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Thread: Anyone getting AMD Ryzen?

  1. #1
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    Default Anyone getting AMD Ryzen?

    So with pretty much everything known already and the official announcement today, is anyone jumping on the Ryzen train?

    Performance looks close enough to intel that it doesn't matter much, and pricing is far, far, less.

    Some Canadian pricing is out, and it's basically a straight currency conversion from the leaked USD pricing.

    Most interesting is the top-end Ryzen 7 1800X for $669. The Intel 'equivalent' (i7 6900K) is $1,499.

    It's yet to be seen how well they overclock, and unbiased third party testing is limited, but it looks promising if for no other reason than it should force Intel prices down. The biggest downsides I see compared to Intel is there is no quad channel memory architecture on any of the Ryzens, and also they are stuck at 14nm until at least 2020 (Intel will have 10nm by the end of this year). Neither are likely to affect the average user though. Is AMD back? Or do you think they will get kicked right back down again when Intel's 10nm stuff hits the market in a year?

    Here's a Cinebench graph (USD pricing):

    click for larger version
    » Click image for larger version
    Last edited by Mitsu3000gt; 02-22-2017 at 02:43 PM.

  2. #2
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    All content creators may want to jump on this. Little else will benefit from 8 cores. Not even gaming.

    Per core is weaker than Intel as expected.

    So yeah, Ryzen IPC is weaker. The bonus is you get 2x more core for the same price.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 02-22-2017 at 02:55 PM.

  3. #3
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    Yeah, I will wait for actual gaming and non cinebench benchmarks as those mean nothing to me. I am guessing this is same old ayyyymd tricks. I am expecting good performance but I don't think they will blow past intel performance like many think.

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    I only want them to do really well so that it lowers Intel's *insane* pricing in the Xtreme lineup. On the gaming side (4c/8t) Intel will maintain the lead, but for a budget gaming PC the Ryzen will be good still.

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    Originally posted by Xtrema
    All content creators may want to jump on this. Little else will benefit from 8 cores. Not even gaming.

    Per core is weaker than Intel as expected.

    So yeah, Ryzen IPC is weaker. The bonus is you get 2x more core for the same price.
    I think that chart has a Typo - the top i7 6800K is probably supposed to be a 6700K.

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    Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
    I only want them to do really well so that it lowers Intel's *insane* pricing in the Xtreme lineup. On the gaming side (4c/8t) Intel will maintain the lead, but for a budget gaming PC the Ryzen will be good still.
    I checked the price of the 1700X though and it is $399 USD vs $349 USD for the 7700k. Then the 1800X is another hundred. Seems like these aren't that cheap either but more of a balanced option.

    edit: Memx has
    1700 $440
    1700X $530
    1800X $670

    vs 7700k $470
    6800k $580
    6850k $830
    Last edited by schocker; 02-22-2017 at 03:59 PM.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
    but for a budget gaming PC the Ryzen will be good still.

    Pentium G4560, since cheap Ryzen line would be out of for a while, this is currently the best bang for bucks cpu.

    Single Thread performance is actually pretty competitive. Pentium is only 2% slower than 6800K. Games really need to be written for multi thread/core before more expensive mutli core CPUs are really needed.


    So Ryzen is really for heavy number crunching like video encoding instead of gaming.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 02-22-2017 at 04:09 PM.

  8. #8
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    ^^They say 1440p on that build but don't mention that would be on low
    I can only do high if I want 60+ FPS and I use a 6700k and sli 970 (Soon to be 1080ti hopefully)

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by schocker

    I checked the price of the 1700X though and it is $399 USD vs $349 USD for the 7700k. Then the 1800X is another hundred. Seems like these aren't that cheap either but more of a balanced option.

    edit: Memx has
    1700 $440
    1700X $530
    1800X $670

    vs 7700k $470
    6800k $580
    6850k $830
    I believe the 1400X is the 4c/8t 'gaming' CPU. It's $199 USD and I suspect will be in line with 5th - 6th gen intel i7 equivalents. There are 17 AMD SKUs but Memex only has a few out so far.

    I think your comparisons are a little off. Comparing highest clock and highest core count, the 1800X ($669) should be compared to the 6900K which is $1500. The 1600X is what would compare to the i7 6800/6850k and is $259 USD.

    If you're matching cores and getting clocks as close as possible, the Ryzen is way cheaper. If you want more cores than the closest comparable Intel you can have them for the same price, but that's a different value proposition.

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    Originally posted by schocker
    ^^They say 1440p on that build but don't mention that would be on low
    I can only do high if I want 60+ FPS and I use a 6700k and sli 970 (Soon to be 1080ti hopefully)
    Yeah, but that's mostly the GPU's fault. RX480 is really a 1080p card at best.

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    Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

    I believe the 1400X is the 4c/8t 'gaming' CPU. It's $199 USD and I suspect will be in line with 5th - 6th gen intel i7 equivalents. There are 17 AMD SKUs but Memex only has a few out so far.

    I think your comparisons are a little off. Comparing highest clock and highest core count, the 1800X ($669) should be compared to the 6900K which is $1500. The 1600X is what would compare to the i7 6800/6850k and is $259 USD.

    If you're matching cores and getting clocks as close as possible, the Ryzen is way cheaper. If you want more cores than the closest comparable Intel you can have them for the same price, but that's a different value proposition.
    Whoops, I only thought they were coming out with the 3. Looking to maybe build a server for home, might try the lower end ryzen then. From previous amd processors though, they usually have far higher clocks than the intels but similar/worse performance so I expect the same here.

    Originally posted by Xtrema

    Yeah, but that's mostly the GPU's fault. RX480 is really a 1080p card at best.
    Yup. Good bang for your buck for that. I suppose even on say medium, it would still be better than a PS4/Xbox

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by schocker

    Whoops, I only thought they were coming out with the 3. Looking to maybe build a server for home, might try the lower end ryzen then. From previous amd processors though, they usually have far higher clocks than the intels but similar/worse performance so I expect the same here.

    Yeah they have a ton of SKUs, possibly even too many, but they have them labelled in a way similar to Intel to show you low/med/high end.

  13. #13
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    By the time it comes out it'll be time for me to upgrade/trade one of our gaming station systems - I've been waiting a while for AMD to come out with a truly competitive CPU/platform, back in the p200 days they were cheaper and faster than Intel, but have never really been so since then, at least not by a significant margin, and in recent years, Intel and nVidia has been easily the better option. The last AMD anything I ran was a 7970 pair of cards, that was 4 or 5 years ago.

    I have a couple 6850 Broadwell E systems and a 6700k right now, and will probably replace the 4th machine with an 1800/x if all works out as the media has said so far regarding Ryzen performance/cost ratio.

    The best thing is IMO is that the haircut we've all been paying, the "performance tax" Intel has been able to charge, will be cut somewhat. Intel will HAVE to reduce prices to be competitive still. I much prefer having AMD close to or better than Intel in terms of bang/buck, as it's good for both companies overall, and the end users (us) benefit from it.

    I do wish AMD would now come out with a GPU that truly would rival the 1080/ti/TitanXP, as building an "all AMD" system would be my preference, but I won't hold my breath.

    Picking up a new ROG Swift 4k/144hz shortly, have a few of the other Swift models and have been happy so far with them, so I'll likely stick with nVidia GPU due to the Gsync compatibility with my panels.

    edit - Heh, funny, just as I was writing this an email form Canada Computers came in with their Ryz pricing. $659 for the 1800x w/WraithSpire cooler. $524 and $434 for the 1700x and 1700.

    Xtrema is right really, if you really only play games and don't do piles of long video/audio/etc encoding or other laborious things, it's still a GPU world. I can plunk any of my current GPUs into my oldest remaining box, 5930k x79, and it doesn't lose much more than a few percent, and at a max 15 to 20% with the odd rare game, FPS wise on dozens of games, compared to the 6850 and 6700k platforms.
    Last edited by Gman.45; 02-22-2017 at 08:55 PM.

  14. #14
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    CPUs have never really been a gaming bottleneck, and very few games are multi-threaded. The discussion I was interested in was almost entirely on the workstation side of things, which is where Ryzen gets more interesting due to the massive price differences between them and the Intel Xtreme. I think you will be able to use any of the lower end chips and a good GPU and you won't notice much of a difference between a mid-range Ryzen or a 6700K or whatever. If you can get extra cores, and similar quality cores, for almost 1/3 the Intel pricing? That is what is most interesting to me.

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    I don't disagree Mitsu, Ryzen is a great deal IMO regardless of CPU/Gaming performance. The odd video edits and other "workstation" type of activities I've messed with with my 6850s when the extra cores are used, absolutely outperforms the 6700k, while in gaming the 6700k is a better deal IMO. AMD will have both the advantage of pricing and multi core/work multi core performance. I'm really looking forward to the 1800x build I'll start next month or so. Probably run a 1080ti or Titan XP with the 1800x.

    The 1700 is a really great deal for a mid range performance PC too.

    I'm looking for Intel price cuts to happen in the next month or two.

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    What I want to see is how Skylake X compares, both in performance and price, but I *really* don't want to wait until the end of August to find out that I should have just bought a Ryzen...

    The 1700 appears to be the best value proposition, but even the 1800 is a deal compared to $1500.

    This suggests the lower end 1700X might beat the Kaby Lake i7 7700K in single threaded IPC at equal clock speeds (which other tests don't seem to do):

    Last edited by Mitsu3000gt; 02-23-2017 at 01:57 PM.

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
    What I want to see is how Skylake X compares, both in performance and price, but I *really* don't want to wait until the end of August to find out that I should have just bought a Ryzen...

    The 1700 appears to be the best value proposition, but even the 1800 is a deal compared to $1500.

    This suggests the lower end 1700X might beat the Kaby Lake i7 7700K in single threaded IPC at equal clock speeds (which other tests don't seem to do):

    Good signs. I think everyone like what Ryzen is showing should not wait. You need to punish Intel and force them to react. And right now, I don't think Intel can. They are already hurting since x86 business is dwindling and they are losing mobile space to Qualcomm and stupid purchase like McAfee is pissing off investors.

    And holy shit, wtf happened to Nvidia today, down almost 10%.


    Also, I think there is an embargo on benchmark until March 2nd, so until then, will take all numbers with many grains of salt.
    Last edited by Xtrema; 02-23-2017 at 02:43 PM.

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by Xtrema
    And holy shit, wtf happened to Nvidia today, down almost 10%.


    Also, I think there is an embargo on benchmark until March 2nd, so until then, will take all numbers with many grains of salt.
    Investors are angry about how long it is taking for the 1080ti to come out

    I have tried the ryzen koolaide now though. Seems like from what I have browsed on reddit the performance is likely legit. Not the BS high core count high frequency but low IPC of the past. Wish my computer was more than a year old though so I could try it out.

  19. #19
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    If everything is confirmed via multiple independent benchmarks in the coming weeks on retail hardware through & through, I don't see why I wouldn't pick up a 1800X over the i7 6900 and save $830.

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
    If everything is confirmed via multiple independent benchmarks in the coming weeks on retail hardware through & through, I don't see why I wouldn't pick up a 1800X over the i7 6900 and save $830.
    Yeah, I bet pricing will come down from intel like nvidia does when new amd video cards come out, but it definitely won't close that huge gap. What would have been better is if they had timed vega to come out sooner so that they have a gpu to suit their high end cpus.

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