Your Views on the Submarine Situation... - Beyond.ca - Car Forums
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Thread: Your Views on the Submarine Situation...

  1. #1
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    Default Your Views on the Submarine Situation...

    Can't believe a thread hasn't been posted yet about this story.
    Basically (for those who don't know whats going on..) Canada bought a POS submarine from the British...on the way back to Canada a fire started inside the POS sub (it didn't get very far from Britain...)
    3 sailors were airlifted from the sub and one of them has now died. The POS is being towed back to Britain by a tugboat...

    How long can the Canadian govt keep buying shit like this and expect soldiers/sailors to use these things??

    More info about the story:

  2. #2
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    atleast its only a lease... thinkw e can trade it in for a newer one?

  3. #3
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    Its a lease-to-own. And no, there are no newer non-nuclear subs in the British Navy. I also read how another government looked at them (like Portugal or someplace like that) and decided that they were too old, had too many problems, and would be too expensive to refurbish. So, they built their own instead.
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  4. #4
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    Why do we even need submarines?
    Originally posted by SEANBANERJEE
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  5. #5
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    Originally posted by rage2
    Why do we even need submarines?

    It is better for our choppy seas but there isn't even a point to have one.

    A better question might be: Why don't we call out navy "the coast guard" and be done with it.

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by rage2
    Why do we even need submarines?
    So that out of country fisherman in our waters can't ram our boats anymore.

  7. #7
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    I dont know....sounds like another conspiracy...

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    We have virtually no use for spending on stupid shit like this. If a situation arose where we needed a sub, USA would have our back, or we could atleast pay them a quarter of what this sub is costing us to come missile Quebec into the ground. Quebec is our biggest threat to national security, havin subs in the st. laurence isn't going to do any better than throwing rocks across the river at the cheese eating surrender monkeys.

    Seriously, we don't make enemies, and as long as we keep USA and Britain's back scratched were fine. Any military money should just go into our peace keeping and shit like that, we have no need to build a Navy when our strongest allies already have em good. That money would be better spent supplying submarine sandwiches to our boys keeping the peace overseas, or 7 subs with 6 grams of fat or less to all the fat people in Canada so they stop having heart attacks and draining health care.

  9. #9
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    Correction: Canada has bought 4 POS shit subs, with and orgainal budget set at $750,000,000. Due to the problems now over $1 Billlion has been spent on them and they are still not ready to serve.

    What we should have done is bought another boat or two
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  10. #10
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    These were almost as good a buy for Canada as the Sea King helicopters. For those of you who don't know, they were also big time POS's that cost tons of money, one crashed onto a Canadian warship last year, real piece of work there!
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  11. #11
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    wow, another example of how our goverment just fucking sucks or,, fucks, no wait that doesnt work
    Originally posted by cavb0i
    get a real car. get a cavalier. all i gotta say. cavs r reliable nd if u got some xtra $$ put on a body kit help downforse nd keep u sturdy on the road nd look good. not all fugly nd slow like a mistubishi car or nissan. hondas r good tho i m not antimport. do ur self a fauor a get a real car!all i gotta say.
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  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Singel

    Seriously, we don't make enemies, and as long as we keep USA and Britain's back scratched were fine. Any military money should just go into our peace keeping and shit like that, we have no need to build a Navy when our strongest allies already have em good. That money would be better spent supplying submarine sandwiches to our boys keeping the peace overseas, or 7 subs with 6 grams of fat or less to all the fat people in Canada so they stop having heart attacks and draining health care.
    Canada still needs its defense. Back in the days of the U.S.S.R, it was a well known fact that if the U.S.S.R were ever to attack they would go through Canada first. This is why 4 Wing Cold Lake is one of the most important bases for air defence for Canada, back then and I believe still now.

    It sucks to have such a hated neighboring country. As unlikely as it might be if anyone were to try to mount an offensive against the U.S. one of the places they would come through is Canada.

    And although the U.S. may have the technology and armament, it is silly to rely on a neighbouring country for defense.

    If DND wants to strengthen our armament they need to make wiser purchases.

  13. #13
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    Bombardiar just lay off 2000 people.

    I'm sure they can start to develop a sub for $1B. At least this way, what we pay stay i our country and may keep some of those people employed.

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    Of course defense is important, but we're better off burning the money in barrells on street corners to warm up the bums than the way we're spending it now.

    This is definately a case of where nothing is better than something stupid like these subs. No amount of money is going to save is if all the commie's and terrorists get together and decide to make World War III, and bomb the hell out of North America.

  15. #15
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    my cousin in britain is one of the british rescue ships sent to the sub.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by rage2
    Why do we even need submarines?

    Originally posted by Singel
    We have virtually no use for spending on stupid shit like this. If a situation arose where we needed a sub, USA would have our back, or we could atleast pay them a quarter of what this sub is costing us to come missile Quebec into the ground. Quebec is our biggest threat to national security, havin subs in the st. laurence isn't going to do any better than throwing rocks across the river at the cheese eating surrender monkeys.

    Seriously, we don't make enemies, and as long as we keep USA and Britain's back scratched were fine. Any military money should just go into our peace keeping and shit like that, we have no need to build a Navy when our strongest allies already have em good. That money would be better spent supplying submarine sandwiches to our boys keeping the peace overseas, or 7 subs with 6 grams of fat or less to all the fat people in Canada so they stop having heart attacks and draining health care.
    The U.S. is NOT obligated to defend us against an attack, nor can we sit back and completely rely on them to defend our nation. Personally, if Canada was attacked, I would hope that we could fend them off and even become an aggressor if need be (cases like Genocide and such, where we don't sit back and idly wait for the U.S. to make its move while we mop up their crap).

    As a first world country, one with the absolute best of everything, we NEED a military that is as capable as the rest of society. And that means modernizing its coastal defence. We have water on the North, East, and Southern coasts, and this cannot be left to the United States to defend completely.

    Besides, the Soviets are going to attack the U.S. sooner or later, and they will come through Canada. Who is going to weaken them before they meet the fury of the U.S. military
    Original Post NAZI Moderated

    Originally posted by r3cc0s
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  17. #17
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    I agree with all that stated we must defend our country, we have a huge coastline that we must defend, not just to enemies, but to smugglers as well.
    Its well known that alot of the smuggling ships that came from China over the last year 10 years, simply used surface evasion techniques to avoid being cut off from landing on our shorline. When they saw a boat approaching, they turned, when the boat turned away, they turned towards Canada again, lot better chance of intercepting such ships before they hit land with a sub, right now the Canadian government cannot put a number on the amount of people that come to our shores on such ships, its huge, and with only 1 aerial patrol every other week, its pretty much undefended right now... Keep in mind once the refugees set foot on this soil, they are here, on our tab for at least a year..
    A large part of out patrol area, ices over in the arctic region, ice breakers are very expensive and slow to operate and patrol with, not only that, is sometimes, ice breakers simply cannot break the ice, a sub, simply goes under the ice..
    The attitude that if we be nice and friendly to everyone , we will have no threats internationally is stupid and naive..
    When we needed to backup our citizenry in situations, our forces are so weak, we could do nothing....Soft diplomacy is a joke, when the Iranians got away with murdering a Canadian citizen, we pulled our embassador, golly gee, I am sure that had a huge impact on their country, they will think twice about screwing with Canada now..., oh god forbid, not sanctions, our trade with Iran was so huge , now where are we going to get our wicker baskets from?...Get real they are still laughing at us, whats Canada gonna do...Now if we parked a war ship with a couple o tomohawk missles, in the persian gulf within striking distance of Tehran, things could have been a little bit different, oh wait , we don't have war ships with missles, we have sanctions, what was I thinking..Send in LLoyd Axworthy..
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  18. #18
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    Originally posted by Weapon_R

    We have water on the North, East, and Southern coasts, and this cannot be left to the United States to defend completely.
    I didn't know the united States was an ocean, you learn something every day. If some stupid fucks want to invade us from the north, let em try, they'll freeze their asses off, and probly titanic themselves into an iceberg.

    Of course national defense is important, but bying POS subs and helicopters aint the way to do it. Seriously, doing nothing would be better than wasting billions on that crap.

    And when was the last time Canada was invaded? Maybe the Americans in the 18th or 19th century or something? Seriously, if we get attacked, we're fucked. No amount of money available to us will save us from that, it's all up to the americans to save our ass...until we find efficient, intelligent ways of improving our military. Buying POS subs, that have killed our own people. Without that sub, we'd be a billion richer, and 3 troops more than we have now.

  19. #19
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    The next world war is only going to involve a few major weapons, tons of troops is not the way to fight wars of the future..We are at the point we can now wipe out a country with one weapon, and subs, are capable of launching them..
    Yes these subs are waste of money, they should have bought 1 modern sub and 1 frigate, now we have 4 lemons, only 1 of which is usable, buying these p'sos was just the Liberals paying a bit of lip service to their pledge of supporting the armed forces, navies are like building cars, its all or none, not half way..Maxt
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  20. #20
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    I heard we need subs as an obligation for nato patrols or something, anyways, yea we could have bought a few good boats, or 1 good fucking sub!, librals suckkk i never thought they could get this bad , i dont know how stupid some1 could be to still vote for them after last time
    Originally posted by cavb0i
    get a real car. get a cavalier. all i gotta say. cavs r reliable nd if u got some xtra $$ put on a body kit help downforse nd keep u sturdy on the road nd look good. not all fugly nd slow like a mistubishi car or nissan. hondas r good tho i m not antimport. do ur self a fauor a get a real car!all i gotta say.
    ^^Funniest thing ive evr herd^^

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