 legal and illegal substances, well above the Class A drug Ecstasy, possession of which can result in a seven-year jail sentence.

    Personally, I think the only reason that LSD and MDMA are illegal and alcohol isn't is cause:

    1) Alcohol is ingrained in human exsistence. Humans have been drinking it for thousands of years.
    2) LSD and MDMA have much more profound effects. People who are uneducated on the issue automatically assume that they must be worse for you because of this.

    I decided to to make this thread cause of the upcoming Tiesto show, Im sure there will be a lot of people busted with mdma and it could potentially get them a record and have a big effect on their lives.

    Also, I made this thread cause people I've talked to have a grossly exaggerated idea of the dangers of these things.

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    I've done all of the above in my life. And I agree 100% that alcohol and tobacco are worse in a sense...Extensive use of anything will definitely cause big problems though.

    I started noticing ill effects from alot of things I was doing so I stopped doing them a pretty good while ago.

    Left with only tobacco, alcohol and marijuana I quickly noticed tobacco being the most worthless addiction ever and dropped that.

    Fast forward 5 more years of smoking weed every day and I realized that was also detrimental to my health and memory and stopped doing that as well (this was very recently quit)...Since I decided to stop smoking weed I decided to cut back on my drinking from 3 or 4 times a month to maybe once or twice...

    We'll see what it does in the near future...So far I'm happy about the decisions made.

    Now would I agree with classing drugs the way they are in the original post...Not quite. All of those substances can be dangerous in the wrong hands. I've witnessed enough od's and near od's to say that they should always be illegal and should always be classed much differently than tobacco and alcohol.

    Alcohol and tobacco can be regulated...How would it be possible to do so with any other drug/substance really?

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    The same way you do alcohol?

    You only sell regulated, strictly monitored, legally made (Much safer) versions at licensed stores, to 18+.

    Why would anyone buy from a sketchy drug dealer when they can buy from a much safer and legit source.

    I dont really think we should legalize any of them unless proper education is given. Thats probably the most dangerous aspect. Hardly anyone dies from the drugs themselves (and I mean RARE, need to have a pre existing condition), its stupid users. Mixing, not taking proper pre-cautions etc...

    To be honest I've only tried mdma and I was terrified the first time I did it. Spent hours researching it and weighing the risks and thats when I learned its really not that bad for you if you do small doses every now and then it has zero permanent damage and its really hard to get hurt on it as long as you stay properly hydrated.

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    Originally posted by dj_patm
    To be honest I've only tried mdma and I was terrified the first time I did it. Spent hours researching it and weighing the risks and thats when I learned its really not that bad for you if you do small doses every now and then it has zero permanent damage and its really hard to get hurt on it as long as you stay properly hydrated.
    What was the feeling like being on pure MDMA? If there was one controlled drug I might try one day, that would be it.

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    And this is probably a better representation of various drugs and their effects/addiction properties.

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    Originally posted by revelations

    What was the feeling like being on pure MDMA? If there was one controlled drug I might try one day, that would be it.
    Feels decent I hear try it out
    Last edited by slinkie; 04-13-2011 at 10:11 PM.

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    This is how I describe it although its really hard to do.

    Have you ever had a really great day? Everything is going great and you just feel good? Not just emotionally but theres that small physical kind of tingly feeling of joy. Well if you know what Im talking about... Its that. x1000.

    You literally feel overwhelmed with that physical feeling of happiness.

    Its really something everyone should try once in their lives.
    Last edited by dj_patm; 04-13-2011 at 10:21 PM.

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    Also do it at a rave or somewhere that theres a ton of people on it as well. Its quite awesome because every chick thats on it digs you and theres no egos or douchebags. Everyone is just happy.
    Last edited by dj_patm; 04-13-2011 at 11:14 PM.

  10. #10
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    If you've smoked weed every day since you probably started smoking it, it has already caused all the damage (to your brain) that its going to. Being smart means knowing how to take things in moderation. Doing any of those excessively will eventually fuck you up pretty bad. You can eat chocolate everyday and eventually it will fuck you up. Take even heroin, no matter how crazy of a drug it is, if you manage to not get addicted, the bodily harm is negligible if you manage to do it once a year. (Extremely hypothetical of course)
    Originally posted by banned3x
    i wasent trying to fuck my grandma, i was just trying to feel her boobs.

  11. #11
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    i dunno i could run further during my reefer use then i can now. but at the same time now is less of a paranoia and cheetos blur
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    Originally posted by dj_patm

    To be honest I've only tried mdma and I was terrified the first time I did it. Spent hours researching it and weighing the risks and thats when I learned its really not that bad for you if you do small doses every now and then it has zero permanent damage and its really hard to get hurt on it as long as you stay properly hydrated.
    that is absolutely false. I was having trouble early on in my post secondary ed (GPA dropped a full point) and felt I was having cognition difficulties so I went to see a therapist who specialized in neuroscience. One of the first things she asked me was if I had ever done MDMA. I didn't know this prior, but MDMA causes neural pathways to overload and causes dead zones even when taken in small doses, this is why they used to say MDMA "ate away at your brain". It obviously doesn't physically eat away at the brain, just causes dead spots. on top of this MDMA can permanently effect the way your brain regulates serotonin

    sounds like you didn't actually do much research into it.

    The thing is, Alcohol in moderation isn't very bad for you. A few glasses of beer can be quickly processed by your body without really doing any damage. The problem is you get these dim whits that over drink on a consistent basis. Alcohol is one of the leading causes of brain damage but only because people can't moderate themselves. Alcohol is a much less dangerous drug than anything out there it just requires some level of intelligence when using it.

    either way I don't think they should move towards legalizing more drugs but rather better regulate the ones we have allowed in our society. And do you think the same idiots getting sloshed every week are going to exercise moderation with more powerful drugs when they obviously can't handle themselves with the basic ones???
    Last edited by J-hop; 04-14-2011 at 12:01 AM.

  13. #13
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    ^ That is scientifically impossible. There is no way you have better cardio while smoking compared to not smoking unless there are other factors at play.

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    Originally posted by J-hop

    that is absolutely false. I was having trouble early on in my post secondary ed (GPA dropped a full point) and felt I was having cognition difficulties so I went to see a therapist who specialized in neuroscience. One of the first things she asked me was if I had ever done MDMA. I didn't know this prior, but MDMA causes neural pathways to overload and causes dead zones even when taken in small doses, this is why they used to say MDMA "ate away at your brain". It obviously doesn't physically eat away at the brain, just causes dead spots. on top of this MDMA can permanently effect the way your brain regulates serotonin

    sounds like you didn't actually do much research into it.

    The thing is, Alcohol in moderation isn't very bad for you. A few glasses of beer can be quickly processed by your body without really doing any damage. The problem is you get these dim whits that over drink on a consistent basis. Alcohol is one of the leading causes of brain damage but only because people can't moderate themselves. Alcohol is a much less dangerous drug than anything out there it just requires some level of intelligence when using it.

    either way I don't think they should move towards legalizing more drugs but rather better regulate the ones we have allowed in our society. And do you think the same idiots getting sloshed every week are going to exercise moderation with more powerful drugs when they obviously can't handle themselves with the basic ones???
    Finally someone who knows what they are talking about.

    I'm no angel so I won't judge but don't lie saying you "do your research" and come up with that conclusion. Do you know what chemicals MDMA puts into your body and what releases in your brain from inducing it? "dead spots" are caused by the constant firing of nerves in the brain(wonder why you feel so good?) that essentially "wear" out the nerves. They aren't really dead they just need a much higher level of chemical to allow them to fire again. This is where addiction comes from. If you wear out enough of these you cannot function properly without drugs induced into your system and it is extremely hard to quit because you will never be able to have those "feelings" naturally again.

    Don't try to trick yourself into thinking something is alright for you when it isn't. Drugs like MDMA and ecstacy are much much much worse then alcohol is on anyones body because small amounts can permanently effect you where as alcohol you need an excessive constant amount over a long period of time to show permanent effects to your brain. Don't have a clue what tobacco or ganja does to you but my pot head friends do seem a little slower then most people(personal opinion no science).

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    I have yet to see a single article that wasn't retracted stating any long term effects in humans of mdma.

    There was one study done, thats later retracted after it was proven to have been falsified and the results exaggerated. I'm almost positive that this is the study that YOU are refering to. I don't really think its a good idea to google about this at work but I will try when I'm home. I specifically remember reading about these "holes in your brain" and that this was proven to be COMPLETLY FALSE yet is still believed to be true by many people due to the fact that the retraction of the study didn't get any media attention.

    I'll try finding a link on my phone.
    Last edited by dj_patm; 04-14-2011 at 08:47 AM.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by revelations

    What was the feeling like being on pure MDMA? If there was one controlled drug I might try one day, that would be it.
    Pretty freaking good. Wife and I tried it once, and would do it again, but we don't know any dealers of any kind, anymore, lol. Probably for the best.

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    First article I found on my phone: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma...oxicity3.shtml

    There are references within that article.

    Like I said. There has yet to be any studies done showing permanent damage with recreational MDMA use. Obviously heavy doses can be harmful, and the drug in nature is very dangerous when people are uneducated about how to properly take it. Thats why I think it should remain illegall.

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    "See, I think drugs have done some *good* things for us, I really do. And if you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a Favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your cd’s and burn em’. 'Cause you know what? The musicians who’ve made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years...
    Rrrrrrrrrrrrreal ------ high on drugs.

    It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom, it´s what it is ok?. Keep that in mind at all times. Thank you!"

    -- Bill Hicks

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    Unless you show me some studies of course.

    And don't give me wiki. Cause if you read the articles that are referenced on wiki (which I did) then you'll see that pretty much every article disagrees with another.

    There's a reason that theres so many articles and reports done that claim the safety of MDMA vs. other drugs such as alcohol.

    Also I don't want to come off of some heavy using douchebag. I've only done it a few times with months in between use. I'm just defending the fact that I did research and I'm not just spewing BS like some of you seem to think.

  20. #20
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    Knowledge about drugs in our society is almost as non-existent as knowledge about foreign affairs or the economy. We live in a world of ignorance where people think MDMA puts holes in your brain and "reefer madness" is a real affliction.

    Originally posted by ekguy
    All of those substances can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
    Joe Rogan said it best: Cheeseburgers can be dangerous in the wrong hands too. So can piano wire, and cars, and MDMA, alcohol, or anything else. How many people die from drinking and smoking per year and how many die from OD of all illegal drugs combined? I think the numbers may shock some people.

    Originally posted by revelations

    What was the feeling like being on pure MDMA? If there was one controlled drug I might try one day, that would be it.
    It feels like someone turned all your dials to 11.
    Last edited by arian_ma; 04-14-2011 at 09:07 AM.
    Originally posted by rage2
    #1: don't ever question me.

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