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Thread: University Reputation Survey for Calgary

  1. #1
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    Default University Reputation Survey for Calgary

    If anyone is in HR or has an influence on hiring can you please PM me and I will send out our final copy of the Survey!


    - Konrad
    Last edited by Kobe; 11-18-2011 at 05:13 PM.
    Originally posted by beemerm3
    so if we only seen 5 % of the oceans why not drain them or somethin lol or can u even transfer water from one ocean to another??? think of all the stuff u'd find treasures n eerything.

  2. #2
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    is probably sh*tier than urs
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    You can technically get a ticket for each window that's illegally tinted. So as above, if you're being an ass to the officer (or if he's just an ass to begin with), he can give you two. (or three tickets if you're dumb enough to tint the windshield of your BMW... but if you own a BMW you can't be stupid right?)
    Originally posted by RoseLover

    Any penny you have to work hard to get, you will consider as "cheapness"...if you hate people from overseas...why you stay in North America!

  3. #3
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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 07-06-2019 at 04:37 PM.

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by Sugarphreak
    I was filling it out, but I can't do it without being mean about MRC... sorry MRU. Better I just don't fill it out.

    MCU isn't even in the same league as major universities... UofC isn't much better as it also consistently scores as one of the worst universities when compared to other major institutes across Canada.

    SAIT is the best one of the bunch if you compare it against others outside of the province; but even then, compare to institutes like BCIT and they fall short. BCIT for instance offers fully accredited engineering programs, it will take another 10 years before SAIT can do that.
    If this is your opinion, we would like to hear it. We have no problem with you bashing MRU in the sections you hate against it, but keep it reasonable. (not just putting 1's across the whole section)

    For example: Saying that the staff at MRU are brutal and not knowledge, would prob be pretty untrue since they need two years experience in the field before they can get hired to work at MRU, unlike UofC and the other post-secondarys
    Originally posted by beemerm3
    so if we only seen 5 % of the oceans why not drain them or somethin lol or can u even transfer water from one ocean to another??? think of all the stuff u'd find treasures n eerything.

  5. #5
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    Last edited by Sugarphreak; 07-06-2019 at 04:36 PM.

  6. #6
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    Done... Forgot to put your name under reference though haha.

    Here are my views on the 3 instutitions:

    University of Calgary
    - Graduates without job experiences are fucked, since UC teaches mostly theory (useless) and little technical skills.
    - Career Center is great at pointing students in the right direction.
    - Recognized for its research, but education is kind of shitty. Half of the profs and most of the TAs can barely speak English. Most profs read notes directly from powerpoints and textbooks.
    - Attracts the Calgary-based students with higher potential. Well respected institution. Overrated.

    - Great at developing its students' technical skills.
    - Graduates should be able to find high-salary technical jobs fairly easily, as long as they have decent personal skills.
    - Graduates may be limited in career paths/advancement.
    - Attracts the Calgary-based students with average potential. Fairly well respected institution.

    Mount Royal University
    - Not recognized for its research, but education is good. Profs are generally there when students need help (lectures are more personal/informal).
    - Attracts the calgary-based students with low potential. Not a well respected institution.
    - Students could be well-rounded if the institution could attract students with higher potential.

    FYI - I'm a 4th year student at UC. Wish I went to SAIT instead though. IMO, UC is a waste of money and time. The only benefit I've gotten from UC is at the Career Center.

  7. #7
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    Read through the survey and the survey strikes me as very biased so I didn't feel the need to respond. I don't know how anyone can ask with a straight face if the research and staff is of the same quality between MR, UofC and SAIT. Mount Royal for all intents and purposes is not a real University it doesn't produce research in any noticeable volume or have the facilities of the UofC. The same goes with SAIT.

    I mean you are comparing apples and oranges. MR is not a research institution furthering sciences and performing ground breaking research. Neither is SAIT so why are you comparing a research based institution with MR and SAIT? At the end of the day MR and SAIT are glorified trade schools. Let me know when I can take astrophysics at MR and SAIT. Both those schools are simply not equipped to offer science based degrees.

    That doesn't mean they are any lesser or don't serve a purpose but the whole survey just smacks of insecurity on the part of MR/SAIT.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for the information and filling out the survey!

    This is only the Pilot for the survey, and it will still be edited a little bit before we send it out to our audience.

    When the final product is finished, we will be sending it to HR and anyone that has an influence in the hiring process.

    Any replies that say "No" to the question on having a decision in the hiring process will be eliminated.

    On a side note, we are not doing this just for MRU, the information will be avaliable for all Universities afterwards, we would like to see where we stand in the eyes of employers in Calgary, this doesn't mean astrophysics in general.

    I realize if someone hiring for an astrophysics degree will be biased against MRU and SAIT.

    Gage thanks for taking the survey, don't worry about my name in the Referral section.
    Originally posted by beemerm3
    so if we only seen 5 % of the oceans why not drain them or somethin lol or can u even transfer water from one ocean to another??? think of all the stuff u'd find treasures n eerything.

  9. #9
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    UofC students making fun of MRU or Sait is like Autistic people making fun of people with down-syndrome.

    None of the Schools in Calgary are anything to be proud of and in the end those with degrees that are available at all 3 institutions will be working with people from all of them...

    Just don't tell UofC students. They think they've got a one way ticket to the top.

  10. #10
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    ^ I think I'll be proud of myself once I get my degree, regardless of which school it comes from.
    Why would you bring up that petty nonsense though when no one really mentioned anything about students ridiculing other students? Tbh it reeks of an inferiority complex.

    BTW, I've attended MRU and UofC but I don't think I can complete the survey without completely guessing at least half of the questions.

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by dj_patm
    UofC students making fun of MRU or Sait is like Autistic people making fun of people with down-syndrome.

    None of the Schools in Calgary are anything to be proud of and in the end those with degrees that are available at all 3 institutions will be working with people from all of them...

    Just don't tell UofC students. They think they've got a one way ticket to the top.
    sucks there are people around that try to downplay others achievements like that. you jelly or something??
    Last edited by J-hop; 11-09-2011 at 09:45 PM.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by dj_patm
    UofC students making fun of MRU or Sait is like Autistic people making fun of people with down-syndrome.

    None of the Schools in Calgary are anything to be proud of and in the end those with degrees that are available at all 3 institutions will be working with people from all of them...

    Just don't tell UofC students. They think they've got a one way ticket to the top.
    You daft? No one made fun of MR or SAIT in this thread. I just pointed out it is asinine comparing MR/SAIT to the UofC. They don't serve the same markets. At the end of the day the UofC is not a school that is going to set you up for a career. The UofC is an academic research institution. You go there to learn not to end up with career X.

    You simply don't go into astrophysics, math, physics, or biochem because you want a career... You go into those areas because you want to learn about the topic. That's the distinction people seem to lack. Take a walk over at the UofC and have a look at some of the labs they have. You will quickly see that the purpose of the UofC is not being a vocational school. They are first and foremost a research institution.

    Oh and it doesn't matter if you think the UofC doesn't have a great reputation compared to other Universities in Canada it is still a world renowned school as evidenced by the number of foreign students and the number of papers published. MR and SAIT simply are not seeking to do the same thing so it is fruitless to compare them to proper Universities.

    If you want a more relevant comparison you should compare MR to SAIT to Devry to ITT.

    Oh and fun tidbit everyone I work with graduated from a proper University but guess what! I work in R&D so surprise surprise we don't have people from MR or SAIT because they simply don't teach high level sciences. It's not because their degrees are lesser it's simply because they are not even close to being relevant for R&D.

    In short once more stop comparing apples to oranges. Even Macleans doesn't compare Universities to institutions which are vocational schools. (http://oncampus.macleans.ca/educatio...sity-rankings/)

  13. #13
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    Okay well then I misunderstood. My bad.

    Its just that I got into a pretty heated discussion a couple days with some bitch that was taking Accounting at Huskayne who thought they were going to be a fucking CFO of a Fortune 500 company a year out.

    She acted like it was fucking Harvard and MRU was that annoying college you see commercials for on American tv channels.

    Dumb bitch. I'm still fucking pissed about it lol.

    She shut right up when I showed her the average salaries of grads from that program.
    Last edited by dj_patm; 11-10-2011 at 02:49 AM.

  14. #14
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    Who cares, why would that bother you? There are lots of people like that who feel their degree entitles them to a great paying job. These people either don't make it through school or have a live changing realization they aren't going to get that dream job when they get out and can't find a job.

    Dj not that it matters but do you have a degree? It seems like you have some major disdain for post secondary educated people.
    Last edited by J-hop; 11-10-2011 at 08:37 AM.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by dj_patm

    She acted like it was fucking Harvard and MRU was that annoying college you see commercials for on American tv channels.
    This is the reason why I hate going to class everyday... Haskayne students lol

  16. #16
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    Haskayne students , makes me embarrassed being in the faculty

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by [GaGe]

    This is the reason why I hate going to class everyday... Haskayne students lol
    aha...some Haskayne kids are like that for sure it's ridiculous.

    BUUUTT...at the same time give them the benefit that these MRC kids walk around acting like they are the shit and call UofC shit when it is the more respected and more sought after school by students. I think thats why everyone starts getting defensive is because both have an attitude problem.

    Once you get to the real world you will see where most people are hired from. For some careers it doesn't matter where you go...but I can tell you for any DECENT position at my company not one individual attended MRC...while numerous attended UofC or other recognized RESEARCH institutions...food for thought

  18. #18
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    ^ I'd say that boils down to a numbers game. Compare the number of people that graduate with a degree from MRU to those that graduated from UofC or from other universities that move to Calgary to work. Plus, many of the MRU degrees must be fairly new, so that might also be a factor.

    Yesterday my girlfriend's sister got hired by Imperial Oil for her MRU co-op gig, so they must be doing something right. Sweet way to start reading days too!

  19. #19
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    Yeah I'm a semester from getting my applied degree in supply chain. I have a job lined up so I try not to care about how my degree is viewed by other students but when people act like pricks it's hard not too.

    And as for the respected thing. I can only speak for the business school but I know dozens of students that got recruited by O&G companies straight out of my degree at MRU. That may not seem like a lot but my program only graduates <30 students a year and it did have an 100% hiring rate upon grad in a related field.

    Some are even making 6 figures, but in all fairness they're working "in the field" (aka butt fuck no where)

    Thats the great thing about MRU. Sure, it may offer some really lackluster degrees but it's exceptional at getting you connected with employers. So many networking opportunities; breakfasts, guest speakers, workplace tours etc... and because of the tiny class sizes it's really not hard to stand out.

    I'm super happy with my decision to go to MRU (I could go to either UofC or MRU but I fancied less work )
    Last edited by dj_patm; 11-11-2011 at 01:30 AM.

  20. #20
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    Pilot has been finished, so I have deleted the link!
    Last edited by Kobe; 11-18-2011 at 05:14 PM.
    Originally posted by beemerm3
    so if we only seen 5 % of the oceans why not drain them or somethin lol or can u even transfer water from one ocean to another??? think of all the stuff u'd find treasures n eerything.

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