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Thread: Afghan intelligence says children used in suicide attacks

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    Default Afghan intelligence says children used in suicide attacks


    This is just disgusting. I have no words.

    Afghan intelligence says children used in suicide attacks

    KABUL, Afghanistan — The orders from their religious teacher were clear: Go to Afghanistan, strap on a suicide vest and kill foreign forces.

    With that, 9-year-old Ghulam Farooq left his home in Pakistan with three other would-be boy bombers and headed into eastern Afghanistan.

    They were told there would be two members of the Taliban waiting for them at the Torkham border crossing in Nangarhar province. Instead, members of the Afghan intelligence service who had been tipped to the boys' plans arrested them at the border.

    "Our mullah told us that when we carried out our suicide attacks, all the people around us would die, but we would stay alive," Farooq said Saturday, sitting inside a juvenile detention facility in the Afghan capital.

    He was one of five alleged suicide bombers -- all boys in adolescence or even younger -- whom the Afghan intelligence service paraded before reporters, photographers and cameramen at a news conference on May 7 in an effort to turn public opinion against the Taliban.

    Farooq and the other boys are being held at a detention facility that resembles a vocational training centre. There are no armed guards, and the facility has classrooms and playgrounds. During a visit to the centre, Farooq was smiling and said he was going to school and that he and the other boys were being given the opportunity to learn carpet weaving, carpentry and other handicrafts. The facility has dozens of boys, most detained in criminal cases.

    Afghan intelligence officials say the Taliban turns to young boys because they are easier to recruit than adults and tend to believe what recruiters tell them.

    "The Taliban are recruiting children in their ranks and using them to carry out suicide attacks in Afghanistan," Latifullah Mashal, a spokesman for the Afghan intelligence service, told reporters. "These innocent children have been cheated and sent to Afghanistan."

    The Taliban denies the accusation. In a statement issued a week ago, Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi said the insurgency's code of conduct prohibits young people from staying in military centres with fighters. Instead, he alleged that the youths were working for the Afghan police and public and private security companies.

    "These children have joined the ranks of the enemy on the enemy's luring, taking advantage of their ignorance and lack of knowledge," he said.

    In fact, the use of children to conduct suicide bombings is not a new tactic in the nearly decade-long war, Afghan officials say.

    Confirmed cases are rare, and it's difficult to identify the bodies of bombers who blow themselves up. But Mashal said there had been a recent increase in the use of children.

    In the past two months, he said, child suicide bombers executed two deadly attacks. The arrest of Farooq and three other boys allegedly heading toward suicide attacks came earlier this month, and Mashal said authorities are holding a fifth child who was about to carry out a bombing but then decided against it.

    Farooq, clad in a dark green Afghan-style shirt, said he was persuaded to become a suicide bomber by a mullah in a mosque near Peshawar, Pakistan. His story could not be independently verified.

    "He told us that there are infidels in Kabul and we must carry out suicide attacks against them," the boy said. "We were taught how to use a suicide vest in the Spin Mosque in Kher Abad near Peshawar where we live."

    "I want to go home," he added. "I miss my family."

    Ten-year-old Fazel Rahman, another member of the foursome, corroborated the story at the news conference, even using similar phrasing to Farooq's.

    "The mullah in the mosque told us that the infidels were in Kabul and everyone should go for jihad" and that the bombers themselves would survive, Rahman said.

    He said he was happy to be alive but wanted to return home. "Our families don't know where we are," he said.

    Afghan authorities are discussing whether to charge or release the boys.

    The most recent suicide attack carried out by a child occurred on May 1. Police said a 12-year-old blew himself up in a bazaar in the Barmal district of Paktika province in the east, killing four civilians and wounding 12 others.

    Among the dead -- and the likely target of the attack -- was Sher Nawaz, head of a new district council in the Shakeen area of Paktika province, the provincial governor's office said.

    On April 13, a 13-year-old suicide bomber detonated his explosives vest in Asmar district of Kunar province. The blast in eastern Afghanistan killed 10 people, including five schoolboys and an influential tribal elder, Malik Zareen, who was a former military commander who supported the Afghan government.

    Police said the target of the attack, which occurred at a local meeting of tribal elders was Zareen, a leader of Afghan forces during the Soviet occupation in the 1980s.

    The Afghan Ministry of Education called the suicide bombing an "anti-Islamic and inhumane act." Afghan President Hamid Karzai also condemned the bombing, saying that by killing tribal leaders, the attacker was trying to silence the voice of the Afghan people.

    Earlier this year, under the direction of a mullah in Ghazni province in eastern Afghanistan, 14-year-old Noor Mohammad donned an explosives vest and travelled to a coalition outpost in Andar district. But he backed out.

    He, too, was among the youths brought before reporters and photographers in Kabul.

    "The Taliban taught me how to use a pistol, how to push the button of a suicide vest and drive a motorbike," the boy told reporters. "On the day that I had to carry out the suicide attack, I decided not to. I joined with the (pro-government) forces and I didn't carry out the attack."

    He never explained why he changed his mind.

    There have been other cases. On Feb. 26, the intelligence service announced the arrests of a Pakistani boy and two teenagers -- one from Afghanistan and the other from Pakistan -- who claimed they had been coerced into becoming would-be suicide bombers.

    Akhtar Nawaz, 14, from South Waziristan in Pakistan, said six men in a vehicle nabbed him off the street while he was walking home from school.

    "They told me that I had to carry out a suicide attack," Nawaz told reporters. "I told them I didn't want to, but they forced me to go with them. They told me that there were foreigners in Afghanistan and if I carried out a suicide attack, I would go to heaven."

    Nawaz said the men took him to various locations and taught him how to shoot a pistol and detonate a suicide vest. His mission, he said, was to shoot guards at an Afghan military compound in Khost province, then to ride inside on a motorcycle and detonate his explosives. He said he was told that if the detonation button on his vest didn't work, he should detonate the explosives by shooting himself with the pistol.

    He said he was driven to Khost and shown the target but decided not to go through with the attack at the last minute, turning himself in to Afghan security forces instead.

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    Whenever I condemn the US forces for murdering middle eastern children people just say that it's war and the rules are different during war.

    But maybe this false logic is only used to justify north America when they murder.

    Murder isn't murder during war right?

    The USA is much more humane about these things, they have an age requirement before they send teenagers into war to die on never ending suicide missions.

    They send 9 yr olds on suicide missions, and we send 16 yr olds. But this is war right, so the rules change?
    Last edited by Modelexis; 05-15-2011 at 11:21 PM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

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    Originally posted by Modelexis
    They send 9 yr olds on suicide missions, and we send 16 yr olds. But this is war right, so the rules change?
    We don't send anybody to do anything. The US and Canadian Army is completely voluntary. People who join the Infantry know EXACTLY what they are getting into.

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    Farooq and the other boys are being held at a detention facility that resembles a vocational training centre. There are no armed guards, and the facility has classrooms and playgrounds. During a visit to the centre, Farooq was smiling and said he was going to school and that he and the other boys were being given the opportunity to learn carpet weaving, carpentry and other handicrafts. The facility has dozens of boys, most detained in criminal cases.
    I'm impressed. Of course, we don't really have anything like this in North America as this isn't really an issue, but that is an awfully thoughtful way to handle the situation

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    Originally posted by jutes
    People who join the Infantry know EXACTLY what they are getting into.

    SO if you joined the army in 1999 at the age of 16 with promises of free schooling and traveling the world...

    Then you find yourself in the middle of the desert in an illegal undeclared war walking into ambushes with no clear enemy.


    and do they REALLY have a choice?
    if your family is poor in the south, you cannot afford an education, you have no future. Then the military recruiter comes along and tells you the only way you will get anywhere in life is either drugs and gangs or joining the military. You want the best for your family, you want to make them proud, then you get shipped off to die.

    So do you really have a choice?

    What about if your family is a military family and you give in to the pressure to join and serve hoping for the best.

    10 years later you get called to Afghanistan to serve for the 5th time.

    Open your eyes dude.
    Last edited by Modelexis; 05-16-2011 at 07:02 AM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 07-03-2019 at 09:49 AM.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak
    That is the opposite of taking elementary kids out of school, strapping a bomb to them and then blowing them to smithereens among your enemy. It is cowardly and barbaric... if anything it is a good reminder of who is more evil in this war.
    Not to mention telling said elementary kids that even though a bomb strapped to them will kill hundreds around them, the kids themselves will survive!

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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak

    Why exactly are you defending child suicide bombers?

    Last time I checked, we don't strap bombs to any of our soldiers... regardless of their age.

    We also never send them away to die; they are well equipped with protective gear & vehicles, well trained and fed... the intention is for them to come home alive.

    That is the opposite of taking elementary kids out of school, strapping a bomb to them and then blowing them to smithereens among your enemy. It is cowardly and barbaric... if anything it is a good reminder of who is more evil in this war.

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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak

    Why exactly are you defending child suicide bombers?

    Last time I checked, we don't strap bombs to any of our soldiers... regardless of their age.

    We also never send them away to die; they are well equipped with protective gear & vehicles, well trained and fed... the intention is for them to come home alive.

    That is the opposite of taking elementary kids out of school, strapping a bomb to them and then blowing them to smithereens among your enemy. It is cowardly and barbaric... if anything it is a good reminder of who is more evil in this war.
    Quote me where I said I was defending suicide bombers.
    Quote me where I said we strap bombs to our soldiers.

    Put together an argument that doesn't self destruct and maybe I'll respond to it.
    Last edited by Modelexis; 05-16-2011 at 09:43 AM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 07-03-2019 at 09:50 AM.

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak

    You are implying that we (Canadians) are doing a similar thing
    You are implying that we (Canadians) send our soldiers to die

    This is specifically what I responded to, if you are implying something else, then say it.
    When I read what Modelexis wrote, it seemed like he was implying those things too (Americans though). Otherwise, why really compare the two.
    Last edited by Disoblige; 05-16-2011 at 10:52 AM.

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    Ineffectual - Both sides could be called cowards.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by Modelexis


    SO if you joined the army in 1999 at the age of 16 with promises of free schooling and traveling the world...

    Then you find yourself in the middle of the desert in an illegal undeclared war walking into ambushes with no clear enemy.


    and do they REALLY have a choice?
    if your family is poor in the south, you cannot afford an education, you have no future. Then the military recruiter comes along and tells you the only way you will get anywhere in life is either drugs and gangs or joining the military. You want the best for your family, you want to make them proud, then you get shipped off to die.

    So do you really have a choice?

    What about if your family is a military family and you give in to the pressure to join and serve hoping for the best.

    10 years later you get called to Afghanistan to serve for the 5th time.

    Open your eyes dude.
    If the the year you quoted was from world war II up to the vietnam war then I would have believed you. But any one who gets into infantry work after those wars should know that they are getting into.

    And yes, you always have a choice!

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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak
    You are implying that we (Canadians) are doing a similar thing
    You are implying that we (Canadians) send our soldiers to die

    This is specifically what I responded to, if you are implying something else, then say it.
    The speech you use to describe it may be different from mine, but the facts point towards mine being more accurate.

    I will speak more towards the USA side of the war since they are the more prominent force and Canada is more of a side show of cowards fighting an unjust war in order to stay in good standing with our protector.

    But when you drop an infantry of 18yr old boys, poorly trained, with no experience in combat, into a foreign country where they don't speak the language and don't understand the culture. You place this group in the middle of a valley surrounded by Taliban fighters fighting on their home turf.

    You might call this 'risky' but I would call it a suicide mission.

    We might not agree on the language, but it's just as dangerous and careless as putting bombs on children and sending them into to blow up.
    Some of these guys are getting shot at literally all day long in all directions, with no sight of the shooters.

    6000 soldiers dead between iraq and afghanistan, it's not like they went in and lost a few men, they keep fighting, keep getting killed, yet continue to ship young men in to die.
    Last edited by Modelexis; 05-16-2011 at 12:00 PM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Modelexis
    Canada is more of a side show of cowards fighting an unjust war.
    You are a fucking idiot. I'd like you to say that to the faces of the men and women returning from Afghanistan and to the families of the fallen. I don't support the war either, but calling them cowards is pathetic.

    The rest of your post is garbage so it's not worth commenting on.

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    Originally posted by Modelexis

    I will speak more towards the USA side of the war since they are the more prominent force and Canada is more of a side show of cowards fighting an unjust war in order to stay in good standing with our protector.

    People like you need to GTFO of this country. If your homeland is so innocent and perfect why don't you go back and protect them from the cowardis Canadians.

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    Haha, if you criticize the way your rulers murder you should leave the country. Wonderful amount of logic missing from the GTFO attack...
    and if I don't like the speed limits in alberta I should move to germany....
    Last edited by Modelexis; 05-16-2011 at 12:34 PM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by Modelexis
    Haha, if you criticize the way your rulers murder you should leave the country. Wonderful amount of logic missing from the GTFO attack...
    i used to think things like this too, when I was about 20 years old. but then i matured, traveled the world, read A LOT of non-fiction, and realized that the world is complicated, and i don't know fuck all about it.

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    Originally posted by Guillermo
    i used to think things like this too, when I was about 20 years old. but then i matured...and i don't know fuck all about it.
    I'm assuming the double negative was not intentional...not sure what you're point is, you used to think a certain way, then you traveled and read books and now you're an ignorant fool. congrats.

    You used to have an opinion, and now you don't know what is right?
    If you think you have a case for always agreeing with the government's actions, you should make that case sir.
    Last edited by Modelexis; 05-16-2011 at 12:51 PM.
    "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

  20. #20
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    I always thought it was our JOB and DUTY to criticize, question, etc etc our government and its actions. To question ones government is not only patriotic; it is what western civilizations were founded on. If we lose that, I would start to panic.

    I know it's an "american" quote, but I think it's relevant.

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt, 1918

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