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Thread: Sleep Apnea

  1. #1
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    Default Sleep Apnea

    So my girlfriend slept over last night and said that I was snoring a tad last night. Said it wasn't much, but sometimes it got loud and it sounded like I was almost choking.

    Lately I have been waking up fine, but feeling tired throughout the day, taking multiple naps, etc. I have also been slightly moody lately (anxiety, snapping on people, etc.)

    First thing that came to mind was sleep apnea. After doing a bit of research online, it sounds exactly right. Just wondering if anyone else suffers from this? I've been told to go to a doctor ASAP, which I plan on doing next weekend, but just curious on what the process is. I imagine they will want me to go to a sleep clinic... Which just sounds expensive.

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    funny i was gonna start looking up info on this cause the wife was saying the same thing to me she said she was watching me and seemed like i wouldn t breath right then i would take in a big gasp of air if you find any more info please post it

  3. #3
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    Do you sleep on your back? If yes then look into a neck pillow and put the large bump under your neck. It tilts your head back and opens your airway. They take some getting used to but they help some people that snore and have sleep apnea.

    One of these

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    I sleep on my side, but I imagine I roll onto my back at some point in the night. She said it only happened when I was on my back which was expected.

    4bier from the research I did, everyone says go to a doctor ASAP. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, chest pains, etc. So it sounds rather serious.

    I really wish I don't have to wear a stupid CPAP machine when I sleep though....

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    I have some contacts with the alberta advanced respiratory care network. I could probably get it set up so you can do the take home sleep study, or put you in contact with the right people.

    Most people with sleep apnea have no idea they have it. I have a client that we discovered stopped breathing 30 something times over night. She had no clue and has been tired her entire life.

    AFAIK its not the sleep study thats expensive but its the cpap machines that run a couple thousand.

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    Originally posted by Spoons
    I sleep on my side, but I imagine I roll onto my back at some point in the night. She said it only happened when I was on my back which was expected.

    4bier from the research I did, everyone says go to a doctor ASAP. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, chest pains, etc. So it sounds rather serious.

    I really wish I don't have to wear a stupid CPAP machine when I sleep though....
    ...as well those machines are bloody expensive. Around $2,200. Unless you're lucky enough and have a good extended medical plan. I got mine directly from a US distributor and paid $900 for the very same machine.

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    Originally posted by C_Dave45

    ...as well those machines are bloody expensive. Around $2,200. Unless you're lucky enough and have a good extended medical plan. I got mine directly from a US distributor and paid $900 for the very same machine.
    Do you have to use it every single night? I don't know if I could handle that. Not to mention wearing it when I'm in bed with my girlfriend... I'm a cuddler... That hose would get annoying.

  8. #8
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    I suffer from this...

    First thing you need to ask yourself is do you consider yourself over weight?

    Weight gain is the number one cause for this sleep disorder. The best cure for this is to lose the weight. You will see a significant difference after just 10 lbs of weight lose however if your condition is serious enough please don't shy away from it. Although it is not so sexy CPAP is something your body needs as part of the repair process. Remember that gasping for air? The reason you are doing that is because you have literally stopped breathing and when your body senses a lack of oxygen your brains alarm goes off and sends a signal for you to start breathing.

    Don't freak out over it... It's 100% curable. It only becomes a problem if you choose to accept it and do nothing about it. Depending on each individual case sleep apnea can be fixed either through weight loss, surgery or an oral device such as mouth piece that helps pull your jaw forward in order to increase the passage way. If your condition is not related to being over weight then most likely the surgery or mouth piece will fix your problem.

    Unfortunately this condition is not taken into any priority with Alberta Health and therefore there is very little support for this and you’re left at the mercy of the private clinics that will take you for every penny you got. There is one program supported by the CHA that I am currently on the wait list for put it takes a fucken long time to get in. So far I have been on the list for a year.

    Contact your family doctor to get you on the wait list (I can remember the name of the centre/program) for the free one or if money is no concern then contact the Centre for Sleep which is up in the south in Sundance (there may be other private clinics but I am unaware).

    Other then that going back to the top... If you’re over weight then shed those pounds and the problem will fix its self.
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  9. #9
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    Originally posted by crewchaud

    Don't freak out over it... It's 100% curable. It only becomes a problem if you choose to accept it and do nothing about it. Depending on each individual case sleep apnea can be fixed either through weight loss, surgery or an oral device such as mouth piece that helps pull your jaw forward in order to increase the passage way. If your condition is not related to being over weight then most likely the surgery or mouth piece will fix your problem.
    Curious where you're getting this info from. I have sleep apnea. I'm not overweight at all. Both my doctor as well as my sleep apnea specialist said its not curable. (only in some mild cases it is, especially if its due to weight).
    Also said the surgeries are a temporary fix at best, most don't solve the problem at all. The mouth pieces are pretty much useless.

    Spoons: First get it checked out by a sleep clinic. A lot of times people have the symptoms, but it is not actual "apnea". So get that done first.

    But yes...it IS a pain. You have to use it every night. Even when on vacation, the stupid machine comes with me. You DO get used to it and you sleep like a baby. I'm no longer tired during the day, never nod off at the wheel and generally a way healthier person. But yeah...cuddling is out. (Although you CAN "spoon" with her behind you quite comfortably)

    PS; not trying to say you're wrong, crewchaud...I'm just confused as to why I got almost a complete different prognosis from my doc and SA specialist. Believe me I exhausted ALL avenues...PLEADED to find a different cure than having to buy the stupid machine and depend on it for the rest of my life. I was embarrassed to use it in front of the wife for a long time. I wouldn't put it on until the lights were out.
    Last edited by C_Dave45; 04-16-2011 at 07:53 PM.

  10. #10
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    yeah I have never heard about it being curable...

    Also from some people that have it mild have told me that mouthpiece only (good ones custom made) solved their issues.

    Also form people I know that sleep with people that use cpap machines depending on the style of mask occasinally they will move slightly on the face while sleeping and make a hissing noise... by occasional i mean 1 every 2 weeks or more once they got used to sleeping with it on and going into a deep sleep and not moving all around.
    Originally posted by rage2
    Ya, I built some crazy ass shit with Lego as a kid. I had a thing for AMC Eagle AWD's as a kid for some bizarre reason, so I spent a lot of time going to the library and reading up on how AWD works in that car. I even hitchhiked to the library once cuz my parents were too lazy to drive me haha. Ya, I'm a nerd.

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    Hey Russ, my bro and I both have vicious sleep Apnea.
    Try looking into a machine that helps your breathing (I'll ask my bro what its called, as I dont use it). What it does is create a constant positive pressure into your lungs via a mouthpiece & hose. I've talked to about 4 other people with the same condition and they all claim it does wonders for them.
    Unfortunately, you really need benefits at your workplace that'll cover it as its a $2500 machine, but its something to really consider.

    For myself, oddly enough I just take Zopiclone (7.5mG) and it seems to work very well for me. Others dont react nearly as well to it, so its quite hit and miss.

    Ill send you a PM or post it here when I find out the exact name for that machine.
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  12. #12
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    I think that my symptoms are similar to yours, and my father has been diagnosed with sleep apnea but I manage mine by using Breathe Right strips.. they stop my snoring completely and I get a good nights rest.. otherwise I feel like I haven't slept at all no matter how long I sleep. They are a lot less intrusive than a CPAP, and worth a try. You can get them at any drug store.

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    Originally posted by Graham_A_M
    Hey Russ, my bro and I both have vicious sleep Apnea.
    Try looking into a machine that helps your breathing (I'll ask my bro what its called, as I dont use it). What it does is create a constant positive pressure into your lungs via a mouthpiece & hose. I've talked to about 4 other people with the same condition and they all claim it does wonders for them.
    Unfortunately, you really need benefits at your workplace that'll cover it as its a $2500 machine, but its something to really consider. ......

    Ill send you a PM or post it here when I find out the exact name for that machine.
    Didn't bother to read the whole thread eh? scroll up... we've been talking about the machine for the past 5 posts.

    They're $2200 from the sleep clinics here, but you can order them online for $900 direct from a US distributor.

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    Originally posted by Graham_A_M

    For myself, oddly enough I just take Zopiclone (7.5mG) and it seems to work very well for me. Others dont react nearly as well to it, so its quite hit and miss.
    I don't see how a tranquillizer stops sleep apnea. Probably worsens the apnea.

    Daily or continuous use of the drug is not usually advised. Zopiclone is a tranquilliser drug. It works by causing a depression or tranquillisation of the Central Nervous System.


    Found more info,

    The responsible use of Zopiclone and other similar sleep aids can help those who have mild to severe sleeping problems get a full night's rest by gently coaxing them into a deep sleep. Though sleep apnea is a common sleep disturbance, Zopiclone should not be used by those suffering from this disorder, because the use of a sleeping aid may make the condition worse.
    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/27...#ixzz1JnIm61Hv
    Last edited by Pinner; 04-17-2011 at 09:22 AM.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Pinner

    I don't see how a tranquillizer stops sleep apnea. Probably worsens the apnea.

    For mild cases of sleep apnea, a treatment which is a lifestyle change is sleeping on one's side, which can prevent the tongue and palate from falling backwards in the throat and blocking the airway. Another is avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills, which can relax throat muscles, contributing to the collapse of the airway at night.
    Most people think that just because they're loud snorers, then they have sleep apnea. Which isn't the case. Breath rights might cure snoring..they don't cure Sleep Apnea.
    Last edited by C_Dave45; 04-17-2011 at 09:30 AM.

  16. #16
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    Okay well the girl slept over again, said I didn't do it last night. But she explained last night as that I still kept breathing but it seemed restricted. Like a wheezing sound.

    I'm not over weight. I'm 150lbs @ 6'2". I am quite skinny. BUT I would not say I am the most healthy person either. Many people recommended that I:

    1) Stop drinking coffee. This seems to have a huge affect on it.
    2) Stop smoking. Again, huge affect.
    3) Start exercising more.

    I do occasionally wake up, like this morning, with a slight headache or my neck is sore. I slept with two pillows under my head instead of one. By the wheezing I am assuming mine isn't too bad.

    My dad is a violent snorer. You can sometimes hear him from the room over. It looks like this is pretty hereditary.

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    These are the guys I went to see: http://www.vitalaire.com/en/sleep.html

    I forget how much the diagnostics cost me. Not a whole lot. Around $150 IIRC. They send you home with a machine that records your breathing rate, heart rate, how many times you stop breathing, as well as an audio recording of your nights sleep. Then they gave me the use of a CPAP machine for a month trial, then I had the option of buying it. Couldn't afford the $2200 so I started looking online and found it less than half price.

    VitalAire offered to set the machine up to my specs for me for a small fee.

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by C_Dave45
    These are the guys I went to see: http://www.vitalaire.com/en/sleep.html

    I forget how much the diagnostics cost me. Not a whole lot. Around $150 IIRC. They send you home with a machine that records your breathing rate, heart rate, how many times you stop breathing, as well as an audio recording of your nights sleep. Then they gave me the use of a CPAP machine for a month trial, then I had the option of buying it. Couldn't afford the $2200 so I started looking online and found it less than half price.

    VitalAire offered to set the machine up to my specs for me for a small fee.
    My biggest thing is that I am 22. The girl I am with is probably not the girl I will marry, so there is still a lot of single Spoons partying left in me... Meaning there will be times where I won't be going to my place

    Is this something I would absolutely have to use all the time, or the odd night here and there without it won't be too bad?

    To be honest, if the CPAP machine allows me to sleep like a baby and not be over tired, I am all for it. But really I hadn't noticed being tired/slight headaches till now really. Could this be stress related?

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by Spoons

    My biggest thing is that I am 22. The girl I am with is probably not the girl I will marry, so there is still a lot of single Spoons partying left in me... Meaning there will be times where I won't be going to my place

    Is this something I would absolutely have to use all the time, or the odd night here and there without it won't be too bad?

    To be honest, if the CPAP machine allows me to sleep like a baby and not be over tired, I am all for it. But really I hadn't noticed being tired/slight headaches till now really. Could this be stress related?
    Could be. You might not even have it. But, no you don't absolutely have to use it every night. I go the odd night without mine. I don't take it when I go "dry" camping (no power) and sometimes just take a few nights "off" without using it. But when I don't use it I snore like a freight train. The wife won't sleep in the same room with me. With it...no snoring whatsoever.

    To me...when I sleep, I don't notice any difference with or without it. I just notice after a few days without it that I'm exhausted all the time. Also with it...I hardly move around in bed AT ALL. I'll often wake up in almost the same position.

  20. #20
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    My GF said the same thing to me actually not too long ago. So I talked to my family doctor during a yearly check up and he recommended me to go to Rana Respiratory Care. The consultant gave me some info regarding Sleep Apnea
    - It's hereditary
    - It's treatable
    - If it's really bad and you don't treat it, you are more prone to strokes in the future

    After the consultation, I rented a machine that data logged me while I slept (cost about $185). One of the doctors went over the results with me and told me I do have Sleep Apnea, BUT it wasn't severe enough that it would cause health issues. They used this scale to determine the severity of it, and I was a 4.7, and apparently anything above a 6 or 7 I believe, would start causing health problems.

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